this image contains text
v isit scenic..
.. .@ . .
.m . ,
@, mm. . .. ,
@. @. @ .@. . .
@ @. @ . . @ .
..@.. .@. . .
:::::::::: @ @ .m .. :::,.@ ..::::::::::
, ..@@. . . @
,@ @ .. . . .@. @
,. . . . @ .
,.. .,@,.
im a monk
... with monkairtm. we have flights
leaving for venice every 20 minutes!
all your needs for traveling in italy,
the most beautiful country in the
world, will be met by our faithful
brothers, the monkair monks.
left: brother maynard
im a flying monk
your trip begins high over the
atlantic ocean in a cessna, our
talented pilots will get you,
safe and sound to italy in only
2 days not including refuels on
aircraft carriers
right: brother maynard flying
im a wet monk
once you arrive in venice.. you can
play waterpolo with our olympic monk
waterpolo team.. if a monk on the
team doesnt pull his weight, we make
him serve everyone else at communion.
left: brother maynard going off
the deep end
.,. . . lll
. Just say Qual la nostra porta duscita? .
monk,venice,waterpolo for blender20
by lysand3r
um.. i bascially did this myself because shypht is MiA.. so i gotta
apologize for the ansi.. just remember im an ascii-boy.. :
venezia italian for venice
Qual la nostra porta duscita? What gate do we leave from?
greets are stupid, i see you guys everyday practically..
.. .@ . .
.m . ,
@, mm. . .. ,
@. @. @ .@. . .
@ @. @ . . @ .
..@.. .@. . .
:::::::::: @ @ .m .. :::,.@ ..::::::::::
, ..@@. . . @
,@ @ .. . . .@. @
,. . . . @ .
,.. .,@,.
im a monk
... with monkairtm. we have flights
leaving for venice every 20 minutes!
all your needs for traveling in italy,
the most beautiful country in the
world, will be met by our faithful
brothers, the monkair monks.
left: brother maynard
im a flying monk
your trip begins high over the
atlantic ocean in a cessna, our
talented pilots will get you,
safe and sound to italy in only
2 days not including refuels on
aircraft carriers
right: brother maynard flying
im a wet monk
once you arrive in venice.. you can
play waterpolo with our olympic monk
waterpolo team.. if a monk on the
team doesnt pull his weight, we make
him serve everyone else at communion.
left: brother maynard going off
the deep end
.,. . . lll
. Just say Qual la nostra porta duscita? .
monk,venice,waterpolo for blender20
by lysand3r
um.. i bascially did this myself because shypht is MiA.. so i gotta
apologize for the ansi.. just remember im an ascii-boy.. :
venezia italian for venice
Qual la nostra porta duscita? What gate do we leave from?
greets are stupid, i see you guys everyday practically..
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