this image contains text
,P .,adOPYbn, ,adP
I, .P Y
, ,P Y,
li l: I
:l :l il ,adP
Ybn,. li il
li.YL, :,P .
:Ili ilI :ll
i ,adPYbn, YP:I I
:li l::I ,P Y, Y
I I li
li iP
impact :I ,ad
PYbn, : : producti
ons YP ,P Y,l
i ib. presents:
:I I:
li i
YPa story of ach
med, the waterpolo
playing monk. : li
The ocean waves pounded relentlessly against the
Venice shore. The sun
was setting over the Horizen, and darkness was closin
g in rapidy. High above theground,the Order Of T
he Painful iMPACT was preparing was prepari
ng to fight
back the chaos. The chaos of society. The chaos of ha
tred of man against Man.
The chaos of WaterPolo. Do-Do-Do-Do-Do
oo-Doooo --- Xfiles Music
be ,y
hey llokk, its venice
Achmed The monk stared of the seco
nd floor of the monestary, down into the crashin
g waves of the sea. Tonight, just like every night for
the last hundred years, the monks
would climb done the mountain side , and trav
el neck deep into
the ocean, and duel to the death in a game of
Waterpolo. But there was somethingspecial abou
t tonights dual. Tonights dual would decide the fat
e of Achmed.
If Achmed won, he would inherit the monesta
ry. If he lost, he would have too
descend into insanity, becoming
tHE uS3D uh
!!!!!But Achmed had a dark secret, wh
ich he new would let him win. This was a secret
that no one knows, knew, or ever will find out. exce
pt for Jfk which caused hisassassinatio
n. That was the power of Achmeds secret.
Although he looked like
a monk from Venice , he w
as really an Alien from the Planet tricolore!
He had
super alien powers, such as being able to shoo
t french fries from his eyes,
and bitch slap an opponent to death. He
had to win. His life depended on it.
one hour later...
Achmed stood in the now receding waves of the be
ach. He grabbed his WaterPolo
Thingy, and waited to see which Monks h
is team would be fighting. His Opponent
approched him. Suddenly, Achmed
gasped in surprise! His opponent was the fierce
Krazy Sun Guy!!! Ksg had a custom
Maytag Waterpolo thingy!! Sudd
enly, Ksg got
The Maytag guys to change the
waterpolo rules.
Now, inst
ead of playing Waterpolo they had to
Play Killerwaterpolo! its
the same game, except ,J
you kill eachother instead of pl
aying the game. ,J
Achmed quickly started the match by usin
g his
i Bitch slap, but KsG
recovered and wacked Achme
in the ass with his Custom
Maytag Waterpolo
thingy. Ksg then preformed a series
of really
TP really re
ally really painfull moves such as the -
Tl lP
Really really really Painfull Move and
Really really really
really Painfull Move
This would have normally kil
led a person, but
Achmed was an alien. Achmed
retalliated by
krazzy sun guy. hehe, his
Shooting Frenchfries From his eyes.
KsG went
eyes are red cuz hes kkkkkkrazzzy
crazy and lost. Achmed had won and become
Achmed inherited the monk monestar
y in Venice, but then gave it away to t
Aliens, who then took over the world, and killed ever
yone... AHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
joint done by the impact team, our team con
sists of tricolore, twisted foo,
aneurism, and rabies...
tricolore - crazy achmed
the alien monk,
venice not like i was trying on t
twisted foo - wator polo toon, and wator polo font.
venice part aneurism - crazeee s
un and impact font
rabies - the storeeee
impact team greetz: the 204 scene, echo, phat, ai
f, fuel and all the other
groups participating in blender 20!
,P .,adOPYbn, ,adP
I, .P Y
, ,P Y,
li l: I
:l :l il ,adP
Ybn,. li il
li.YL, :,P .
:Ili ilI :ll
i ,adPYbn, YP:I I
:li l::I ,P Y, Y
I I li
li iP
impact :I ,ad
PYbn, : : producti
ons YP ,P Y,l
i ib. presents:
:I I:
li i
YPa story of ach
med, the waterpolo
playing monk. : li
The ocean waves pounded relentlessly against the
Venice shore. The sun
was setting over the Horizen, and darkness was closin
g in rapidy. High above theground,the Order Of T
he Painful iMPACT was preparing was prepari
ng to fight
back the chaos. The chaos of society. The chaos of ha
tred of man against Man.
The chaos of WaterPolo. Do-Do-Do-Do-Do
oo-Doooo --- Xfiles Music
be ,y
hey llokk, its venice
Achmed The monk stared of the seco
nd floor of the monestary, down into the crashin
g waves of the sea. Tonight, just like every night for
the last hundred years, the monks
would climb done the mountain side , and trav
el neck deep into
the ocean, and duel to the death in a game of
Waterpolo. But there was somethingspecial abou
t tonights dual. Tonights dual would decide the fat
e of Achmed.
If Achmed won, he would inherit the monesta
ry. If he lost, he would have too
descend into insanity, becoming
tHE uS3D uh
!!!!!But Achmed had a dark secret, wh
ich he new would let him win. This was a secret
that no one knows, knew, or ever will find out. exce
pt for Jfk which caused hisassassinatio
n. That was the power of Achmeds secret.
Although he looked like
a monk from Venice , he w
as really an Alien from the Planet tricolore!
He had
super alien powers, such as being able to shoo
t french fries from his eyes,
and bitch slap an opponent to death. He
had to win. His life depended on it.
one hour later...
Achmed stood in the now receding waves of the be
ach. He grabbed his WaterPolo
Thingy, and waited to see which Monks h
is team would be fighting. His Opponent
approched him. Suddenly, Achmed
gasped in surprise! His opponent was the fierce
Krazy Sun Guy!!! Ksg had a custom
Maytag Waterpolo thingy!! Sudd
enly, Ksg got
The Maytag guys to change the
waterpolo rules.
Now, inst
ead of playing Waterpolo they had to
Play Killerwaterpolo! its
the same game, except ,J
you kill eachother instead of pl
aying the game. ,J
Achmed quickly started the match by usin
g his
i Bitch slap, but KsG
recovered and wacked Achme
in the ass with his Custom
Maytag Waterpolo
thingy. Ksg then preformed a series
of really
TP really re
ally really painfull moves such as the -
Tl lP
Really really really Painfull Move and
Really really really
really Painfull Move
This would have normally kil
led a person, but
Achmed was an alien. Achmed
retalliated by
krazzy sun guy. hehe, his
Shooting Frenchfries From his eyes.
KsG went
eyes are red cuz hes kkkkkkrazzzy
crazy and lost. Achmed had won and become
Achmed inherited the monk monestar
y in Venice, but then gave it away to t
Aliens, who then took over the world, and killed ever
yone... AHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
joint done by the impact team, our team con
sists of tricolore, twisted foo,
aneurism, and rabies...
tricolore - crazy achmed
the alien monk,
venice not like i was trying on t
twisted foo - wator polo toon, and wator polo font.
venice part aneurism - crazeee s
un and impact font
rabies - the storeeee
impact team greetz: the 204 scene, echo, phat, ai
f, fuel and all the other
groups participating in blender 20!
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