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AnEntertainmentTonightexclusive! GrakchukyThom,thevenerabletalkinghead ofEasterIsland,discusseshisterrifying vacationatStonehenge. Grak,quepasa? Madre de Deus, Im bored. But Idrather be bored to death than face thosehorrible Stonehenge monsters, I tell you.Icant think of any worse way to die! Truly. So get on with the story already. Uhhmm... Right. So there I was, onon offshore leave, looking for a historicalsite leaning to those of the granitepersuasion, and Stonehenge was my choice. Im walking around the ruins, when,all sudden-like, Im surrounded by pillarsof stone! The stones started vibratingandmaking a weird humming sound, like bees! Then, in my head I SWEAR I heardone of them say Free the templar! overand over until I thought Id go MAD! Thepillars started circling me, andphearstruck my soul! Spooky! So what happ... hey, is thathumming I hear? *urk* Phhhh.... Phhhheeee..... Phheear.... Uhhh... are you okay? Uhhhh.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Theyre here!!! AIEEE! FREE THE TEMPLARS! PHEAR THE DARK! SHAZZAMMOZZZARKKK OUR INVASION HAS BEGUN, MORTALS! STONEHENGE REPRESENTATION, PHOOLS!! ....................................................................................xypher matryxwilleatyoursoulwithrelishandmustard,pheartheDARK!97..............................................................................................................TheLethal AspectOnline:www.interlog.com/xmtrx withBlenderWWW,phool!...................................................................................................................................................DARKILLUSTRATED1997 xyphermatryxc...............K LUSTRATED.1997........ ......
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