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Is there an under 4 category for blender?!
--- thats either a maple leaf
or a red frog trying to
sex0r a Canadian flag
Hey there folks!.. This is the very sad tragic
story of Hank the Goat. You may ask..why does a
k-rad dewdleboy like myself want to hear about a damn
goat?.. I get my fill of goat stories from TGuardian. Well, you see Hank is a very special Goat. Hank is a cryogenic cross breed of one of those Sheep cloned
in scotland, and Gordie the pig. All of this scientific bullshit not only made it so that Hank
could talk, but this HUGE ammount of pressure made Hank a horrible alcoholic. One day Hank
was sitting at home thinking of ways to raise
money to buy more booze. He then realised the COOLEST way to get money AND alcohol at
the same time. It seems that almost all PBA events are sponsored by liquor companies.
So not only would he get cash booze BUT just THINK of all the pussy pro-bowlers
get!! Hank quickly sent in an entry form to the PBA. But it seems that goats are not allowed to be pro-bowlers. This
enraged Hank so much that he decided to
take his case all the way to parliment
/ ----------------------------------------- you fucking goat, you cant bowl
/ on parliament!@!
hill and speak to Jean Chretien himself Well Big Jean didnt want to talk to
Hank so he quicly decided to form his own protest and bowl right on Parliment Hill. To display his mad bowling skillz to the world. Hank eventualy got into
the PBA but didnt win a dime. It seems that he forgot he had no fingers and couldnt hold a damn ball.
do goats have horns?!..ahwell
Hank the
bowling goat
as you can see
-- -- Hank owns his own
----- ball too
these are Hanks funky ass
bowling shoes
hes elite because he
doesnt have to rent
DS- Root/Sloth - drawing just like a 4 year old on crack..
--- thats either a maple leaf
or a red frog trying to
sex0r a Canadian flag
Hey there folks!.. This is the very sad tragic
story of Hank the Goat. You may ask..why does a
k-rad dewdleboy like myself want to hear about a damn
goat?.. I get my fill of goat stories from TGuardian. Well, you see Hank is a very special Goat. Hank is a cryogenic cross breed of one of those Sheep cloned
in scotland, and Gordie the pig. All of this scientific bullshit not only made it so that Hank
could talk, but this HUGE ammount of pressure made Hank a horrible alcoholic. One day Hank
was sitting at home thinking of ways to raise
money to buy more booze. He then realised the COOLEST way to get money AND alcohol at
the same time. It seems that almost all PBA events are sponsored by liquor companies.
So not only would he get cash booze BUT just THINK of all the pussy pro-bowlers
get!! Hank quickly sent in an entry form to the PBA. But it seems that goats are not allowed to be pro-bowlers. This
enraged Hank so much that he decided to
take his case all the way to parliment
/ ----------------------------------------- you fucking goat, you cant bowl
/ on parliament!@!
hill and speak to Jean Chretien himself Well Big Jean didnt want to talk to
Hank so he quicly decided to form his own protest and bowl right on Parliment Hill. To display his mad bowling skillz to the world. Hank eventualy got into
the PBA but didnt win a dime. It seems that he forgot he had no fingers and couldnt hold a damn ball.
do goats have horns?!..ahwell
Hank the
bowling goat
as you can see
-- -- Hank owns his own
----- ball too
these are Hanks funky ass
bowling shoes
hes elite because he
doesnt have to rent
DS- Root/Sloth - drawing just like a 4 year old on crack..
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