this image contains text
heh, this is the official rusted breaker line. its going to
make for some NICElogo collys. this was a fun logo. i had th
e outline done in an hour and the
fonts shading done in about 20 minutes. the background was th
e hardest part.
well, its for project 3oi samurais little group. ok, time f
or my first real
greets list. poor you
samurai : youve been one of my friends since my first call to
c0ro and always
have helped me out. now its paid off for you. ive become a
much better at
fonts/pics and your group will reap the benefits.
flame : well, you didnt make fun of me when i wasnt good and
now that i do
have skills im in rile. lucky you
mel : sorry, i didnt feel like writing your full name. your
always cheering meup. and when you screamed americanskies my
contemplation of suicide left. you
really should be on a stage or on tv somewhere. phbbt, your a
nsi is getting
better rusted grins widely and your 3d ascii really DID work
with those littleglasses i stole from disney world.
13 a.k.a. teakay : arent you dead? i had people crying about
how you never gotto them on your req. list. hehe, it was so
funny.. their where topics saying
stuff like r.i.p. teakay and he was around for such a short ti
me. now that was
stupid. you were around in 91, maybe they thought you were th
at fagot from acidwho took your nick.
reddeath : you have to start speeding up production before i n
ag samurai to giveme your position . xena rules@*! h
ehe, what would you say if i gave
her to you for your birthday.
tna : uhhh, your the awe founder your like special or somethin
g. thanks for
saying hi when i was sick the last couple of days. i dont th
ink you knew i wassick though. but it was welcomed i was real
ly bored. your new name is tuna.
hos : you funny bastard, keep on testing your script on iceage
and he might testhis on you. you jumpy person you.
iceage : or should i say ICEage, you had me mixed up for a sec
ond. think you
go to london when i go up the 27th 28th?
warpus : thanks for always letting me help run the blender. i
ve helped since
the seventh. sooooo, mr.bunny slippers..
hennifer : or should i say hennifer p. i scared you in that l
ogfile didnt i.
your ansis are like real comics you comic ripper style person
grindking : im always dccing crap to dislogic for you, phbbb
t. you hear me,
phbbt. wow, that was sooooo enthusiastic. not one heterosexu
al pixel in this
ansi. youve been a great person to know.
illogic : damnit, you left 3oi for girl then girl died. mwooa
hahah. seems likebad luck, smells like it to. phbbt. all s
mells excavated from tguards anal
speedfreak : where are you hiding, you havent gone online in
a decade..
mindbender : keep on making your music and i might actually DO
WNLOAD wowoowowoone of the analogue music packets.
pparts : your really made that interview look good G
enigma : you enigma person i dont know you very well. well h
eres to your new
bulletin board. whooop.
cheeze : i havent seen you in a LONG time. get your sorry as
s on the irc.
wheee, remember when that fagot clover ripped your sig.
menelaus : i wont say it i cant say it eeek... MENTALANUS.
snake grunger : you elite person you, you cant even learn how
to turn on area51without screwing your whole crappy comp up.
thats a long list. have you ever had the feel you were being
watched by little
green men that stood 3.5 feet tall and held yellow rimmed ray
guns and had
purple eyes with blue iriss? no? i didnt think so...
you can take a drill to your head but you will never get
me out of the hive
heh, this is the official rusted breaker line. its going to
make for some NICElogo collys. this was a fun logo. i had th
e outline done in an hour and the
fonts shading done in about 20 minutes. the background was th
e hardest part.
well, its for project 3oi samurais little group. ok, time f
or my first real
greets list. poor you
samurai : youve been one of my friends since my first call to
c0ro and always
have helped me out. now its paid off for you. ive become a
much better at
fonts/pics and your group will reap the benefits.
flame : well, you didnt make fun of me when i wasnt good and
now that i do
have skills im in rile. lucky you
mel : sorry, i didnt feel like writing your full name. your
always cheering meup. and when you screamed americanskies my
contemplation of suicide left. you
really should be on a stage or on tv somewhere. phbbt, your a
nsi is getting
better rusted grins widely and your 3d ascii really DID work
with those littleglasses i stole from disney world.
13 a.k.a. teakay : arent you dead? i had people crying about
how you never gotto them on your req. list. hehe, it was so
funny.. their where topics saying
stuff like r.i.p. teakay and he was around for such a short ti
me. now that was
stupid. you were around in 91, maybe they thought you were th
at fagot from acidwho took your nick.
reddeath : you have to start speeding up production before i n
ag samurai to giveme your position . xena rules@*! h
ehe, what would you say if i gave
her to you for your birthday.
tna : uhhh, your the awe founder your like special or somethin
g. thanks for
saying hi when i was sick the last couple of days. i dont th
ink you knew i wassick though. but it was welcomed i was real
ly bored. your new name is tuna.
hos : you funny bastard, keep on testing your script on iceage
and he might testhis on you. you jumpy person you.
iceage : or should i say ICEage, you had me mixed up for a sec
ond. think you
go to london when i go up the 27th 28th?
warpus : thanks for always letting me help run the blender. i
ve helped since
the seventh. sooooo, mr.bunny slippers..
hennifer : or should i say hennifer p. i scared you in that l
ogfile didnt i.
your ansis are like real comics you comic ripper style person
grindking : im always dccing crap to dislogic for you, phbbb
t. you hear me,
phbbt. wow, that was sooooo enthusiastic. not one heterosexu
al pixel in this
ansi. youve been a great person to know.
illogic : damnit, you left 3oi for girl then girl died. mwooa
hahah. seems likebad luck, smells like it to. phbbt. all s
mells excavated from tguards anal
speedfreak : where are you hiding, you havent gone online in
a decade..
mindbender : keep on making your music and i might actually DO
WNLOAD wowoowowoone of the analogue music packets.
pparts : your really made that interview look good G
enigma : you enigma person i dont know you very well. well h
eres to your new
bulletin board. whooop.
cheeze : i havent seen you in a LONG time. get your sorry as
s on the irc.
wheee, remember when that fagot clover ripped your sig.
menelaus : i wont say it i cant say it eeek... MENTALANUS.
snake grunger : you elite person you, you cant even learn how
to turn on area51without screwing your whole crappy comp up.
thats a long list. have you ever had the feel you were being
watched by little
green men that stood 3.5 feet tall and held yellow rimmed ray
guns and had
purple eyes with blue iriss? no? i didnt think so...
you can take a drill to your head but you will never get
me out of the hive
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