this image contains text
+- the knight/fuel for blender10 - words were janitor, kissing, classroom -+
A few years ago, a commercial pilot
flying a single engine airplane near
Seattle was lost and dangerously low
on fuel. His passengers were starting
to worry. As he flew along he noticed
a small hole in the overcast, and
zoomed down through it.
He saw a tall building, and what looked like a janitor cleaning up an office on the 20th floor. He opened the pilots side window and yelled to the janitor
Im lost can you tell me where I am? The janitor looked at him, and with a
straight face said: yer in an airplane !.
hold the fukken -------
There are these two statues, one
a man and the other a woman and
they have been statues for a long
time. Then one day an angel came
down and granted them half an
hour of life. They started by
hugging and kissing, then all of
a sudden they both ran off into
a patch of bushes. All you could
hear were them giggling and
rolling around. Then about 15
minutes later they came out and
sat down on their stand.
The angel then said:you still
have 15 minutes left. So they
both jumped up and one said to
the other: this time you hold the bird while i crap on its head!
There is a third grade classroom somewhere in the midwest.
Every Friday, the teacher of this classroom asks a question that if answered
correctly, grants the class the following Monday off from school.
The first Friday came, and the teacher said, All right class, its time for thequestion that could earn you a day off. How high is the sky?
Nobody could answer, so she said, See you Monday!
The next Friday she said, All right class, its time for the question that
could earn you a day off. How deep is the sea?
Nobody could answer, so she said, See you Monday!
One student of this third grade class was getting pretty pissed, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to have Monday off. So he went home and
gathered a bucket full of ping pong balls. He took an hour and painted each ballblack, and brought them to school that Friday.
Just after the teacher said, All right class, its time for the question that
could earn you the day off... the student took the bucket of ping pong balls
and threw them all over the classroom!
The teacher said, All right! Whos the comedian with the black balls!?
At which time the student said, Bill Cosby, see ya Tuesday!
+- the knight/fuel for blender10 - words were janitor, kissing, classroom -+
hope you enjoyed it...
A few years ago, a commercial pilot
flying a single engine airplane near
Seattle was lost and dangerously low
on fuel. His passengers were starting
to worry. As he flew along he noticed
a small hole in the overcast, and
zoomed down through it.
He saw a tall building, and what looked like a janitor cleaning up an office on the 20th floor. He opened the pilots side window and yelled to the janitor
Im lost can you tell me where I am? The janitor looked at him, and with a
straight face said: yer in an airplane !.
hold the fukken -------
There are these two statues, one
a man and the other a woman and
they have been statues for a long
time. Then one day an angel came
down and granted them half an
hour of life. They started by
hugging and kissing, then all of
a sudden they both ran off into
a patch of bushes. All you could
hear were them giggling and
rolling around. Then about 15
minutes later they came out and
sat down on their stand.
The angel then said:you still
have 15 minutes left. So they
both jumped up and one said to
the other: this time you hold the bird while i crap on its head!
There is a third grade classroom somewhere in the midwest.
Every Friday, the teacher of this classroom asks a question that if answered
correctly, grants the class the following Monday off from school.
The first Friday came, and the teacher said, All right class, its time for thequestion that could earn you a day off. How high is the sky?
Nobody could answer, so she said, See you Monday!
The next Friday she said, All right class, its time for the question that
could earn you a day off. How deep is the sea?
Nobody could answer, so she said, See you Monday!
One student of this third grade class was getting pretty pissed, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to have Monday off. So he went home and
gathered a bucket full of ping pong balls. He took an hour and painted each ballblack, and brought them to school that Friday.
Just after the teacher said, All right class, its time for the question that
could earn you the day off... the student took the bucket of ping pong balls
and threw them all over the classroom!
The teacher said, All right! Whos the comedian with the black balls!?
At which time the student said, Bill Cosby, see ya Tuesday!
+- the knight/fuel for blender10 - words were janitor, kissing, classroom -+
hope you enjoyed it...
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