this image contains text
t h e
e r
the blender.
welcome one and all to yet another HENNIFER-
BRANDtM infofile.
g e n e r a l c
r a p
in the tradition of the very successful
joint and swaptM irc a
ctivities, comesa third, ultimate idea. y
es, if you can read ?! youve guessed by now..
THE BLENDER!!!!!!!!!
p r o c e d u r
e s
quickly! before time runs out, this how a
blendertM event will be run:
1 - everyone will gather in the
blender channel.
2 - each person will come up wit
h ONE idea. it can be in one of three
categories: thing ie. horse, acti
on ie. fishing, and place ie. wh
3 - everyone will submit
their ONE idea to the organizer,
who will make a
list. this organizer currently is warpus
4 - the organizer will rando
mly pick THREE of the ideas. th
ese ideas will
be relayed to everyone in blender.
5 - everyone goes off to draw.
hell, you could even write a poem lit guy
s , but the catch is that it has to b
e about the THREE ideas. all of them.
in our example then, everyon
e would create a masterpiece involving a h
fishing at the white house.
6 - after the alotted amount of
time 7:30pm - 10:00pm, everyone retu
rns and
hands in their work. it d
oesnt matter what form the work is, what board
or whatever its for, everything is collected.
7 - once thats done, the organi
zer picks the winner, slaps on an infofile
changes the last diz, and out comes the blen
dertm pack. right? WRONG!
a new feature to the blendertm
is the hall of fame. each weeks
is on that highly respected list, and that is also
where the group
standings appear. the group the artist of
the week is in gets a point,
and that is updated weekly as well.
a d v a n t a g
e s
hopefully you get an idea of the fun involved here. bu
t along with that,
blendertM has numerous advantages
over the other irc events.
INFINITE PLAYERS - yes, this mea
ns never having to turn eager blenders awa
PREFAB INSPIRATION - for those of you tha
t cant think of anything to draw, here
other people will do most of the work
for you!
ORIGINALITY - finally something
other to draw than breasts just imagin
e a
pack with 20 different interpretations of a horse
matter how well you do, how silly or serious you
are, because you wont be messing up anyone
s work except
your own
EASY TO RUN - no messy file exch
anges + no hard-to-enforce rules a sm
running operation with no annoying delays
m o r e g e n e r a
l c r a p
as i dont have irc, i have authorized miss warpus
to run this event. she can
pick whoever she likes to help her, and hopefully i can
get internet soon and
join in on the fun, JUST LIKE YOU SHOULD!!!!!
the sixth blendertM event will be held:
sunday, december 29th
7:30pm - 10:00pm est
please join us. - hennifer
t h e
e r
the blender.
welcome one and all to yet another HENNIFER-
BRANDtM infofile.
g e n e r a l c
r a p
in the tradition of the very successful
joint and swaptM irc a
ctivities, comesa third, ultimate idea. y
es, if you can read ?! youve guessed by now..
THE BLENDER!!!!!!!!!
p r o c e d u r
e s
quickly! before time runs out, this how a
blendertM event will be run:
1 - everyone will gather in the
blender channel.
2 - each person will come up wit
h ONE idea. it can be in one of three
categories: thing ie. horse, acti
on ie. fishing, and place ie. wh
3 - everyone will submit
their ONE idea to the organizer,
who will make a
list. this organizer currently is warpus
4 - the organizer will rando
mly pick THREE of the ideas. th
ese ideas will
be relayed to everyone in blender.
5 - everyone goes off to draw.
hell, you could even write a poem lit guy
s , but the catch is that it has to b
e about the THREE ideas. all of them.
in our example then, everyon
e would create a masterpiece involving a h
fishing at the white house.
6 - after the alotted amount of
time 7:30pm - 10:00pm, everyone retu
rns and
hands in their work. it d
oesnt matter what form the work is, what board
or whatever its for, everything is collected.
7 - once thats done, the organi
zer picks the winner, slaps on an infofile
changes the last diz, and out comes the blen
dertm pack. right? WRONG!
a new feature to the blendertm
is the hall of fame. each weeks
is on that highly respected list, and that is also
where the group
standings appear. the group the artist of
the week is in gets a point,
and that is updated weekly as well.
a d v a n t a g
e s
hopefully you get an idea of the fun involved here. bu
t along with that,
blendertM has numerous advantages
over the other irc events.
INFINITE PLAYERS - yes, this mea
ns never having to turn eager blenders awa
PREFAB INSPIRATION - for those of you tha
t cant think of anything to draw, here
other people will do most of the work
for you!
ORIGINALITY - finally something
other to draw than breasts just imagin
e a
pack with 20 different interpretations of a horse
matter how well you do, how silly or serious you
are, because you wont be messing up anyone
s work except
your own
EASY TO RUN - no messy file exch
anges + no hard-to-enforce rules a sm
running operation with no annoying delays
m o r e g e n e r a
l c r a p
as i dont have irc, i have authorized miss warpus
to run this event. she can
pick whoever she likes to help her, and hopefully i can
get internet soon and
join in on the fun, JUST LIKE YOU SHOULD!!!!!
the sixth blendertM event will be held:
sunday, december 29th
7:30pm - 10:00pm est
please join us. - hennifer
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