this image contains text
t h e s a dj e s t e r
b l i n d
Hello, again. Its me .,The Sad jester,.WellI didnt really want to
write anohter one of this stupids file things,seeing as my last one made
no sense and was regared as humorous. That was not its intention. I suppose
I put some things in it that might have been considered funny, but the majority
of the text was ment to be serious. After I had written the file, and sent it tomy friend Loi, he suggested me writting a similar file each month. I thought
this would be pretty great, so i agreed. I talked to him later and discovered
that he had totally disregared my point within the text, about how human kind
sucks. But he did think it was funny. It wasnt ment to be funny I said.
He said everyone thought it was funny and wanted to put it on some fucking Web
page.. Well FUCK YOU. I dont give a shit what the hell you think of it or whereyou want to put it. Put it up your ass for ill I care. Just read it at least
and try to understand what the hell Im saying. Thats all I ask. Read it , or
dont , I dont really care. I wrote it cause i was bored and the group needed
a NFO. Thanks if you read this shit too.. now on to the article..: -sj
Lots of Stuff!
The Sad Jester
This Article is entiled Lots of Stuff! because Ill probable end up cover-
ing lots of stuff. The ! so the text would be exactly centered. 80-16/2
of spaces away from 0 to center text. :.. Thats about the highest level of
math i can handle, as my Math20 final today used up my brain cells.
Anyways, enough stalling, Hehe.. mabey ill talk about religion :..
Three common ideals present in all major religions are : Supreme Being,
Life after death Shit, and fate. For some reason Mankind has created numerous
religions through out history, I could name them but theirs about a trillion andat least 3/4 of them suck no offence to those with the shitty religions.
..Supreme being..
In my opinion, man in a feeble effort to explain the unexplanable has a
tendancy to create beings higher than themselves. These being are usially
comprised of certain characteristic, these characteristics usially involve
being Omni.. something, like Omniscient all knowing, Omnipresentmany placessame time, omnipotentall powerfull, hehe for those with vengeful gods :, andlast and least mentioned, Omnibusdealing with many things at once. So with
those Characteristics, man has been able to create a almost infinite supply of
Gods and Goddess, kinda sad really, Is it so hard to accept things with out
pegging a God did it label on, its always easyier to say..I know god exists
because he has a personal vendetta against me, than to accept that it is our
fault for problems, not Frujab the god of bad luck. Im not saying that your
problems are your fault just that , sometimes life sucks for no other reason
than life sucks. Lord help me : I know. But anyways, as I was saying before Irudely interupted my self.. Not everything on this planet can be explained by
humans. This is not proof of a being greater than ourselves, but proof that
humans dont know everything and we have a lot to learn.. Take the Bumble bee.
Most of you probably dont know this but ..........suspense..... it is
aerodynamicly impossible, for a bumble bee to fly. Yet it does. Does this mean
the bumble bee is a god?, or that it knows something we dont, or it is part
of an alien plot to subde the human race with honey?, No all this means it
we still dont know jack shit, about lots of stuff.
Well Id better shut up, and go consider studding for my Bio20 final, so
Ill have to continue this Religous discution of Stuff next month. I hope you
look forward to it. I dont cause Ill probable forget everything I know by thattime. Btw Taoism fucking kicks in my opinion. No god shit just Cool philosophy
and pureness of thought and body and that funky shit..
later to all out in limbo. -The Sad Jester. aka CJS-my initals :
b l i n d
Hello, again. Its me .,The Sad jester,.WellI didnt really want to
write anohter one of this stupids file things,seeing as my last one made
no sense and was regared as humorous. That was not its intention. I suppose
I put some things in it that might have been considered funny, but the majority
of the text was ment to be serious. After I had written the file, and sent it tomy friend Loi, he suggested me writting a similar file each month. I thought
this would be pretty great, so i agreed. I talked to him later and discovered
that he had totally disregared my point within the text, about how human kind
sucks. But he did think it was funny. It wasnt ment to be funny I said.
He said everyone thought it was funny and wanted to put it on some fucking Web
page.. Well FUCK YOU. I dont give a shit what the hell you think of it or whereyou want to put it. Put it up your ass for ill I care. Just read it at least
and try to understand what the hell Im saying. Thats all I ask. Read it , or
dont , I dont really care. I wrote it cause i was bored and the group needed
a NFO. Thanks if you read this shit too.. now on to the article..: -sj
Lots of Stuff!
The Sad Jester
This Article is entiled Lots of Stuff! because Ill probable end up cover-
ing lots of stuff. The ! so the text would be exactly centered. 80-16/2
of spaces away from 0 to center text. :.. Thats about the highest level of
math i can handle, as my Math20 final today used up my brain cells.
Anyways, enough stalling, Hehe.. mabey ill talk about religion :..
Three common ideals present in all major religions are : Supreme Being,
Life after death Shit, and fate. For some reason Mankind has created numerous
religions through out history, I could name them but theirs about a trillion andat least 3/4 of them suck no offence to those with the shitty religions.
..Supreme being..
In my opinion, man in a feeble effort to explain the unexplanable has a
tendancy to create beings higher than themselves. These being are usially
comprised of certain characteristic, these characteristics usially involve
being Omni.. something, like Omniscient all knowing, Omnipresentmany placessame time, omnipotentall powerfull, hehe for those with vengeful gods :, andlast and least mentioned, Omnibusdealing with many things at once. So with
those Characteristics, man has been able to create a almost infinite supply of
Gods and Goddess, kinda sad really, Is it so hard to accept things with out
pegging a God did it label on, its always easyier to say..I know god exists
because he has a personal vendetta against me, than to accept that it is our
fault for problems, not Frujab the god of bad luck. Im not saying that your
problems are your fault just that , sometimes life sucks for no other reason
than life sucks. Lord help me : I know. But anyways, as I was saying before Irudely interupted my self.. Not everything on this planet can be explained by
humans. This is not proof of a being greater than ourselves, but proof that
humans dont know everything and we have a lot to learn.. Take the Bumble bee.
Most of you probably dont know this but ..........suspense..... it is
aerodynamicly impossible, for a bumble bee to fly. Yet it does. Does this mean
the bumble bee is a god?, or that it knows something we dont, or it is part
of an alien plot to subde the human race with honey?, No all this means it
we still dont know jack shit, about lots of stuff.
Well Id better shut up, and go consider studding for my Bio20 final, so
Ill have to continue this Religous discution of Stuff next month. I hope you
look forward to it. I dont cause Ill probable forget everything I know by thattime. Btw Taoism fucking kicks in my opinion. No god shit just Cool philosophy
and pureness of thought and body and that funky shit..
later to all out in limbo. -The Sad Jester. aka CJS-my initals :
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