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blind release number one
news, news, news smurf
well, i guess this is the big release, numero uno, the big one, tha big
kahuna, err.. whatever.. hope a lot op people get this pack, coz itll be
pretty good.. and i hope that we can release every month after that.. im
also hoping that people will join blind after they see the first pack and
go holy shit, thats mad elite!.. but, thats probably not going to
happen.. so, see yall for the next pack!@
releases and such.. smurf
well, two11two and i have been talking about releasing 2 packs a month..
one on the 1st of each month and another on the 15th of that month, but it
would be kinda hard to do that, so, were gonna wait for the group to get
bigger before we talk more about that..
stuff to be said.. klumzee
hi, klumzee here. i joined blind to be an advisor, to help the founder
smurf out, and to draw the occasional memberlist, etc. i plan to help this
group out, because i think its important to have new and fresh groups in
the scene that are here to STAY. shout outs to glue and cia. :
/ nfo file by smurf of blind productions 1999
news, news, news smurf
well, i guess this is the big release, numero uno, the big one, tha big
kahuna, err.. whatever.. hope a lot op people get this pack, coz itll be
pretty good.. and i hope that we can release every month after that.. im
also hoping that people will join blind after they see the first pack and
go holy shit, thats mad elite!.. but, thats probably not going to
happen.. so, see yall for the next pack!@
releases and such.. smurf
well, two11two and i have been talking about releasing 2 packs a month..
one on the 1st of each month and another on the 15th of that month, but it
would be kinda hard to do that, so, were gonna wait for the group to get
bigger before we talk more about that..
stuff to be said.. klumzee
hi, klumzee here. i joined blind to be an advisor, to help the founder
smurf out, and to draw the occasional memberlist, etc. i plan to help this
group out, because i think its important to have new and fresh groups in
the scene that are here to STAY. shout outs to glue and cia. :
/ nfo file by smurf of blind productions 1999
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