this image contains text
Newsletter 7
y I dont like this
15th March, 1997
logo that much, I was just
too sick to draw one
of my
I. Intro
One-two-three, t
ake it easy .... Back to the bed .. thats it ... nice
I threw up.
Thats what happened to me today. When I finally
start drawing like a
god damn machine of course on the deadline day , I ge
t sick.
Awh, puking is soo awful, there cant be anything worse than
up on this whole damn planet. I mean when it star
ts coming up theres
no way to stop it. Liters and liters of vomit
. Aww, that makes
me sick But dont worry, I feel better now ..
. Puke...
II. Change is good
Words of Zircus Freak: Change is always good .
True. Maybe thats
why we live in a constant change. Anyways, were not tryin
g to be
Acid or anything, we just came to the point wher
e we had to change.
III. Member changes
We actually have lost few members, Liithn leavi
ng the scene for a
reason I do not know. Apparently he got tired
of drawing ansis.
Whatever his reasons were, the fact is we lost
one of the best guys
I know. Another swede, Nos, lost intrests in ans
i too and started
drawing lineascii. Sad huh?
And the better news g, Senile, got booted. Basic
ally he just didnt
improve, at all. Rumors tell me hes a little ang
ry but we dont give
a shit, do we? Amorphis, the blendvu
coder, was removed from the
memberlist too. Nothing personal, we just didn
t like the viewer.
Like Mice said the viewer sucks and we dont nee
d the guy anymore .
Couple of other guys were booted too.. I just dont rememb
er their
I suppose we got couple new ones too but it seems Ive forgo
tten who
they were.
AND YES, the rumor that Ville has
joined Fire is not true. Right
IV. Senior staff
Senior staff, wow thats something I would never expe
cted from us, but
its true. Basically Mice just couldnt handle al
l the work himself,
so now theres three of us taking care of the
group. Actually, I
feel very excited about this because now Im in c
harge of things with
two wonderful guys, Licheking and Mice.
V. I feel sick again and I think I better stop now.
Now go check the rest of the pack.
Tankgirl enberg@helsinki.fi
King Liche here opening my mouth in an unsanitary manner.
Uhm, Ive never been that good in writing stuff, so bear with me.
First if youve missed my shitty rips, Ill fill you in a bit. My gett
ing in
high school the Finnish equivalent is not so sure anymore, so I have
READ for my tests, and do homework etc. Ive also been really sick for
few weeks, so Im going to be in really deep shit if i dont shapen up
a bit.
So all this leaves me less time for art, and of course rip. Most of
my art
is done in pencils and inks and the occasional watercolour, and I do q
uite a
bit of them, so if I find a scanner somewhere Ill get something for t
he packs
ANYWAY, since this didnt intrest you at all, Im going to badmouth
Its always fun and entertaining. In my opinion EERIE is pretty crappy
. His
art is smudgy and ugly looking. People who think their in say that Eer
ie is
funky and really talented etc. Bah, Eerie sucks. I think that because
cant do good, beautiful, harmonous artwork he tries to balance the sc
ales by
stuffing in horribly ugly colors, fonts and stupid warped shapes in hi
s stuff.
Somebody of course might like this kind of things, but I think the maj
of people who think Eerie rules, have formed their opinion from the co
of others. Think for yourself, people. Even though all I just said, I
its great that Eerie does not degrade himself into ripping off comics.
off to everyone who does not rip, and dares to show to people what kin
d of
art THEY do, not what Campbell and Garner do for Gen13. Seriously peop
le stop
listening to Lord Soths stupid shit that originals are only for profe
artsists and express yourself. There, that made everyone feel bad. Goo
... Ville, stop ripping Eerie, develope a nice style of your own.
The next article by me will concern Lord Jazz
later -Licheking
And last, but not least, Sidewinder from Denmark, who want
ed to be a
member . Too bad our member quota is full g.
carved by: SIDEW
staff: Sidewi
- hey this looks cool
- wow a thedraw font g
d Newsletter 7, 15th March, 1997
Newsletter 7
y I dont like this
15th March, 1997
logo that much, I was just
too sick to draw one
of my
I. Intro
One-two-three, t
ake it easy .... Back to the bed .. thats it ... nice
I threw up.
Thats what happened to me today. When I finally
start drawing like a
god damn machine of course on the deadline day , I ge
t sick.
Awh, puking is soo awful, there cant be anything worse than
up on this whole damn planet. I mean when it star
ts coming up theres
no way to stop it. Liters and liters of vomit
. Aww, that makes
me sick But dont worry, I feel better now ..
. Puke...
II. Change is good
Words of Zircus Freak: Change is always good .
True. Maybe thats
why we live in a constant change. Anyways, were not tryin
g to be
Acid or anything, we just came to the point wher
e we had to change.
III. Member changes
We actually have lost few members, Liithn leavi
ng the scene for a
reason I do not know. Apparently he got tired
of drawing ansis.
Whatever his reasons were, the fact is we lost
one of the best guys
I know. Another swede, Nos, lost intrests in ans
i too and started
drawing lineascii. Sad huh?
And the better news g, Senile, got booted. Basic
ally he just didnt
improve, at all. Rumors tell me hes a little ang
ry but we dont give
a shit, do we? Amorphis, the blendvu
coder, was removed from the
memberlist too. Nothing personal, we just didn
t like the viewer.
Like Mice said the viewer sucks and we dont nee
d the guy anymore .
Couple of other guys were booted too.. I just dont rememb
er their
I suppose we got couple new ones too but it seems Ive forgo
tten who
they were.
AND YES, the rumor that Ville has
joined Fire is not true. Right
IV. Senior staff
Senior staff, wow thats something I would never expe
cted from us, but
its true. Basically Mice just couldnt handle al
l the work himself,
so now theres three of us taking care of the
group. Actually, I
feel very excited about this because now Im in c
harge of things with
two wonderful guys, Licheking and Mice.
V. I feel sick again and I think I better stop now.
Now go check the rest of the pack.
Tankgirl enberg@helsinki.fi
King Liche here opening my mouth in an unsanitary manner.
Uhm, Ive never been that good in writing stuff, so bear with me.
First if youve missed my shitty rips, Ill fill you in a bit. My gett
ing in
high school the Finnish equivalent is not so sure anymore, so I have
READ for my tests, and do homework etc. Ive also been really sick for
few weeks, so Im going to be in really deep shit if i dont shapen up
a bit.
So all this leaves me less time for art, and of course rip. Most of
my art
is done in pencils and inks and the occasional watercolour, and I do q
uite a
bit of them, so if I find a scanner somewhere Ill get something for t
he packs
ANYWAY, since this didnt intrest you at all, Im going to badmouth
Its always fun and entertaining. In my opinion EERIE is pretty crappy
. His
art is smudgy and ugly looking. People who think their in say that Eer
ie is
funky and really talented etc. Bah, Eerie sucks. I think that because
cant do good, beautiful, harmonous artwork he tries to balance the sc
ales by
stuffing in horribly ugly colors, fonts and stupid warped shapes in hi
s stuff.
Somebody of course might like this kind of things, but I think the maj
of people who think Eerie rules, have formed their opinion from the co
of others. Think for yourself, people. Even though all I just said, I
its great that Eerie does not degrade himself into ripping off comics.
off to everyone who does not rip, and dares to show to people what kin
d of
art THEY do, not what Campbell and Garner do for Gen13. Seriously peop
le stop
listening to Lord Soths stupid shit that originals are only for profe
artsists and express yourself. There, that made everyone feel bad. Goo
... Ville, stop ripping Eerie, develope a nice style of your own.
The next article by me will concern Lord Jazz
later -Licheking
And last, but not least, Sidewinder from Denmark, who want
ed to be a
member . Too bad our member quota is full g.
carved by: SIDEW
staff: Sidewi
- hey this looks cool
- wow a thedraw font g
d Newsletter 7, 15th March, 1997
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