this image contains text
b, 4
:s?sP : ss
ggggSsss, ,,ss s : ::
?:, :b, : b, ? P : :.
::: : ,d SS
:::: ::? ?b,
::: ville sss
party demo scene party scene
wOuh! ansciifont from me!@ dyalikeit? no you dont! it sucks!!! but hey,
i dont care! still if you wanna have one like that!@ dont mail me.
ville@fan.net - www.geocities.com/soho/7980/
:s?sP : ss
ggggSsss, ,,ss s : ::
?:, :b, : b, ? P : :.
::: : ,d SS
:::: ::? ?b,
::: ville sss
party demo scene party scene
wOuh! ansciifont from me!@ dyalikeit? no you dont! it sucks!!! but hey,
i dont care! still if you wanna have one like that!@ dont mail me.
ville@fan.net - www.geocities.com/soho/7980/
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