this image contains text
baltazars first appearence in blend
i joined up with blend the same night they
released their xmas pack. i joined blend
because they seem to be one of the groups
that still thinks its fun with art..
if you should enjoy what im doing or want to request something please email me baltazar@gim.net, not come begging on irc or some board. its so much easier that way. i cant promise that ill do your request but ill try to
do as many as possible. thanks..
plastic - operated by pariaheclipse - logo by baltazarblend
plastic logo done for pariah/eclipse - thanks for the ascii man..
flowers for
the people
Tomppa1s Abstract Element http://www.sci.fi/tomppa1
this one is made for tomppa1 and his beautiful web-page, he said he liked
my flower so i had to put it there.. visit his page for some excellent
graphics both photoshop-vga and handpainted..
t o m p p a 1 s a b s t r a c t e l e m e n t
this is a happy logo, hope you can feel the happiness /baltazar
another one for tomppa1.. its abstact at least..
this one is for the operator of gulp - ive lost your email and your handle
but i hope youll find this one..
this news screen is not for you - this one is strictly copyrighted and
therefor illegal to in any way copy. if you want one for your board contact
baltazar@gim.net and pay like 150/line.. serious..
catharsis nocturnal desire
a logo for my friend catharsis in oOps!ascii, for his board nocturnal desire
do some more newschool for oOps!a03..
a pager logo for a swedish dude called phluid..
a c i d p r o d u c t i o n s
an acid logo for anyone in acid..
m i n i s t r y o f f e a r
ministry of fear operated by darkmindfluid and pharcydeacid
ministry of fear - the new really kool artboard in sweden.. this one is for
darkmind and pharcyde..
m i n i s t r y o f f e a r
another ministry of fear logo for darkmind..
some greetings this time, because i havent released anything in a while
first of.. mice and all blend members thanks for letting me join and
always beeing so nice.
the swedish mob: illogic, abnormal, mendator, pharcyde, sensei, liithn,
spike, tosh10, rawlock, inm, cocaine, oolite, dataflow, mendator, fear,
polymorph, ize, nosegos and all of you i forgot.. *doodle*
tarot, pariah, purify, ca1n, badspirit, mhz, tweed, hennifer and ts..
all logos are copyrighted 1997 baltazar
damn.. this cluster looks to serious.. have to change that until next time
enjoy life!!
i joined up with blend the same night they
released their xmas pack. i joined blend
because they seem to be one of the groups
that still thinks its fun with art..
if you should enjoy what im doing or want to request something please email me baltazar@gim.net, not come begging on irc or some board. its so much easier that way. i cant promise that ill do your request but ill try to
do as many as possible. thanks..
plastic - operated by pariaheclipse - logo by baltazarblend
plastic logo done for pariah/eclipse - thanks for the ascii man..
flowers for
the people
Tomppa1s Abstract Element http://www.sci.fi/tomppa1
this one is made for tomppa1 and his beautiful web-page, he said he liked
my flower so i had to put it there.. visit his page for some excellent
graphics both photoshop-vga and handpainted..
t o m p p a 1 s a b s t r a c t e l e m e n t
this is a happy logo, hope you can feel the happiness /baltazar
another one for tomppa1.. its abstact at least..
this one is for the operator of gulp - ive lost your email and your handle
but i hope youll find this one..
this news screen is not for you - this one is strictly copyrighted and
therefor illegal to in any way copy. if you want one for your board contact
baltazar@gim.net and pay like 150/line.. serious..
catharsis nocturnal desire
a logo for my friend catharsis in oOps!ascii, for his board nocturnal desire
do some more newschool for oOps!a03..
a pager logo for a swedish dude called phluid..
a c i d p r o d u c t i o n s
an acid logo for anyone in acid..
m i n i s t r y o f f e a r
ministry of fear operated by darkmindfluid and pharcydeacid
ministry of fear - the new really kool artboard in sweden.. this one is for
darkmind and pharcyde..
m i n i s t r y o f f e a r
another ministry of fear logo for darkmind..
some greetings this time, because i havent released anything in a while
first of.. mice and all blend members thanks for letting me join and
always beeing so nice.
the swedish mob: illogic, abnormal, mendator, pharcyde, sensei, liithn,
spike, tosh10, rawlock, inm, cocaine, oolite, dataflow, mendator, fear,
polymorph, ize, nosegos and all of you i forgot.. *doodle*
tarot, pariah, purify, ca1n, badspirit, mhz, tweed, hennifer and ts..
all logos are copyrighted 1997 baltazar
damn.. this cluster looks to serious.. have to change that until next time
enjoy life!!
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