this image contains text
bleaCh produCtions nineteen nindy five
. for month zero nine. sept. pac.
ansi by stone chapel of bleach productions. 100 pe
rcent original. contact
me on huma, or at stacid@primenet.com.
ill do trades/sales/anything.
im fucking si
ck of drawing background, ill have a better one next
betrayers one and only evil intentions -
fatass greets:
affils up the butt! nets up the ass! bigger
file base than this chicks hooters! calli
t! rw.ay.rm.rn.vg
ansi done by the stone chapel. bleaCh prod
ucitons oops, i alread
y said ld!.
bigass thanks to ld! for major help with this ansi.
1 0 0 p e r c e n t ------- o
r i g a n a l !
bleach bleach bleach bleach bleach bleach bleach blea
ch bleach bleach bleach
thats it! ------------------------------------------
. for month zero nine. sept. pac.
ansi by stone chapel of bleach productions. 100 pe
rcent original. contact
me on huma, or at stacid@primenet.com.
ill do trades/sales/anything.
im fucking si
ck of drawing background, ill have a better one next
betrayers one and only evil intentions -
fatass greets:
affils up the butt! nets up the ass! bigger
file base than this chicks hooters! calli
t! rw.ay.rm.rn.vg
ansi done by the stone chapel. bleaCh prod
ucitons oops, i alread
y said ld!.
bigass thanks to ld! for major help with this ansi.
1 0 0 p e r c e n t ------- o
r i g a n a l !
bleach bleach bleach bleach bleach bleach bleach blea
ch bleach bleach bleach
thats it! ------------------------------------------
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