this image contains text
yes, its yet another installment of that institution of blade packs,
the zempf logo colly. i sadly didnt draw any more hundred liners this
month i must have had better things to do :, but i did, however,
manage to crank out my usual shitload of logos and a couple 25-liners.
mad props out to blade for reaching year number 3 of their domination
of the scene, and heres to 3 more years of owning everything in sight
if you would like a zempf logo of your very own, find me on irc as
zempf amazingly enough, or email zempf@modex.com. ill usually draw
for just about anyone, but trade/pay yeah, right come first, with
blade mems next...
well, enjoy the ascii...
gggg gggg ,ggg*ggg,
* 8g,m88P
8g 8m8888 ?
8gg, 8
gg ZE .,
,g, , ggd
8gg, ,g
ggggggg g, gm ,gg ?8gg, * ggggg g***mggggg
*gg8 bg,, g,
8P******* g ,g ggm
the rebellion +o hliquor 8888@@88
ze-treb.asc the rebellion for hliquor. too bad rebellion didnt fit :P
,dg, ,dg, *, gggg
gggg *, *, *, *, *, ,* alamut , +o rusty *. ,*
ze-almut.asc alamut logo for rusty, cause he was complaining in the rile pack that nobody was drawing for him :P
,, ,, ggg
g, ,g ,,
,!? ,g
l ll ..! l l
g ggggg i g i g g
g ggggggg,, ,, g
,b ,b
ZEd,P d,P
ze-rad4.asc yet another ascii for radioactive aardvark dung...
.,gggg,. 8@g, .,gggg,.
8g,? .,gggg,.P ,g8 ,gggg,
? , ggdZE,
bgg P
P. Pi ? ggd
8P,b ?ggdb,?8b ?
,?8 ?8
gggggggggggggggggg, *,g,,ggggggggggggggggggg,*mmmmmp
ze-fbld.asc a really big blade logo i think this ones going on the pic...
P????i i ?
? 8, 8 ,i 88 ?
i i i bmg, ? *88@gg i
i 88 8 8 * d 8@ i 8?
8@gg88@gi,g8i,g8,i i 88 i8@gd
ze-old1.asc a quickie oldskool logo thatll probably end up at the bottom of a pic eventually.
,dg ,dg ,g
b b ?b
! ! ,dg
,b !ZE
i,, i ,, ,, ,,
g, ,g ,g,g,
P?, ,Pi P?P dP?,?
gggggg i ,! bgmmgd ggg
,, ,d b,d ib,gd , ,ggg gd
gggg ,PbgP, PP b,bggP,gggg
* * * P P ** *
no separate filename of its own cause it was with a joke tutorial i released in zodiac 3.
and there ends my logo colly for another month. only 120 lines this .
time. remember, all of you, doodle for paradox, cause itll be 31337
if it ever goes up.
hidden stuff goes here...
ansi by zempf - an ascii artist with ZE
an identity crisis :P
ze-blans.ans yes, i did an ansi...its ok, not the greatest, but hell, i
was bored, ok?
the zempf logo colly. i sadly didnt draw any more hundred liners this
month i must have had better things to do :, but i did, however,
manage to crank out my usual shitload of logos and a couple 25-liners.
mad props out to blade for reaching year number 3 of their domination
of the scene, and heres to 3 more years of owning everything in sight
if you would like a zempf logo of your very own, find me on irc as
zempf amazingly enough, or email zempf@modex.com. ill usually draw
for just about anyone, but trade/pay yeah, right come first, with
blade mems next...
well, enjoy the ascii...
gggg gggg ,ggg*ggg,
* 8g,m88P
8g 8m8888 ?
8gg, 8
gg ZE .,
,g, , ggd
8gg, ,g
ggggggg g, gm ,gg ?8gg, * ggggg g***mggggg
*gg8 bg,, g,
8P******* g ,g ggm
the rebellion +o hliquor 8888@@88
ze-treb.asc the rebellion for hliquor. too bad rebellion didnt fit :P
,dg, ,dg, *, gggg
gggg *, *, *, *, *, ,* alamut , +o rusty *. ,*
ze-almut.asc alamut logo for rusty, cause he was complaining in the rile pack that nobody was drawing for him :P
,, ,, ggg
g, ,g ,,
,!? ,g
l ll ..! l l
g ggggg i g i g g
g ggggggg,, ,, g
,b ,b
ZEd,P d,P
ze-rad4.asc yet another ascii for radioactive aardvark dung...
.,gggg,. 8@g, .,gggg,.
8g,? .,gggg,.P ,g8 ,gggg,
? , ggdZE,
bgg P
P. Pi ? ggd
8P,b ?ggdb,?8b ?
,?8 ?8
gggggggggggggggggg, *,g,,ggggggggggggggggggg,*mmmmmp
ze-fbld.asc a really big blade logo i think this ones going on the pic...
P????i i ?
? 8, 8 ,i 88 ?
i i i bmg, ? *88@gg i
i 88 8 8 * d 8@ i 8?
8@gg88@gi,g8i,g8,i i 88 i8@gd
ze-old1.asc a quickie oldskool logo thatll probably end up at the bottom of a pic eventually.
,dg ,dg ,g
b b ?b
! ! ,dg
,b !ZE
i,, i ,, ,, ,,
g, ,g ,g,g,
P?, ,Pi P?P dP?,?
gggggg i ,! bgmmgd ggg
,, ,d b,d ib,gd , ,ggg gd
gggg ,PbgP, PP b,bggP,gggg
* * * P P ** *
no separate filename of its own cause it was with a joke tutorial i released in zodiac 3.
and there ends my logo colly for another month. only 120 lines this .
time. remember, all of you, doodle for paradox, cause itll be 31337
if it ever goes up.
hidden stuff goes here...
ansi by zempf - an ascii artist with ZE
an identity crisis :P
ze-blans.ans yes, i did an ansi...its ok, not the greatest, but hell, i
was bored, ok?
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