this image contains text
the blade nation presents :
edge ... .
the edge is a propagand
a vehicle for the blade nation
welcome to our revolu
the edge - the blade informational textfile - vo
lume 4 / issue 1
this is the mon
th in which we died, only to be reborn again
contents -- the edge
:: volume three, issue twelve
the blade nation :: fe
bruary ninety seven
our affiliates :: febr
uary ninety seven
come feel the
energy with me ... next month
elcome to the blade three year anniversery e
pic. this month, we
were tired, we were angry, and we were lazy. people hav
e bad months.
its unfortunate that it had to happen on such a monume
occasion, but in blade we dont live to savour the spec
ial moments,
we live to savour the entire collective moment known as
life. enjoy
what work weve put forth this month, and check in with
us next month
if you desire more.
a good amount of stuff happened this month, and i had a
great outline
to turn into a final issue of the edge, but packs grow
late, people
grow tired, and will grows non-existant. next months i
ssue of the
edge will prove to be quite a long one. my apologies to
the members
of the blade nation for not coming through for them thi
s month.
until next month ...
:: mindcrime of the blade nation ::
post script - one thing i would like to note is that bl
ade is now
united against the action of dual grouping. this month
s memberlist,
although not present here, contains no dual groupers an
d will
remain that way throughout our life. divided we fall, u
nited we
stand as a force for world domination.
post script two - not a single person gave us answers t
o last months
contest in the edge. if youd like to get that free mi
ndcrime ansi and
thats a pic, mind you!, you have until next month to
give me answers.
see blde9702.ans in blde9702.zip for details.
end of file
edge ... .
the edge is a propagand
a vehicle for the blade nation
welcome to our revolu
the edge - the blade informational textfile - vo
lume 4 / issue 1
this is the mon
th in which we died, only to be reborn again
contents -- the edge
:: volume three, issue twelve
the blade nation :: fe
bruary ninety seven
our affiliates :: febr
uary ninety seven
come feel the
energy with me ... next month
elcome to the blade three year anniversery e
pic. this month, we
were tired, we were angry, and we were lazy. people hav
e bad months.
its unfortunate that it had to happen on such a monume
occasion, but in blade we dont live to savour the spec
ial moments,
we live to savour the entire collective moment known as
life. enjoy
what work weve put forth this month, and check in with
us next month
if you desire more.
a good amount of stuff happened this month, and i had a
great outline
to turn into a final issue of the edge, but packs grow
late, people
grow tired, and will grows non-existant. next months i
ssue of the
edge will prove to be quite a long one. my apologies to
the members
of the blade nation for not coming through for them thi
s month.
until next month ...
:: mindcrime of the blade nation ::
post script - one thing i would like to note is that bl
ade is now
united against the action of dual grouping. this month
s memberlist,
although not present here, contains no dual groupers an
d will
remain that way throughout our life. divided we fall, u
nited we
stand as a force for world domination.
post script two - not a single person gave us answers t
o last months
contest in the edge. if youd like to get that free mi
ndcrime ansi and
thats a pic, mind you!, you have until next month to
give me answers.
see blde9702.ans in blde9702.zip for details.
end of file
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