this image contains text
--collyview 1.0--------aka edit.com------you cant see all in aciddraw--
Had I not known
That I was dead
I would have mourned
My loss of life
-Ota Dokan 1486
....,here we go..........................
not tinyz
/ / though tz sometimes
also known as -I ripped my own T
woohoo and stuff...
........... . . : tn
fully drawn out being
/ / / / /tn
Presents another oldschool colly entitled :
substance .-------. tn
This opus is dedicated to the music that I listen to, and at this time
it just so happens to be Joy Division. I kinda took the font above from
their album Substance : 1977-1980, but hey, if the ansi artists can take
stuff out of their favorite comic book, I can take shit from one of my
favorite recordings... I changed the font a little, but I do give the
origonal artist credit, whoever it is.
this colly is not intended for pgup/pgdn because everyone views
these things in a different viewer
During the construction of this colly, I listened to lots of shit...
Many many CDs, so here is a list of a few:
Joy Division : Substance of course, Joy Division : Still, Gravity
Kills, Tool : Undertow, Liz Phair : Whip Smart Exile in Guyville,
Stabbing Westward, The Cure, Type O Negative, The Last of the Mohicans
soundtrack, My Dying Bride, Operatoin Ivy, NOFX, and Mushroom Jazz
Why Greets in the beginning?!? Simply because half of the people never
get to the end for some reason or another and dont see them at all.
: nightrain : blazemore : sargon : mindcrime : exar kun :
: lord draracle : hliquor : ohseven : regulator : zippy :
: computer man : tdassasin : suixide : eyeball 817 :
: belial : ca1n : gridlock : fatal sacrilege : street rat :
: master ice : bob smith : lukesky : meatpot : eclipse :
: clorox : crash : gdr :
-ALL of Blade and Serial : keep drawing and stuff-
FINE then, here goes nothing...
what.../ /FOR ..
1 Stoned Henge Musket Stoned
2 Lords of Renegade Diz / Lord Draracle
3 Oz Infect
4 The Deep Ca1n
5 Alderaan joint with Exar Kun Mindcrime
6 Toy Ascii Tdassasin
7 A Little Thingy-Thing Zippy the girl
8 Pez Nightrain
9 Lego Land tdassasin
10 Zero Tolerance Gridlock
11 Lyrical Quotes Everyone
12 srcr Street Rat
13 Wicked Ascii Fatal Sacrilege
14 The Rebel Base Luke Skywalker
15 Underfall b3lial
16 Total Chaos 2 tds
17 Nihil Welcome message pele
18 Nihil Top Ten Header pele
19 Nihil Nuked files Header pele
20 Nihil requests Header pele
21 Mystical Descent thunder
22 ssshh tiny3d
23 shanta tiny3d
24 Remorse - Just because nECROM
25 Remorse - the same nECROM
26 A little Story ALL
27 Reb Rebellion hliquor
28 Serial Ascii sargon
29 Asylum eclipse
30 Negative Infirmity eclipse
31 Zero Blazemore
32 opm Diz Lord Draracle
33 lor diz 2 Lord Draracle
34 f0ma Empathy
35 the 8up BBS Derranged
36 The Religious Network Driver 8
37 Spilled Entrails kb
38 Flash Traffick Meatpod
39 RTN Diz MarkGoh
40 Dark Legends Cappachino
41 The Hack Shack k-spiff
42 Waves of Warez clorox
I must not phear. Phear is the mind killer
Phear is the littl death that brings total obliteration
I will face my phear.
I will permit it to pass through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn
The inner eye to see its path.
Where the phear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain
-Bene Gesserit kinda
Substance 1 / tn-sh01.asc /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Stoned Henge /
/ For : Musket Stoned /
// Why : Requested /
-----tn---.-- ------ ---.
Substance 2 / tn-lordz.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Lords of Renegade Diz /
/ For : Lord Draracle /
// Why : Requested /
Lords of Renegade Modding - Jan 97
Pigs are Sheep and cats are dogs and
thoughts are made of Lincoln logs.
Substance 3 / tn-oz.asc
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Oz /
/ For : Infect /
// Why : Requested /
Theres not much you can do with OZ, so deal with it
and dammit Im lazy
Substance 4 / tn-deep1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : The Deep /
/ For : Ca1n /
// Why : Requested /
----- -----tn.-----
ah shit... I hate doing Ps, but oh well, they all suck
Substance 5 / us-ald01.asc/
------------------------------- joint !42!/
Title : Alderaan /
/ For : Mindcrime /
// Why : Ex and I got bored. /
. .. The Blade ascii pimps tzeentch and exar kun .. . damn were smooth .. .
:::::::: : alderAAn .. blade whq .. speednet .. acidic .. others 2 : :::::::
. So Johnny my love / we got us a witness / now all we gotta do .
is get a preacher / He can probably skip the until dead part
... because Johnny my love youre already dead -Liz Phair ...
Origonal font, lyrical quote and touch-ups by tzeentch,
Background, touch-ups and joint idea by Exar Kun
Substance 6 / tn-toy01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Toy Ascii /
/ For : Tdassasin /
// Why : Invited me in group /
b / / /d
..::::tn// ::::
ToY Ascii - Tickle This
Substance 7 / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : How to Leave the Planet /
/ For : Zippy the girl not in the scene /
// Why : Douglas Adams is God /
Just a little thingy I thought everyone should read...
How to Leave the Planet.
1. Phone NASA. Their phone number is 713 483-3111. Explain that
its very important that you get away as soon as possible.
2. If they do not cooperate, phone any friend you may have in the
White House - 202 456-1414 - to have a word on your behalf with the
gurs at NASA.
3. If you dont have any friends in the White House, phone the
Kremlin ask the overseas operator for 0107-095-295-9051. They dont
have any friends there either at least, none to speak of, but they
do seem to have a little influence, so you may as well try.
4. If that also fails, phone the Pope for guidance. His telephone
number is 011-39-6-6982, and I gather his switchboard is infallible.
5. If all these attempts fail, flag down a passing plying saucer
and explain that its important you get away before your phone bill
-Douglas Adams
Substance 8 / tn-pez01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Pez /
/ For : Nightrain /
// Why : We Rock 713/281 /
/ tn/ : / :
WTF? it sucks... oh well
Substance 9 / tn-llnd1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Lego Land /
/ For : TdAssasin /
// Why : Requested /
:.. ------tn------toy------------ :..
Substance 10 / tn-0tol1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Zero Tolerance /
/ For : Gridlock /
// Why : Requested /
It wont fit on one line and Im not changing it... have fun..,
****NEWS FLASH : brought to you by Relaye and Frosted sugar bombs
The Blade Nations Calendars are 15 days behind
And now back to your unRegularly scheduled programming...
Substance 11 / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Lyrical Quotes /
/ For : Everyone /
// Why : IT had to be in here /
You bought a guitar to punish your ma,
And you didnt like school, and you know youre nobodys fool,
So Welcome to the Machine.
-Pink Floyd, Welcome to the Machine
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in the
-Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
They say Confucious does his Crossword with a pen.
-Tori Amos, Happy Phantom
Now like a bird, she flew away
To chase her dreams of books and praise
Still I miss her, Yeah I miss her
Since shes Gone...
-Type O Negative, Die With Me
Love Remains... Throughout Life, Death and Time...
Throughout the Sweet Beyond.
-The Nixons, Sweet Beyond
Substance 12 / tn-srcr1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : srcr /
/ For : Street Rat /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 13 / tn-wkd10.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Wicked Ascii /
/ For : Fatal Sacriledge /
// Why : Requested /
i // / / /
Wicked Ascii - Were Baaaaaaaack...
Substance 14 / tn-trb01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : The Rebel Base /
/ For : Luke Skywalker /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 15 / tn-undr1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Underfall /
/ For : B3lial /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 16 / tn-totc2.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Total Chaos 2 /
/ For : tds /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 17 / tn-nihil.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil welcome mes. /
/ For : pele /
// Why : Requested /
Welcome to
//tn //
.: nihil : motiv8 whq : sodom ushq :.
Substance 18 / tn-top10.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil topten header /
/ For : pele ONLY /
// Why : Requested /
n i h i l T o p T e n U p l o a d e r s - A l l t i m e
1 pele 4060 megs bye
Substance 19 / tn-nuked.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil nuked header /
/ For : pele ONLY /
// Why : Requested /
n i h i l s l a s t t e n n u k e s
handlecredits nukedreasontitle/
Substance 20 / tn-reqs1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil file requests /
/ For : pele ONLY /
// Why : Requested /
f i l e r e q s f o r n i h i l
reqd bytitlereasonsize/
Substance 21 / tn-mstd1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Mystical Descent /
/ For : Thunder /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 22 / tn-ssshh.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : ssshh /
/ For : tiny3d I have no idea why /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 23 / tn-shnta.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : shanta /
/ For : tiny3d I have no idea why /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / / / /t
Substance 24 / tn-rmrs1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Remorse /
/ For : necrom /
// Why : I got bored /
Remorse: they kick ass. I did this logo just because... oh well
Its too long though... 80 columns, not 79 - deal with it...
Substance 25 / tn-rmrs2.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Remorse /
/ For : necrom /
// Why : I got bored /
This is what the ascii above looked like, but I had to
redo the font size to get it to fit... heh, oh well...
Substance 26 / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : A little Story /
/ For : ALL /
// Why : It had to be said /
There is no real point, though it is kinda a history
of me... whatever...
Substance 27 / tn-reb01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Reb rebellion /
/ For : hliquor /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 28 / tn-ser01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Serial Ascii /
/ For : sargon /
// Why : Requested /
tn/ / / / / / /
A real Quick, sucky logo...
Substance 29 / tn-asylm.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Asylum /
/ For : eclipse /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 30 / tn-negin.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Negative Inirmity /
/ For : eclipse /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / / tn
negin negative infirmity
Substance 31 / tn-zero1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Zero /
/ For : Blazemore /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / /t
/ / / / /n
Substance 32 / tn-opmdz.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Opium Diz /
/ For : Lord Draracle /
// Why : Requested /
/ oO
OPIUM : And you said it would never Happen
Substance 33 / tn-lord2.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : lor diz 2 /
/ For : Lord Draracle /
// Why : Requested /
t // : // /
n . //
Lords Of Renegade Modding Track Number 2
Substance 34 / tn-f0ma1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : f0ma /
/ For : Empathy /
// Why : Requested /
tn. /
foma fma n: harmless untruths intended to comfort
simple souls lies
Kurt Vonnegut Cats Cradle, 1963
Substance 35 / tn-8up01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : the 8up bbs /
/ For : Derranged /
// Why : Requested /
This File was mooched off of the
------- --------------- ------- -------tnblade
the 8up bbs. : 713itr-ules
sop : Derranged : 0-3 Day juaroz
Substance 36 / tn-trn01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : The religious network /
/ For : Driver 8 /
// Why : Requested /
The Religious Network
. . ...n : nnnnnn : /n... . .
Substance 37 / tn-spill.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Spilled Entrails /
/ For : kb /
// Why : Requested /
e n t r a i l s
Substance 38 / tn-flash.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Flash Traffick /
/ For : Meatpod /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / / / /tn
t r a f f i c k
Substance 39 / tn-rtndz.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : RTN Diz /
/ For : MarkGoh /
// Why : Requested /
// / / /t
some game c some company
Disk xx/xx released on: xx/xx/xx
Substance 40 / tn-darkl.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Dark Legends /
/ For : Cappachino /
// Why : Requested /
: tn/
Substance 41 / tn-hacks.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : THE hack shack /
/ For : k-spiff /
// Why : Requested /
THE hack shack... yes, k-spiffs board...
Substance 42 / tn-wow01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Waves of Warez /
/ For : clorox /
// Why : Requested /
tncl/ .:
it was kinda a joint, but its akward
Substance diz / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : the diz /
/ For : the colly /
// Why : blah /
t / /
n/ / /
::tzeentch ascii presents a::
::old-school colly entitled::
:Substance : 42 asc, 1300 ln:
1300 lines
Had I not known
That I was dead
I would have mourned
My loss of life
-Ota Dokan 1486
....,here we go..........................
not tinyz
/ / though tz sometimes
also known as -I ripped my own T
woohoo and stuff...
........... . . : tn
fully drawn out being
/ / / / /tn
Presents another oldschool colly entitled :
substance .-------. tn
This opus is dedicated to the music that I listen to, and at this time
it just so happens to be Joy Division. I kinda took the font above from
their album Substance : 1977-1980, but hey, if the ansi artists can take
stuff out of their favorite comic book, I can take shit from one of my
favorite recordings... I changed the font a little, but I do give the
origonal artist credit, whoever it is.
this colly is not intended for pgup/pgdn because everyone views
these things in a different viewer
During the construction of this colly, I listened to lots of shit...
Many many CDs, so here is a list of a few:
Joy Division : Substance of course, Joy Division : Still, Gravity
Kills, Tool : Undertow, Liz Phair : Whip Smart Exile in Guyville,
Stabbing Westward, The Cure, Type O Negative, The Last of the Mohicans
soundtrack, My Dying Bride, Operatoin Ivy, NOFX, and Mushroom Jazz
Why Greets in the beginning?!? Simply because half of the people never
get to the end for some reason or another and dont see them at all.
: nightrain : blazemore : sargon : mindcrime : exar kun :
: lord draracle : hliquor : ohseven : regulator : zippy :
: computer man : tdassasin : suixide : eyeball 817 :
: belial : ca1n : gridlock : fatal sacrilege : street rat :
: master ice : bob smith : lukesky : meatpot : eclipse :
: clorox : crash : gdr :
-ALL of Blade and Serial : keep drawing and stuff-
FINE then, here goes nothing...
what.../ /FOR ..
1 Stoned Henge Musket Stoned
2 Lords of Renegade Diz / Lord Draracle
3 Oz Infect
4 The Deep Ca1n
5 Alderaan joint with Exar Kun Mindcrime
6 Toy Ascii Tdassasin
7 A Little Thingy-Thing Zippy the girl
8 Pez Nightrain
9 Lego Land tdassasin
10 Zero Tolerance Gridlock
11 Lyrical Quotes Everyone
12 srcr Street Rat
13 Wicked Ascii Fatal Sacrilege
14 The Rebel Base Luke Skywalker
15 Underfall b3lial
16 Total Chaos 2 tds
17 Nihil Welcome message pele
18 Nihil Top Ten Header pele
19 Nihil Nuked files Header pele
20 Nihil requests Header pele
21 Mystical Descent thunder
22 ssshh tiny3d
23 shanta tiny3d
24 Remorse - Just because nECROM
25 Remorse - the same nECROM
26 A little Story ALL
27 Reb Rebellion hliquor
28 Serial Ascii sargon
29 Asylum eclipse
30 Negative Infirmity eclipse
31 Zero Blazemore
32 opm Diz Lord Draracle
33 lor diz 2 Lord Draracle
34 f0ma Empathy
35 the 8up BBS Derranged
36 The Religious Network Driver 8
37 Spilled Entrails kb
38 Flash Traffick Meatpod
39 RTN Diz MarkGoh
40 Dark Legends Cappachino
41 The Hack Shack k-spiff
42 Waves of Warez clorox
I must not phear. Phear is the mind killer
Phear is the littl death that brings total obliteration
I will face my phear.
I will permit it to pass through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn
The inner eye to see its path.
Where the phear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain
-Bene Gesserit kinda
Substance 1 / tn-sh01.asc /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Stoned Henge /
/ For : Musket Stoned /
// Why : Requested /
-----tn---.-- ------ ---.
Substance 2 / tn-lordz.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Lords of Renegade Diz /
/ For : Lord Draracle /
// Why : Requested /
Lords of Renegade Modding - Jan 97
Pigs are Sheep and cats are dogs and
thoughts are made of Lincoln logs.
Substance 3 / tn-oz.asc
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Oz /
/ For : Infect /
// Why : Requested /
Theres not much you can do with OZ, so deal with it
and dammit Im lazy
Substance 4 / tn-deep1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : The Deep /
/ For : Ca1n /
// Why : Requested /
----- -----tn.-----
ah shit... I hate doing Ps, but oh well, they all suck
Substance 5 / us-ald01.asc/
------------------------------- joint !42!/
Title : Alderaan /
/ For : Mindcrime /
// Why : Ex and I got bored. /
. .. The Blade ascii pimps tzeentch and exar kun .. . damn were smooth .. .
:::::::: : alderAAn .. blade whq .. speednet .. acidic .. others 2 : :::::::
. So Johnny my love / we got us a witness / now all we gotta do .
is get a preacher / He can probably skip the until dead part
... because Johnny my love youre already dead -Liz Phair ...
Origonal font, lyrical quote and touch-ups by tzeentch,
Background, touch-ups and joint idea by Exar Kun
Substance 6 / tn-toy01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Toy Ascii /
/ For : Tdassasin /
// Why : Invited me in group /
b / / /d
..::::tn// ::::
ToY Ascii - Tickle This
Substance 7 / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : How to Leave the Planet /
/ For : Zippy the girl not in the scene /
// Why : Douglas Adams is God /
Just a little thingy I thought everyone should read...
How to Leave the Planet.
1. Phone NASA. Their phone number is 713 483-3111. Explain that
its very important that you get away as soon as possible.
2. If they do not cooperate, phone any friend you may have in the
White House - 202 456-1414 - to have a word on your behalf with the
gurs at NASA.
3. If you dont have any friends in the White House, phone the
Kremlin ask the overseas operator for 0107-095-295-9051. They dont
have any friends there either at least, none to speak of, but they
do seem to have a little influence, so you may as well try.
4. If that also fails, phone the Pope for guidance. His telephone
number is 011-39-6-6982, and I gather his switchboard is infallible.
5. If all these attempts fail, flag down a passing plying saucer
and explain that its important you get away before your phone bill
-Douglas Adams
Substance 8 / tn-pez01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Pez /
/ For : Nightrain /
// Why : We Rock 713/281 /
/ tn/ : / :
WTF? it sucks... oh well
Substance 9 / tn-llnd1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Lego Land /
/ For : TdAssasin /
// Why : Requested /
:.. ------tn------toy------------ :..
Substance 10 / tn-0tol1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Zero Tolerance /
/ For : Gridlock /
// Why : Requested /
It wont fit on one line and Im not changing it... have fun..,
****NEWS FLASH : brought to you by Relaye and Frosted sugar bombs
The Blade Nations Calendars are 15 days behind
And now back to your unRegularly scheduled programming...
Substance 11 / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Lyrical Quotes /
/ For : Everyone /
// Why : IT had to be in here /
You bought a guitar to punish your ma,
And you didnt like school, and you know youre nobodys fool,
So Welcome to the Machine.
-Pink Floyd, Welcome to the Machine
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in the
-Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
They say Confucious does his Crossword with a pen.
-Tori Amos, Happy Phantom
Now like a bird, she flew away
To chase her dreams of books and praise
Still I miss her, Yeah I miss her
Since shes Gone...
-Type O Negative, Die With Me
Love Remains... Throughout Life, Death and Time...
Throughout the Sweet Beyond.
-The Nixons, Sweet Beyond
Substance 12 / tn-srcr1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : srcr /
/ For : Street Rat /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 13 / tn-wkd10.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Wicked Ascii /
/ For : Fatal Sacriledge /
// Why : Requested /
i // / / /
Wicked Ascii - Were Baaaaaaaack...
Substance 14 / tn-trb01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : The Rebel Base /
/ For : Luke Skywalker /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 15 / tn-undr1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Underfall /
/ For : B3lial /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 16 / tn-totc2.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Total Chaos 2 /
/ For : tds /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 17 / tn-nihil.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil welcome mes. /
/ For : pele /
// Why : Requested /
Welcome to
//tn //
.: nihil : motiv8 whq : sodom ushq :.
Substance 18 / tn-top10.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil topten header /
/ For : pele ONLY /
// Why : Requested /
n i h i l T o p T e n U p l o a d e r s - A l l t i m e
1 pele 4060 megs bye
Substance 19 / tn-nuked.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil nuked header /
/ For : pele ONLY /
// Why : Requested /
n i h i l s l a s t t e n n u k e s
handlecredits nukedreasontitle/
Substance 20 / tn-reqs1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : nihil file requests /
/ For : pele ONLY /
// Why : Requested /
f i l e r e q s f o r n i h i l
reqd bytitlereasonsize/
Substance 21 / tn-mstd1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Mystical Descent /
/ For : Thunder /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 22 / tn-ssshh.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : ssshh /
/ For : tiny3d I have no idea why /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 23 / tn-shnta.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : shanta /
/ For : tiny3d I have no idea why /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / / / /t
Substance 24 / tn-rmrs1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Remorse /
/ For : necrom /
// Why : I got bored /
Remorse: they kick ass. I did this logo just because... oh well
Its too long though... 80 columns, not 79 - deal with it...
Substance 25 / tn-rmrs2.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Remorse /
/ For : necrom /
// Why : I got bored /
This is what the ascii above looked like, but I had to
redo the font size to get it to fit... heh, oh well...
Substance 26 / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : A little Story /
/ For : ALL /
// Why : It had to be said /
There is no real point, though it is kinda a history
of me... whatever...
Substance 27 / tn-reb01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Reb rebellion /
/ For : hliquor /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 28 / tn-ser01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Serial Ascii /
/ For : sargon /
// Why : Requested /
tn/ / / / / / /
A real Quick, sucky logo...
Substance 29 / tn-asylm.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Asylum /
/ For : eclipse /
// Why : Requested /
Substance 30 / tn-negin.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Negative Inirmity /
/ For : eclipse /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / / tn
negin negative infirmity
Substance 31 / tn-zero1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Zero /
/ For : Blazemore /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / /t
/ / / / /n
Substance 32 / tn-opmdz.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Opium Diz /
/ For : Lord Draracle /
// Why : Requested /
/ oO
OPIUM : And you said it would never Happen
Substance 33 / tn-lord2.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : lor diz 2 /
/ For : Lord Draracle /
// Why : Requested /
t // : // /
n . //
Lords Of Renegade Modding Track Number 2
Substance 34 / tn-f0ma1.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : f0ma /
/ For : Empathy /
// Why : Requested /
tn. /
foma fma n: harmless untruths intended to comfort
simple souls lies
Kurt Vonnegut Cats Cradle, 1963
Substance 35 / tn-8up01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : the 8up bbs /
/ For : Derranged /
// Why : Requested /
This File was mooched off of the
------- --------------- ------- -------tnblade
the 8up bbs. : 713itr-ules
sop : Derranged : 0-3 Day juaroz
Substance 36 / tn-trn01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : The religious network /
/ For : Driver 8 /
// Why : Requested /
The Religious Network
. . ...n : nnnnnn : /n... . .
Substance 37 / tn-spill.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Spilled Entrails /
/ For : kb /
// Why : Requested /
e n t r a i l s
Substance 38 / tn-flash.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Flash Traffick /
/ For : Meatpod /
// Why : Requested /
/ / / / / /tn
t r a f f i c k
Substance 39 / tn-rtndz.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : RTN Diz /
/ For : MarkGoh /
// Why : Requested /
// / / /t
some game c some company
Disk xx/xx released on: xx/xx/xx
Substance 40 / tn-darkl.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Dark Legends /
/ For : Cappachino /
// Why : Requested /
: tn/
Substance 41 / tn-hacks.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : THE hack shack /
/ For : k-spiff /
// Why : Requested /
THE hack shack... yes, k-spiffs board...
Substance 42 / tn-wow01.asc/
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : Waves of Warez /
/ For : clorox /
// Why : Requested /
tncl/ .:
it was kinda a joint, but its akward
Substance diz / /
------------------------------- !42!/
Title : the diz /
/ For : the colly /
// Why : blah /
t / /
n/ / /
::tzeentch ascii presents a::
::old-school colly entitled::
:Substance : 42 asc, 1300 ln:
1300 lines
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