this image contains text
hey all, this month ive gone full-on bw ascii. expect more colours next month.for now just sit tight and enjoy the fuzzy little characters on your screens, infront of your funny looking faces. free logo requests at oxidizer@mailmasher.comalso, check out my 1st pic somewhere in this pack. should be called ox-0297b.asc
y :
: .g. .g. .g. .g. .g. .g. .g. :
: : Pss : : Pss : : : : : : ?l j7 ?l j ?l j7 ?l j ?l j7 ?l j7 ?l j7
: ? : : o
?, j x
..: .. ... .. .. . .: . . . .. .. . gehenna . +o fruitcakeforce .:..
-blade diz--------------------------------------------------------------------
february release from the blade nation
we own youtm so phear us bitch.
-blade buyback offer----------------------------------------------------------
y ?syy - .,yy,. +y7 ssy
s + phear ?P?P .,y,. ss
.,,. YP the blade YP?b .,,.
??P nation.. :: :: l ?P?P
yQly+ylB yT: yyyyyyy yyTQp+qQLyy yT: :l ydby
j,,dl, jl,,jl ,db, ,db, jl,,jP ,Ql,dQs,
a word from our sponsor: the blade nation is trying to take over the yP
world but were low on cash so we devised the perfect plan to raise j o S the funds required for global domination. you see, we own you and s x ? l so heres our special new offer: buy yourself back from us. send ,? ! , l us ten US dollars for every kilogram of yourself you want back. jl b b,s add 5 for postage and packaging. if you live outside US, ,7 j l sb,,, send additional 7. its the perfect birthday gift, ,s7 j a P, ,?, get your friends or relatives just what they have , .jP, d ,sdjb.ss, always wanted, themselves back. hurry, offer ,sys,db,,d e ,b,,d,. is valid for a limited time only. .sb,Y,dP j,sb
s,sbsdQss,, .. .. .....,, s QbsdsP jb,
-blade logo-------------------------------------------------------------------
: ,dP?b, :
i P?b, ,dP? ,dP? i
l l
8 .. 8
i i i: bl4d3 :i i
ili ili OX ili,..,li ili
li8li li8li li8li li8li li8li
ll l8 jl ll l8 jl ll l8 jl ll l8 jl ll l8 jl
l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l
47 47
T phear the blade nation for we are T
l the owners and you are the ownees l
y :
: .g. .g. .g. .g. .g. .g. .g. :
: : Pss : : Pss : : : : : : ?l j7 ?l j ?l j7 ?l j ?l j7 ?l j7 ?l j7
: ? : : o
?, j x
..: .. ... .. .. . .: . . . .. .. . gehenna . +o fruitcakeforce .:..
-blade diz--------------------------------------------------------------------
february release from the blade nation
we own youtm so phear us bitch.
-blade buyback offer----------------------------------------------------------
y ?syy - .,yy,. +y7 ssy
s + phear ?P?P .,y,. ss
.,,. YP the blade YP?b .,,.
??P nation.. :: :: l ?P?P
yQly+ylB yT: yyyyyyy yyTQp+qQLyy yT: :l ydby
j,,dl, jl,,jl ,db, ,db, jl,,jP ,Ql,dQs,
a word from our sponsor: the blade nation is trying to take over the yP
world but were low on cash so we devised the perfect plan to raise j o S the funds required for global domination. you see, we own you and s x ? l so heres our special new offer: buy yourself back from us. send ,? ! , l us ten US dollars for every kilogram of yourself you want back. jl b b,s add 5 for postage and packaging. if you live outside US, ,7 j l sb,,, send additional 7. its the perfect birthday gift, ,s7 j a P, ,?, get your friends or relatives just what they have , .jP, d ,sdjb.ss, always wanted, themselves back. hurry, offer ,sys,db,,d e ,b,,d,. is valid for a limited time only. .sb,Y,dP j,sb
s,sbsdQss,, .. .. .....,, s QbsdsP jb,
-blade logo-------------------------------------------------------------------
: ,dP?b, :
i P?b, ,dP? ,dP? i
l l
8 .. 8
i i i: bl4d3 :i i
ili ili OX ili,..,li ili
li8li li8li li8li li8li li8li
ll l8 jl ll l8 jl ll l8 jl ll l8 jl ll l8 jl
l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l ?, ,P l
47 47
T phear the blade nation for we are T
l the owners and you are the ownees l
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