this image contains text
the blade nation presents :
the edge is a propagand
a vehicle for the blade nation
welcome to our revolu
the edge - the blade informational textfile - vo
lume 3 / issue 12
the end of the
original - an infinite spawn of new reality
contents -- the edge
:: volume three, issue twelve
the blade nation :: fe
bruary ninety seven
our affiliates :: febr
uary ninety seven
come to me...
ill be your guardian angel.
elcome to the february edition of our collec
tive consciousness.
this epic marks the last of our third year of existance
. the blade
nation has come a long way in those three years, and we
plan to take
it even further as we gaze upon the future and the dawn
ing of an
infinite plane of reality as the new millennium app
as if our life to this point hasnt been exciting enoug
h, what lies
ahead for the members of our clan will spark the releas
e of our
kinetic energy as we strive to not only provide the wor
ld with
the visual and audio representations of our souls, but
also the
wisdom of our minds. it is in the time when the world s
eems most
doomed that we leave it up to a small band of merciless
to reform our collective existance. enter the blade nat
in your time of infinite despair, come to us: well be
your guardian
- mindcrime of the blade nation
hack the heads off l
ittle girls and put them on my wall
he screaming wontons air hockey tea
was out in full force earlier this m
as we celebrated ediciuss trip to
dutchland. we shipped him off there to
not only aquire a toadload of
stuff for
the blade nation, but also to get his
bitchy little ass out of our h
anyways, we had an all out war night,
with several members of the team playing
upwards of seven games a piece.
mindcrime, seen to the left
, who was full
of angst, donned his amazingly decorat
ANGST MALLET tm and acted the
part of the bu
s driver, taking EVERYONE
to school.
current rankings are as follows -
1. m
2. dimes
3. belial
4. grey hawk
2 to 231
5. jason
7. k
8. capp
this weekend, the team travels to skidmo
college to face dimes on his home court.
play that beat
, play that beat, BANG!
s the oonce played through our head one day
, we decided what a
spectacular idea it would be to have our very own
blade music disk!
thats right, folks, weve spawned a race of superhuman
trackers and
theyre coming out in full force.
officially named revelation, the division fo
rmerly known as blade
music is working hard to bring you the most amazing com
puter generated
tunes youve ever heard. the talent in this division is
so be looking for the music disk sometime during the ne
xt month or so.
doing jus
t for the cause.
lade productions, in an unparalled
move, has deployed a team of
supernaturally enhanced life forms, armed with speciall
ed designed
neutron splatter guns, to sieze control of the planet j
upiter. the
members of the blade nation, realizing their full poten
tial, have
expanded their horizons. we no longer desire to control
just this
lowly planet earth, but the entire universe.
the blade nation fully plans on bringing ultimate peace
to this entire
plane of existance, and perhaps even other ones as well
. reached for
comment, the leader of the blade nation, mindcrime, had
this to say:
were just doing what we can to make this world..
er.. universe a better place. SNAP INTO A
GRRRRRRRRRRR. Heh, sorry, ive always wan
ted to do
that on camera.
the sign said that long haired,
freaky people need not apply.
you cant fire
eople just dont seem to get it. you
just dont LEAVE the blade nation. its
i quit!
dumb! if you were in a group of people
hellbent on ruling the world, wouldnt
you stay? well, hell, we beat em to the
punch this month. with our amazing
telepathic powers, we determined who was
on the verge of quitting and we just
kicked em right the fuck out.
kyo was kicked in the ass and told not to
let the bankick hit him on the way out.
seems his sorry ass was so far away, out
in the hawaiian jungle, that he just couldnt
grasp hanging out with a bunch of mainlanders.
xEDGEx was brought out back and shot to
the natural was caught in the sack with
ediciuss new girlfriend, and was promptly
expelled from the group. needless to say,
edi will never be the same again.
spear was all bitching about how the scene
sucked and all, and we just KNEW he was about
to hang up the ole boxer shorts and take a
nude dive into that thing called real life,
so we smacked him with a fuckstick and sent
him on his way.
lipstick stains her glass of red wine.
our all too goth! and so are all our
new members, of whose
blood we have been drinking for the past month in celeb
ration of
their joining of our illustrious team. just think, you
too can be
goth! just join the blade nation and youll
be an honorary goth
fractal prances around the blade nation
in a black dress, because
hes not only goth, hes a queerie.
the emperor is busy coding a goth screen saver
or something. it may
even be an almighty blade nation utility for
creating letter bombs.
the mage is one of those euro-goths. hes goof
y and likes to code
dark and gothic demos and loaders.
trobriand, who joined last month but i think i
forgot to mention him,
likes to track alot of goth music. be my druidess, trob
i can hold t
he world in my virtual hand.
... hich brings us to the end of our journey
through the month of
february. not a bad month, if i do say so myself. but n
ext month,
id emplore you to be ready for an all out art explosio
n in
celebration of three years of blade productions
. until then, my
friends, be excellent to each other.
oh, and if youre wondering where the usual wacky and z
any issue
of the edge went, then youre lame! actually
, we decided to take
a break from the nuttiness, as it was getting sorta old
. but worry
not, keen observer, for next month we shall have someth
ing new
and improved as we work the entire month JUST to bring
you another
exciting edition of your favorite art group info file.
- mindcrime of the blade nation
hats right, folks, a CONTEST!*@ woop!! here
s how we play:
each one of the article header/dividers above contains
a quote.
this quote is a lyric from a song! you guessed it, folk
s, name
that lyric! the first person to correctly identify the
and song title that contains each of the lyrics wins a
OFFICIAL MINDCRIME ANSI!!!! just think, be t
he only one on your
block to have an ansi from a guy who just about never d
raws ansi.
send your answers to: mike@exit109.com
please have your mail contain the quote, the artist, an
d the song
title. the person to come closest to getting them all w
leader of the revolution:
AI-L-- mindcrime ....................
.................... mike@exit109.com
senior staff:
IL belial .......................
.................... marc@netlabs.net
L edicius ....................
..................... edi@cybercomm.net
AI grey hawk ..................
..................... grey@infi-pos.com
L cappacino .......li
terature................ cbowers@sup
C dark knight .....co
ding......................... darky@
I- exar-kun ........as
cii..................... koondo
AM grymmjack .......mu
sic.................... themutant@h
A metallic blood ..
A whiteraven ......an
si...................... whtraven@ar
V raveged wanderer.hi
gh resolution................. rw@sh
V aninimal ...................
..................... aninimal@cris.com
V charr ......................
..................... charr@matches.com
* AV creator ..............
............................ cr34t0r@juno.com
M dead soul ................
FTP dimes ...................
.................... sdiamond@skidmore.edu
L dyz .....................
I exar kun .....................
............... koondog@ix.netcom.com
A fractal ....................
I hard liqour ..................
I ironman ......................
A kiwi ....................
............ kiwi.justice@sylvania.sev.org
L q ............................
....................... hu.86@osu.edu
V liquid blue ..................
................... disco@javanet.com
L lonestar ........................
........... ttoth@earth.execpc.com AI
lucifer ............................
.......... lucifer@injersey.com *
L luke skywalker ..........
* AI mass murderer ........
............................ murd@digifro.com
I meltdown .................
I oxidizer .....................
............. oxidizer@mailmasher.com
M paladin ......................
I queerkilla ...................
.................. cuekay@hotmail.com
V raveged wanderer ..............
.................... rw@shocking.com
A rebal ............................
............... slntrage@cris.com *
I risu ....................
....................... puke@ix.netcom.com
* A splatt .................
C the emperor ..........
* I the illusionist ......
C the mage ...................
I the masked marauder .....
I torgo ........................
................. torgo@geocities.com
toth ............................
L tron powerhouse ............
...................... tronepic@tir.com
M trobriand .............
* I tzeentch .............
* A unique phreak ........
I zempf ........................
L zion .........................
counterpoint .....................................
darkman ..........................................
errant angel .....................................
facsimile ........................................
flux .............................................
soul seeker ......................................
.... soulman@cybercomm.net
tourian ..........................................
. tourian@angel.heaven.god
* - denotes known dual gro
! - several people have been deleted from this l
ist due to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitute r
emoval from the group.
affiliated outposts
908 mindcrime
: galactic temple
the regency n/a
: internet shrin
apocalypse 201
napalm :
eastern shrine
harvest moon 2
16 quran :
central shrine
divine madness 810
: western shrine
free coke 514
the night angel :
canadian shrine
arcane +61
intense :
australian shrine
prevail +46
rex :
swedish shrine
the legends! +32
ortega :
belgian shrine
mater pound 385
: croatian shrine
altconn +55
: brazilian shrine
ravebase +41
: swiss shrine
optical illusion +47
: norwegian shrine
ironyx +31
: dutch shrine
the rebel base 718
luke skywalker :
distribution outpost
internet email mike@exit109.c
world wide web http://w
file transfer
NOTE: sites that do not contact mike@
exit109.com before
march 1st will be removed from this list.
all the sugar and twice the caffeine.
end of file
the edge is a propagand
a vehicle for the blade nation
welcome to our revolu
the edge - the blade informational textfile - vo
lume 3 / issue 12
the end of the
original - an infinite spawn of new reality
contents -- the edge
:: volume three, issue twelve
the blade nation :: fe
bruary ninety seven
our affiliates :: febr
uary ninety seven
come to me...
ill be your guardian angel.
elcome to the february edition of our collec
tive consciousness.
this epic marks the last of our third year of existance
. the blade
nation has come a long way in those three years, and we
plan to take
it even further as we gaze upon the future and the dawn
ing of an
infinite plane of reality as the new millennium app
as if our life to this point hasnt been exciting enoug
h, what lies
ahead for the members of our clan will spark the releas
e of our
kinetic energy as we strive to not only provide the wor
ld with
the visual and audio representations of our souls, but
also the
wisdom of our minds. it is in the time when the world s
eems most
doomed that we leave it up to a small band of merciless
to reform our collective existance. enter the blade nat
in your time of infinite despair, come to us: well be
your guardian
- mindcrime of the blade nation
hack the heads off l
ittle girls and put them on my wall
he screaming wontons air hockey tea
was out in full force earlier this m
as we celebrated ediciuss trip to
dutchland. we shipped him off there to
not only aquire a toadload of
stuff for
the blade nation, but also to get his
bitchy little ass out of our h
anyways, we had an all out war night,
with several members of the team playing
upwards of seven games a piece.
mindcrime, seen to the left
, who was full
of angst, donned his amazingly decorat
ANGST MALLET tm and acted the
part of the bu
s driver, taking EVERYONE
to school.
current rankings are as follows -
1. m
2. dimes
3. belial
4. grey hawk
2 to 231
5. jason
7. k
8. capp
this weekend, the team travels to skidmo
college to face dimes on his home court.
play that beat
, play that beat, BANG!
s the oonce played through our head one day
, we decided what a
spectacular idea it would be to have our very own
blade music disk!
thats right, folks, weve spawned a race of superhuman
trackers and
theyre coming out in full force.
officially named revelation, the division fo
rmerly known as blade
music is working hard to bring you the most amazing com
puter generated
tunes youve ever heard. the talent in this division is
so be looking for the music disk sometime during the ne
xt month or so.
doing jus
t for the cause.
lade productions, in an unparalled
move, has deployed a team of
supernaturally enhanced life forms, armed with speciall
ed designed
neutron splatter guns, to sieze control of the planet j
upiter. the
members of the blade nation, realizing their full poten
tial, have
expanded their horizons. we no longer desire to control
just this
lowly planet earth, but the entire universe.
the blade nation fully plans on bringing ultimate peace
to this entire
plane of existance, and perhaps even other ones as well
. reached for
comment, the leader of the blade nation, mindcrime, had
this to say:
were just doing what we can to make this world..
er.. universe a better place. SNAP INTO A
GRRRRRRRRRRR. Heh, sorry, ive always wan
ted to do
that on camera.
the sign said that long haired,
freaky people need not apply.
you cant fire
eople just dont seem to get it. you
just dont LEAVE the blade nation. its
i quit!
dumb! if you were in a group of people
hellbent on ruling the world, wouldnt
you stay? well, hell, we beat em to the
punch this month. with our amazing
telepathic powers, we determined who was
on the verge of quitting and we just
kicked em right the fuck out.
kyo was kicked in the ass and told not to
let the bankick hit him on the way out.
seems his sorry ass was so far away, out
in the hawaiian jungle, that he just couldnt
grasp hanging out with a bunch of mainlanders.
xEDGEx was brought out back and shot to
the natural was caught in the sack with
ediciuss new girlfriend, and was promptly
expelled from the group. needless to say,
edi will never be the same again.
spear was all bitching about how the scene
sucked and all, and we just KNEW he was about
to hang up the ole boxer shorts and take a
nude dive into that thing called real life,
so we smacked him with a fuckstick and sent
him on his way.
lipstick stains her glass of red wine.
our all too goth! and so are all our
new members, of whose
blood we have been drinking for the past month in celeb
ration of
their joining of our illustrious team. just think, you
too can be
goth! just join the blade nation and youll
be an honorary goth
fractal prances around the blade nation
in a black dress, because
hes not only goth, hes a queerie.
the emperor is busy coding a goth screen saver
or something. it may
even be an almighty blade nation utility for
creating letter bombs.
the mage is one of those euro-goths. hes goof
y and likes to code
dark and gothic demos and loaders.
trobriand, who joined last month but i think i
forgot to mention him,
likes to track alot of goth music. be my druidess, trob
i can hold t
he world in my virtual hand.
... hich brings us to the end of our journey
through the month of
february. not a bad month, if i do say so myself. but n
ext month,
id emplore you to be ready for an all out art explosio
n in
celebration of three years of blade productions
. until then, my
friends, be excellent to each other.
oh, and if youre wondering where the usual wacky and z
any issue
of the edge went, then youre lame! actually
, we decided to take
a break from the nuttiness, as it was getting sorta old
. but worry
not, keen observer, for next month we shall have someth
ing new
and improved as we work the entire month JUST to bring
you another
exciting edition of your favorite art group info file.
- mindcrime of the blade nation
hats right, folks, a CONTEST!*@ woop!! here
s how we play:
each one of the article header/dividers above contains
a quote.
this quote is a lyric from a song! you guessed it, folk
s, name
that lyric! the first person to correctly identify the
and song title that contains each of the lyrics wins a
OFFICIAL MINDCRIME ANSI!!!! just think, be t
he only one on your
block to have an ansi from a guy who just about never d
raws ansi.
send your answers to: mike@exit109.com
please have your mail contain the quote, the artist, an
d the song
title. the person to come closest to getting them all w
leader of the revolution:
AI-L-- mindcrime ....................
.................... mike@exit109.com
senior staff:
IL belial .......................
.................... marc@netlabs.net
L edicius ....................
..................... edi@cybercomm.net
AI grey hawk ..................
..................... grey@infi-pos.com
L cappacino .......li
terature................ cbowers@sup
C dark knight .....co
ding......................... darky@
I- exar-kun ........as
cii..................... koondo
AM grymmjack .......mu
sic.................... themutant@h
A metallic blood ..
A whiteraven ......an
si...................... whtraven@ar
V raveged wanderer.hi
gh resolution................. rw@sh
V aninimal ...................
..................... aninimal@cris.com
V charr ......................
..................... charr@matches.com
* AV creator ..............
............................ cr34t0r@juno.com
M dead soul ................
FTP dimes ...................
.................... sdiamond@skidmore.edu
L dyz .....................
I exar kun .....................
............... koondog@ix.netcom.com
A fractal ....................
I hard liqour ..................
I ironman ......................
A kiwi ....................
............ kiwi.justice@sylvania.sev.org
L q ............................
....................... hu.86@osu.edu
V liquid blue ..................
................... disco@javanet.com
L lonestar ........................
........... ttoth@earth.execpc.com AI
lucifer ............................
.......... lucifer@injersey.com *
L luke skywalker ..........
* AI mass murderer ........
............................ murd@digifro.com
I meltdown .................
I oxidizer .....................
............. oxidizer@mailmasher.com
M paladin ......................
I queerkilla ...................
.................. cuekay@hotmail.com
V raveged wanderer ..............
.................... rw@shocking.com
A rebal ............................
............... slntrage@cris.com *
I risu ....................
....................... puke@ix.netcom.com
* A splatt .................
C the emperor ..........
* I the illusionist ......
C the mage ...................
I the masked marauder .....
I torgo ........................
................. torgo@geocities.com
toth ............................
L tron powerhouse ............
...................... tronepic@tir.com
M trobriand .............
* I tzeentch .............
* A unique phreak ........
I zempf ........................
L zion .........................
counterpoint .....................................
darkman ..........................................
errant angel .....................................
facsimile ........................................
flux .............................................
soul seeker ......................................
.... soulman@cybercomm.net
tourian ..........................................
. tourian@angel.heaven.god
* - denotes known dual gro
! - several people have been deleted from this l
ist due to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitute r
emoval from the group.
affiliated outposts
908 mindcrime
: galactic temple
the regency n/a
: internet shrin
apocalypse 201
napalm :
eastern shrine
harvest moon 2
16 quran :
central shrine
divine madness 810
: western shrine
free coke 514
the night angel :
canadian shrine
arcane +61
intense :
australian shrine
prevail +46
rex :
swedish shrine
the legends! +32
ortega :
belgian shrine
mater pound 385
: croatian shrine
altconn +55
: brazilian shrine
ravebase +41
: swiss shrine
optical illusion +47
: norwegian shrine
ironyx +31
: dutch shrine
the rebel base 718
luke skywalker :
distribution outpost
internet email mike@exit109.c
world wide web http://w
file transfer
NOTE: sites that do not contact mike@
exit109.com before
march 1st will be removed from this list.
all the sugar and twice the caffeine.
end of file
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