this image contains text
welcome.... ..
to.... siP!, sip!
/ its a straw
nn / / : / /
tn // / / :
100 pure tn asc :
throughout the whole colly. -.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
Usually brought to you by Coke, Pepsi,:Mountain Dew , Jolt, Root
Beer and the like, but is now brought to U:by me.....
/ / / : :/ : n
tn/ : : : : : / : : :
tzeentch, yea, yea, yea... of blade and pez ascii. I was with jive,
But Tomcat cant lead a group too well... I left...hehehehe now Im having
fun just drawing when I want and liking it. yea, yea, yea... on with the
Colly... here goes...
.......... : l ...........
:.....: tn : / :
Title who 4... /
0 Caffeine.nfo the masses
1 Blade blade
! 2 Technological Breakdown master ice !
3 42 douglas adams
4 Zero blazemore
5 Dinosaur Salad goro
6 Tidbits everyone
7 Hellfire fryguy
8 Devils Rage ninja spirit
9 Abraxas everlast mHz
10 ABCB Cafe kyosuke
11 Cid - Couriers in Demand ace
12 TROC - The Realms Of Chaos the overlord
13 P2:iop lord draracle
14 tcd - The Crows Domain reverthion
15 the ego builder me
16 Enigmatic Poop suixide
17 Autobot City Bob Smith
18 The Diz the Colly
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Caffeine.nfo .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: the masses
... // Why the hell I did it- general good stuff...
Welcome to my first real old-school colly, entitled Caffeine. This
colly is respectfully dedicated to Tangerine who lives in Brenham Texas, and has absolutely nothing to do with the scene. She is my sister incarnate
much more than a best friend. I was recectly staying at her house, drinking Lots of coffee and having lots of fun... When I got back, I started this colly, naming it after what caused it. It is only by Caffeine that I survive and function. If you like what you see, e-mail requests to:
*** locnar@ix.netcom.com ***
and Ill get it too you quickly. You can also find me on irc in blade yea us! and in ascii as tzeentch or tzeen.
I spent a good 3 hours disecting all of the kts, trank and remorse packs that I could get my hands on last night, and feel that tinyz is prolly the
most inovative ascii artist of his time. In the spirit of tz of which some call my initials even though I go by TN I will do a nice little info part
to look at:
information on Caffeine: //
Time : 12 hours not all at once
... Computer : between my P100 and my 486.
Total Asciis :
The Drinks : 9 Dr. Peppers, 3 Mocha Cappuchino made them myself
The Music the MOST important part:
Type O Negative - October Rust, Origin of the Feces
MU330 - Chumps on Parade
The Last of the Mohicans - Soundtrack, Misfits of Ska
. NOFX - Punk in Drublic
:. Dinosaur Jr. - Without a Sound, Where you been /
..: Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes, The Crow : Orchestral Score /
:... The Neverending Story Soundtrack /
::::...: Macross Plus - Soundtrack, Akira - Soundtrack /
: The Suspects - Ninty-nine Paid /
: The Cure - Paris /
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Blade .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: blade and me and stuff
... // Why the hell I did it- got bored ...
n. / . / /
/ / ! tnaskeii/
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: TECHNOlogical BREAKdown .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Master Ice
... // Why the hell I did it- got bored ...
/ / / / tn/
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: 42 .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Douglas Adams and me.
... // Why the hell I did it- it is the answer ...
/ /42!tn!/
It is the answer to Life, The Universe, and EVERYTHING!
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Zer0 .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Blazemore
... // Why the hell I did it- I was bored ...
// // //tn//
opped by blazemore, best rene config in 713/281
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Dinosaur Salad .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Goro
... // Why the hell I did it- I was bored ...
/ / / / /tn
:Dinosaur Salad:
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: tidbits of info... .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Everyone@
... // Why the hell I did it- ah fuck it... ...
Detach Celophane from fruit-roll-up before eating
-actually on a fruit-roll-up wrapper. Seriously.
Dang spelled backwards is Gnad...
-something I made up with a friend.
Send a Gay, Jewish, cussing, endangered whaleto the chair! said Jesus
-The bumper sticker that pisses EVERYONE off.
Its harder to be friends than lovers, and you shouldnt try to mix the
two. Cause if you do it and youre still unhappy, you know that the
problem is you.
-That Goddess Liz Phair
Your kisses are as wicked as an F-16, and you fuck like a volcano and
youre everything to me.
-The goddess Liz Phair Again
If Necromancer did all of Asshole his colly in the last remorse pack
in EDIT.COM, why is there a sauce description? hmmm....
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Hellfire .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Fryguy
... // Why the hell I did it- boredom ...
.:, !hellfire!:, :, tn!:, .
pc, ucf, and all that stuff
+o fryguy
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Devils Rage .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Ninja Spirit
... // Why the hell I did it- Razor is nice. ...
// // //.tn.//
Razor 1911 member board - The Premier Warez board in Texas
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title:Abraxas .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: everlast mHz
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
awped by everlast mHz
acid/asciid member board and prolly a lot more stuff
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: More Commandments .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: the masses
... // Why the hell I did it- talking to Cathy ...
More Commandments in addition to the 10
11 - Thou shalt not serve Chinese food cold.
12 - Thou shalt not make coffee decafinated.
13 - Thou shalt not read A Clockwork Orange with 20 chapters, but the
one with 21 chapters.
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: ABCB Cafe .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Kyosuke
... // Why the hell I did it- requested ...
Sorry its new-school, but it just happened....
b. Bdbn. Cbn. Bbn.
db. d. d b. db.
d. b. d. b. d. y
b. b.
b. .sdnnnn. .
n b. b. 4. 4b.
.n.nnnnnnnnn4sss b. nnnnnnnnnd
.d . .dd b. n .d
.d .dd b. .d
y .d y .d d .d
.d .d y .d -tn
gnd y.d blade
y .d
logon apply mail leave
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: CiD - Couriers in Demand .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: ace
... // Why the hell I did it- requested ...
ok, so what if theres another new-school... just bite me...
.n@@. .d@n.
.d d l .d
dl dl
. P .
l l
.d D
C .dl .nn@@@n.
b. d. .
.nn@@b b. .
i dn
g. g.
. tn .
: .g :
. C O U R I E R S . I N . D E M A N D .
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: TROC .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: The Overlord
... // Why the hell I did it- got bored ...
t/ r/ o/ c/
The Realms Of Chaos - sys: The Overlord
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: P2iop .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Lord Draracle
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
/ tn
Pandora 2 : Illusions of Pandora
0ps Lord Draracle
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: tcd .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Reverthion
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
The Crows Domain - 713-com-ing! AGAIN...
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: tzeentch .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: an ego boost
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
/ / / / /:: / / / /tn
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Enigmatic Poop .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Suixide IhatethePs...
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
/ / tn
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Autobot City .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Bob Smith
... // Why the hell I did it- I got bored dammit...
/ -tn- / / /
-Autobot City-
Old Warez, art, Emulators, etc
Controled by Bob Smith and a few others
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: THE diz... .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: caffeine, the colly
... // Why the hell I did it- It had to be. ...
tn/ .
With blade and pez ascii
Presents a Colly entitled:
Done in December by Tzeentch
------End of Colly, 638 lines.------------------------@...
welcome.... ..
to.... siP!, sip!
/ its a straw
nn / / : / /
tn // / / :
100 pure tn asc :
throughout the whole colly. -.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
Usually brought to you by Coke, Pepsi,:Mountain Dew , Jolt, Root
Beer and the like, but is now brought to U:by me.....
/ / / : :/ : n
tn/ : : : : : / : : :
tzeentch, yea, yea, yea... of blade and pez ascii. I was with jive,
But Tomcat cant lead a group too well... I left...hehehehe now Im having
fun just drawing when I want and liking it. yea, yea, yea... on with the
Colly... here goes...
.......... : l ...........
:.....: tn : / :
Title who 4... /
0 Caffeine.nfo the masses
1 Blade blade
! 2 Technological Breakdown master ice !
3 42 douglas adams
4 Zero blazemore
5 Dinosaur Salad goro
6 Tidbits everyone
7 Hellfire fryguy
8 Devils Rage ninja spirit
9 Abraxas everlast mHz
10 ABCB Cafe kyosuke
11 Cid - Couriers in Demand ace
12 TROC - The Realms Of Chaos the overlord
13 P2:iop lord draracle
14 tcd - The Crows Domain reverthion
15 the ego builder me
16 Enigmatic Poop suixide
17 Autobot City Bob Smith
18 The Diz the Colly
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Caffeine.nfo .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: the masses
... // Why the hell I did it- general good stuff...
Welcome to my first real old-school colly, entitled Caffeine. This
colly is respectfully dedicated to Tangerine who lives in Brenham Texas, and has absolutely nothing to do with the scene. She is my sister incarnate
much more than a best friend. I was recectly staying at her house, drinking Lots of coffee and having lots of fun... When I got back, I started this colly, naming it after what caused it. It is only by Caffeine that I survive and function. If you like what you see, e-mail requests to:
*** locnar@ix.netcom.com ***
and Ill get it too you quickly. You can also find me on irc in blade yea us! and in ascii as tzeentch or tzeen.
I spent a good 3 hours disecting all of the kts, trank and remorse packs that I could get my hands on last night, and feel that tinyz is prolly the
most inovative ascii artist of his time. In the spirit of tz of which some call my initials even though I go by TN I will do a nice little info part
to look at:
information on Caffeine: //
Time : 12 hours not all at once
... Computer : between my P100 and my 486.
Total Asciis :
The Drinks : 9 Dr. Peppers, 3 Mocha Cappuchino made them myself
The Music the MOST important part:
Type O Negative - October Rust, Origin of the Feces
MU330 - Chumps on Parade
The Last of the Mohicans - Soundtrack, Misfits of Ska
. NOFX - Punk in Drublic
:. Dinosaur Jr. - Without a Sound, Where you been /
..: Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes, The Crow : Orchestral Score /
:... The Neverending Story Soundtrack /
::::...: Macross Plus - Soundtrack, Akira - Soundtrack /
: The Suspects - Ninty-nine Paid /
: The Cure - Paris /
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Blade .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: blade and me and stuff
... // Why the hell I did it- got bored ...
n. / . / /
/ / ! tnaskeii/
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: TECHNOlogical BREAKdown .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Master Ice
... // Why the hell I did it- got bored ...
/ / / / tn/
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: 42 .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Douglas Adams and me.
... // Why the hell I did it- it is the answer ...
/ /42!tn!/
It is the answer to Life, The Universe, and EVERYTHING!
. . -CAffeine!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Zer0 .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Blazemore
... // Why the hell I did it- I was bored ...
// // //tn//
opped by blazemore, best rene config in 713/281
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Dinosaur Salad .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Goro
... // Why the hell I did it- I was bored ...
/ / / / /tn
:Dinosaur Salad:
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: tidbits of info... .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Everyone@
... // Why the hell I did it- ah fuck it... ...
Detach Celophane from fruit-roll-up before eating
-actually on a fruit-roll-up wrapper. Seriously.
Dang spelled backwards is Gnad...
-something I made up with a friend.
Send a Gay, Jewish, cussing, endangered whaleto the chair! said Jesus
-The bumper sticker that pisses EVERYONE off.
Its harder to be friends than lovers, and you shouldnt try to mix the
two. Cause if you do it and youre still unhappy, you know that the
problem is you.
-That Goddess Liz Phair
Your kisses are as wicked as an F-16, and you fuck like a volcano and
youre everything to me.
-The goddess Liz Phair Again
If Necromancer did all of Asshole his colly in the last remorse pack
in EDIT.COM, why is there a sauce description? hmmm....
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Hellfire .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Fryguy
... // Why the hell I did it- boredom ...
.:, !hellfire!:, :, tn!:, .
pc, ucf, and all that stuff
+o fryguy
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Devils Rage .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Ninja Spirit
... // Why the hell I did it- Razor is nice. ...
// // //.tn.//
Razor 1911 member board - The Premier Warez board in Texas
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title:Abraxas .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: everlast mHz
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
awped by everlast mHz
acid/asciid member board and prolly a lot more stuff
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: More Commandments .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: the masses
... // Why the hell I did it- talking to Cathy ...
More Commandments in addition to the 10
11 - Thou shalt not serve Chinese food cold.
12 - Thou shalt not make coffee decafinated.
13 - Thou shalt not read A Clockwork Orange with 20 chapters, but the
one with 21 chapters.
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: ABCB Cafe .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Kyosuke
... // Why the hell I did it- requested ...
Sorry its new-school, but it just happened....
b. Bdbn. Cbn. Bbn.
db. d. d b. db.
d. b. d. b. d. y
b. b.
b. .sdnnnn. .
n b. b. 4. 4b.
.n.nnnnnnnnn4sss b. nnnnnnnnnd
.d . .dd b. n .d
.d .dd b. .d
y .d y .d d .d
.d .d y .d -tn
gnd y.d blade
y .d
logon apply mail leave
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: CiD - Couriers in Demand .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: ace
... // Why the hell I did it- requested ...
ok, so what if theres another new-school... just bite me...
.n@@. .d@n.
.d d l .d
dl dl
. P .
l l
.d D
C .dl .nn@@@n.
b. d. .
.nn@@b b. .
i dn
g. g.
. tn .
: .g :
. C O U R I E R S . I N . D E M A N D .
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: TROC .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: The Overlord
... // Why the hell I did it- got bored ...
t/ r/ o/ c/
The Realms Of Chaos - sys: The Overlord
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: P2iop .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Lord Draracle
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
/ tn
Pandora 2 : Illusions of Pandora
0ps Lord Draracle
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: tcd .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Reverthion
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
The Crows Domain - 713-com-ing! AGAIN...
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: tzeentch .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: an ego boost
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
/ / / / /:: / / / /tn
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Enigmatic Poop .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Suixide IhatethePs...
... // Why the hell I did it- Requested ...
/ / tn
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: Autobot City .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: Bob Smith
... // Why the hell I did it- I got bored dammit...
/ -tn- / / /
-Autobot City-
Old Warez, art, Emulators, etc
Controled by Bob Smith and a few others
. . -CAffeIne!@ // caffeineasciicollybecauseifeltlikeitandok.
. .---. ---- / Title: THE diz... .
! its there / :
: 42! coke ----- // For: caffeine, the colly
... // Why the hell I did it- It had to be. ...
tn/ .
With blade and pez ascii
Presents a Colly entitled:
Done in December by Tzeentch
------End of Colly, 638 lines.------------------------@...
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