this image contains text
.ss. .ss. * soso
-- pe-ille2.ans -- platinums illegal error
----------------- cut here --
okay, this is a universal header. i t was a menu
type thing but i cut off the
bottom. its fine like it is, and im a little sensitive about
-- 13 lines ------- gmccartn@pmss.schd
ist42.bc.ca -------- end of file --
.o .ss.
o.Ss. +
-- pe-neos3.asc -- rages neosporin
-------------------------- cut here -
have i given up on coloring all together? im not
sure, but this is the first
piece ive released in plain old ascii format. id appreciate
feedback on my
work, tell me why i suck, tell me why i r00l.
-- end of file. -- gmccartn@pmss.schdi
st42.bc.ca ------------- 47 lines -
-- pe-ille2.ans -- platinums illegal error
----------------- cut here --
okay, this is a universal header. i t was a menu
type thing but i cut off the
bottom. its fine like it is, and im a little sensitive about
-- 13 lines ------- gmccartn@pmss.schd
ist42.bc.ca -------- end of file --
.o .ss.
o.Ss. +
-- pe-neos3.asc -- rages neosporin
-------------------------- cut here -
have i given up on coloring all together? im not
sure, but this is the first
piece ive released in plain old ascii format. id appreciate
feedback on my
work, tell me why i suck, tell me why i r00l.
-- end of file. -- gmccartn@pmss.schdi
st42.bc.ca ------------- 47 lines -
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