this image contains text
welcome to my domain
to my airplaine.. .
to my new set stage .. sUPerDUUUPER?????
collOCKtion of ANSI?
.1.. . a little something to keep your huass injected...
the day was dark but then i knew i wasnt alone,
the toilet had flushed, the ground was wet like all the phones.
in the morning i found myself on the ground,
some strange liquid was in the way,
so i flew in my aeroplane to rescue 911 all the way.
last nights tornado was quite the twister, my pet fish had disappeared.
i found this paper and wrote as i slept, the tv was on, oh well i over slept.
the lights were on but i couldnt see..
am i blind or am i frankenstein. i dont think.
my eyes flashed with envy, i saw the pain,
i complained and i killed myself.
.1.. . i do think you fit yourself..
this group is dead, this group is dead, this group is dead, okay? okay
:: - N E V E R M I N D ansi productions. a local group to edmonton
because i only wanted to do so much not too
much. there arent many good artists around
maybe well set our intentions to making..
I N some. i would like to have distros but mem
m d ber boards..who cares?..anyways, ill keep
p the group going until we reach nirvana. the
r ill see what i will do - pennywise
join the evilevolution. . .. O
--- -- d U ct I o n s
.1.. . some unreleased stuff from my days as a blind member.. .
-- everybody wants something,throw em in the shit pile, move it on, --
screnby pennywise of blind 4
two-zero-nine-five-seven-two- ------/sysop
three-six-nine-four c i v i d ?
----------------------- of ---------------------------------------------------
-- syOPs?? - kEst rEl ----- LOrd MAxIOff -- sUndAy mOrnIngs eVeRydAy fOr aLl i cAre, i dOnt cAre, cALl tOdAy eH... ---- cosyOP./ rUckAz / aFfIls/oIl/sEptIc/mIStIgrIS sCrEnbYpEnNYwISeoFblInd./
to my airplaine.. .
to my new set stage .. sUPerDUUUPER?????
collOCKtion of ANSI?
.1.. . a little something to keep your huass injected...
the day was dark but then i knew i wasnt alone,
the toilet had flushed, the ground was wet like all the phones.
in the morning i found myself on the ground,
some strange liquid was in the way,
so i flew in my aeroplane to rescue 911 all the way.
last nights tornado was quite the twister, my pet fish had disappeared.
i found this paper and wrote as i slept, the tv was on, oh well i over slept.
the lights were on but i couldnt see..
am i blind or am i frankenstein. i dont think.
my eyes flashed with envy, i saw the pain,
i complained and i killed myself.
.1.. . i do think you fit yourself..
this group is dead, this group is dead, this group is dead, okay? okay
:: - N E V E R M I N D ansi productions. a local group to edmonton
because i only wanted to do so much not too
much. there arent many good artists around
maybe well set our intentions to making..
I N some. i would like to have distros but mem
m d ber boards..who cares?..anyways, ill keep
p the group going until we reach nirvana. the
r ill see what i will do - pennywise
join the evilevolution. . .. O
--- -- d U ct I o n s
.1.. . some unreleased stuff from my days as a blind member.. .
-- everybody wants something,throw em in the shit pile, move it on, --
screnby pennywise of blind 4
two-zero-nine-five-seven-two- ------/sysop
three-six-nine-four c i v i d ?
----------------------- of ---------------------------------------------------
-- syOPs?? - kEst rEl ----- LOrd MAxIOff -- sUndAy mOrnIngs eVeRydAy fOr aLl i cAre, i dOnt cAre, cALl tOdAy eH... ---- cosyOP./ rUckAz / aFfIls/oIl/sEptIc/mIStIgrIS sCrEnbYpEnNYwISeoFblInd./
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