this image contains text
The Natural Blade Productions 1996
November 96 logo colly..
+ - ceo -------------------------------------------------------------------- +
. ,aSSa, :.,aSSa, . :,aSSa, :.. .
l: :.. . l .l : .. l l :..l :
. a,,..,,a :a,,..,,a . a,,..,,a. :.
+ - ophid ------------------------------------------------------------------ +
.illSSSSlli. S S S, ,S P PP P PP P ,aSa, ,aSa, ,aSa, ,aSa, l SS l SSSS l SSSS l SSSS l SS l SS l SS l SS P, ,P ,P , P, Sa,. .,aS Sa,. .,aS,,,,,,,S ,,. .,Sa,. .,aS,,,,,..,
- nlblade
+ - eof / 36 lines --------------------------------------------------------- +
greetz to all.. here arer a few asciis doodled up by myself.. if anyone would
wants an ascii you can reach me at natural@outerlimits.net or on irc..
November 96 logo colly..
+ - ceo -------------------------------------------------------------------- +
. ,aSSa, :.,aSSa, . :,aSSa, :.. .
l: :.. . l .l : .. l l :..l :
. a,,..,,a :a,,..,,a . a,,..,,a. :.
+ - ophid ------------------------------------------------------------------ +
.illSSSSlli. S S S, ,S P PP P PP P ,aSa, ,aSa, ,aSa, ,aSa, l SS l SSSS l SSSS l SSSS l SS l SS l SS l SS P, ,P ,P , P, Sa,. .,aS Sa,. .,aS,,,,,,,S ,,. .,Sa,. .,aS,,,,,..,
- nlblade
+ - eof / 36 lines --------------------------------------------------------- +
greetz to all.. here arer a few asciis doodled up by myself.. if anyone would
wants an ascii you can reach me at natural@outerlimits.net or on irc..
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