this image contains text
.4s,. s,.
, :: yyyyyyyyyyyyy ,y@, ,y s,.,ss,. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, , .s:::::s. ,@,s@s, ::::::::: .s:::::s. ::s. @s, , i:::::::i i:::::::i :::i , ,s. li:::il li:::il :il s,,s @s.,s::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s,,s
hard liquors 11/96 release baby!
-------------- Now for a special time life interview with the man --------------
time life reporter what is it like to be the most popular and richest pimp
in the free world.
hard liquor its fuckin painful man, i mean me bitches comin to me or callin
me at all times o the night sayin, i need some shit man, please
gimme some shit , or, he hit me hl! sob and hit me and hit me and just wouldnt stop and then they expect me to do something,
what am i, huh? all i say is Shut the fuck up bitch! go back
and make me ma money, else ill strap you to the whorin machine
fer a week
time life reporter so i take it the life of a pimp isnt a bed of roses at all Tell me hl, you are the patented inventor of the whoring
machine, now how did you get the idea of programming women
to copulate by music?
hard liquor Well, i be sittin wit me partner jimmy yak sin poey, and we be
watchin some nasty shit ass porn, and he starts talkin bout
pimps playin tennis, this was afore we started new wave hookers
encorporated, and then wese talkin bout all this shit and
programmin bitches to fuck by music came up, and hell, it was
as good of an idea as we thought it was.
time life reporter how does this machine work?
hard liquor first, you tie them bitches up to the hoin machin and then
you place the specially crafted hoin headphones on them and
turn on the machine and the music. Now the music, that
be where the problems come in. You cant play of any of that
good nigga music shit, you gotta play that newwave shit, like
the pin heads, the screwdrivers, or shaka dimas and pliers.
time life reporter Who has been, in your mind a great influence on your life?
hard liquor Why dont you just shut the hell up and watch the fuckin show.
------------,./------------------------------------------------------,.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gr33tz: mindcrime, teekay, grymjack, b3, infy, ACIDJAZZ EYE LUB YEW!, and
to that really strange guy whos lookin inta my window rite now...
- w00t!! yew like my ansi!!
eye yam a jewish princess
looking for mr. rite
if yewre him pleeze send
the following app to:
---.,,--------------------------- THE APP
home phone:
do you have any health or mental disabilaties y/n explain:
have you ever been incarserated in a correctional facility y/n explain:
have you ever been married before y/n:
if yes, what was the reason for separation? :
have you ever eaten a non cocher meal y/n explain:
are you willing to change religion y/n explain:
have you ever been suspended upside-down for long periods of time y/n explain:
would you consider having anal, homosexual or bisexual relations
y/n explain:
if you were any kind of vegetable which would you be, explain:
if theres one train traveling northbound at 60 mph and another train departing
a station 100 miles away on the same track travelling southbound at 80 mph,
what would the price of a roastbeef sandwitch in new deli at 5pm on a sunday?
do you have any other words?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- im tew damn lazy to do anything coo
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call me at the...
s, @a. s.,ss. s s,,ss. ,ss. .,s.,ss.,ss. s. s
,s . . ,s ,.7 .7 . ,s.,s...ss..,s...s s..,s ,syyyyyyss,,,,syyyyyyyyyy.,s sss,s, .s s 403 472-1370 nup: rebel96 ,s running: rg modded like hell .d featuring art from: ,. ,s@ halaster, toon goon, parasiteice, s fractal, stone the crow, and more! .,a@ ,ssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.,s@ @,.,s.,syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyynow fer the rest of my colly.........
eldorado done for Phallic - didnt win the compo dammit...
,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, s s , , S .ss. ,y , ,yyyyyyyyyyy .ss s. y m,. ,s@,. , s s,,s@ s. ,s .s s,. ,s@., ,..,s ,s,,s
prevail done for ??? - hey man my first oldskool!!!
p r v ,..
halo done for uhm the group halo
,d .d
b,. b,. .d .d
.d b,. b,.
b,...,s s .d
taura ascii diz - it dont say jaur or javr bitch...
y ,s ,
PREMIER PACK: .x11.96x.
bane - sum shit fer Blackacid... wheres my money bitch
::::::::::::: .yyy , ::::::::::::::::
and now.. to premier... my first blade lit....
lines of text...
under feeling,
rigid fonts...
in an attempt
to shape emotion,
human fingers...
over feeling,
pouring with emotion
in an attempt
to shape emotion,
a heart...
letting loose
a torrent of passion,
in an attempt
to shape words into feelings,
a heart...
reading lines of text
in an attempt
to understand...
the feelings,
the meanings...
------------,./------------------------------------------------------,. - this is line 204 suck my ass... im done... nigglys
-oh wait... one more thing... ANGST!
.4s,. s,.
, :: yyyyyyyyyyyyy ,y@, ,y s,.,ss,. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, , .s:::::s. ,@,s@s, ::::::::: .s:::::s. ::s. @s, , i:::::::i i:::::::i :::i , ,s. li:::il li:::il :il s,,s @s.,s::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s,,s
hard liquors 11/96 release baby!
-------------- Now for a special time life interview with the man --------------
time life reporter what is it like to be the most popular and richest pimp
in the free world.
hard liquor its fuckin painful man, i mean me bitches comin to me or callin
me at all times o the night sayin, i need some shit man, please
gimme some shit , or, he hit me hl! sob and hit me and hit me and just wouldnt stop and then they expect me to do something,
what am i, huh? all i say is Shut the fuck up bitch! go back
and make me ma money, else ill strap you to the whorin machine
fer a week
time life reporter so i take it the life of a pimp isnt a bed of roses at all Tell me hl, you are the patented inventor of the whoring
machine, now how did you get the idea of programming women
to copulate by music?
hard liquor Well, i be sittin wit me partner jimmy yak sin poey, and we be
watchin some nasty shit ass porn, and he starts talkin bout
pimps playin tennis, this was afore we started new wave hookers
encorporated, and then wese talkin bout all this shit and
programmin bitches to fuck by music came up, and hell, it was
as good of an idea as we thought it was.
time life reporter how does this machine work?
hard liquor first, you tie them bitches up to the hoin machin and then
you place the specially crafted hoin headphones on them and
turn on the machine and the music. Now the music, that
be where the problems come in. You cant play of any of that
good nigga music shit, you gotta play that newwave shit, like
the pin heads, the screwdrivers, or shaka dimas and pliers.
time life reporter Who has been, in your mind a great influence on your life?
hard liquor Why dont you just shut the hell up and watch the fuckin show.
------------,./------------------------------------------------------,.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gr33tz: mindcrime, teekay, grymjack, b3, infy, ACIDJAZZ EYE LUB YEW!, and
to that really strange guy whos lookin inta my window rite now...
- w00t!! yew like my ansi!!
eye yam a jewish princess
looking for mr. rite
if yewre him pleeze send
the following app to:
---.,,--------------------------- THE APP
home phone:
do you have any health or mental disabilaties y/n explain:
have you ever been incarserated in a correctional facility y/n explain:
have you ever been married before y/n:
if yes, what was the reason for separation? :
have you ever eaten a non cocher meal y/n explain:
are you willing to change religion y/n explain:
have you ever been suspended upside-down for long periods of time y/n explain:
would you consider having anal, homosexual or bisexual relations
y/n explain:
if you were any kind of vegetable which would you be, explain:
if theres one train traveling northbound at 60 mph and another train departing
a station 100 miles away on the same track travelling southbound at 80 mph,
what would the price of a roastbeef sandwitch in new deli at 5pm on a sunday?
do you have any other words?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- im tew damn lazy to do anything coo
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call me at the...
s, @a. s.,ss. s s,,ss. ,ss. .,s.,ss.,ss. s. s
,s . . ,s ,.7 .7 . ,s.,s...ss..,s...s s..,s ,syyyyyyss,,,,syyyyyyyyyy.,s sss,s, .s s 403 472-1370 nup: rebel96 ,s running: rg modded like hell .d featuring art from: ,. ,s@ halaster, toon goon, parasiteice, s fractal, stone the crow, and more! .,a@ ,ssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.,s@ @,.,s.,syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyynow fer the rest of my colly.........
eldorado done for Phallic - didnt win the compo dammit...
,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, s s , , S .ss. ,y , ,yyyyyyyyyyy .ss s. y m,. ,s@,. , s s,,s@ s. ,s .s s,. ,s@., ,..,s ,s,,s
prevail done for ??? - hey man my first oldskool!!!
p r v ,..
halo done for uhm the group halo
,d .d
b,. b,. .d .d
.d b,. b,.
b,...,s s .d
taura ascii diz - it dont say jaur or javr bitch...
y ,s ,
PREMIER PACK: .x11.96x.
bane - sum shit fer Blackacid... wheres my money bitch
::::::::::::: .yyy , ::::::::::::::::
and now.. to premier... my first blade lit....
lines of text...
under feeling,
rigid fonts...
in an attempt
to shape emotion,
human fingers...
over feeling,
pouring with emotion
in an attempt
to shape emotion,
a heart...
letting loose
a torrent of passion,
in an attempt
to shape words into feelings,
a heart...
reading lines of text
in an attempt
to understand...
the feelings,
the meanings...
------------,./------------------------------------------------------,. - this is line 204 suck my ass... im done... nigglys
-oh wait... one more thing... ANGST!
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