this image contains text
--------------------------------------------- yo. its me again. presenting to you my second logo colly for blade. i was in a slump earlier on in the month, after getting flooded with many emails and trade offers, i had to raise my standards--which basically messed me up since i was fighting with each ansi. ive come to the conclusion that im just gonna draw how ever, and whatever i want to draw. if you make a request, please dont ask me for something specifically similar to what youve seen me do. im trying to be creative, not cover old ground. anyways, its been a long month for me. i joined a few other groups, without thinking of how much timeit would eat. live and learn i guess. also, i still take requests, but imreally looking for trades. if you requested ansi, but dont see it in here, thatmeans that i was uninspired, or too lazy to do your request. contact me on ircon any efnet server in blade, or email me at grymmy@alliance.net. requests willbe handled in the order they are recieved. maximum of 20 requests per month. andof course, trades, and cash customers take priority over everything else. untilthe next blade epic, this is grymmjack signing off, hope you enjoy the colly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------this colly designed for easy viewing. page dn next ansi, page up last, etc.
- fast - for razor 1911 ------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- flash traffick - for,.. i forget, sorry. -----------------------------------
fff lll aaa sss hhh
ttt rrr aaa fff fff iii ccc kkk
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- gremlin - for doods that wanted a gremlin. ---------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- idle art - for eclipse -----------------------------------------------------
i d l e - a r t
i d l e - a r t
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- imodium - for cerkit -------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- ugh menuset - for mc lives -------------------------------------------------
node: 7 gj! timeleft: 666 min
- -- --- -------- --------- --- -- -underground hq main menu
command here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command here
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- mess - for exar ------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- nuclea bound - for pennywises friend you SAID bound, not abound ---------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- propane - for madball ------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- ugh ascii - for mc lives ---------------------------------------------------
- u n d e r g r o u n d -
/ / ::./ : / : : gj!
- h e a d q u a r t e r s -
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- mean season - for me -------------------------------------------------------
/ : / gj!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- ugh login thing - for mc lives ---------------------------------------------
underground headquarters
the ghostship
www: http://www.ghostship.com - ftp: ghostship.com - telnet: ghostship.com
login :
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- abraxas - for everlast -----------------------------------------------------
- -- ---a--b--r--a--x--a--s--- -- -
- -- ---a--b--r--a--x--a--s--- -- -
aCid member board - regulated by everlastacidascii
...call it, you crazy little monkies...
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- alderaan menu template - for mindcrime -------------------------------------
.------------------------------------------------------------------------------. command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...greetsnshit...
exar, ever, zemp, internal, pennywise, nosferatu, samurai, risu, lilfunkynegro, necrom, hack, the emperor, phlare, phlux, madball, dark prophet, savage dragon,
toth, kiwi, mindcrime, holister, phobiah, trident, eclipse, bitz, belial, mom!,
mastamind, shadow king, doodoo, vengeance, tron powerhouse, lurch, scooby, dad,
hiliqour, queerkillah, dazed, ren, chud, diabolus, tourian, dr, lordjazz, smash,janos, living bloodlust, wrathchild, mel farr, goon, woods, shhh, paladin, and
anyone else i forgot.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...in conclusion...
man that was a small colly. i guess i need to drop some groups, or focus less
time on music and other distractions. anyways.. sorry it sucked this month, it
will be better next month. i hope.
- fast - for razor 1911 ------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- flash traffick - for,.. i forget, sorry. -----------------------------------
fff lll aaa sss hhh
ttt rrr aaa fff fff iii ccc kkk
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- gremlin - for doods that wanted a gremlin. ---------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- idle art - for eclipse -----------------------------------------------------
i d l e - a r t
i d l e - a r t
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- imodium - for cerkit -------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- ugh menuset - for mc lives -------------------------------------------------
node: 7 gj! timeleft: 666 min
- -- --- -------- --------- --- -- -underground hq main menu
command here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command herecommand here command here command here
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- mess - for exar ------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- nuclea bound - for pennywises friend you SAID bound, not abound ---------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- propane - for madball ------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- ugh ascii - for mc lives ---------------------------------------------------
- u n d e r g r o u n d -
/ / ::./ : / : : gj!
- h e a d q u a r t e r s -
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- mean season - for me -------------------------------------------------------
/ : / gj!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- ugh login thing - for mc lives ---------------------------------------------
underground headquarters
the ghostship
www: http://www.ghostship.com - ftp: ghostship.com - telnet: ghostship.com
login :
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- abraxas - for everlast -----------------------------------------------------
- -- ---a--b--r--a--x--a--s--- -- -
- -- ---a--b--r--a--x--a--s--- -- -
aCid member board - regulated by everlastacidascii
...call it, you crazy little monkies...
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-- alderaan menu template - for mindcrime -------------------------------------
.------------------------------------------------------------------------------. command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here command here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...greetsnshit...
exar, ever, zemp, internal, pennywise, nosferatu, samurai, risu, lilfunkynegro, necrom, hack, the emperor, phlare, phlux, madball, dark prophet, savage dragon,
toth, kiwi, mindcrime, holister, phobiah, trident, eclipse, bitz, belial, mom!,
mastamind, shadow king, doodoo, vengeance, tron powerhouse, lurch, scooby, dad,
hiliqour, queerkillah, dazed, ren, chud, diabolus, tourian, dr, lordjazz, smash,janos, living bloodlust, wrathchild, mel farr, goon, woods, shhh, paladin, and
anyone else i forgot.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...in conclusion...
man that was a small colly. i guess i need to drop some groups, or focus less
time on music and other distractions. anyways.. sorry it sucked this month, it
will be better next month. i hope.
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