this image contains text
want a kiwi
ansi of your
very own? email
sev.org and k
i w i
well talk.
out of order
opd by risu
ansi by kiwi. font work and arrangment by mindcrime.
notes from kiwi:
top ansi my rendition of Major Kusanagi from G
host In The Shell. bottom ansi
Priss from The Bubble Gum Crash. - i s
till do original stuff, and these are
original poses, but dont worry, futu
re stuff will be 100 kiwi-liscouse
original again. D
Greets: Toth for the Anime. M
indcrime for fonting this. Exar-Kun
dccing his HD to me. Rabid Pulse for in
troducing me to Anime. Matt Jones for
being on the phone as i did this.
b l a d e p
r o d u c t i o n s
ansi of your
very own? email
sev.org and k
i w i
well talk.
out of order
opd by risu
ansi by kiwi. font work and arrangment by mindcrime.
notes from kiwi:
top ansi my rendition of Major Kusanagi from G
host In The Shell. bottom ansi
Priss from The Bubble Gum Crash. - i s
till do original stuff, and these are
original poses, but dont worry, futu
re stuff will be 100 kiwi-liscouse
original again. D
Greets: Toth for the Anime. M
indcrime for fonting this. Exar-Kun
dccing his HD to me. Rabid Pulse for in
troducing me to Anime. Matt Jones for
being on the phone as i did this.
b l a d e p
r o d u c t i o n s
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