this image contains text
oktober ninety six
-------------------------@+@!the edge is p
ublished monthly as an informational text on blade p
the edge - the blade informat
ional textfile - volume 3 / issue 8
its october, we HAVE to be go
contents -
1. the edge vol
ume 3, issue 8
2. the members
oktober, 1996
3. the affiliate
s oktober, 1996
+@-- - --
-- - --@+
...and the blood oozed from her open
sore, glistening in the light. i wanted
to taste it, run it down my d
ry tongue, suck the life out of
her crimson fluids... she
seemed untouchable, pale white on the dar
background of the night sky. her blood
dripped quietly off of my
spoiled blade... it tasted so goo
welcome to the blade october edition of
the edge. in the spirit
of oktober, were going goth this month. you ma
y even see some angst in
here, too. its all a part of octobers perpetual a
gony. the autumn leaves
are falling and burning, the air is brisk, and
falls upon us earlier. october is a wonderful mont
h, and weve
got a wonderful pack to go along wit
h it.
ow! edicius screamed as a giant glob
of play-doh nailed him in
the head. - this was the scene at my house one week
ago. belial and edi,
being the idiots they are, decided to start pla
with the play-doh that was out on the table in t
he basement. never
give play-doh to modem warriors. the next t
hing i know, the shit is
flying all over the basement, the lights have gone
off, and there
is a full fledged war going on.
belial, grey hawk, and i complet
ely pummeled poor defensless
edi! ... it wasnt a pretty sight.
sadly, we didnt play any air hockey this month
. so the
screaming wontons standings havent change
has been seen on irc all month spouting off about
some cheez
y anime flic called ghost in the
. this snap shot was taken just after the
the look of disbelief on this his face was
caused by all the nudi
ty in the film.
isnt he so
damn GOTH!?
in late breaking news, it has been
reported that
the line noise that has been plaguing the blade whq
, Death--
alderaan, for the past month has
been an evil Star .
plot by meltdown to squelch the
popularity of this almighty
board. his death star
has been spotted
on a direct course for the rebel pla
an ki
meltdown pilots his
death startowards
translation: DIE! DIE! DIE!
after being removed from the group for being
an asshole,
lordblur who even KNOWS what his
real handle
was threatened to blow up the
infamous bladefest 97 fiesta. we look forwa
to seeing him at the bash, where it is rumor
ed some
50 odd peopl
e will attend.
on a completely unrelated note,
belials hair is
lordblur threatens thirty six feet long.
to bomb blade fest 97
i just got done mowing the lawn with a mower
has only one automatically propelled wheel. n
eedless to say, i
was flying around in circles. the damn thing
almost flung me
into a thorn bush. it sucked. hard.
her hair, so black, swayed in t
he chilly breeze, contrasting
the fallen leaves of red
, yellow, and brown.
her lips, so black,
glistened with the saliva from her
blood red tongue. i wanted her. i wan
to taste her. i wanted to kill he
so we were on our way to fun time
america to get in a few games of air hocke
y before
heading back to my house, right... and this fuck
ing cop pulls into
the parking lot after us, turns on his lights, and
pulls all three of us
over. which would have been pretty hard if we
pulled into the parking lot. he talks to g
rey hawk first.
you know how fast you were going?
uhm.. 55?
then he talks to belial.
you know how fast you were going?
uhm.. 55?
then he talks to me, mindcrime...
you know how fast you were going?
95, bitch.
WHAT!? Step out of the car, son.
then i pulled out my gat and shot some holes in
alright, so im lying. the story wa
s uneventful without
the embellishment.
press release! :
blade productions, in its neverending pursuit
of world
domination, has brought on several new assasins
to its
deadly arsenal of top secret affiliates.
due to the nature of the tasks at hand,
the names have been changed to
protect the guilty...
... like jackgrymm, a talented maker
ansi weaponry, who comes to use from the jungles
of guatamala where
he once helped an old lady pump bullets into an
army bunker.
... like yEDGEy, a curved edge operat
ed of
high-resolution power swords, a deadly new weapo
n in production
by the scientists at blade productions.
hell be in charge of the
entire power sword division.
... like sky lukewalker, a master of
the spoken
word who can infiltrate any high-security
area merely
by bullshitting his way in.
... like alreb, another member
the ansi weaponry team hailing from the deserts
of albania. he specializes
in burrowing under the sand and attacking from
below. we here
hes also good with the ladies.
... like lingunder and zyd,
two members of the highly elite literary
strike force known as operation: goth.
we cant even tell you where
they are from, due to the drastic effects that
have on public morality and the water supply.
... like inpalad, once believed a cas
uality of
war, who has returned from the dead to provide
bitchen tunes for
our troops.
... and like htot, the official suppl
ier of
all that is sacred to our team of assasins. hel
l be in charge of
finding all the rarest materials we crave, includi
ng warez, anime, and pron.
these additions to our top secret club h
ave been officially
deemed the oktober assasins. we wish t
hem luck on their current
: end press release.
the people who left blade this month were consider
ed to be
enemies of the team and were sumarily killed to
keep their subversive knowledge hidden.
R.I.P - widowmaker, forge.
in other member news, errant angel, d
ue to inactivity, has
been placed in the alumni classification while
grey hawk is
promoted to senior staff to replace the gap.
in viragos absense, due to not havin
g a computer, q takes over
as the head of the lit department. xedgex
, or newest vga member, also
comes in as the new coordinator for that divisi
on. he did it
for mop before, and we know hell do a good job
with us, as will all
the newly promoted blade members.
and now, a word from risu:
RISUS PART..DONT TOUCH..hihi!!!!! im sure some
of you know me from rea
ing pudding.. hi eerie..japanese chipmunk flying arou
nd! hmm..so hi everyone
the ecl-acid merger is a FAKE! hehe..had me fooled for
a while..oh well..lots
of you probably know that i dont really draw n
o more cuz i suck at drawing and
stuff but hmm..hi numb..numbs my teenage ido
l..enuff of that..uhm...if you
would like to draw me something!yes that means all of
you then draw me some
ansis for my board, out of order be nice..okie?
hmm..not much to write
but blade is the elitest art groop..w/ a good a
tmosphere..join it..its cool..
i like it..so will you.. hmm..ive been writing
alot lately heehheh..who
cares..uhm.. mindcrime cant correct me..or errors cuz
i dont really have
any spelling errors except that i like to spell group-
- groop..but oh well...
eYE aM gAY0RS edi
ted by mindcrime
hmm..excuse mindcrime..hes a little crazy
that was belial..youll have to excuse him too
i rox0rs
SHUT UP KIWI!! ehhe j/k man, i wish people wo
uld st*
hi look at me
argh1!! shit..damn people in blade.. that was e
dicius...damn em all....
uhm..so welcome..my life is tough..i dont know what to
do anymore..maybe i
should die.. im so sad...but kiwis cheering me up!
! heheh..so um..wow
greets: everyone i know..cuz maybe theyll like me..
blade...risu..signing off
-- i love you..
- i am /-
rad elite..
and now, a word from q!
to start off this informative section of blade literature,
id like to sing an
original rap song...well, i cant really sing it live, but
thisll have to do
blade lit iz str8 up sweeticle
wit da skeelz...so dont competicle
wez da phatness-supah bombicle
we dont smoke too much chronicle
da hommie pimpstahz,
we dont fuck gimpstahz
shakespearian gangstahz writin it raw
tell us wez sweet, or shut your jaw!
note: for best results, rap this on a trampoline in canada
toronto, preferably
well, this is Q, the new lit coordinator for blade. vi
rago, the last one, did
not have a seizure, and die from a brain spasm...rather
, she passed the positionon due to lack of time and
plain generosity. she will continue to contribute
though. my only main concern with being lit coordinato
r for blade is to keep
the quality of lit up and spread its glory to more min
if youd like to apply to blades lit department or gue
st write, contact Q at:
nin@juno.com do not send file attachments here
blade lit coordinator,
okay! that was fun! now:
and now, a special blade presentation! push
ead, an often disgruntled
ex blade member, has done a beeeeeeeau
tiful portrait of mindcrime. the
likeness isnt even close, but its fun for a l
-- Blade Cap c
normal login
quick login
mindcrime --
Jiffy Mart
My name is Mike ..
alright folks, wasnt that awesome?! im done here
, so if i forgot anything
feel free to lynch me on irc or something. i wan
t to congratulate the
blade members this month for a really high qual
ity pack.
good job, guys!
i remember her screams, they echo in my hallowed
mind. i remember
her blood and the stench of
burnt flesh. the taste
haunts me even still. i cant bare the agony
of death... i want to
+@-- - --
-- - --@
blade productions, october 1996 : the goth membe
att ............................
...... giwish@mindport.net ascii artist
aninimal ............................
... aninimal@cris.com high resolution
belial ..............................
belial@cybercomm.net senior staff
brain eater .........................
..................... ansi artist
counterpoint ........................
..................... alumnus
creator .............................
pursuit@xmission.com ansi artist
dark knight .........................
.... darky@execpc.com coding coordinator
darkman .............................
..................... alumnus
dead soul ...........................
... deadsoul@liii.com music coordinator
dimes ..............................
sdiamond@skidmore.edu ftp supervisor
dyz ..........................................
............ literature
edicius .............................
... edi@cybercomm.net senior staff
errant angel ........................
..................... alumnus
exar kun ...........................
koondog@ix.netcom.com asci
i artist
facsimile ...........................
..................... alumnus
flare ...............................
sggamals@oakland.edu info. services
flux ................................
..................... alumnus
grey hawk ...........................
... grey@infi-pos.com senior staff
grymmjack ............................ gr
ymmy@alliance.net ansi/music
hack ................................
..................... info. services
hard liqour .........................
..................... ascii artist
ilsundal ............................
.... root@alfheim.net useless information
kiwi ....................... kiwi
.justice@sylvania.sev.org ansi/good head
liquid blue .........................
... disco@javanet.com high resolution
lonestar ..........................
ttoth@earth.execpc.com literature
lucifer .............................
lucifer@injersey.com ansi/ascii artist
luke skywalker ...............................
............ literature
mass murderer .......................
.... murd@digifro.com ansi/ascii artist
meltdown ............................
...... k2112@cris.com ascii coordinator
metalchic ..........................
metalchic@alfheim.net tape halo maker
metallic blood ......................
..................... global coordinator
mindcrime ...........................
.... mike@exit109.com president/founder
nemesis ..........................
mike15@usa.pipeline.com high resolution
paladin .............................
..................... musician
pariah ..............................
..................... ascii artist
pennywise ..........................
pennywise@malum.ab.ca ansi artist
q ...................................
....... hu.86@osu.edu lit coordinat
raveged wanderer ...............
.......... rw@shocking.com high resolution
rebal ..................................
slntrage@cris.com ansi artist
risu ................................
.. puke@ix.netcom.com ascii artist
shellman ............................
..................... info. services
soul seeker ........................
soulman@cybercomm.net senior staff
subconsciousness ...............
.......................... ansi coordinato
the natural .........................
..................... ascii artist
torgo ...............................
. torgo@geocities.com vga artist
toth .........................................
............ supplier
tourian .............................
..... tourian@ole.net vga artis
tron powerhouse .....................
.... tronepic@tir.com literature
underling ....................................
............ literature
virago ..............................
..... virago@juno.com lit coordinator
xEDGEx .........................
.... ahopesc@superlink.com vg
a coordinator
* - several people have been deleted from this list
due to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitue removal from
the group.
+@-- - --
-- - --@
+@-- - --
-- - --@
the affiliates, september 1996 :
alderaan 908 mindcrime
- galactic temple
apocalypse 201 napalm
- eastern shrine
harvest moon 216 quran
- central shrine
cool dudes inc. 613 misc.
dudes - canadian shrine
neo tokyo +32 tasmaniac
- european shrine
arcane +61 intense -
australian shrine
prevail +46
rex - swedish shrine
mental overdose +32 zarkof
- belgian shrine
altconn +55 starfox
- brazilian shrine
ravebase +41 maverick
- swiss shrine
optical illusion +47 pyx
- norwegian shrine
ironyx +31 radi
cal - dutch shrine
twist of fate 810 flare
- distribution outpost
the rebel base xxx luke sk
ywalker - distribution outpost
email - mike@exit109.com
blade www home page - http://www.exit109.com
ftp - /root/blade
+@-- - --
-- - --@
thats it! now go look at the pack!
- mindcrime, blade gimp.
oktober ninety six
-------------------------@+@!the edge is p
ublished monthly as an informational text on blade p
the edge - the blade informat
ional textfile - volume 3 / issue 8
its october, we HAVE to be go
contents -
1. the edge vol
ume 3, issue 8
2. the members
oktober, 1996
3. the affiliate
s oktober, 1996
+@-- - --
-- - --@+
...and the blood oozed from her open
sore, glistening in the light. i wanted
to taste it, run it down my d
ry tongue, suck the life out of
her crimson fluids... she
seemed untouchable, pale white on the dar
background of the night sky. her blood
dripped quietly off of my
spoiled blade... it tasted so goo
welcome to the blade october edition of
the edge. in the spirit
of oktober, were going goth this month. you ma
y even see some angst in
here, too. its all a part of octobers perpetual a
gony. the autumn leaves
are falling and burning, the air is brisk, and
falls upon us earlier. october is a wonderful mont
h, and weve
got a wonderful pack to go along wit
h it.
ow! edicius screamed as a giant glob
of play-doh nailed him in
the head. - this was the scene at my house one week
ago. belial and edi,
being the idiots they are, decided to start pla
with the play-doh that was out on the table in t
he basement. never
give play-doh to modem warriors. the next t
hing i know, the shit is
flying all over the basement, the lights have gone
off, and there
is a full fledged war going on.
belial, grey hawk, and i complet
ely pummeled poor defensless
edi! ... it wasnt a pretty sight.
sadly, we didnt play any air hockey this month
. so the
screaming wontons standings havent change
has been seen on irc all month spouting off about
some cheez
y anime flic called ghost in the
. this snap shot was taken just after the
the look of disbelief on this his face was
caused by all the nudi
ty in the film.
isnt he so
damn GOTH!?
in late breaking news, it has been
reported that
the line noise that has been plaguing the blade whq
, Death--
alderaan, for the past month has
been an evil Star .
plot by meltdown to squelch the
popularity of this almighty
board. his death star
has been spotted
on a direct course for the rebel pla
an ki
meltdown pilots his
death startowards
translation: DIE! DIE! DIE!
after being removed from the group for being
an asshole,
lordblur who even KNOWS what his
real handle
was threatened to blow up the
infamous bladefest 97 fiesta. we look forwa
to seeing him at the bash, where it is rumor
ed some
50 odd peopl
e will attend.
on a completely unrelated note,
belials hair is
lordblur threatens thirty six feet long.
to bomb blade fest 97
i just got done mowing the lawn with a mower
has only one automatically propelled wheel. n
eedless to say, i
was flying around in circles. the damn thing
almost flung me
into a thorn bush. it sucked. hard.
her hair, so black, swayed in t
he chilly breeze, contrasting
the fallen leaves of red
, yellow, and brown.
her lips, so black,
glistened with the saliva from her
blood red tongue. i wanted her. i wan
to taste her. i wanted to kill he
so we were on our way to fun time
america to get in a few games of air hocke
y before
heading back to my house, right... and this fuck
ing cop pulls into
the parking lot after us, turns on his lights, and
pulls all three of us
over. which would have been pretty hard if we
pulled into the parking lot. he talks to g
rey hawk first.
you know how fast you were going?
uhm.. 55?
then he talks to belial.
you know how fast you were going?
uhm.. 55?
then he talks to me, mindcrime...
you know how fast you were going?
95, bitch.
WHAT!? Step out of the car, son.
then i pulled out my gat and shot some holes in
alright, so im lying. the story wa
s uneventful without
the embellishment.
press release! :
blade productions, in its neverending pursuit
of world
domination, has brought on several new assasins
to its
deadly arsenal of top secret affiliates.
due to the nature of the tasks at hand,
the names have been changed to
protect the guilty...
... like jackgrymm, a talented maker
ansi weaponry, who comes to use from the jungles
of guatamala where
he once helped an old lady pump bullets into an
army bunker.
... like yEDGEy, a curved edge operat
ed of
high-resolution power swords, a deadly new weapo
n in production
by the scientists at blade productions.
hell be in charge of the
entire power sword division.
... like sky lukewalker, a master of
the spoken
word who can infiltrate any high-security
area merely
by bullshitting his way in.
... like alreb, another member
the ansi weaponry team hailing from the deserts
of albania. he specializes
in burrowing under the sand and attacking from
below. we here
hes also good with the ladies.
... like lingunder and zyd,
two members of the highly elite literary
strike force known as operation: goth.
we cant even tell you where
they are from, due to the drastic effects that
have on public morality and the water supply.
... like inpalad, once believed a cas
uality of
war, who has returned from the dead to provide
bitchen tunes for
our troops.
... and like htot, the official suppl
ier of
all that is sacred to our team of assasins. hel
l be in charge of
finding all the rarest materials we crave, includi
ng warez, anime, and pron.
these additions to our top secret club h
ave been officially
deemed the oktober assasins. we wish t
hem luck on their current
: end press release.
the people who left blade this month were consider
ed to be
enemies of the team and were sumarily killed to
keep their subversive knowledge hidden.
R.I.P - widowmaker, forge.
in other member news, errant angel, d
ue to inactivity, has
been placed in the alumni classification while
grey hawk is
promoted to senior staff to replace the gap.
in viragos absense, due to not havin
g a computer, q takes over
as the head of the lit department. xedgex
, or newest vga member, also
comes in as the new coordinator for that divisi
on. he did it
for mop before, and we know hell do a good job
with us, as will all
the newly promoted blade members.
and now, a word from risu:
RISUS PART..DONT TOUCH..hihi!!!!! im sure some
of you know me from rea
ing pudding.. hi eerie..japanese chipmunk flying arou
nd! hmm..so hi everyone
the ecl-acid merger is a FAKE! hehe..had me fooled for
a while..oh well..lots
of you probably know that i dont really draw n
o more cuz i suck at drawing and
stuff but hmm..hi numb..numbs my teenage ido
l..enuff of that..uhm...if you
would like to draw me something!yes that means all of
you then draw me some
ansis for my board, out of order be nice..okie?
hmm..not much to write
but blade is the elitest art groop..w/ a good a
tmosphere..join it..its cool..
i like it..so will you.. hmm..ive been writing
alot lately heehheh..who
cares..uhm.. mindcrime cant correct me..or errors cuz
i dont really have
any spelling errors except that i like to spell group-
- groop..but oh well...
eYE aM gAY0RS edi
ted by mindcrime
hmm..excuse mindcrime..hes a little crazy
that was belial..youll have to excuse him too
i rox0rs
SHUT UP KIWI!! ehhe j/k man, i wish people wo
uld st*
hi look at me
argh1!! shit..damn people in blade.. that was e
dicius...damn em all....
uhm..so welcome..my life is tough..i dont know what to
do anymore..maybe i
should die.. im so sad...but kiwis cheering me up!
! heheh..so um..wow
greets: everyone i know..cuz maybe theyll like me..
blade...risu..signing off
-- i love you..
- i am /-
rad elite..
and now, a word from q!
to start off this informative section of blade literature,
id like to sing an
original rap song...well, i cant really sing it live, but
thisll have to do
blade lit iz str8 up sweeticle
wit da skeelz...so dont competicle
wez da phatness-supah bombicle
we dont smoke too much chronicle
da hommie pimpstahz,
we dont fuck gimpstahz
shakespearian gangstahz writin it raw
tell us wez sweet, or shut your jaw!
note: for best results, rap this on a trampoline in canada
toronto, preferably
well, this is Q, the new lit coordinator for blade. vi
rago, the last one, did
not have a seizure, and die from a brain spasm...rather
, she passed the positionon due to lack of time and
plain generosity. she will continue to contribute
though. my only main concern with being lit coordinato
r for blade is to keep
the quality of lit up and spread its glory to more min
if youd like to apply to blades lit department or gue
st write, contact Q at:
nin@juno.com do not send file attachments here
blade lit coordinator,
okay! that was fun! now:
and now, a special blade presentation! push
ead, an often disgruntled
ex blade member, has done a beeeeeeeau
tiful portrait of mindcrime. the
likeness isnt even close, but its fun for a l
-- Blade Cap c
normal login
quick login
mindcrime --
Jiffy Mart
My name is Mike ..
alright folks, wasnt that awesome?! im done here
, so if i forgot anything
feel free to lynch me on irc or something. i wan
t to congratulate the
blade members this month for a really high qual
ity pack.
good job, guys!
i remember her screams, they echo in my hallowed
mind. i remember
her blood and the stench of
burnt flesh. the taste
haunts me even still. i cant bare the agony
of death... i want to
+@-- - --
-- - --@
blade productions, october 1996 : the goth membe
att ............................
...... giwish@mindport.net ascii artist
aninimal ............................
... aninimal@cris.com high resolution
belial ..............................
belial@cybercomm.net senior staff
brain eater .........................
..................... ansi artist
counterpoint ........................
..................... alumnus
creator .............................
pursuit@xmission.com ansi artist
dark knight .........................
.... darky@execpc.com coding coordinator
darkman .............................
..................... alumnus
dead soul ...........................
... deadsoul@liii.com music coordinator
dimes ..............................
sdiamond@skidmore.edu ftp supervisor
dyz ..........................................
............ literature
edicius .............................
... edi@cybercomm.net senior staff
errant angel ........................
..................... alumnus
exar kun ...........................
koondog@ix.netcom.com asci
i artist
facsimile ...........................
..................... alumnus
flare ...............................
sggamals@oakland.edu info. services
flux ................................
..................... alumnus
grey hawk ...........................
... grey@infi-pos.com senior staff
grymmjack ............................ gr
ymmy@alliance.net ansi/music
hack ................................
..................... info. services
hard liqour .........................
..................... ascii artist
ilsundal ............................
.... root@alfheim.net useless information
kiwi ....................... kiwi
.justice@sylvania.sev.org ansi/good head
liquid blue .........................
... disco@javanet.com high resolution
lonestar ..........................
ttoth@earth.execpc.com literature
lucifer .............................
lucifer@injersey.com ansi/ascii artist
luke skywalker ...............................
............ literature
mass murderer .......................
.... murd@digifro.com ansi/ascii artist
meltdown ............................
...... k2112@cris.com ascii coordinator
metalchic ..........................
metalchic@alfheim.net tape halo maker
metallic blood ......................
..................... global coordinator
mindcrime ...........................
.... mike@exit109.com president/founder
nemesis ..........................
mike15@usa.pipeline.com high resolution
paladin .............................
..................... musician
pariah ..............................
..................... ascii artist
pennywise ..........................
pennywise@malum.ab.ca ansi artist
q ...................................
....... hu.86@osu.edu lit coordinat
raveged wanderer ...............
.......... rw@shocking.com high resolution
rebal ..................................
slntrage@cris.com ansi artist
risu ................................
.. puke@ix.netcom.com ascii artist
shellman ............................
..................... info. services
soul seeker ........................
soulman@cybercomm.net senior staff
subconsciousness ...............
.......................... ansi coordinato
the natural .........................
..................... ascii artist
torgo ...............................
. torgo@geocities.com vga artist
toth .........................................
............ supplier
tourian .............................
..... tourian@ole.net vga artis
tron powerhouse .....................
.... tronepic@tir.com literature
underling ....................................
............ literature
virago ..............................
..... virago@juno.com lit coordinator
xEDGEx .........................
.... ahopesc@superlink.com vg
a coordinator
* - several people have been deleted from this list
due to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitue removal from
the group.
+@-- - --
-- - --@
+@-- - --
-- - --@
the affiliates, september 1996 :
alderaan 908 mindcrime
- galactic temple
apocalypse 201 napalm
- eastern shrine
harvest moon 216 quran
- central shrine
cool dudes inc. 613 misc.
dudes - canadian shrine
neo tokyo +32 tasmaniac
- european shrine
arcane +61 intense -
australian shrine
prevail +46
rex - swedish shrine
mental overdose +32 zarkof
- belgian shrine
altconn +55 starfox
- brazilian shrine
ravebase +41 maverick
- swiss shrine
optical illusion +47 pyx
- norwegian shrine
ironyx +31 radi
cal - dutch shrine
twist of fate 810 flare
- distribution outpost
the rebel base xxx luke sk
ywalker - distribution outpost
email - mike@exit109.com
blade www home page - http://www.exit109.com
ftp - /root/blade
+@-- - --
-- - --@
thats it! now go look at the pack!
- mindcrime, blade gimp.
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