this image contains text
. .. . ... o .. . . .
.s.ss. ss .s.ss. .ss. : .ss. bss.
For we are always what our situations hand us... - B. Joel
. .. . ..Soulman@Raven.Cybercomm.Net... . . . .
Why the hell am I releasing ascii? Well, I wanted to try out different types
of graphics. I will soon be doing some VGA gees Ive heard myself say this
sooooo many times in the hopes that I can release at least one vga, ansi, and
ascii in each pack. That is of course when I am not doing other things which
involve blade and takes up more of my time. Hehe... Well.... Enjoy....
-cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------
This ascii is for mindcrimes alderaan, because I think it rocks!
-------------------------------------------------------------------cut here-
. . .:.::?Alderaan!?::.: .::. .. . :
blade productions headquarters! .
-cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------
This next ascii is for blade.org which is in the process of getting set up!
-------------------------------------------------------------------cut here-
.6 : .6 .6
, .sss, .S .sss, .sss, rsss, .sssd
.9 . d
.. e..ss! ..:
: blade productions s
. http://www.blade.org .:
Thats all for now...
.s.ss. ss .s.ss. .ss. : .ss. bss.
For we are always what our situations hand us... - B. Joel
. .. . ..Soulman@Raven.Cybercomm.Net... . . . .
Why the hell am I releasing ascii? Well, I wanted to try out different types
of graphics. I will soon be doing some VGA gees Ive heard myself say this
sooooo many times in the hopes that I can release at least one vga, ansi, and
ascii in each pack. That is of course when I am not doing other things which
involve blade and takes up more of my time. Hehe... Well.... Enjoy....
-cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------
This ascii is for mindcrimes alderaan, because I think it rocks!
-------------------------------------------------------------------cut here-
. . .:.::?Alderaan!?::.: .::. .. . :
blade productions headquarters! .
-cut here-------------------------------------------------------------------
This next ascii is for blade.org which is in the process of getting set up!
-------------------------------------------------------------------cut here-
.6 : .6 .6
, .sss, .S .sss, .sss, rsss, .sssd
.9 . d
.. e..ss! ..:
: blade productions s
. http://www.blade.org .:
Thats all for now...
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