this image contains text
.. the natural/blade
- nlblade
SSS SS ::: ::: SSS SSS SSS SS SSS ::: Sa,.,aS ::: ::: ::: Sa,.,aS
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: . . . . . . . . SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS . SS . . . . . . SS SS SS SS SS SS SS bldSa,.,aSbld bld bld .. . bld bld :
- alderaan -------------------------------------------------- mindcrime ----
- nlblade
SSSa, .::::.::: ::::: :: .::::::
. SS :: .SSa, .::: :::.::::: ::::::::
:: . S :::::. SSa,:::: ::::::::: :::::
:::: . S :: ::::. .. . ... . . ,aSP.:::::: ::::::::: :::
:::::: . .S,aSS... , ... . .:
:::: . ,aS :. S.,aSS:
:: . ,aS : S:.,aSS.:::
. ,aS . S:.,aSS.::::: ,aSS.::: ::
,aS S:.,aSS.:::::: ,aSS.:::.: :::
.. .. S:.,aSS ,aSS.::: ::::::::
:::: ::::::.:::: S:.,aSS .:::::::.::::::
:..:::: :::::: : .:,aSS .:thenaturalblade:
. .. Welcome to Sabotage, Brass Monkey will be your host .. .
- sabotage -------------------------------------------------- brass monkey -
greeeeeeets .. .
thanks to mass murderer for teaching me how to draw ascii .. i know it only tooka day or 2, but thanks John.. . an additional greet to mindcrime for liking mywork and letting me into blade .. see ya next month.
- nlblade
SSS SS ::: ::: SSS SSS SSS SS SSS ::: Sa,.,aS ::: ::: ::: Sa,.,aS
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: . . . . . . . . SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS . SS . . . . . . SS SS SS SS SS SS SS bldSa,.,aSbld bld bld .. . bld bld :
- alderaan -------------------------------------------------- mindcrime ----
- nlblade
SSSa, .::::.::: ::::: :: .::::::
. SS :: .SSa, .::: :::.::::: ::::::::
:: . S :::::. SSa,:::: ::::::::: :::::
:::: . S :: ::::. .. . ... . . ,aSP.:::::: ::::::::: :::
:::::: . .S,aSS... , ... . .:
:::: . ,aS :. S.,aSS:
:: . ,aS : S:.,aSS.:::
. ,aS . S:.,aSS.::::: ,aSS.::: ::
,aS S:.,aSS.:::::: ,aSS.:::.: :::
.. .. S:.,aSS ,aSS.::: ::::::::
:::: ::::::.:::: S:.,aSS .:::::::.::::::
:..:::: :::::: : .:,aSS .:thenaturalblade:
. .. Welcome to Sabotage, Brass Monkey will be your host .. .
- sabotage -------------------------------------------------- brass monkey -
greeeeeeets .. .
thanks to mass murderer for teaching me how to draw ascii .. i know it only tooka day or 2, but thanks John.. . an additional greet to mindcrime for liking mywork and letting me into blade .. see ya next month.
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