this image contains text
Okie .. this is my FIRST ascii collection for blade, so i dunno. Its always
nice when you find out that the pack work is do in an hour when you thought
the deadline was in, about, 8 or more days! Anyways, this is the non
colored half of my work, and the other half is colored. pretty niffty eh? If
you want an ascii, mail me at koondog@ix.netcom.com. Id like to trade, but
if im not too busy ill do you one for free.
- exar kUn! + blade
O1 INBLOOM .............................................. OLEUM
O2 HYBRID .............................................. HYBRID
O3 PLASMUS .............................................. PHATMAC?
O4 MESSOZOID .............................................. ATOMEKA
O5 FULLBLOWN .............................................. NOTSURE!
.. . . ... an official exar kun
::: ASCII : IN BLOOM // / ---- /
: STAT : unrequested / // /
// /ek
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /ek
l : l i n f o t h i n g s g o o n t h i s s t u p i d l i n e l : l
::: ASCII : HYBRIDPC // / ---- /
: STAT : unrequested / // /
// /ek
--- -- - - --- / / / / / / / - -- - - / / /ek
: l
. - -- ---+- HYBRID : THE ONLY BREED -+--- - -- -
::: ASCII : PLASMUS // / ---- /
: STAT : unrequested / // /
// /ek
p l a s m u s
/ /ek
::: ASCII : MESSOZOID // / ---- /
: STAT : requested / // /
// /ek
// / / /ek
--+ blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah +--
.. . . ... an official exar kun of BLADE production
::: ASCII : FULLBLOWN // / ----
: STAT : requested / // /
--+- aRt cOURIERs aRe lAMe -+--
i think its massm and spatula who are in charge of fullblown, if not, sorry i
cant remember very well
hmm .. school sucks
smoking is gay .. our school has an unoffical alley for smoking, why not just
shoot yourself? its quicker
le fin seriously
nice when you find out that the pack work is do in an hour when you thought
the deadline was in, about, 8 or more days! Anyways, this is the non
colored half of my work, and the other half is colored. pretty niffty eh? If
you want an ascii, mail me at koondog@ix.netcom.com. Id like to trade, but
if im not too busy ill do you one for free.
- exar kUn! + blade
O1 INBLOOM .............................................. OLEUM
O2 HYBRID .............................................. HYBRID
O3 PLASMUS .............................................. PHATMAC?
O4 MESSOZOID .............................................. ATOMEKA
O5 FULLBLOWN .............................................. NOTSURE!
.. . . ... an official exar kun
::: ASCII : IN BLOOM // / ---- /
: STAT : unrequested / // /
// /ek
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /ek
l : l i n f o t h i n g s g o o n t h i s s t u p i d l i n e l : l
::: ASCII : HYBRIDPC // / ---- /
: STAT : unrequested / // /
// /ek
--- -- - - --- / / / / / / / - -- - - / / /ek
: l
. - -- ---+- HYBRID : THE ONLY BREED -+--- - -- -
::: ASCII : PLASMUS // / ---- /
: STAT : unrequested / // /
// /ek
p l a s m u s
/ /ek
::: ASCII : MESSOZOID // / ---- /
: STAT : requested / // /
// /ek
// / / /ek
--+ blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah +--
.. . . ... an official exar kun of BLADE production
::: ASCII : FULLBLOWN // / ----
: STAT : requested / // /
--+- aRt cOURIERs aRe lAMe -+--
i think its massm and spatula who are in charge of fullblown, if not, sorry i
cant remember very well
hmm .. school sucks
smoking is gay .. our school has an unoffical alley for smoking, why not just
shoot yourself? its quicker
le fin seriously
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