this image contains text
t h e
e d g e . . .
--- --@
+@!the edge is published monthly as an inform
ational text on blade productions
+ the edge - the blade informational textfile - vol
ume 3 / issue 7
information?! we dont need no steeeenkin informat
contents -
1. the edge volume 3, issue 7
2. the members september, 1996
3. the affiliates september, 1996
+@-- - -- --
- --@
its another o-so radical k-krazy monkey
kookie month. ton
s-o-stuff has been going on
this month, and were going to tell you eve
single happy-go-monkey thing that h
a few things that didnt happen...
but we wanted to!
but first, well s
tart with the blade
info file
contest-o-ansi-o-the-stars-o. the
first person or thing to tell us what the
this is, gets to have edic
ius draw them an ansi of
a cupcake?
oh, this has been one silly month over here
the blade western hotdog shop. m
indcrime got his
nose pierced and posed with mr
. beaver just befor
going for a ride on the happy-
i got my license this month, and as our beloved ole
buddy, kiwi said, better stay off the si
hell, stay off your lawn!
so there i was, man... on top of the wave, and there
was no where left to go but down! then, all of
the sudden, there i was. i was flyin, man. i
thought i was dead... going home to davey jonas
locker. just then, man, i came back up, gasping for
air, still on my board! i beat the sea, man...i
beat it!
... and then mindcrime did the macerena with al
ternateens atth
e bowling alley!
who said there was no such thing as peer pressure
? You should have seen
grey hawk bow down to the might of the combin
ed peer pressure of
edicius, mindcrime, and myself
, and draw an ansi. not only one ansi, though,
we got grey hawk to d
raw us quite a few of them!
then grey hawk wouldnt let me drive his ca
r!jerk! so thenwe challenge
d him to a drag-race in mindcrimes car.
i still havent been able to figure
out how he beat me... all i can do is blame it on mi
car. but... since grey hawk and i
have the same car... i guess itscoo
l that i know that i can beat mindcrime i
n a race!
... or as our ex-buddy and most excellent
ansi scene trend setting friend, chromatik, wou
ld say, the sun
smiles down on the fields of the lord.
edicius shaved!
we all tho
ught that
it was a
different person, but... as soon as he
started telling us a story, we knew it wa
s him.
is that weed?!
introducing the official
blade air-hockey team, the screaming wont
air ho
ckey puck
1. belial
2. grey hawk
3. dimes
4. mindcrime
5. edicius
6. lucifer
if your petty little cheese-filled ansi group is monk
ey enough, come play
us! i challenge you to a duel!you c
an find us at either fun time america, i
n cliffwood beach, nj, or at t
he bowling alley does that place even
have a name?, in hazlet, nj.say yo
ure looking for the screaming wonton
s and their pet pimp, quafajawahlahikee
new blade contest... whats that say up there?
on a lighter note, lucifer only weighs
80 pounds.
did you ever hear a song and like it? yeah... me too.
blade makes the news!
in our first step towards world dominationtm, bl
attacked iraq by dropping some bombs on the
ir doorstep.
kiwi was seen running from the scene
, wearing a funky cyan turban.
on a related issue, dimes, blades official
hard drive hurler, scored a perfect 10 and
captured blades first ever
GOLD medal. however, later that
day, dimes also decided to join thedecathalo
after finishing dead last,
and utterly humiliating himself,dimes ha
his GOLD medal stripped from him and
was then laughed out of the olympics.
later that night,
the blade staff got revenge blade l
aunches their
and blew up the evil plot
for world
olympics and took dimes
medal back for him! way to go dimes!
no greetz?!
belials leaving the scene letter by belial
im fed up! im leaving the scene. youre all a bunch
of hog-wild
gluttonous pigs with no hearts whatsoever!
youre all probably communists, too!
i have a life! i just dont sit in front
of my computer all day and talk on ir
c! i have, like, 20
girlfriendsand im so busy getting sex tha
t i
dont have time to draw ansi!when
im not banging my girlfriend, im smoking
weed!i have an 18
foot bong. me and my friends
get inside of it!
i have to leave the scene. i just dont have the time anym
ive really been busy, and now
that college is coming up... its just not going to work
anymore. i have to get a job and pay for my
apartment, my car,
and everything else. i just dont
have the time, anymore.
-- belial gone from the scene forever!
also leaving blade this month.. .
.. is kuma, who was captured by a group of milit
ant monkeys and
taken to their secret island, deep in the middle of the gr
eat lake
eerie. after a brief run-in with the local governmen
t, kuma
escaped the island by becoming a chef and
feeding the locals who were all bann
ed from the
local boards because they arent ld a
meal of liverworst spiked with ellisdee
, knocking out all of
monkeys. upon returning to the safety of his home, k
uma left once
again for the hills of columbia, where he joine
d the
priesthood and walks around with his trusty goa
.. is dr. kevorkian, who finally bought his free
dom and decided that
he was going west... to europe.
.. is sodium, who joined a local militia. howeve
r, after getting hit
with a brick by co-militia member, lord jazz,
m decided to search for the fabled fount
ain of youthtm.
and the man said add the funk?!
why dont they make an irc channel calle
wouldnt that
solve so many problems!
on a personal note, id like to welcome each and eve
ry one of the
new blade members.. .
.. like widowmaker, who was taught in the finest
russian ansi schools.
.. likerisu, who proved that beavers actually
can talk!
.. like pariah, the ex-president of a small isla
nd nation in new
.. like exar kun, whos heading the america
n gigolo movement in
saudi arabia.
.. like the natural, whos still paying off some
baseball park in
the breadbasket for fucking shit uptm
..like brain eater, who eats brains... and ha
ving the hair shaped int
o a round bushy mass.
.. like q, whos taking time off from star
trek, to give us his
omnipresent ascii powers.
.. liketourian, whos taking time off from an
avid fly-fishing
schedule to help drowning children.
.. like zempf, who decided that it was too cold
hiking in the
himayalas, and would rather be
sell fruit on highway 69 in roswell, new
.. like GREY HAWK, who was given back to ea
rth by a group of angsty
aliens complaining that he never did
anything and would rather listen to orbital tha
n actually
orbit anything!
i hope you all enjoy your stay with blade, and
if you ever move
to 908, nj, y
ou can even hang out with
mindcrime, edicius, grey hawk
, and myself!hell, sometim
es you can
even hang out with soul
seeker, lucifer, eggy, dime
s, and us!
all in all, 908 addds up to some very 31337
maybe one day... thinking... edicius
and i
will get together and jot down some of the shit
happens to us! like when the guy
at the wawa told mindcrime he dr
opped his rock.
or when grey hawk got beane
d in the head with my
air-hockey mallet.
.. anyway, this has been one hell of a month for
blade.id like to
congratulate everyone on a job WELL d
one. especially
kiwi for one most awesome
ansi! im still pissed that you
didnt greet me, you bitch! see if i
ever try to sell you cologne at the 7-11.
- at the new blade webpage at:
complete with phresh gnu
by mindcrime hisself!
okay, im done! enjoy the pack or ill send a swarm of
killer locusts
upon you to rip out
your soul and feed it to a colony of
-- belial
, not that kookie albino
! graphics by subconsciousness, ki
wi, an
d mindcrime
... now for a few words by home skillet 1,
kiwi.. .
We are Blade! i have a box of cookies!
------ ------- -- - Divider bar fun. - -- ----
Personal news about kiwi. because he is board.
ok, i started a new school and am all alone in a cold crue
l world, so
instead of being social i did the ansi that sits in the pac
k from me.
yae. and my 17 birthday is this month! *cheers* umm..
oh, and Enya and Danzig complement eac
h other strangely, who woulda known?
************ SPECIAL RE
PORT ************
Cookies have been found to cause rectal complicatio
ns when jammed in the
asphyncter in batches of 3 or more. please be aware of this
situation and
take the proper precautions before trying out the Asian Ca
rtwheel posi-
tion with your favorite cookie. This special report has bee
n brought to
you buy pop retarts, the regurgated snack. now back to our
dumbass news-
******* THAT WAS A
umm... cookie...
You want to see an asni.. an ansi
of that cookie. dont you. yeesss.. you do.
--- ummm,... cookie...
this her
e looks like edicius after he
shaves his goetee! -b3
+@-- - -- --
- --@
metallic blood, arrested last tuesday in
connection with the bombing of
twa flight 800, HAS BEEN FREED! AMEN, MY BROTHER! the jud
determined that he was of sound mind and body, and that it
highly unlikely that he commited the henious crime.
little did they know, blade
replaced the real metallic blood with a pro
bot that we had been working on for some time. embee
is still
extremely insane, and will continue to be so for the
remainded of his stay with blade.
the blade quest for world domination continues...
+@-- - -- --
- --@
blade productions, september 1996 :
att .................................. giw
ish@mindport.net ascii artist
aninimal ...............................
aninimal@cris.com high resolution
belial .............................. be
lial@cybercomm.net senior staff
brain eater...................................
........... ansi artist
cable .............................................
....... ascii artist
counterpoint ...............................
.............. alumnus
creator ............................. pu
rsuit@xmission.com ansi artist
dark knight .............................
darky@execpc.com coding coordinator
darkman ......................
............................ alumnus
dead soul ..............................
deadsoul@liii.com music coordinator
dimes ..............................s
diamond@skidmore.edu dumb code/olympics
edicius ......................
.......... edi@cybercomm.net senior staff
errant angel ...........aliche@wctcln
x.waukesha.tec.wi.us senior staff
exar kun........................... koond
og@ix.netcom.com ascii artist
facsimile .........................................
....... alumnus
flare ............................... sg
gamals@oakland.edu info. services
flux .......................................
.............. alumnus
forge ..............................j
ohnmacarthur@why.net ascii artist
grey hawk..............................
grey@infi-pos.com ansi/ascii artist
hack ..............................................
....... info. services
hard liqour ................................
.............. ascii artist
ilsundal ......................root@a
lfheim.csionline.com useless informatio
n kiwi .......................
kiwi.justice@sylvania.sev.org ansi/good head
liquid blue ............................
disco@javanet.com high resolution
lonestar .......................... ttot
h@earth.execpc.com literature
lucifer ............................. lu
cifer@injersey.com ansi/ascii artist
mass murderer ...........................
murd@digifro.com ansi/ascii artist
meltdown ..................................
k2112@cris.com ascii coordinator
metalchic ................metalchic@a
lfheim.csionline.com tape halo maker
metallic blood .............................
.............. global coordinator
mindcrime ....................
........... mike@exit109.com president/fou
nemesis ..........................mik
e15@usa.pipeline.com high resolution
neo negro ...................... infinit
y@elobservador.com ansi/ascii artist
........... ascii artist
pennywise ..........................pennywis
e@malum.ab.ca ansi artist
........... lit/ascii artist
raveged wanderer ..................................
....... high resolution
........... ascii artist
shellman ..........................................
....... info. services
soul seeker ........................s
oulman@cybercomm.net senior staff
subconsciousness ...........................
.............. ansi coordinator
the natural...................................
........... ascii artist
torgo ................................torgo@
geocities.com vga coordinator
tourian@ole.net vga artist
tron powerhouse ......................... trone
pic@tir.com literature
virago ...................................
virago@juno.com lit coordinator
widowmaker ......................................
......... ansi artist
zempf.................................... zempf@
modex.com ascii artist
* - several people have been deleted from this list du
e to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitue removal from the group
+@-- - -- --
- --@
+@-- - -- --
- --@
the affiliates, september 1996 :
alderaan 908 mindcrime -
galactic temple
apocalypse 201 napalm
- eastern shrine
harvest moon 216 quran
- central shrine
cool dudes inc. 613 misc. du
des - canadian shrine
neo tokyo +32 tasmaniac
- european shrine
arcane +61 intense -
australian shrine
prevail rex
- swedish shrine
mental overdose +32 zarkof
- belgian shrine
altconn +55 starfox -
brazilian shrine
ravebase +41 maverick
- swiss shrine
optical illusion +47 pyx
- norwegian shrine
evil intentions 408 betrayer
- distribution outpost
twist of fate 810 flare
- distribution outpost
the rebel base xxx luke skyw
alker - distribution outpost
email - mike@exit109.com
blade www home page - http://www.exit109.com/m
+@-- - -- --
- --@
blade productions
- putting the phear back in art!
e d g e . . .
--- --@
+@!the edge is published monthly as an inform
ational text on blade productions
+ the edge - the blade informational textfile - vol
ume 3 / issue 7
information?! we dont need no steeeenkin informat
contents -
1. the edge volume 3, issue 7
2. the members september, 1996
3. the affiliates september, 1996
+@-- - -- --
- --@
its another o-so radical k-krazy monkey
kookie month. ton
s-o-stuff has been going on
this month, and were going to tell you eve
single happy-go-monkey thing that h
a few things that didnt happen...
but we wanted to!
but first, well s
tart with the blade
info file
contest-o-ansi-o-the-stars-o. the
first person or thing to tell us what the
this is, gets to have edic
ius draw them an ansi of
a cupcake?
oh, this has been one silly month over here
the blade western hotdog shop. m
indcrime got his
nose pierced and posed with mr
. beaver just befor
going for a ride on the happy-
i got my license this month, and as our beloved ole
buddy, kiwi said, better stay off the si
hell, stay off your lawn!
so there i was, man... on top of the wave, and there
was no where left to go but down! then, all of
the sudden, there i was. i was flyin, man. i
thought i was dead... going home to davey jonas
locker. just then, man, i came back up, gasping for
air, still on my board! i beat the sea, man...i
beat it!
... and then mindcrime did the macerena with al
ternateens atth
e bowling alley!
who said there was no such thing as peer pressure
? You should have seen
grey hawk bow down to the might of the combin
ed peer pressure of
edicius, mindcrime, and myself
, and draw an ansi. not only one ansi, though,
we got grey hawk to d
raw us quite a few of them!
then grey hawk wouldnt let me drive his ca
r!jerk! so thenwe challenge
d him to a drag-race in mindcrimes car.
i still havent been able to figure
out how he beat me... all i can do is blame it on mi
car. but... since grey hawk and i
have the same car... i guess itscoo
l that i know that i can beat mindcrime i
n a race!
... or as our ex-buddy and most excellent
ansi scene trend setting friend, chromatik, wou
ld say, the sun
smiles down on the fields of the lord.
edicius shaved!
we all tho
ught that
it was a
different person, but... as soon as he
started telling us a story, we knew it wa
s him.
is that weed?!
introducing the official
blade air-hockey team, the screaming wont
air ho
ckey puck
1. belial
2. grey hawk
3. dimes
4. mindcrime
5. edicius
6. lucifer
if your petty little cheese-filled ansi group is monk
ey enough, come play
us! i challenge you to a duel!you c
an find us at either fun time america, i
n cliffwood beach, nj, or at t
he bowling alley does that place even
have a name?, in hazlet, nj.say yo
ure looking for the screaming wonton
s and their pet pimp, quafajawahlahikee
new blade contest... whats that say up there?
on a lighter note, lucifer only weighs
80 pounds.
did you ever hear a song and like it? yeah... me too.
blade makes the news!
in our first step towards world dominationtm, bl
attacked iraq by dropping some bombs on the
ir doorstep.
kiwi was seen running from the scene
, wearing a funky cyan turban.
on a related issue, dimes, blades official
hard drive hurler, scored a perfect 10 and
captured blades first ever
GOLD medal. however, later that
day, dimes also decided to join thedecathalo
after finishing dead last,
and utterly humiliating himself,dimes ha
his GOLD medal stripped from him and
was then laughed out of the olympics.
later that night,
the blade staff got revenge blade l
aunches their
and blew up the evil plot
for world
olympics and took dimes
medal back for him! way to go dimes!
no greetz?!
belials leaving the scene letter by belial
im fed up! im leaving the scene. youre all a bunch
of hog-wild
gluttonous pigs with no hearts whatsoever!
youre all probably communists, too!
i have a life! i just dont sit in front
of my computer all day and talk on ir
c! i have, like, 20
girlfriendsand im so busy getting sex tha
t i
dont have time to draw ansi!when
im not banging my girlfriend, im smoking
weed!i have an 18
foot bong. me and my friends
get inside of it!
i have to leave the scene. i just dont have the time anym
ive really been busy, and now
that college is coming up... its just not going to work
anymore. i have to get a job and pay for my
apartment, my car,
and everything else. i just dont
have the time, anymore.
-- belial gone from the scene forever!
also leaving blade this month.. .
.. is kuma, who was captured by a group of milit
ant monkeys and
taken to their secret island, deep in the middle of the gr
eat lake
eerie. after a brief run-in with the local governmen
t, kuma
escaped the island by becoming a chef and
feeding the locals who were all bann
ed from the
local boards because they arent ld a
meal of liverworst spiked with ellisdee
, knocking out all of
monkeys. upon returning to the safety of his home, k
uma left once
again for the hills of columbia, where he joine
d the
priesthood and walks around with his trusty goa
.. is dr. kevorkian, who finally bought his free
dom and decided that
he was going west... to europe.
.. is sodium, who joined a local militia. howeve
r, after getting hit
with a brick by co-militia member, lord jazz,
m decided to search for the fabled fount
ain of youthtm.
and the man said add the funk?!
why dont they make an irc channel calle
wouldnt that
solve so many problems!
on a personal note, id like to welcome each and eve
ry one of the
new blade members.. .
.. like widowmaker, who was taught in the finest
russian ansi schools.
.. likerisu, who proved that beavers actually
can talk!
.. like pariah, the ex-president of a small isla
nd nation in new
.. like exar kun, whos heading the america
n gigolo movement in
saudi arabia.
.. like the natural, whos still paying off some
baseball park in
the breadbasket for fucking shit uptm
..like brain eater, who eats brains... and ha
ving the hair shaped int
o a round bushy mass.
.. like q, whos taking time off from star
trek, to give us his
omnipresent ascii powers.
.. liketourian, whos taking time off from an
avid fly-fishing
schedule to help drowning children.
.. like zempf, who decided that it was too cold
hiking in the
himayalas, and would rather be
sell fruit on highway 69 in roswell, new
.. like GREY HAWK, who was given back to ea
rth by a group of angsty
aliens complaining that he never did
anything and would rather listen to orbital tha
n actually
orbit anything!
i hope you all enjoy your stay with blade, and
if you ever move
to 908, nj, y
ou can even hang out with
mindcrime, edicius, grey hawk
, and myself!hell, sometim
es you can
even hang out with soul
seeker, lucifer, eggy, dime
s, and us!
all in all, 908 addds up to some very 31337
maybe one day... thinking... edicius
and i
will get together and jot down some of the shit
happens to us! like when the guy
at the wawa told mindcrime he dr
opped his rock.
or when grey hawk got beane
d in the head with my
air-hockey mallet.
.. anyway, this has been one hell of a month for
blade.id like to
congratulate everyone on a job WELL d
one. especially
kiwi for one most awesome
ansi! im still pissed that you
didnt greet me, you bitch! see if i
ever try to sell you cologne at the 7-11.
- at the new blade webpage at:
complete with phresh gnu
by mindcrime hisself!
okay, im done! enjoy the pack or ill send a swarm of
killer locusts
upon you to rip out
your soul and feed it to a colony of
-- belial
, not that kookie albino
! graphics by subconsciousness, ki
wi, an
d mindcrime
... now for a few words by home skillet 1,
kiwi.. .
We are Blade! i have a box of cookies!
------ ------- -- - Divider bar fun. - -- ----
Personal news about kiwi. because he is board.
ok, i started a new school and am all alone in a cold crue
l world, so
instead of being social i did the ansi that sits in the pac
k from me.
yae. and my 17 birthday is this month! *cheers* umm..
oh, and Enya and Danzig complement eac
h other strangely, who woulda known?
************ SPECIAL RE
PORT ************
Cookies have been found to cause rectal complicatio
ns when jammed in the
asphyncter in batches of 3 or more. please be aware of this
situation and
take the proper precautions before trying out the Asian Ca
rtwheel posi-
tion with your favorite cookie. This special report has bee
n brought to
you buy pop retarts, the regurgated snack. now back to our
dumbass news-
******* THAT WAS A
umm... cookie...
You want to see an asni.. an ansi
of that cookie. dont you. yeesss.. you do.
--- ummm,... cookie...
this her
e looks like edicius after he
shaves his goetee! -b3
+@-- - -- --
- --@
metallic blood, arrested last tuesday in
connection with the bombing of
twa flight 800, HAS BEEN FREED! AMEN, MY BROTHER! the jud
determined that he was of sound mind and body, and that it
highly unlikely that he commited the henious crime.
little did they know, blade
replaced the real metallic blood with a pro
bot that we had been working on for some time. embee
is still
extremely insane, and will continue to be so for the
remainded of his stay with blade.
the blade quest for world domination continues...
+@-- - -- --
- --@
blade productions, september 1996 :
att .................................. giw
ish@mindport.net ascii artist
aninimal ...............................
aninimal@cris.com high resolution
belial .............................. be
lial@cybercomm.net senior staff
brain eater...................................
........... ansi artist
cable .............................................
....... ascii artist
counterpoint ...............................
.............. alumnus
creator ............................. pu
rsuit@xmission.com ansi artist
dark knight .............................
darky@execpc.com coding coordinator
darkman ......................
............................ alumnus
dead soul ..............................
deadsoul@liii.com music coordinator
dimes ..............................s
diamond@skidmore.edu dumb code/olympics
edicius ......................
.......... edi@cybercomm.net senior staff
errant angel ...........aliche@wctcln
x.waukesha.tec.wi.us senior staff
exar kun........................... koond
og@ix.netcom.com ascii artist
facsimile .........................................
....... alumnus
flare ............................... sg
gamals@oakland.edu info. services
flux .......................................
.............. alumnus
forge ..............................j
ohnmacarthur@why.net ascii artist
grey hawk..............................
grey@infi-pos.com ansi/ascii artist
hack ..............................................
....... info. services
hard liqour ................................
.............. ascii artist
ilsundal ......................root@a
lfheim.csionline.com useless informatio
n kiwi .......................
kiwi.justice@sylvania.sev.org ansi/good head
liquid blue ............................
disco@javanet.com high resolution
lonestar .......................... ttot
h@earth.execpc.com literature
lucifer ............................. lu
cifer@injersey.com ansi/ascii artist
mass murderer ...........................
murd@digifro.com ansi/ascii artist
meltdown ..................................
k2112@cris.com ascii coordinator
metalchic ................metalchic@a
lfheim.csionline.com tape halo maker
metallic blood .............................
.............. global coordinator
mindcrime ....................
........... mike@exit109.com president/fou
nemesis ..........................mik
e15@usa.pipeline.com high resolution
neo negro ...................... infinit
y@elobservador.com ansi/ascii artist
........... ascii artist
pennywise ..........................pennywis
e@malum.ab.ca ansi artist
........... lit/ascii artist
raveged wanderer ..................................
....... high resolution
........... ascii artist
shellman ..........................................
....... info. services
soul seeker ........................s
oulman@cybercomm.net senior staff
subconsciousness ...........................
.............. ansi coordinator
the natural...................................
........... ascii artist
torgo ................................torgo@
geocities.com vga coordinator
tourian@ole.net vga artist
tron powerhouse ......................... trone
pic@tir.com literature
virago ...................................
virago@juno.com lit coordinator
widowmaker ......................................
......... ansi artist
zempf.................................... zempf@
modex.com ascii artist
* - several people have been deleted from this list du
e to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitue removal from the group
+@-- - -- --
- --@
+@-- - -- --
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the affiliates, september 1996 :
alderaan 908 mindcrime -
galactic temple
apocalypse 201 napalm
- eastern shrine
harvest moon 216 quran
- central shrine
cool dudes inc. 613 misc. du
des - canadian shrine
neo tokyo +32 tasmaniac
- european shrine
arcane +61 intense -
australian shrine
prevail rex
- swedish shrine
mental overdose +32 zarkof
- belgian shrine
altconn +55 starfox -
brazilian shrine
ravebase +41 maverick
- swiss shrine
optical illusion +47 pyx
- norwegian shrine
evil intentions 408 betrayer
- distribution outpost
twist of fate 810 flare
- distribution outpost
the rebel base xxx luke skyw
alker - distribution outpost
email - mike@exit109.com
blade www home page - http://www.exit109.com/m
+@-- - -- --
- --@
blade productions
- putting the phear back in art!
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