this image contains text
.4s,. s,.
,s s. s hard liquors
, :: yyyyyyyyyyyyy ,y@, ,y s,.,ss,. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, , .s:::::s. ,@,s@s, ::::::::: .s:::::s. ::s. @, , i:::::::i i:::::::i :::i , s,s. li:::il li:::il :il s,,s @s.,s::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s,,s
--------------------- p r e m i e r c o l l y ------------------------
- well howdee, welcome to hard liquors ascii round up. as you kin see
i am a newcomer to the blade scene, this being my first round up. i
will indeed try and keep up with the rest of the pack, as well as not
complainin too much about them vittles. but, im a burnin daylight or
caffine, and no you are not seeing things, i do not, and i repeat ,do
not capitalize at all, once so ever. stop the yakin and let the round
up begin!
------------------------ yippie ki-yay ---------------------------------
------------------ blind studios - a group i was in --------------------
. @sss@ ,
------------------ sunset park - for da drug ---------------------------
yyyyyyyy ,ss. yyyyyyyyyyyy ,ss. s. s,. s. , hl ,. yyyyy , ,+ yyyyyyy. , ,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy 7 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy@,. .,@.,,@,..,@@,.,@ p a r k
------------------ The rebellion - my board, sue me --------------------
asskey by hl .ss.s
@@s, @@s, .,@@s, S. S. s,s S.
,s@@s, .
.s,.,sss @s s@
r e b e l l i o n
relax... its only an uprising.
sop: hard liquor
------------------ infinity justice - for slame ------------------------
ascii by hlblade
j u s t i c e
, 403suxcock .,
------------------ ditto - lames slimes mid. name ---------------------
@a. @a.
i n f i n i t y
sysop: slime
our motto: no art to shitty to chop
ascii by: hard liquor blade
------------------ mad - dont ask me, i did it k? ---------------------
,ss .ss .s , s . s . . s , s , s s s s s. s., yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - what? me sober?
------------------ endless tenacity - for nomad ------------------------
s. ,, .,s .,s1
.,s,s .,s,s .,s. .,s,s .,s,s1 .,s,s1
4y7.s .4y7., 4y7 4y7 4y7
t e n a c i t y xXxXxXxXx m e n u
------------------ sad jester - for the sad jester ---------------------
.,ss,. - Boo, Hoo a little tribute to
dh the sad jester
.s@@s. ,, .
,, hl ,,ss
.. ds, @ss.,
@s. ,,
s d,b s s
--------------------- color shock - for a compo ------------------------
,ss. c o l o r s h o c k
, dh
.ll .,s@@s,.
.,ss@ s,s
------------------ the rebellion - i get no requests -------------------
,ss . , l , s , , .@s, b, . ,. ..sb. ,. d.s. .
s,.,a 1 ,b. ,s@..
. .ss.s,. . b.s,s, b, ., ,, . @s,.,s @s
,s. .,s@ . woof! . s .s, . s. s ,s@s,.s,.....,ss,.....,s . ,@, ,..,a@ , .,ss,.,sys,....,s ,syy@s@.,ss*s,. yyyyyyyy .s y s. .s@s,. SS, y s. @ss,. . , .s..s, ,.s.,s,s ,@, yyy ,s @s , , yyyyyyy , , , ,.s s @yyyyyyyyyyyy@ ,yyyyyyyyyy ,.s,syyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
------------------ dcs - fer some dumbass 403 board --------------------
d e m o n s h i t t y
x--x .,,. askii stylings by hlblade
x ---- 403sumshit ---- x ss
------------------ the rebellion - i mean no reqs! -------------------- , . .,
., h.l i
a s
yyyyy,b, ds,sSs. ,sSs. .ss, d,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys,b,. , . , .,s. ss,.. yyy b.,.s* ..,s , yyy., yyy ,,s .,.,s.,s.,.s*,s s.,.s, - its the grape of all knowing righteousness, a must for every family.
the rebelli0n
403 472-1370
i have raccoons in my back yard
- not ra-coons you idiot!
------------------ e o f - chew ma cud --------------------
gre3tz- shouts out to my mail man, loi, phallic, queerkilla, inbnd hand model freak , all the gs on irc ansi, and yes you to. be our fourth caller and win one long hair yak, already house broken, the perfect addition to any home.
.4s,. s,.
,s s. s hard liquors
, :: yyyyyyyyyyyyy ,y@, ,y s,.,ss,. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, , .s:::::s. ,@,s@s, ::::::::: .s:::::s. ::s. @, , i:::::::i i:::::::i :::i , s,s. li:::il li:::il :il s,,s @s.,s::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s,,s
--------------------- p r e m i e r c o l l y ------------------------
- well howdee, welcome to hard liquors ascii round up. as you kin see
i am a newcomer to the blade scene, this being my first round up. i
will indeed try and keep up with the rest of the pack, as well as not
complainin too much about them vittles. but, im a burnin daylight or
caffine, and no you are not seeing things, i do not, and i repeat ,do
not capitalize at all, once so ever. stop the yakin and let the round
up begin!
------------------------ yippie ki-yay ---------------------------------
------------------ blind studios - a group i was in --------------------
. @sss@ ,
------------------ sunset park - for da drug ---------------------------
yyyyyyyy ,ss. yyyyyyyyyyyy ,ss. s. s,. s. , hl ,. yyyyy , ,+ yyyyyyy. , ,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy 7 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy@,. .,@.,,@,..,@@,.,@ p a r k
------------------ The rebellion - my board, sue me --------------------
asskey by hl .ss.s
@@s, @@s, .,@@s, S. S. s,s S.
,s@@s, .
.s,.,sss @s s@
r e b e l l i o n
relax... its only an uprising.
sop: hard liquor
------------------ infinity justice - for slame ------------------------
ascii by hlblade
j u s t i c e
, 403suxcock .,
------------------ ditto - lames slimes mid. name ---------------------
@a. @a.
i n f i n i t y
sysop: slime
our motto: no art to shitty to chop
ascii by: hard liquor blade
------------------ mad - dont ask me, i did it k? ---------------------
,ss .ss .s , s . s . . s , s , s s s s s. s., yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - what? me sober?
------------------ endless tenacity - for nomad ------------------------
s. ,, .,s .,s1
.,s,s .,s,s .,s. .,s,s .,s,s1 .,s,s1
4y7.s .4y7., 4y7 4y7 4y7
t e n a c i t y xXxXxXxXx m e n u
------------------ sad jester - for the sad jester ---------------------
.,ss,. - Boo, Hoo a little tribute to
dh the sad jester
.s@@s. ,, .
,, hl ,,ss
.. ds, @ss.,
@s. ,,
s d,b s s
--------------------- color shock - for a compo ------------------------
,ss. c o l o r s h o c k
, dh
.ll .,s@@s,.
.,ss@ s,s
------------------ the rebellion - i get no requests -------------------
,ss . , l , s , , .@s, b, . ,. ..sb. ,. d.s. .
s,.,a 1 ,b. ,s@..
. .ss.s,. . b.s,s, b, ., ,, . @s,.,s @s
,s. .,s@ . woof! . s .s, . s. s ,s@s,.s,.....,ss,.....,s . ,@, ,..,a@ , .,ss,.,sys,....,s ,syy@s@.,ss*s,. yyyyyyyy .s y s. .s@s,. SS, y s. @ss,. . , .s..s, ,.s.,s,s ,@, yyy ,s @s , , yyyyyyy , , , ,.s s @yyyyyyyyyyyy@ ,yyyyyyyyyy ,.s,syyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
------------------ dcs - fer some dumbass 403 board --------------------
d e m o n s h i t t y
x--x .,,. askii stylings by hlblade
x ---- 403sumshit ---- x ss
------------------ the rebellion - i mean no reqs! -------------------- , . .,
., h.l i
a s
yyyyy,b, ds,sSs. ,sSs. .ss, d,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys,b,. , . , .,s. ss,.. yyy b.,.s* ..,s , yyy., yyy ,,s .,.,s.,s.,.s*,s s.,.s, - its the grape of all knowing righteousness, a must for every family.
the rebelli0n
403 472-1370
i have raccoons in my back yard
- not ra-coons you idiot!
------------------ e o f - chew ma cud --------------------
gre3tz- shouts out to my mail man, loi, phallic, queerkilla, inbnd hand model freak , all the gs on irc ansi, and yes you to. be our fourth caller and win one long hair yak, already house broken, the perfect addition to any home.
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