this image contains text
blade log
in: r3wt
password: ****************************
last login: fri aug 3 03:13:37 from edge
copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 berkeley software design, inc
copyright c 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
the regents of the university of california. all righ
ts reserved.
bsdi bsd/os 2.0 kernel 2: mon may 29 00:56:35 edt 1995
you have new mail!
+-- - blade.org slime
Folder: INBOX 1 Message
? HELP - Get help using Slime
C COMPOSE MESSAGE -Compose and send a message
I FOLDER INDEX - View messages in cur
rent folder
L FOLDER LIST - Select a folder to view
A ADDRESS BOOK - Update address book
S SETUP - Configure or update Slime
Q QUIT - Exit the Slime program
Copyright 1977-1996. SLIME is a trademark of Blade Art Pr
oductions, Inc.
?Help PPrevCmd
NNextCmd K
NBOX Message 1 of 1 ALL
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 01:51:49 -0400 EDT
From: Alicia Silverstone alicias@clueless.com
To: root@bladr.org
Subject: Hey baby.
Mindcrime, I saw the newest blade pack and you guys are the be
st! I want to
have a wild orgy with the whole blade crew! Especially that ha
ndsome devil,
Kiwi. His ansi r0xers my world! Let me know when we can get to
gether! Smooches!
- Alicia
ALL of message text
?Help MMain Menu
PPrevMsg -Pre
vPage DDelete R
NNextMsg Spc
NextPage UUndelete
+-- - blade.org ls
Mail mail theedge.0896
News mc.irc warez
blade publichtml
blde9607.zip sites.info
+-- - blade.org w
12:00AM up 3 years, 3:32, 48 users, load averages: 3.80,
3.53, 3.26
att giwish@mindport.net 3:1
3:37 ascii artist
aninimal aninimal@cris.com 3:13:37
high resolution
belial belial@cybercomm.net 3:13:37
senior staff
cable joccaro@aol.com 3:13:37
ascii artist
counterpoint who@knows.com 3:13:37
curious yellow skane@cris.com 3:13:37
high resolution
crimson ice spice@slip.net 3:13:37
ansi artist
creator pursuit@xmission.com 3:13:37
ansi artist
dark knight darky@ 3:13:37
coding coordinator
datafluxx fluxx@nol.net 3:13:37
info. services
darkman who@knows.com 3:13:37
dead soul deadsoul@liii.com 3:13:37
music coordinator
dimes sdiamond@skidmore.edu 3:13:37
dumb code/olympics
dragon *local terminal* 3:13:37
ascii artist
dr.kevorkian *local terminal* 3:13:37
econochrist schlong@wilmington.net 3:13:37
ascii artist
edicius edi@cybercomm.net 3:13:37
senior staff
errant angel aliche@wctclnx.waukesha.tec.wi.us 3:13:37
senior staff
facsimile who@knows.com 3:13:37
flare sggamals@oakland.edu 3:13:37
info. services
flux who@knows.com 3:13:37
forge *local terminal* 3:13:37
ascii artist
hack *local terminal* 3:13:37
info. services
hard liqour *local terminal* 3:13:37
ascii artist
ilsundal root@alfheim.csionline.com 3:13:37
useless information
kiwi d.justice@sylvania.sev.o
rg 3:13:37 ansi/good head
kuma *local terminal* 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
lonestar ttoth@earth.execpc.com 3:13:37
lucifer lucifer@injersey.com 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
mass murderer *local terminal* 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
meltdown k2112@cris.com 3:13:37
ascii coordinator
metalchic metalchic@alfheim.csionline.com 3:13:37
tape halo maker
metallic blood *local terminal* 3:13:37
global coordinator
mindcrime mike@exit109.com 3:13:37
nemesis mike15@usa.pipeline.com 3:13:37
high resolution
neo negro infinity@elobservador.com 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
paladin xphoenix@earthlink.net 3:13:37
pennywise 3:13:37
ansi artist
raveged wanderer *local terminal* 3:13:37
high resolution
rusty rusty@fast.net 3:13:37
ansi artist
satanic rhythm sgogos@io.org 3:13:37
high resolution
shellman *local terminal* 3:13:37
info. services
soul seeker soulman@cybercomm.net 3:13:37
senior staff
sparc *local terminal* 3:13:37
spirit walker spiritwa@crowsnest.org 3:13:37
high resolution
subconsciousness *local terminal* 3:13:37
ansi coordinator
torgo redcircl@grfn.org 3:13:37
vga coordinator
tron powerhouse tronepic@tir.com 3:13:37
virago virago@juno.com 3:13:37
lit coordinator
+-- - blade.org cat sites.info
suicidalripsc!style @logosubconsciousness
+ alderaan 908 mindcr
ime - galactic temple
apocalypse 201 napalm
- eastern shrine
harvest moon 216 quran
- central shrine
cool dudes inc. 613 misc. du
des - canadian shrine
neo tokyo +32 tasmaniac
- european shrine
arcane +61 intense -
australian shrine
the ice box +46 tosh 10
- swedish shrine
mental overdose +32 zarkof
- belgian shrine
altconn +55 starfox -
brazilian shrine
ravebase +41 maverick
- swiss shrine
optical illusion +47 pyx
- norwegian shrine
evil intentions 408 betrayer
- distribution outpost
twist of fate 810 flare
- distribution outpost
the rebel base xxx luke skyw
alker - distribution outpost
email - mike@exit109.com
blade www home page - http://www.exit109.com/m
+-- - blade.org cat theedge.0896
,,a a,, mmgggg gga,. mmgggg
a a r
,4 ll 7,
-+aaaygglggyaaa+- ...
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::k2!
l, ,l
iii iii iii iii iii iii
,a.,a. ,
, . l l
l l l
. . .aamga, ggg ,agmm
--------------------------- aaa
aaa aaa
the edge ... vol 3 iss 6
the monthly supplement to ... ... ... ...
blade productions...ph3ar! ::: ::: ::: :::
askiikOloR by kumablade!@
iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii
l l l l l l l l
1 - welcome to the wonderful and majestic world of
jonas ezine. I am your
editor, edicius, and along with my counterpart,
belial, we shall show
some of the finest writings you will find regarding music,
politics, and
oh, wait. this is blade. SHIT. i forgot abou
t blade for a while.
anyway its 6:32 in the morning, and im at mindcrime
s house! we spent
the night hacking, partying, and we spent an hour at 7-11
where a
crack dealer tried to peddle us eternity for men
. i thought philadelphia
was weird, but philly has nothing on mindcrimes
AR TO MY HEART. why the hell do
people join groups if theyre not going to produce or stay
in the group
longer then two months? FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS.
he he! i just pretended i was mindcrime!@
3 - people joined us this month, and people left.
we probably kicked some
people out because they didnt produce, but im not sure o
ff-hand. what
do I look like, a senior staff member? oh wait, dont ans
wer that!
seriously, though - people did join us! metallic blood
left mOp and
rejoined us. he used to be with us, but he left, and now
hes back, and
he does ansi pictures. so, hes the new global coordinat
or! lets
welcome him! virago was promoted to the lit coordi
nator position, and
hard liquor joins us in the ascii department.
pennywise joins up as a
great addition to our font family and sodium left
to pursue a more glorious
career with acid productions. we welco
me all those new arrivals and wish
the departing the best of luck with their new groups.
5 -
6 - we have new group policies that go into effect
IMMEDIATLY and all group
members should be aware of.
A - deleted at the last minute due to the fact
that mindcrime changed
his mind on the BLADE/ACID/
ECLIPSE/iNDiGO merger.
B - deleted at the last minute because bel
ial refuses to exchange
erotic email with anyone.
7 - now that the news about the merger and the new
email-sex policy is
announced, ill continue with some other general thoughts
on my mind.
mindcrime has this 9+ meg word file that hes curr
ently using to crack
a password file from some tiny ISP in outer mongolia. wer
e hoping to
get the account called genghisk but it doesnt l
ook good. so, im
sitting here writing this info file on one computer, and t
he password
file is being cracked on another. MAN, some of these pass
words are
wacky! people actually use passwords like, cookedke, e
leitora, and
surprising enough, the latter password turned out to be
tonight, at like, 3:45 in the morning, mindcrime,
belial, grey hawk and
i were hanging outside a local 7-11. some KNEE
GR0W pulls up in his
white jeep cherokee and goes into the store. t
hen he comes out, and tells
us that he was getting rid of all this mens cologne at re
ally cheap
prices. so mindcrime, being the nimwit that he is
, decides to try some.
the guy goes into his car, gets two bottles of wacky-ass s
tuff, and
sprays it on mindcrimes arms. its like almost 4
hours later, and the
smell still lingers in mindcrimes room. editors
note this shit reaks
you learn two things from this story, kids. so listen up!
moral number 1 - dont let weird people try to sell you co
logne at 3:45
in the morning. no ETHICAL salesperson would be selling
stuff at
that time. im surprised the stuff didnt break when it
fell off the
back of the truck. also, dont be a dolt like mindcr
ime, dont let
people spray foreign substances on your body. unless it
s a member of
the opposite sex, and the foreign substance is called car
ls sex
moral number 2 - you join blade, you get to hang out with
belial, and edicius. well, if you can get
your ass to new jersey.
8 - its almost seven oclock in the morning, so i
m going to go and get
some sleep now. sleep, or some coffee. im not sure, but
right now
belial and mindcrime are sleeping togethe
r? maybe, come to bladefest
97 for the truth!, so I have no reason to stay up..
editors note edicius is a wack job. i was on the
water bed and b3 was
on the floor. does that constitute being together? I THINK
this is blade, and were going to eat your past
rami. keep your
refridgerators locked up tight, or make sure its well st
ocked. cuz
im edicius, and im a husky fellow.
9 - here i is!!*@ iz mindcrime, and it
s 12:43am on sunday august 4th.
guess im a little late with this pack. but hell, saturday
, sunday,
whats the difference?@!? .. so yeah, anyways... edi
didnt mention the
fact that we have a rahd ass new application genera
tor this month! its
oh so beautiful, so even if youre not going to apply, che
ck it out. look
for it to be even better in coming months! also, bl
adeview is back in
production once again! we hope to have a wacked out new ve
rsion to show
the world in the coming months! AND, it just wouldnt be a
blade info
file if i didnt hype beyond the horizon, my em
ag! issue 5 will be out
sometime within the next few weeks, so look for it!
10 - red powdery stuff. its
one of lifes simple pleasures and for some
reason people just dont give it the respect it deserves.
im constantly
going over peoples houses and being asked if i want anyth
ing to drink.
i reply got any red powdery stuff? and they l
ook at me like im nutty!
cmon, people!* just add water, and red powdery
stuff becomes gods
gift to liquid refreshment! phear it like i phear torg
11 - on the olympic front, dimes is doing q
uite well in the hard drive
hurling part of track and field. he scored well in the pre
liminaries and
is a shoe in for the coveted olympic gold! we c
ant wait for him to
return from atlanta and show us his crack! er... go
ld medal! also in
blade olympic news, kiwi is being quest
ioned in connection with the
bombing in olympic park. he swears he didnt do
it, but his personality
is just asking for the authorities to knock down his door.
we support
him though, and know he wouldnt do something so terrible,
right kiwi??!
12 - twelve?! i think not. thats just WAY too much
for an info file...
+-- - blade.org exit
--+ the edge official blade infomation file
volume 3, issue 6 the end. --+
blade log
in: r3wt
password: ****************************
last login: fri aug 3 03:13:37 from edge
copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 berkeley software design, inc
copyright c 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
the regents of the university of california. all righ
ts reserved.
bsdi bsd/os 2.0 kernel 2: mon may 29 00:56:35 edt 1995
you have new mail!
+-- - blade.org slime
Folder: INBOX 1 Message
? HELP - Get help using Slime
C COMPOSE MESSAGE -Compose and send a message
I FOLDER INDEX - View messages in cur
rent folder
L FOLDER LIST - Select a folder to view
A ADDRESS BOOK - Update address book
S SETUP - Configure or update Slime
Q QUIT - Exit the Slime program
Copyright 1977-1996. SLIME is a trademark of Blade Art Pr
oductions, Inc.
?Help PPrevCmd
NNextCmd K
NBOX Message 1 of 1 ALL
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 01:51:49 -0400 EDT
From: Alicia Silverstone alicias@clueless.com
To: root@bladr.org
Subject: Hey baby.
Mindcrime, I saw the newest blade pack and you guys are the be
st! I want to
have a wild orgy with the whole blade crew! Especially that ha
ndsome devil,
Kiwi. His ansi r0xers my world! Let me know when we can get to
gether! Smooches!
- Alicia
ALL of message text
?Help MMain Menu
PPrevMsg -Pre
vPage DDelete R
NNextMsg Spc
NextPage UUndelete
+-- - blade.org ls
Mail mail theedge.0896
News mc.irc warez
blade publichtml
blde9607.zip sites.info
+-- - blade.org w
12:00AM up 3 years, 3:32, 48 users, load averages: 3.80,
3.53, 3.26
att giwish@mindport.net 3:1
3:37 ascii artist
aninimal aninimal@cris.com 3:13:37
high resolution
belial belial@cybercomm.net 3:13:37
senior staff
cable joccaro@aol.com 3:13:37
ascii artist
counterpoint who@knows.com 3:13:37
curious yellow skane@cris.com 3:13:37
high resolution
crimson ice spice@slip.net 3:13:37
ansi artist
creator pursuit@xmission.com 3:13:37
ansi artist
dark knight darky@ 3:13:37
coding coordinator
datafluxx fluxx@nol.net 3:13:37
info. services
darkman who@knows.com 3:13:37
dead soul deadsoul@liii.com 3:13:37
music coordinator
dimes sdiamond@skidmore.edu 3:13:37
dumb code/olympics
dragon *local terminal* 3:13:37
ascii artist
dr.kevorkian *local terminal* 3:13:37
econochrist schlong@wilmington.net 3:13:37
ascii artist
edicius edi@cybercomm.net 3:13:37
senior staff
errant angel aliche@wctclnx.waukesha.tec.wi.us 3:13:37
senior staff
facsimile who@knows.com 3:13:37
flare sggamals@oakland.edu 3:13:37
info. services
flux who@knows.com 3:13:37
forge *local terminal* 3:13:37
ascii artist
hack *local terminal* 3:13:37
info. services
hard liqour *local terminal* 3:13:37
ascii artist
ilsundal root@alfheim.csionline.com 3:13:37
useless information
kiwi d.justice@sylvania.sev.o
rg 3:13:37 ansi/good head
kuma *local terminal* 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
lonestar ttoth@earth.execpc.com 3:13:37
lucifer lucifer@injersey.com 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
mass murderer *local terminal* 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
meltdown k2112@cris.com 3:13:37
ascii coordinator
metalchic metalchic@alfheim.csionline.com 3:13:37
tape halo maker
metallic blood *local terminal* 3:13:37
global coordinator
mindcrime mike@exit109.com 3:13:37
nemesis mike15@usa.pipeline.com 3:13:37
high resolution
neo negro infinity@elobservador.com 3:13:37
ansi/ascii artist
paladin xphoenix@earthlink.net 3:13:37
pennywise 3:13:37
ansi artist
raveged wanderer *local terminal* 3:13:37
high resolution
rusty rusty@fast.net 3:13:37
ansi artist
satanic rhythm sgogos@io.org 3:13:37
high resolution
shellman *local terminal* 3:13:37
info. services
soul seeker soulman@cybercomm.net 3:13:37
senior staff
sparc *local terminal* 3:13:37
spirit walker spiritwa@crowsnest.org 3:13:37
high resolution
subconsciousness *local terminal* 3:13:37
ansi coordinator
torgo redcircl@grfn.org 3:13:37
vga coordinator
tron powerhouse tronepic@tir.com 3:13:37
virago virago@juno.com 3:13:37
lit coordinator
+-- - blade.org cat sites.info
suicidalripsc!style @logosubconsciousness
+ alderaan 908 mindcr
ime - galactic temple
apocalypse 201 napalm
- eastern shrine
harvest moon 216 quran
- central shrine
cool dudes inc. 613 misc. du
des - canadian shrine
neo tokyo +32 tasmaniac
- european shrine
arcane +61 intense -
australian shrine
the ice box +46 tosh 10
- swedish shrine
mental overdose +32 zarkof
- belgian shrine
altconn +55 starfox -
brazilian shrine
ravebase +41 maverick
- swiss shrine
optical illusion +47 pyx
- norwegian shrine
evil intentions 408 betrayer
- distribution outpost
twist of fate 810 flare
- distribution outpost
the rebel base xxx luke skyw
alker - distribution outpost
email - mike@exit109.com
blade www home page - http://www.exit109.com/m
+-- - blade.org cat theedge.0896
,,a a,, mmgggg gga,. mmgggg
a a r
,4 ll 7,
-+aaaygglggyaaa+- ...
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::k2!
l, ,l
iii iii iii iii iii iii
,a.,a. ,
, . l l
l l l
. . .aamga, ggg ,agmm
--------------------------- aaa
aaa aaa
the edge ... vol 3 iss 6
the monthly supplement to ... ... ... ...
blade productions...ph3ar! ::: ::: ::: :::
askiikOloR by kumablade!@
iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii
l l l l l l l l
1 - welcome to the wonderful and majestic world of
jonas ezine. I am your
editor, edicius, and along with my counterpart,
belial, we shall show
some of the finest writings you will find regarding music,
politics, and
oh, wait. this is blade. SHIT. i forgot abou
t blade for a while.
anyway its 6:32 in the morning, and im at mindcrime
s house! we spent
the night hacking, partying, and we spent an hour at 7-11
where a
crack dealer tried to peddle us eternity for men
. i thought philadelphia
was weird, but philly has nothing on mindcrimes
AR TO MY HEART. why the hell do
people join groups if theyre not going to produce or stay
in the group
longer then two months? FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS.
he he! i just pretended i was mindcrime!@
3 - people joined us this month, and people left.
we probably kicked some
people out because they didnt produce, but im not sure o
ff-hand. what
do I look like, a senior staff member? oh wait, dont ans
wer that!
seriously, though - people did join us! metallic blood
left mOp and
rejoined us. he used to be with us, but he left, and now
hes back, and
he does ansi pictures. so, hes the new global coordinat
or! lets
welcome him! virago was promoted to the lit coordi
nator position, and
hard liquor joins us in the ascii department.
pennywise joins up as a
great addition to our font family and sodium left
to pursue a more glorious
career with acid productions. we welco
me all those new arrivals and wish
the departing the best of luck with their new groups.
5 -
6 - we have new group policies that go into effect
IMMEDIATLY and all group
members should be aware of.
A - deleted at the last minute due to the fact
that mindcrime changed
his mind on the BLADE/ACID/
ECLIPSE/iNDiGO merger.
B - deleted at the last minute because bel
ial refuses to exchange
erotic email with anyone.
7 - now that the news about the merger and the new
email-sex policy is
announced, ill continue with some other general thoughts
on my mind.
mindcrime has this 9+ meg word file that hes curr
ently using to crack
a password file from some tiny ISP in outer mongolia. wer
e hoping to
get the account called genghisk but it doesnt l
ook good. so, im
sitting here writing this info file on one computer, and t
he password
file is being cracked on another. MAN, some of these pass
words are
wacky! people actually use passwords like, cookedke, e
leitora, and
surprising enough, the latter password turned out to be
tonight, at like, 3:45 in the morning, mindcrime,
belial, grey hawk and
i were hanging outside a local 7-11. some KNEE
GR0W pulls up in his
white jeep cherokee and goes into the store. t
hen he comes out, and tells
us that he was getting rid of all this mens cologne at re
ally cheap
prices. so mindcrime, being the nimwit that he is
, decides to try some.
the guy goes into his car, gets two bottles of wacky-ass s
tuff, and
sprays it on mindcrimes arms. its like almost 4
hours later, and the
smell still lingers in mindcrimes room. editors
note this shit reaks
you learn two things from this story, kids. so listen up!
moral number 1 - dont let weird people try to sell you co
logne at 3:45
in the morning. no ETHICAL salesperson would be selling
stuff at
that time. im surprised the stuff didnt break when it
fell off the
back of the truck. also, dont be a dolt like mindcr
ime, dont let
people spray foreign substances on your body. unless it
s a member of
the opposite sex, and the foreign substance is called car
ls sex
moral number 2 - you join blade, you get to hang out with
belial, and edicius. well, if you can get
your ass to new jersey.
8 - its almost seven oclock in the morning, so i
m going to go and get
some sleep now. sleep, or some coffee. im not sure, but
right now
belial and mindcrime are sleeping togethe
r? maybe, come to bladefest
97 for the truth!, so I have no reason to stay up..
editors note edicius is a wack job. i was on the
water bed and b3 was
on the floor. does that constitute being together? I THINK
this is blade, and were going to eat your past
rami. keep your
refridgerators locked up tight, or make sure its well st
ocked. cuz
im edicius, and im a husky fellow.
9 - here i is!!*@ iz mindcrime, and it
s 12:43am on sunday august 4th.
guess im a little late with this pack. but hell, saturday
, sunday,
whats the difference?@!? .. so yeah, anyways... edi
didnt mention the
fact that we have a rahd ass new application genera
tor this month! its
oh so beautiful, so even if youre not going to apply, che
ck it out. look
for it to be even better in coming months! also, bl
adeview is back in
production once again! we hope to have a wacked out new ve
rsion to show
the world in the coming months! AND, it just wouldnt be a
blade info
file if i didnt hype beyond the horizon, my em
ag! issue 5 will be out
sometime within the next few weeks, so look for it!
10 - red powdery stuff. its
one of lifes simple pleasures and for some
reason people just dont give it the respect it deserves.
im constantly
going over peoples houses and being asked if i want anyth
ing to drink.
i reply got any red powdery stuff? and they l
ook at me like im nutty!
cmon, people!* just add water, and red powdery
stuff becomes gods
gift to liquid refreshment! phear it like i phear torg
11 - on the olympic front, dimes is doing q
uite well in the hard drive
hurling part of track and field. he scored well in the pre
liminaries and
is a shoe in for the coveted olympic gold! we c
ant wait for him to
return from atlanta and show us his crack! er... go
ld medal! also in
blade olympic news, kiwi is being quest
ioned in connection with the
bombing in olympic park. he swears he didnt do
it, but his personality
is just asking for the authorities to knock down his door.
we support
him though, and know he wouldnt do something so terrible,
right kiwi??!
12 - twelve?! i think not. thats just WAY too much
for an info file...
+-- - blade.org exit
--+ the edge official blade infomation file
volume 3, issue 6 the end. --+
log in to add a comment.