this image contains text
lucifers asciis for 0496 ... blade rules, and so does your grandma.
greets out to .. mc, b3, cerk, metc, edi, gh, ilsun, rai, cheeze, nap,
creed, trip, sribz, cid, frac, and lago.
,aaaaaaa aaa a a a .. . . . .
1. cool dudes inc. for frac. free.
2. legacy zine for c3rk,b3,+3di. free. it will rule.
3. fongu for ewheat .. free , .
. 4. colored shock for some compo .. ,aa
... . . . . aa a aaa aa aaa
I would also like to send out a big fuck you to everyone who thinks the ansi
and ascii scene sucks. if you dont like it, get the fuck out. no one is
keeping your stupid ass here.
Another big Fuck You goes out to all those people who think they own ansi.
most of those dumb fucks arent even in the ansi scene. fuck you. leave ansi
argh. im angsty today. w00p.
now .. on to the asciis ..
++ .----+-----+ -- ----- -- -+-- --------- -- ----+---- --- ------+ 1 cool dudes inc.
aa a aaaa
a a ,
, .aaa aaaa. aaa aaa a.a
lf!@ a a a a a
- --- ------ a a .----- -
- --- --------a , a a -------- -- -
,. aa. a aa
aaaaa a.aa aa
--- --- ,a a ----- --- -
woOp@! cdI!@ op FRaC!@ a
- +------ -------+-------- ------+--+-- -- - -- --------- + ----+--- 2 very unreadable legacy font.
----- ----- lEGACY r00lz!@
aaa .
a , aaaa aaa ..,aaaa.,a.aaaa a aaaa aaa ,a
a ,aa aa a a , a
a a aa, aa ,a a, aaa
a. a , ,aaaa ,aa. a .a a aaa
aa aa a. a y!@ a a a a a a
a ---- + +--- ---------- ------ -- ------ -- --- -
+- + ---- ----------+- ----- -- - -+-----------------+- ---- ---- --- 3 fongu!@
, aaa,. aa .aa
a. aaa aaaaa aaaaaaa.. .
a a
---------- , a . .. , , ----- -- - fongu!@, , a a.a a,
---------,a . ,, , s.. aa -------- --- - a. , ,aa
a lF!@ a ,,aaa .
, aaaaa a
a a
-- +--- - -- ----+----------- - ---- -- +----+-- ---- ----- ---- -- 4 colored shock.
ii11ii .. iiiii cOlORED
.::::. .::::. sHOCK@!
iiiii ...... ...... ...... lf
111111 i11i i1i i11i
-- + ----- ----- +--- ----+ --- --- ------------+---------- --+DONE!@-- -
greets out to .. mc, b3, cerk, metc, edi, gh, ilsun, rai, cheeze, nap,
creed, trip, sribz, cid, frac, and lago.
,aaaaaaa aaa a a a .. . . . .
1. cool dudes inc. for frac. free.
2. legacy zine for c3rk,b3,+3di. free. it will rule.
3. fongu for ewheat .. free , .
. 4. colored shock for some compo .. ,aa
... . . . . aa a aaa aa aaa
I would also like to send out a big fuck you to everyone who thinks the ansi
and ascii scene sucks. if you dont like it, get the fuck out. no one is
keeping your stupid ass here.
Another big Fuck You goes out to all those people who think they own ansi.
most of those dumb fucks arent even in the ansi scene. fuck you. leave ansi
argh. im angsty today. w00p.
now .. on to the asciis ..
++ .----+-----+ -- ----- -- -+-- --------- -- ----+---- --- ------+ 1 cool dudes inc.
aa a aaaa
a a ,
, .aaa aaaa. aaa aaa a.a
lf!@ a a a a a
- --- ------ a a .----- -
- --- --------a , a a -------- -- -
,. aa. a aa
aaaaa a.aa aa
--- --- ,a a ----- --- -
woOp@! cdI!@ op FRaC!@ a
- +------ -------+-------- ------+--+-- -- - -- --------- + ----+--- 2 very unreadable legacy font.
----- ----- lEGACY r00lz!@
aaa .
a , aaaa aaa ..,aaaa.,a.aaaa a aaaa aaa ,a
a ,aa aa a a , a
a a aa, aa ,a a, aaa
a. a , ,aaaa ,aa. a .a a aaa
aa aa a. a y!@ a a a a a a
a ---- + +--- ---------- ------ -- ------ -- --- -
+- + ---- ----------+- ----- -- - -+-----------------+- ---- ---- --- 3 fongu!@
, aaa,. aa .aa
a. aaa aaaaa aaaaaaa.. .
a a
---------- , a . .. , , ----- -- - fongu!@, , a a.a a,
---------,a . ,, , s.. aa -------- --- - a. , ,aa
a lF!@ a ,,aaa .
, aaaaa a
a a
-- +--- - -- ----+----------- - ---- -- +----+-- ---- ----- ---- -- 4 colored shock.
ii11ii .. iiiii cOlORED
.::::. .::::. sHOCK@!
iiiii ...... ...... ...... lf
111111 i11i i1i i11i
-- + ----- ----- +--- ----+ --- --- ------------+---------- --+DONE!@-- -
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