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logo by embeeblde
-@!the edge is published monthly as an inf
ormational text on blade productions
- the edge - the blade informational textfile -
volume 3 / issue 2
1 hi. welcome
to our pack. this month, our almost fearless leader sp
his mouth off just a little too much about killing
blade, so we killed
him. but dont go worrying too much, kiwi is wo
rking on a resurrection
spell as we speak, so by next month we expect mindc
rime to be back in
action. naturally, well never let him have the group b
ack, but he makes
a good dog boy.so anyway, welcome to the tw
enty sixth blade epic. as
you can hopefully see by now, mc had no idea ho
w much killing blade
would effect the stability of the known universe, s
o we didnt let him
and all the lame rumors can stop now.
hey hooch, look! i used the
word lame! my god, im going straight to hell!
so with that out
of the way, we bring you the news, most of w
hich is entirely made up
just to spite mindcrime and his sadistical bus
iness-like ways.
2 i bet youre won
dering what happened in the group this month. youre
not? well FUCK YOU! heh.. anyways, mindcrime
decided that for his
last triumphant task as blade president he
would give the ever so
stale blade homepage a complete overhaul. its
actually pretty
funkdified, so check it out at http
you probably know most of the other stuff that went on th
e constant
questions and ravings about blade
being dead, etc... do you people
really give a shit? didnt think so, so wer
e just gunna keep doing
what we do, forever. blade will never
die. live it. love it. revel
in it. and stay out of our damn way.
3! some people just we
rent satisfied with the direction of blade
month, and were even less satisfied when we told them t
o scratch our
hairy asses. so with that, we bid a fond fairwell to
those who helped
us in times of need, and who organized mutinies in ti
mes of trouble,
making things infintesimally harder for
mindcrime. we still love you,
pushead, good luck with mop!
unfortunatly, our memories grow ever weake
r as time passes, so we
just cant remember if anyone else left. i
suppose if they suddenly
dropped off the member list in the last mo
nth, theyre gone. good luck,
5@ as we collectivel
y ate our giant bowl of diggems sugar smacks
, the
entire blade clan thought of how keen it w
ould be to get some new
members in our little group. then subconsiousness
jumped into the
bowl of milk and totally ruined the mood.
thats it, youre in our sekret club!
after several years as lord jazzs personal ans
i trainer, sodium,
the doodle boy formerly known as shattered lin
k, has joined the
blade team to bring us his awe-inspiring work in the
ansi art medium.
slideing into a vacant position on our coding team, re
demption joins
to form the blade of the blazing sword which wi
ll cut down through
your minds and souls at the future unveiling of the infamo
project number one. phear it.
in the ever changing world of this group and others, there
remained a constant force of pure beauty and quality. a di
whos loyalty and devotion is of the purest form. joining
blade literature division is lonestar
, whos writing talents fit
perfectly in the sea of blade lit.
last month, that dumbass mindcrime forgot to menti
on the addition
of blades very own serial killer! mass mur
derer joins up with us to
take care of those nasty little problems, while doing
a little ascii
on the side.
we welcome all the additions to blad
e productions this month and know
that they will prove to be the force that t
ips the scales in our quest
for world domination. i believe t
hat pinky and the brain are currently
ahead of us by a few points.
this section has been left blank in support of
pornography on the internet!
hey, who the hell put that there?! damn perverts.
7* we feared that ma
ss murderer may not be able to handle the job oftak
care of blades little problems
, so we decided to form the new blade
task force, under the name the hong
kong cavaliers. headed by dr.
kevorkian, were pretty sure you don
t want to fuck with these guys.
8 well, thats it! in ad
dition to this pack of epic proportions, be sure
to check out beyond the horizon issue 4. its c
hock full of the stuff
that makes emags grand. and dont forget to keep an eye ou
t of the
socket for bth5, which should prove to be even better tha
n issue 4.
also, petitions are currently being taken to let mindc
rime back into
his house and that presidential position at blade
. if you have
something to say on his behalf, or even against his b
ehalf, send some
mail to mike@exit109.com... incase youre wonde
ring, we took overhis
internet account as well. we really need to teach peo
ple how touse
proper passwords. he was stupid enough to
use iamapregnantstoolpigeon
as his... damn, could that be any more pre
until next time, remember to drink tang, eat ne
rds, join blade.
-the edge features the writings and ramblings o
f the guys who ousted mindcrime..
-@!the edge is published monthly as an inf
ormational text on blade productions
- the edge - the blade informational textfile -
volume 3 / issue 2
1 hi. welcome
to our pack. this month, our almost fearless leader sp
his mouth off just a little too much about killing
blade, so we killed
him. but dont go worrying too much, kiwi is wo
rking on a resurrection
spell as we speak, so by next month we expect mindc
rime to be back in
action. naturally, well never let him have the group b
ack, but he makes
a good dog boy.so anyway, welcome to the tw
enty sixth blade epic. as
you can hopefully see by now, mc had no idea ho
w much killing blade
would effect the stability of the known universe, s
o we didnt let him
and all the lame rumors can stop now.
hey hooch, look! i used the
word lame! my god, im going straight to hell!
so with that out
of the way, we bring you the news, most of w
hich is entirely made up
just to spite mindcrime and his sadistical bus
iness-like ways.
2 i bet youre won
dering what happened in the group this month. youre
not? well FUCK YOU! heh.. anyways, mindcrime
decided that for his
last triumphant task as blade president he
would give the ever so
stale blade homepage a complete overhaul. its
actually pretty
funkdified, so check it out at http
you probably know most of the other stuff that went on th
e constant
questions and ravings about blade
being dead, etc... do you people
really give a shit? didnt think so, so wer
e just gunna keep doing
what we do, forever. blade will never
die. live it. love it. revel
in it. and stay out of our damn way.
3! some people just we
rent satisfied with the direction of blade
month, and were even less satisfied when we told them t
o scratch our
hairy asses. so with that, we bid a fond fairwell to
those who helped
us in times of need, and who organized mutinies in ti
mes of trouble,
making things infintesimally harder for
mindcrime. we still love you,
pushead, good luck with mop!
unfortunatly, our memories grow ever weake
r as time passes, so we
just cant remember if anyone else left. i
suppose if they suddenly
dropped off the member list in the last mo
nth, theyre gone. good luck,
5@ as we collectivel
y ate our giant bowl of diggems sugar smacks
, the
entire blade clan thought of how keen it w
ould be to get some new
members in our little group. then subconsiousness
jumped into the
bowl of milk and totally ruined the mood.
thats it, youre in our sekret club!
after several years as lord jazzs personal ans
i trainer, sodium,
the doodle boy formerly known as shattered lin
k, has joined the
blade team to bring us his awe-inspiring work in the
ansi art medium.
slideing into a vacant position on our coding team, re
demption joins
to form the blade of the blazing sword which wi
ll cut down through
your minds and souls at the future unveiling of the infamo
project number one. phear it.
in the ever changing world of this group and others, there
remained a constant force of pure beauty and quality. a di
whos loyalty and devotion is of the purest form. joining
blade literature division is lonestar
, whos writing talents fit
perfectly in the sea of blade lit.
last month, that dumbass mindcrime forgot to menti
on the addition
of blades very own serial killer! mass mur
derer joins up with us to
take care of those nasty little problems, while doing
a little ascii
on the side.
we welcome all the additions to blad
e productions this month and know
that they will prove to be the force that t
ips the scales in our quest
for world domination. i believe t
hat pinky and the brain are currently
ahead of us by a few points.
this section has been left blank in support of
pornography on the internet!
hey, who the hell put that there?! damn perverts.
7* we feared that ma
ss murderer may not be able to handle the job oftak
care of blades little problems
, so we decided to form the new blade
task force, under the name the hong
kong cavaliers. headed by dr.
kevorkian, were pretty sure you don
t want to fuck with these guys.
8 well, thats it! in ad
dition to this pack of epic proportions, be sure
to check out beyond the horizon issue 4. its c
hock full of the stuff
that makes emags grand. and dont forget to keep an eye ou
t of the
socket for bth5, which should prove to be even better tha
n issue 4.
also, petitions are currently being taken to let mindc
rime back into
his house and that presidential position at blade
. if you have
something to say on his behalf, or even against his b
ehalf, send some
mail to mike@exit109.com... incase youre wonde
ring, we took overhis
internet account as well. we really need to teach peo
ple how touse
proper passwords. he was stupid enough to
use iamapregnantstoolpigeon
as his... damn, could that be any more pre
until next time, remember to drink tang, eat ne
rds, join blade.
-the edge features the writings and ramblings o
f the guys who ousted mindcrime..
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