this image contains text
-@!the edge is published monthly as an inf
ormation text on blade productions
- the edge - the blade informational textfile -
volume 3 / issue 1
1 greetings and s
alutations. welcome to the blade two year anniversary
. on march first of nineteen ninety four, blade rel
eased its very first
pack. this pack is the twenty fifth blade pak, celebrating
two years of
consistant pack production. i wish i was happy with the re
cent state of
the computer art scene as a whole, but alas, im not. nowh
ere even close,
actually. i wish i could celebrate this day. i wi
sh i could guarantee the
well being of blade for another whole year, but i
cannot even guarantee
that it will be here tomarrow. at least, not under my cont
rol. loyalty is
word, and that word is gone. defined by the webst
ers dictionary it means
being faithful to ones country, friends, ideals, etc. the
group is like
our country, and we have a serious emigration problem. loy
al as i have
been for the last two years, the lack of others respect h
as driven me
to utter disgust. no longer am i having fun, yet i keep bl
ade around
because i am afraid to lose it. an old friend that you don
t have the
heart to kick out of your life when he gets annoying. i ha
ve felt this
way in the past, and it has always been subsidized by a mo
nth of fun and
enjoyment. this time it doesnt seem to be going in that d
irection. two
years and what do we have to show for it? not much. blade
is static,
never changing, never moving, never growing or lessening.
you may ask
yourself why it never changes, and the answer is loyalty,
or, at least,
the lack thereof. new members come as the old grow better
and move on.
the conglomerates at the head of the scene steal the appea
l, and it is
too much to compete with. the competition is driving me ma
d. i do not
want to be number one. i do not want to be th
e best. all i want is
loyalty. all i want is the pleasure of knowin
g a person for more than
two months. screw it. no one really knows wha
t they want and who am i to
be the self proclaimed exception?
2 your mind is being hacked..
. by belial edicius.
in case you havent noticed, mindcrime is nuts. HES A FL
e are sorry, and he will no longer be with us.
you should all laugh now, teehee.
group news?
quite a few little things to mention. first of all, we we
re rated 1 in
ansi groups by the net magazine. yay!
can you smell it?
if you havent noticed, blade is having a little persona
lity change -
were getting one. weve come to the realizati
on that blade is not a
business and we were not having fun. every month, peopl
e would join
blade, upload their work, and we would never hear from t
hem again. ive
been in the group for quite a while now and i cant even
say that ive
talked to half of the members. im here to have fun, if i
wasnt, id be
communication would be great.
hint, hint. telecomm. people, feel free to join!
wait, you may be wondering why the hell im writing this.
well, edicius
and belial thats me. teehee. were recently promoted
to senior staff.
woo, woo!
lets form a sharing circle! here are the email addresses
of the blade
division heads and senior shafters - err, staffers. yo
u said staff.
- lord high exalted supreme ruler and god, mindcrime:
- mike@exit109.com / mc@acid.org
- senior staff type guy, errant angel:
-were dumb, we dont know.
- another senior shaft woops, did it again. - staff
type guy, edicius:
- edi@cybercomm.net
- another most excellent blade senior staff member, sh
ivan bastard:
- shivan@acid.org
- and yet another senior staff type guy, belial:
- belial@groovie.prism.net
- hey, look. its the ansi division head, pushead:
- kevinf@jax.gulfnet.com
- and here we have, as the lit division head, tron pow
- tronepic@tir.com
- and the coding division head, dark knight:
- were stupid, dont know.
- hey, look. its that guy again, the ascii division
head, belial:
- belial@groovie.prism.net
-our wonderful high resolution guru, torgo:
-uhm.. dunno.. damnit.. these people need to contac
t mindcrime.
wow, wasnt that fun. heres the deal. talk to these
people if you have
a problem with ANYTHING. have any ques
tions? ask someone! its all very
simple speak up. if we dont know there is a
problem, we cant fix it!
here, edicius has some stuff to say.. .
hey skipper, wanna play with my testicles?
ok, ok, edicius didnt really say that, i did. edicius wa
nted me to omit
his part. damn lamer, he gets a pro
motion and he thinks he can sit on hi
s ass and watch everyone else do the w
wait a minute, who am i to talk? uhh, nevermind.
3! im telling you man,
acid and ice are like two big fucking black holes.
they suck up all the best artists in the scene an
d you never hear from
them again. its like they disappear. anyway, we have
lost rai to this
strange phenomenon. we wish rai the best of luc
k in ice and if he ever
escapes back out, hes always welcome back he
re in blade.
dont tell me weve lost more!
ick, we didnt need them anyway. hah, hah, hah!
5@ just as members go,
members come. and quite a few of them came to us
this month.
yay, joy!
im actually jumping around the room because im so darne
d happy!
starting with the ansi department, we have rusty
and the hooded one
joining us. moving on, we have mister e, pre
sident of revival lit,
joining our most triumphant lit division. also adding t
o our lit divisio
n is flood.
oh, the list keeps going and going.. .
joining us with his ascii talents, is dragon. a
lso joining us is aninimal
with his vga skills. adding to the music d
ivision, we now have paladin.
form blazing sword!
our new shafter - err, staffer is shadowhawk.
with that, id like to
mention our new service erectors - err, directors,
hack, flare, and
also joining blade are somms, lord jazz
, rad man, and chromatik, wh
o is
making his return to the scene.
sniff, sniff?
we warmly welcome you all to blade!
more? maybe, but... sorry if i forgot anyone, im just so
me dumb dude wh
o has like... 5 minutes to finish this file.
this section has been left blank in support of
first amendment rights!
gee, thanks for the input, edicius.
7* stop the world, shiv
an bastard has something to say! here it is, i cant
fuck this shit, im goin to rob a liquor store.
oh, god, not that movie again!
8 guess what i heard?
rumors are DUMB! shut up, blade is not dead!
want to know what i think?
i think that that one group wants us dead because were j
ust so damn cool
yeah, thats it! lamers, well never die!
we merged with cia this month. we took all
their members, and kicked them
back out. just so we had the pleas
ure of kicking sucky artists. we made
napalm the gimp daddy, and hes chained to
my bed right now.
2 that new guy,
hack, has something to say.. .
hey, blade followers.. .
this is hack, the blade communications director
. im here with some stuf
f about blades involvement with the internet -
blades bot, jerik0 named
for the j1 movement in blade..
neat little things you can do:
1 - you can introduce yourself by /msg jerik0 blade.
2 - you can set a password by doing a /msg jerik0 pass
3 - you can set a greetline by /msg jerik0 info greetli
4 - you can do much more in a dcc chat with jerik0, but
you need to
have introduced yourself and set a password for it to wor
sounds like an eggdrop to me.
our new division.. .
blade introduces the communications divisio
n. here are some of the thing
s we will be offering:
1 - public mailing news - once created, this
will allow you, the blade
fan, to get all of the latest abo
ut blade.
2 - blade member mailing list - pretty self-
3 - blade VMB voice mailbox - you can lea
ve a request or a message to
our senior shaft - err, staff.
oops, i did it again, sorry!
4 - and more wacky blade member perks.
if you want to be a part of this new division,
mail me at:
leave your voice phone number, ill contact yo
u. we especially want
telecomm. guys.
thank you for your time, maybe ill listen t
o you now.
... hack/hk hack@industry-dm.com
dont kick the bot, dumbass!
10!did the edge ever have
this many sections before?
anyway, its been a blast writing in the edge again. too
bad a certain
3 people backed out on me with pieces the
y were going to write!
i think i have about 5 minutes before blade is going to
kill me!
well, im done. here is mindcrime to lighten up your spir
its again!
i love you and i want to have your baby,
11hi, im mindcrime.
man oh man, can you believe what a fucking great month thi
s was? the
scene kicks so much ass. blade is rocking out so much and
im having the
damned time of my life. wewp! i must congratulate all the
blade members
for such an amazing showing this month, they really came t
ogether to
make this two year anniversary a great one. well
close out this info
file with some amazing poetry from two of the worlds best
edicius longfellow and e. e. cerkit cu
12..the blade rap, by edicius..
y0.. my namez mC/blade, and im hear to say,
Blades be kickin it in every way..
Doodling ansis like youve never seen,
.. and writing lits that sure are keen.
We laugh at Apathy and ACiD,
just like my dick, they be flaccid.
Blades been around now for two years,
giving you mad shit like cold beers.
We will snatch the best aritsts from iCE,
and steal the guy who programmed LiCE.
We scoff at CiA, Odium will phear
Lord Jazz leaving them, is what they will hear
FiREs no match, fuck the competition,
Our skills are unique, divine intuition.
Maybe one day, youll be good enough for us,
.. or youll find yourself on the loser bus!
- complete work by edicius, blade literary gur
u and part time member of
run d.m.c
13.dicks for maytrix
by cerkit
my name is maytwikz, i draw in blox
and in my free time, like to suck cocks.
dont me me wrong, some call me k-rad,
but they dont know about me my dad
lots of sex, my childhood with, was filled inb
he fucked me good, and my assholes now clean
through and through, my brain sure lags,
im just another of those mindless ansi fags.
id fuck your brother, if he was six
im an authority on little boys dicks.
cock sucking, in thedraw, its what i phear
aciddraw, is for those of who are softcore que
maytwicks, maytrix, hes duh dude,
when it comes to homosexuality hes no prude.
warez, arent the only things i pirate, someti
mes its butt
or surfing the web to collect my smut.
just the ways how i serve my human need,
id pull my dick to make it bleed.
now, some might refer to me as dence,
because i wear a sign on my ass, that says en
but ill always put that case to rest, like no
other pansi
and mass kick your ass off ansi.
-the edge features the writings and ramblings o
f belial, mindcrime, hack
, ediciu
-* please note: this informational textfile is not ent
irely true, but the last
poem is.
-@!the edge is published monthly as an inf
ormation text on blade productions
- the edge - the blade informational textfile -
volume 3 / issue 1
1 greetings and s
alutations. welcome to the blade two year anniversary
. on march first of nineteen ninety four, blade rel
eased its very first
pack. this pack is the twenty fifth blade pak, celebrating
two years of
consistant pack production. i wish i was happy with the re
cent state of
the computer art scene as a whole, but alas, im not. nowh
ere even close,
actually. i wish i could celebrate this day. i wi
sh i could guarantee the
well being of blade for another whole year, but i
cannot even guarantee
that it will be here tomarrow. at least, not under my cont
rol. loyalty is
word, and that word is gone. defined by the webst
ers dictionary it means
being faithful to ones country, friends, ideals, etc. the
group is like
our country, and we have a serious emigration problem. loy
al as i have
been for the last two years, the lack of others respect h
as driven me
to utter disgust. no longer am i having fun, yet i keep bl
ade around
because i am afraid to lose it. an old friend that you don
t have the
heart to kick out of your life when he gets annoying. i ha
ve felt this
way in the past, and it has always been subsidized by a mo
nth of fun and
enjoyment. this time it doesnt seem to be going in that d
irection. two
years and what do we have to show for it? not much. blade
is static,
never changing, never moving, never growing or lessening.
you may ask
yourself why it never changes, and the answer is loyalty,
or, at least,
the lack thereof. new members come as the old grow better
and move on.
the conglomerates at the head of the scene steal the appea
l, and it is
too much to compete with. the competition is driving me ma
d. i do not
want to be number one. i do not want to be th
e best. all i want is
loyalty. all i want is the pleasure of knowin
g a person for more than
two months. screw it. no one really knows wha
t they want and who am i to
be the self proclaimed exception?
2 your mind is being hacked..
. by belial edicius.
in case you havent noticed, mindcrime is nuts. HES A FL
e are sorry, and he will no longer be with us.
you should all laugh now, teehee.
group news?
quite a few little things to mention. first of all, we we
re rated 1 in
ansi groups by the net magazine. yay!
can you smell it?
if you havent noticed, blade is having a little persona
lity change -
were getting one. weve come to the realizati
on that blade is not a
business and we were not having fun. every month, peopl
e would join
blade, upload their work, and we would never hear from t
hem again. ive
been in the group for quite a while now and i cant even
say that ive
talked to half of the members. im here to have fun, if i
wasnt, id be
communication would be great.
hint, hint. telecomm. people, feel free to join!
wait, you may be wondering why the hell im writing this.
well, edicius
and belial thats me. teehee. were recently promoted
to senior staff.
woo, woo!
lets form a sharing circle! here are the email addresses
of the blade
division heads and senior shafters - err, staffers. yo
u said staff.
- lord high exalted supreme ruler and god, mindcrime:
- mike@exit109.com / mc@acid.org
- senior staff type guy, errant angel:
-were dumb, we dont know.
- another senior shaft woops, did it again. - staff
type guy, edicius:
- edi@cybercomm.net
- another most excellent blade senior staff member, sh
ivan bastard:
- shivan@acid.org
- and yet another senior staff type guy, belial:
- belial@groovie.prism.net
- hey, look. its the ansi division head, pushead:
- kevinf@jax.gulfnet.com
- and here we have, as the lit division head, tron pow
- tronepic@tir.com
- and the coding division head, dark knight:
- were stupid, dont know.
- hey, look. its that guy again, the ascii division
head, belial:
- belial@groovie.prism.net
-our wonderful high resolution guru, torgo:
-uhm.. dunno.. damnit.. these people need to contac
t mindcrime.
wow, wasnt that fun. heres the deal. talk to these
people if you have
a problem with ANYTHING. have any ques
tions? ask someone! its all very
simple speak up. if we dont know there is a
problem, we cant fix it!
here, edicius has some stuff to say.. .
hey skipper, wanna play with my testicles?
ok, ok, edicius didnt really say that, i did. edicius wa
nted me to omit
his part. damn lamer, he gets a pro
motion and he thinks he can sit on hi
s ass and watch everyone else do the w
wait a minute, who am i to talk? uhh, nevermind.
3! im telling you man,
acid and ice are like two big fucking black holes.
they suck up all the best artists in the scene an
d you never hear from
them again. its like they disappear. anyway, we have
lost rai to this
strange phenomenon. we wish rai the best of luc
k in ice and if he ever
escapes back out, hes always welcome back he
re in blade.
dont tell me weve lost more!
ick, we didnt need them anyway. hah, hah, hah!
5@ just as members go,
members come. and quite a few of them came to us
this month.
yay, joy!
im actually jumping around the room because im so darne
d happy!
starting with the ansi department, we have rusty
and the hooded one
joining us. moving on, we have mister e, pre
sident of revival lit,
joining our most triumphant lit division. also adding t
o our lit divisio
n is flood.
oh, the list keeps going and going.. .
joining us with his ascii talents, is dragon. a
lso joining us is aninimal
with his vga skills. adding to the music d
ivision, we now have paladin.
form blazing sword!
our new shafter - err, staffer is shadowhawk.
with that, id like to
mention our new service erectors - err, directors,
hack, flare, and
also joining blade are somms, lord jazz
, rad man, and chromatik, wh
o is
making his return to the scene.
sniff, sniff?
we warmly welcome you all to blade!
more? maybe, but... sorry if i forgot anyone, im just so
me dumb dude wh
o has like... 5 minutes to finish this file.
this section has been left blank in support of
first amendment rights!
gee, thanks for the input, edicius.
7* stop the world, shiv
an bastard has something to say! here it is, i cant
fuck this shit, im goin to rob a liquor store.
oh, god, not that movie again!
8 guess what i heard?
rumors are DUMB! shut up, blade is not dead!
want to know what i think?
i think that that one group wants us dead because were j
ust so damn cool
yeah, thats it! lamers, well never die!
we merged with cia this month. we took all
their members, and kicked them
back out. just so we had the pleas
ure of kicking sucky artists. we made
napalm the gimp daddy, and hes chained to
my bed right now.
2 that new guy,
hack, has something to say.. .
hey, blade followers.. .
this is hack, the blade communications director
. im here with some stuf
f about blades involvement with the internet -
blades bot, jerik0 named
for the j1 movement in blade..
neat little things you can do:
1 - you can introduce yourself by /msg jerik0 blade.
2 - you can set a password by doing a /msg jerik0 pass
3 - you can set a greetline by /msg jerik0 info greetli
4 - you can do much more in a dcc chat with jerik0, but
you need to
have introduced yourself and set a password for it to wor
sounds like an eggdrop to me.
our new division.. .
blade introduces the communications divisio
n. here are some of the thing
s we will be offering:
1 - public mailing news - once created, this
will allow you, the blade
fan, to get all of the latest abo
ut blade.
2 - blade member mailing list - pretty self-
3 - blade VMB voice mailbox - you can lea
ve a request or a message to
our senior shaft - err, staff.
oops, i did it again, sorry!
4 - and more wacky blade member perks.
if you want to be a part of this new division,
mail me at:
leave your voice phone number, ill contact yo
u. we especially want
telecomm. guys.
thank you for your time, maybe ill listen t
o you now.
... hack/hk hack@industry-dm.com
dont kick the bot, dumbass!
10!did the edge ever have
this many sections before?
anyway, its been a blast writing in the edge again. too
bad a certain
3 people backed out on me with pieces the
y were going to write!
i think i have about 5 minutes before blade is going to
kill me!
well, im done. here is mindcrime to lighten up your spir
its again!
i love you and i want to have your baby,
11hi, im mindcrime.
man oh man, can you believe what a fucking great month thi
s was? the
scene kicks so much ass. blade is rocking out so much and
im having the
damned time of my life. wewp! i must congratulate all the
blade members
for such an amazing showing this month, they really came t
ogether to
make this two year anniversary a great one. well
close out this info
file with some amazing poetry from two of the worlds best
edicius longfellow and e. e. cerkit cu
12..the blade rap, by edicius..
y0.. my namez mC/blade, and im hear to say,
Blades be kickin it in every way..
Doodling ansis like youve never seen,
.. and writing lits that sure are keen.
We laugh at Apathy and ACiD,
just like my dick, they be flaccid.
Blades been around now for two years,
giving you mad shit like cold beers.
We will snatch the best aritsts from iCE,
and steal the guy who programmed LiCE.
We scoff at CiA, Odium will phear
Lord Jazz leaving them, is what they will hear
FiREs no match, fuck the competition,
Our skills are unique, divine intuition.
Maybe one day, youll be good enough for us,
.. or youll find yourself on the loser bus!
- complete work by edicius, blade literary gur
u and part time member of
run d.m.c
13.dicks for maytrix
by cerkit
my name is maytwikz, i draw in blox
and in my free time, like to suck cocks.
dont me me wrong, some call me k-rad,
but they dont know about me my dad
lots of sex, my childhood with, was filled inb
he fucked me good, and my assholes now clean
through and through, my brain sure lags,
im just another of those mindless ansi fags.
id fuck your brother, if he was six
im an authority on little boys dicks.
cock sucking, in thedraw, its what i phear
aciddraw, is for those of who are softcore que
maytwicks, maytrix, hes duh dude,
when it comes to homosexuality hes no prude.
warez, arent the only things i pirate, someti
mes its butt
or surfing the web to collect my smut.
just the ways how i serve my human need,
id pull my dick to make it bleed.
now, some might refer to me as dence,
because i wear a sign on my ass, that says en
but ill always put that case to rest, like no
other pansi
and mass kick your ass off ansi.
-the edge features the writings and ramblings o
f belial, mindcrime, hack
, ediciu
-* please note: this informational textfile is not ent
irely true, but the last
poem is.
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