this image contains text
s u b c o n s c i o u s n e s s
.. subconsciousnesssc!ofbladeproductionsandhislogostacksecond?!?start ..
s t a r t !
g e n 1 3
g e n 1 3 !
i know what youre thinkin jeez, scs gettin lazy! .. well, yer right
n u c l e a r
h o l o c a u s t!
s r
u a
i l l u s i o n
n e t !
--illusion net-----+-----atticus-
e o f !
well, here is my own little monthly news letter about me and my logos.
whoohoo! no one even reads it pointless! but i do it anyways. why?!? to
make my logo stack look longer damnit! hah.. well, as you noticed, i didnt
do as much work as i did the last couple months which was a shitload! but
i havent been on my cpu as much and a couple other things. being my board
which is why i did all the sugar ansis, getting my hard drive, and having
to reformat my computer have you ever done that?!?! its a bitch! so
heres what i managed to get done over the month with some little pics also
in the pack. so enjoy, dont bitch, and look for more from me later
hopefully?!? ok, well, thats about it.. until next month, bye ..
i dont know anyone and i havent been in contact with anyone much lately,
so no greets.. i dont need no stinkin greets ..
.. subconsciousnesssc!ofbladeproductionsandhislogostacksecond?!?start ..
s t a r t !
g e n 1 3
g e n 1 3 !
i know what youre thinkin jeez, scs gettin lazy! .. well, yer right
n u c l e a r
h o l o c a u s t!
s r
u a
i l l u s i o n
n e t !
--illusion net-----+-----atticus-
e o f !
well, here is my own little monthly news letter about me and my logos.
whoohoo! no one even reads it pointless! but i do it anyways. why?!? to
make my logo stack look longer damnit! hah.. well, as you noticed, i didnt
do as much work as i did the last couple months which was a shitload! but
i havent been on my cpu as much and a couple other things. being my board
which is why i did all the sugar ansis, getting my hard drive, and having
to reformat my computer have you ever done that?!?! its a bitch! so
heres what i managed to get done over the month with some little pics also
in the pack. so enjoy, dont bitch, and look for more from me later
hopefully?!? ok, well, thats about it.. until next month, bye ..
i dont know anyone and i havent been in contact with anyone much lately,
so no greets.. i dont need no stinkin greets ..
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