this image contains text
-------- the special new years edition of..
c---- -------------- ------
-@ the edge the edge the edge th e
e d ge the edge th the edge
- the edge - the blade informational texfile - volu
me 2 , issue 11
1 happy happy joy joy happy happy j
oy joy happy happy happy happy happy
happy joy joy. Anyways... lookit here folks, its nineteen
ninety six!
woopty friggin doo. Welcome to another fun f
illed edition of the blade
epic. Were filled with joy as we bring you t
he latest installment of
shockinly beautiful artwork from the outstand
ing members of blade
productions. oh, and did I mention that we love you? YES,
all of you!
2? in an unprecidented move, im goi
ng to bring you the bad news first this
month. theres not a whole hell of a lot of it, but hell,
theres got to
be some, for without bad news, there would be no good. aft
er deciding
that hed bug us all one more time by changing his handle
this time
BACK to his previous handle scribble decided that
hed throw in the
towel and part ways with blade. well miss his antics and
art, but I
assure you that we havent been lucky enough to actually g
et rid of him
for good.. oh yes, hell be back in the scene soon enough.
joking aside, we wish him the best of luck with all that t
he future has
in store for him. we here at blade really hat
e goodbyes, so everyone
else who said they wanted to leave this month
was chained to belials
leg and told to bark like a dog. I assure you
that belial has these
fools under control and they wont be causing
any further disturbances
in the force.
3! and now, the good news. yes indee
d, new members. following in the
recent trend, we got a pretty good lot of new members this
let us get right down to it. coming back from the land of
members are former followers veediot!, the ato
mic brain, and riptide.
welcome back guys, we knew youd see the light. in the wor
ld of brand
spanking new members comes a few really rad ansi guys who
have decided
to give blade a chance all we are sayin, is give blade a
chance. fewl.
zork, kiwi, and crimson ice
all decided that blade was the smoothest
group out there and they are currently gracing us all with
their awesome
talent. welcome folks. also rejoining blade after a pretty
long hiatus
is the one and only colored ascii fewl, cable. thi
s time, however, were
going to have to call him studone, because hes s
uch a studly fella.
and last, yet in no way, shape, or form least, blade produ
ctions is
proud to present its first official female member. vir
ago joins us this
month to showcase her incredible literary tal
ents and add to the amazing
blade literature department. we welcome all n
ew members, and know that
they will help blade productions strive to be
come the best it can in
5 in blade publication news, be
yond the horizon is expanding its ... er..
horizons... doh... starting with issue number three,
bth will become
a wholy owned subsidiary of blade productions
, yielding seperate releases
from the blade epics. Look for b
th3 in filebases everywhere on January
15th or somewhere thereabouts. Issue three
features some great
interviews and articles that you wont want to miss!
6@ and now, the part that we throw i
n, but you never read anyway, so why
should we even bother, but some people think
its kinda cool, so we put
it in nonetheless. this month, dr. kevork
ian lends us his mind so that
we may further explore the world of that lite
rary great. do i sense a
trend here? All the writers of this segment have been lit
guys.. time
for me to find an ansi guy...
7Well, first off Id like to say s
omething about some work I did
in the December Blade pack. It seems a certain someon
e doesnt
approve of my little header I used. I guess it looked
too much
like theirs. So I apologize to that person, it was me
ant as a
joke, you know, funny, ha ha, nothing more. geez... t
he guy is
in my damn area code, youd think hed understand, ahg
Okay, now that thats over, Ill talk about something
Originally I was going to talk about the scene, but th
en I thought
to myself, Why? everyone, in every single mag talks a
bout that.
Then I decided to ask my good buddy errant angel, Wha
t should I
talk about? oh yeah, hes the guy I sort of ripped th
e header
from, anyway. He said to me, Talk about anything, yo
your history, anything. Its not like a college exam
where you
get graded on it. I really wouldnt know what a coll
ege exam
is like for I am not currently enrolled in a college.
Nor, with
my gpa as low as it is, am I considering applying to a
ny colleges
at this time. But then I began thinking, I sort of a
m getting
graded on this. I mean, if I said something stupid a
ll of you
would probably think Im a complete and total idiot.
But Im
not in Blade to boost my rep, Im in it to do my art.
So your probably thinking, How did this guy, with thi
s un-original
handle, get into Blade? Well, about my handle, about
four years
ago, when I was young and stupid, and started bbsing,
I needed a handle,
well Jack Kevorkian was sort of mainstream g
ranted getting a handle
from a mainstream name is sort of lame, but oh well a
t the time and
in my Mad magazine there was one of those little com
ics about him.
And the name stuck. I always figured Id change my ha
ndle, soon I
started to get well known, and people knew who I was.
And seeing as
how Kevorkian is a tad long, people started referrin
g to me as
Dr. K. So if you see me anywhere, be it on the net
or whatever,
just call me Dr. K, its a lot easier. As for getti
ng into Blade.
I used to run a bbs named Incantation, and ea was on t
here, I was
talking to him and the topic came up about getting a B
lade affiliation,
he told me the only way to get an affiliation was to b
e a Blade member,
thus getting a Blade Member Board affilitation. Now d
ont think that
Im in Blade just to get an affilitation, my board has
been down for
months, and Ive always liked Blade. It seemed like a
good group for
lit writers. Anyway, He asked me what I did, and I to
ld him that I
wrote literature in my spare time, he told me to apply
. And being the
self-conscious person that I am, I was too afraid that
my work was
either not good enough, or that people would laugh at
my work. So he
told me when I was ready, I should apply, and give him
the application
and hed send it to Mindcrime with a nice letter telli
ng him how cool
I was.LAFF! So then around October or September, I
was finally
confident enough to apply. Luckily I got in, otherwis
e I would have
been rather pissy about it, and my confidence would ha
ve been shot to
hell. So whatever you said in that letter ea, thanks.
Although, I promised not to talk about the scene, ther
e is one little
thing I would like to say that really pisses me off, L
I remember this one time, while on the net, this guy ,
I wont say who,
was starting this group, I offered to help out in the
lit section. His
reply was what pissed me off, he told me that he wante
d an only art
group. I mean, can you believe that? I mean, are so
ngs art? I think
so, if it was not for lit, there would not be any lyri
cs in the songs.
And what about some of the greatest plays, movies, etc
. of all time?
Are those not art? I just want you all to think about
that for a bit.
And realize that literature is art in every way that a
nsi, vga, music
etc. is. Art is what you think it is, and if you thin
k that literature
is not art, then I have pity for you.
And finally, Id like to thank some people. First off
, Id like to
thank Errant Angel, I mean, I sort of owe my getting i
nto Blade to him.
If not for him boosting my ego up enough to get me to
finally apply,
Id probably still be looking at the packs going, gee
, I wish my work
was in there. And even though, Im sure that I get s
ort of annoying
with me calling you, Id just like to say thanks man.
Second, Id like
to thank Dragon for making me those 6,000,000 ascii ev
ery time I want
one.you can see his happy work in almost any diz arou
nd the net or on
my new upcoming board, Apartment 213 You shoulda joi
ned Blade instead
of starting your own group you potato farming dork! he
he.. And last, Id
also like to thank Mindcrime, for giving me a
chance, I mean theres a lot
of close minded people out there who look at
your work and turn you down
without even giving you time to improve. So
thanks Mindcrime, for giving
yet another lit writer a chance.
Sorry for any of the grammar or spelling errors, hey,
Im a lit writer
not an english teacher. So Mindcrime, buddy... how bo
ut a senior
position, eh?
8+hi. me again. just wanted to send
a shout out to wilco of cia
for being such a keen sport and fixing my board name on hi
s site
listing. thanks nAppY!
-@!the edge is published monthly as an in
formation text on blade productions
c---- -------------- ------
-@ the edge the edge the edge th e
e d ge the edge th the edge
- the edge - the blade informational texfile - volu
me 2 , issue 11
1 happy happy joy joy happy happy j
oy joy happy happy happy happy happy
happy joy joy. Anyways... lookit here folks, its nineteen
ninety six!
woopty friggin doo. Welcome to another fun f
illed edition of the blade
epic. Were filled with joy as we bring you t
he latest installment of
shockinly beautiful artwork from the outstand
ing members of blade
productions. oh, and did I mention that we love you? YES,
all of you!
2? in an unprecidented move, im goi
ng to bring you the bad news first this
month. theres not a whole hell of a lot of it, but hell,
theres got to
be some, for without bad news, there would be no good. aft
er deciding
that hed bug us all one more time by changing his handle
this time
BACK to his previous handle scribble decided that
hed throw in the
towel and part ways with blade. well miss his antics and
art, but I
assure you that we havent been lucky enough to actually g
et rid of him
for good.. oh yes, hell be back in the scene soon enough.
joking aside, we wish him the best of luck with all that t
he future has
in store for him. we here at blade really hat
e goodbyes, so everyone
else who said they wanted to leave this month
was chained to belials
leg and told to bark like a dog. I assure you
that belial has these
fools under control and they wont be causing
any further disturbances
in the force.
3! and now, the good news. yes indee
d, new members. following in the
recent trend, we got a pretty good lot of new members this
let us get right down to it. coming back from the land of
members are former followers veediot!, the ato
mic brain, and riptide.
welcome back guys, we knew youd see the light. in the wor
ld of brand
spanking new members comes a few really rad ansi guys who
have decided
to give blade a chance all we are sayin, is give blade a
chance. fewl.
zork, kiwi, and crimson ice
all decided that blade was the smoothest
group out there and they are currently gracing us all with
their awesome
talent. welcome folks. also rejoining blade after a pretty
long hiatus
is the one and only colored ascii fewl, cable. thi
s time, however, were
going to have to call him studone, because hes s
uch a studly fella.
and last, yet in no way, shape, or form least, blade produ
ctions is
proud to present its first official female member. vir
ago joins us this
month to showcase her incredible literary tal
ents and add to the amazing
blade literature department. we welcome all n
ew members, and know that
they will help blade productions strive to be
come the best it can in
5 in blade publication news, be
yond the horizon is expanding its ... er..
horizons... doh... starting with issue number three,
bth will become
a wholy owned subsidiary of blade productions
, yielding seperate releases
from the blade epics. Look for b
th3 in filebases everywhere on January
15th or somewhere thereabouts. Issue three
features some great
interviews and articles that you wont want to miss!
6@ and now, the part that we throw i
n, but you never read anyway, so why
should we even bother, but some people think
its kinda cool, so we put
it in nonetheless. this month, dr. kevork
ian lends us his mind so that
we may further explore the world of that lite
rary great. do i sense a
trend here? All the writers of this segment have been lit
guys.. time
for me to find an ansi guy...
7Well, first off Id like to say s
omething about some work I did
in the December Blade pack. It seems a certain someon
e doesnt
approve of my little header I used. I guess it looked
too much
like theirs. So I apologize to that person, it was me
ant as a
joke, you know, funny, ha ha, nothing more. geez... t
he guy is
in my damn area code, youd think hed understand, ahg
Okay, now that thats over, Ill talk about something
Originally I was going to talk about the scene, but th
en I thought
to myself, Why? everyone, in every single mag talks a
bout that.
Then I decided to ask my good buddy errant angel, Wha
t should I
talk about? oh yeah, hes the guy I sort of ripped th
e header
from, anyway. He said to me, Talk about anything, yo
your history, anything. Its not like a college exam
where you
get graded on it. I really wouldnt know what a coll
ege exam
is like for I am not currently enrolled in a college.
Nor, with
my gpa as low as it is, am I considering applying to a
ny colleges
at this time. But then I began thinking, I sort of a
m getting
graded on this. I mean, if I said something stupid a
ll of you
would probably think Im a complete and total idiot.
But Im
not in Blade to boost my rep, Im in it to do my art.
So your probably thinking, How did this guy, with thi
s un-original
handle, get into Blade? Well, about my handle, about
four years
ago, when I was young and stupid, and started bbsing,
I needed a handle,
well Jack Kevorkian was sort of mainstream g
ranted getting a handle
from a mainstream name is sort of lame, but oh well a
t the time and
in my Mad magazine there was one of those little com
ics about him.
And the name stuck. I always figured Id change my ha
ndle, soon I
started to get well known, and people knew who I was.
And seeing as
how Kevorkian is a tad long, people started referrin
g to me as
Dr. K. So if you see me anywhere, be it on the net
or whatever,
just call me Dr. K, its a lot easier. As for getti
ng into Blade.
I used to run a bbs named Incantation, and ea was on t
here, I was
talking to him and the topic came up about getting a B
lade affiliation,
he told me the only way to get an affiliation was to b
e a Blade member,
thus getting a Blade Member Board affilitation. Now d
ont think that
Im in Blade just to get an affilitation, my board has
been down for
months, and Ive always liked Blade. It seemed like a
good group for
lit writers. Anyway, He asked me what I did, and I to
ld him that I
wrote literature in my spare time, he told me to apply
. And being the
self-conscious person that I am, I was too afraid that
my work was
either not good enough, or that people would laugh at
my work. So he
told me when I was ready, I should apply, and give him
the application
and hed send it to Mindcrime with a nice letter telli
ng him how cool
I was.LAFF! So then around October or September, I
was finally
confident enough to apply. Luckily I got in, otherwis
e I would have
been rather pissy about it, and my confidence would ha
ve been shot to
hell. So whatever you said in that letter ea, thanks.
Although, I promised not to talk about the scene, ther
e is one little
thing I would like to say that really pisses me off, L
I remember this one time, while on the net, this guy ,
I wont say who,
was starting this group, I offered to help out in the
lit section. His
reply was what pissed me off, he told me that he wante
d an only art
group. I mean, can you believe that? I mean, are so
ngs art? I think
so, if it was not for lit, there would not be any lyri
cs in the songs.
And what about some of the greatest plays, movies, etc
. of all time?
Are those not art? I just want you all to think about
that for a bit.
And realize that literature is art in every way that a
nsi, vga, music
etc. is. Art is what you think it is, and if you thin
k that literature
is not art, then I have pity for you.
And finally, Id like to thank some people. First off
, Id like to
thank Errant Angel, I mean, I sort of owe my getting i
nto Blade to him.
If not for him boosting my ego up enough to get me to
finally apply,
Id probably still be looking at the packs going, gee
, I wish my work
was in there. And even though, Im sure that I get s
ort of annoying
with me calling you, Id just like to say thanks man.
Second, Id like
to thank Dragon for making me those 6,000,000 ascii ev
ery time I want
one.you can see his happy work in almost any diz arou
nd the net or on
my new upcoming board, Apartment 213 You shoulda joi
ned Blade instead
of starting your own group you potato farming dork! he
he.. And last, Id
also like to thank Mindcrime, for giving me a
chance, I mean theres a lot
of close minded people out there who look at
your work and turn you down
without even giving you time to improve. So
thanks Mindcrime, for giving
yet another lit writer a chance.
Sorry for any of the grammar or spelling errors, hey,
Im a lit writer
not an english teacher. So Mindcrime, buddy... how bo
ut a senior
position, eh?
8+hi. me again. just wanted to send
a shout out to wilco of cia
for being such a keen sport and fixing my board name on hi
s site
listing. thanks nAppY!
-@!the edge is published monthly as an in
formation text on blade productions
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