this image contains text
--@ the edge the edge the edge th e e d g
e the edge th the edge @-
------------------ the edge - the blade informational tex
file - volume 2 , issue 8
1 hmm.. what to say, what to say... i
m always at a loss for words in this
opening paragraph of the edge. sooo, i
think ill just get on with the
info... id like to say something that might act
ually encourage the
blade members to start working and expanding the
ir talents, but it
seems most of them dont read this anyways.....so, enjoy...
2? on the new user front this month, we
ve gained a few new guys that will
help make blade what it once was.. or something. scribble
, a young
artist just starting out in the scene, joins us
to bring his
growing talent in the wonderful ansi medium. als
o joining this month,
litoz brings us his really cool vga style.
and, as a late addition to
our literature department, dr. kevorkian
joins up. yes, the suicide doctor himself actually ha
s a poetic side. we welcome all the new
members and know they will produce some great work for blade
in the
3! this month, blade loses one of its o
utstanding musicians, mind riot.
he leaves blade to get on his way in the neveren
ding pursuit of time,
something of which he currently has none. th
e source also jumps ship
to pursue a career in a group that may actually
be going somewhere..
we wish both guys the best of luck with what the future holds
5 after recieving a plethora of email
requesting blade sites, ive
decided to expand our horizons a bit. this month
, blade has gained
several new shrines, all located in foreign coun
tries. we welcome all
these new headquarters and hope they will help s
trengthen blades
standing in the world art scene. irk..er...um..
6@ and now for something completely dif
ferent. for the past year, yours
truly, mindcrime, has been writing these lame ass inf
o files and ive
decided that we need something of a change. so from now on,
the edge
will include a passage from one of the great bla
de members. ill be
asking someone different to write a little somet
hing each month..
so without further adeu, i present to you a litt
le something written
by this months abductee, er.. um.. belial!
9 Neato. The first blade member to wr
ite in The Edge. Well, let me
begin with this little note. I was looking for a word in the di
ctionary the
other day and I came across the word group. I was interested
so I took a
look at the definition. It read a number of people or things g
closely together and considered as a whole an organized body o
f people with
a common purpose.. After I read that I thought about blade, an
d I was
thinking, I dont know barely any of the members in my own grou
p, except
a few, but other than that I dont know any of them. As a matte
r of fact,
half the time I dont even know who is in the group. You have p
eople who
leave the group for some reason, people who just decorate the m
ember list,
people who are anti-social, blah blah. I say to all blade membe
rs who read
this, and I bet half of them dont, try to meet some of the oth
er people
in your group, get to know them. What is that going to kill you
? There are
thousands of ways to do this. The best way is probably through
irc, hey, if
youre ever looking for me just try zines. All I am really say
ing is that
we need to make this more of a group.
As far as literature goes, and that is my little area, I jus
t would
like to mention that, as far as Im concerned, blade has the be
st literature
department out of all the other art groups. I would also like t
o mention
that it is a shame that a lot of the ansi people decided to lea
ve because
blade was one of the best, and I think that blade can still be
one of the
best, with work, dedication, and a love of art, not just a love
of a big
name affiliation.
I would like to warmly thank all the people who have stuck w
blade through everything, who continually produce quality work
pack after
pack. With some more people like you, I am sure that blade can
make its way
right back up to the top, where it belongs.
----------------------@!the edge is published m
onthly as an information text on blade productions?
--@ the edge the edge the edge th e e d g
e the edge th the edge @-
------------------ the edge - the blade informational tex
file - volume 2 , issue 8
1 hmm.. what to say, what to say... i
m always at a loss for words in this
opening paragraph of the edge. sooo, i
think ill just get on with the
info... id like to say something that might act
ually encourage the
blade members to start working and expanding the
ir talents, but it
seems most of them dont read this anyways.....so, enjoy...
2? on the new user front this month, we
ve gained a few new guys that will
help make blade what it once was.. or something. scribble
, a young
artist just starting out in the scene, joins us
to bring his
growing talent in the wonderful ansi medium. als
o joining this month,
litoz brings us his really cool vga style.
and, as a late addition to
our literature department, dr. kevorkian
joins up. yes, the suicide doctor himself actually ha
s a poetic side. we welcome all the new
members and know they will produce some great work for blade
in the
3! this month, blade loses one of its o
utstanding musicians, mind riot.
he leaves blade to get on his way in the neveren
ding pursuit of time,
something of which he currently has none. th
e source also jumps ship
to pursue a career in a group that may actually
be going somewhere..
we wish both guys the best of luck with what the future holds
5 after recieving a plethora of email
requesting blade sites, ive
decided to expand our horizons a bit. this month
, blade has gained
several new shrines, all located in foreign coun
tries. we welcome all
these new headquarters and hope they will help s
trengthen blades
standing in the world art scene. irk..er...um..
6@ and now for something completely dif
ferent. for the past year, yours
truly, mindcrime, has been writing these lame ass inf
o files and ive
decided that we need something of a change. so from now on,
the edge
will include a passage from one of the great bla
de members. ill be
asking someone different to write a little somet
hing each month..
so without further adeu, i present to you a litt
le something written
by this months abductee, er.. um.. belial!
9 Neato. The first blade member to wr
ite in The Edge. Well, let me
begin with this little note. I was looking for a word in the di
ctionary the
other day and I came across the word group. I was interested
so I took a
look at the definition. It read a number of people or things g
closely together and considered as a whole an organized body o
f people with
a common purpose.. After I read that I thought about blade, an
d I was
thinking, I dont know barely any of the members in my own grou
p, except
a few, but other than that I dont know any of them. As a matte
r of fact,
half the time I dont even know who is in the group. You have p
eople who
leave the group for some reason, people who just decorate the m
ember list,
people who are anti-social, blah blah. I say to all blade membe
rs who read
this, and I bet half of them dont, try to meet some of the oth
er people
in your group, get to know them. What is that going to kill you
? There are
thousands of ways to do this. The best way is probably through
irc, hey, if
youre ever looking for me just try zines. All I am really say
ing is that
we need to make this more of a group.
As far as literature goes, and that is my little area, I jus
t would
like to mention that, as far as Im concerned, blade has the be
st literature
department out of all the other art groups. I would also like t
o mention
that it is a shame that a lot of the ansi people decided to lea
ve because
blade was one of the best, and I think that blade can still be
one of the
best, with work, dedication, and a love of art, not just a love
of a big
name affiliation.
I would like to warmly thank all the people who have stuck w
blade through everything, who continually produce quality work
pack after
pack. With some more people like you, I am sure that blade can
make its way
right back up to the top, where it belongs.
----------------------@!the edge is published m
onthly as an information text on blade productions?
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