this image contains text
new magic eyetm asciis! can you find
the blade logo hidden in this mass
of computer generated blotches?
its there! look harder.
dont hurt yourself.
md . blade ascii
this seriously works if you step back
from the monitor 10-15 feet. try it!
ok since i started this more-text-tha
n-pic thing ill take it way too far.
to request an ascii by me, email me
or get a friend to over internet. my
address is jm@kaiwan.com. if you didn
t know, you can email thru i-net fro
m compuerve, pr*digy, delphI, or mos
t any other crappy pay-by-the-hour-an
d-like-it service. you can email me a
t eternal insanity, and i will get it
..eventually. this is definatly not t
he best way to do it. other than thos
e two ways, its so far the only way
to reach me. since the downfall of ma
licious insanity i have no way of get
ting speed net..if i get another way
ill let you all know. and if you don
t have an internet account yet, what
are you waiting for? its the kewl th
ing to do. lates all. blade phorever.
the blade logo hidden in this mass
of computer generated blotches?
its there! look harder.
dont hurt yourself.
md . blade ascii
this seriously works if you step back
from the monitor 10-15 feet. try it!
ok since i started this more-text-tha
n-pic thing ill take it way too far.
to request an ascii by me, email me
or get a friend to over internet. my
address is jm@kaiwan.com. if you didn
t know, you can email thru i-net fro
m compuerve, pr*digy, delphI, or mos
t any other crappy pay-by-the-hour-an
d-like-it service. you can email me a
t eternal insanity, and i will get it
..eventually. this is definatly not t
he best way to do it. other than thos
e two ways, its so far the only way
to reach me. since the downfall of ma
licious insanity i have no way of get
ting speed net..if i get another way
ill let you all know. and if you don
t have an internet account yet, what
are you waiting for? its the kewl th
ing to do. lates all. blade phorever.
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