this image contains text
BL/DE 94 Presents - The Edge: The Official B
lade Information File.
O c t o b e r
1 Well fo
lks, another month another pak.. Not much happened this
month... It was a kindof la
zy month for all of us. Some great
lit work tho, marked especially by the return of Tron Po
werhouse, who comes b
ack after a short break from the scene to bring us
his magnificent lit skills once again.
I can assure your that youll love his work
I do. Aside from that, we got a few new memb
ers, a few handle changes, and few new boards... Nuttin
special to say the least. The pak was delayed sh
ortly due to a lack of work handed in by the
1st, so hopefully your seeing this in good ti
me, we dont want things too late.. Enjoy it..
2 In handle changes this month, Chapel
changes to Force of Nature.
3 If you are interesting in writing articles pertaining to
Computer hardware, please contact StyX
on his board Terminal Frost, 908-
236-2498 or MindCrime on Eternal Insanity
908.224.8780. Blade is accepting such artic
les for a future production to be announced nex
t month. 4 New members this month
... Chromatik joins us from Broken. He has
some cool stuff in this pak, and I can see alot of pote
ntial in his work, so we hope to see some gre
at stuff from him in the future. Also this month,
Messiah joins our ever-growing lit department. He
brings along some great literary skills with him
. 5 As you can probably see, this
months pak is chock full of lit. The ansi wa
s a bit weak as far as quantity goes, but the lit is
simply amazing. I strongly suggest you check em all out.
6 Theres one file tha
t cant be viewed with the blade viewer this
month. FN-TLG1.DBL can be viewe
d with acidviewtm in the MCGA 256
mode. Ive never heard of this format, but
it looks pretty cool no
netheless.. Check it out.
lade Information File.
O c t o b e r
1 Well fo
lks, another month another pak.. Not much happened this
month... It was a kindof la
zy month for all of us. Some great
lit work tho, marked especially by the return of Tron Po
werhouse, who comes b
ack after a short break from the scene to bring us
his magnificent lit skills once again.
I can assure your that youll love his work
I do. Aside from that, we got a few new memb
ers, a few handle changes, and few new boards... Nuttin
special to say the least. The pak was delayed sh
ortly due to a lack of work handed in by the
1st, so hopefully your seeing this in good ti
me, we dont want things too late.. Enjoy it..
2 In handle changes this month, Chapel
changes to Force of Nature.
3 If you are interesting in writing articles pertaining to
Computer hardware, please contact StyX
on his board Terminal Frost, 908-
236-2498 or MindCrime on Eternal Insanity
908.224.8780. Blade is accepting such artic
les for a future production to be announced nex
t month. 4 New members this month
... Chromatik joins us from Broken. He has
some cool stuff in this pak, and I can see alot of pote
ntial in his work, so we hope to see some gre
at stuff from him in the future. Also this month,
Messiah joins our ever-growing lit department. He
brings along some great literary skills with him
. 5 As you can probably see, this
months pak is chock full of lit. The ansi wa
s a bit weak as far as quantity goes, but the lit is
simply amazing. I strongly suggest you check em all out.
6 Theres one file tha
t cant be viewed with the blade viewer this
month. FN-TLG1.DBL can be viewe
d with acidviewtm in the MCGA 256
mode. Ive never heard of this format, but
it looks pretty cool no
netheless.. Check it out.
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