this image contains text
a check it out. the issue you though
t youd never see a. !a. from
me. issue number tree. i was stuck doing multipleb
a.. a issues of number two, so as you ca
n see i am a big fanl !aa. .a
of evin dorkin and milk and cheese. if youve never
o !..a read his stuff then go
do so. funny fucking shit. o .aa
d .a!a. if you h
ave something to say, be it good or be it badl
.! .a then do so by writing me at rabid.doct
or@mindpulse.comi .a! .a and
let me know what you think. if you send me yourn
a. ..a address i will send you a ne
at skull in the mail ife a..aa!
you are a misfits fiend youll understand this one
a..! and if you can find me pez dispe
nsers i collect them .!aa.
and will buy some.
3 ! !a.
. not much art in this issue at all. it blows and i we
nt0 a.. ! and wrote some po
ems, but thats ok. poems are cool2 !aa
. ..! sometimes. i might have to re-print my c
lassic this9 !..a is fuc
kkking america poem that originally appeared in7
.aa. an old esp pack and then re-surfac
ed in chiken 1. .a! !
.! .! all credits goto
me. w0o-hah.
bloodline 3 - poems and stuff
CoNtEnTs: 1 - Heart
2 - Earth
3 - Woman
4 - Oasis
5 - All Alone
6 - Humanity Dies
7 - What Love?!
8 - Fly Or Die
9 - Heart Lies
Words alone cannot say
What the heart can feel,
But once one breaks it into pieces
It takes some time to heal
After time, to the eye, the heart will seem fully recove
Though never the same,
Because while some things remain
A lot more has changed.
Microsolutions to mega problems
Will we ever solve
the corruption Bits
and pieces.. torn forever
What will be left of us in the future
Nothing left.. everything lost
Whole place looks like a holocost..
had hit..
Scattered remains from once whole lives
Now they ca
n not be repaired
Some things have changed
Yet some sta
yed the same
We can never go back on what was once ours
For the future holds uncertainty.
my eyes took notice around the room..
They got caught up in a glare,
All they saw was a pretty woman..
Tried my hardest not to stare
But nothing could stop the uninevidible..
Was caught up in a moment of desire,
Looking upon this pretty woman..
Made my body feel a warm fire
Heart was beating faster and faster and could not stop..
Because this pretty woman was too good looking to be tru
Instantly my mind exploded with excitement..
With all the wonderful things that we could do
Bringing flowers would seem appropriate..
Let the magic take place and occur,
Trying to say all the right words..
And at the dinner table push the chair in behind her
Touches with an.. oh so.. gentile hand..
Treat her like a Queen should be treated,
Every so often say things she needs to hear..
And I love you! everytime were greeted.
For miles and miles.. as far as the eye can see
Theres not a soul around at all but me,
Walking through the hot desert sand
Searching for the promised land,
I can see it.. now.. straight ahead
But turns out it was all in my head,
All I got was a mouthful of sand and dirt
And still remain on Planet Earth.
All Alone:
The aftermath
Life is death
Leave me alone
Tonight I stand by myself.
On a mountaintop
High above
Howling like a wolf
Staring at the moon
At its mere existance
So far away.
Its soft, warm glow
Makes me feel at one with the universe
Makes me feel so near yet so far away.
And I try to regain conscienceness, unsucessfully.
Humanity Dies:
Nuclear assualt
Microwave radiation.
Now I have disease.
My hair falls out,
People make fun,
Think lifes all games
They dont understand.
Cancer grows..
Like an annual flower
Lifes pretty for awhile
But soon its over.
Slowly we cr
What Love?!: Nob
ody tried,
Staring at nothing
As humanity died.
Nothing is something.
Wonder whats happening
Room spinning around.
Now something is everything
But in the end everything is nothing..
without love.
Fly or Die:
Pushed in little forms
Cant take it anymore
I shall be brave, I shall be brave
Society will be the ones to pay.
Another sleepless night
Eyes wide open to the city below
But to the problems theyre shut tight.
Must be set free
Brake loose of these chains
Grant thee wings
To fly above.
Heart Lies:
I was sitting on the couch in front of my brand new color teevee
When my heart jumped up and out of my chest and just plain cold le
ft me,
Walked into the kitchen and took my keys and stole my car
But the gas is low so it wont get very far,
Soon it came back with a vengence and I thought I was gonna be dea
But it just let out an evil laugh reached into my pocket took my m
oney instead,
Drove my lincoln all the way to Washington D.C.
With all the money it stole ran for presidency,
Oh how my heart only wanted to do good it was wishing
But now its ran off has its own life as a politician.
Telling lies.
distro sites
so far the only distro site is church of valhalla 908-685-8091.
as you can see i really dont care about getting members for bl
oodline or careabout getting distro sites. i just write and dra
w what i want to.
as always my main man flea vampira hatebreed belial mindcri
me d3mon dracchiken lubers everywhere lovegun lovegums.. he
he wicked1 laura bassdaddyedicus and any other people who
are cool in general. pw -
- you know who you are and you can suck my big balls you fucking
hairy-assgorilla. shave your moustache and beard. gi
rls should not have them!
t youd never see a. !a. from
me. issue number tree. i was stuck doing multipleb
a.. a issues of number two, so as you ca
n see i am a big fanl !aa. .a
of evin dorkin and milk and cheese. if youve never
o !..a read his stuff then go
do so. funny fucking shit. o .aa
d .a!a. if you h
ave something to say, be it good or be it badl
.! .a then do so by writing me at rabid.doct
or@mindpulse.comi .a! .a and
let me know what you think. if you send me yourn
a. ..a address i will send you a ne
at skull in the mail ife a..aa!
you are a misfits fiend youll understand this one
a..! and if you can find me pez dispe
nsers i collect them .!aa.
and will buy some.
3 ! !a.
. not much art in this issue at all. it blows and i we
nt0 a.. ! and wrote some po
ems, but thats ok. poems are cool2 !aa
. ..! sometimes. i might have to re-print my c
lassic this9 !..a is fuc
kkking america poem that originally appeared in7
.aa. an old esp pack and then re-surfac
ed in chiken 1. .a! !
.! .! all credits goto
me. w0o-hah.
bloodline 3 - poems and stuff
CoNtEnTs: 1 - Heart
2 - Earth
3 - Woman
4 - Oasis
5 - All Alone
6 - Humanity Dies
7 - What Love?!
8 - Fly Or Die
9 - Heart Lies
Words alone cannot say
What the heart can feel,
But once one breaks it into pieces
It takes some time to heal
After time, to the eye, the heart will seem fully recove
Though never the same,
Because while some things remain
A lot more has changed.
Microsolutions to mega problems
Will we ever solve
the corruption Bits
and pieces.. torn forever
What will be left of us in the future
Nothing left.. everything lost
Whole place looks like a holocost..
had hit..
Scattered remains from once whole lives
Now they ca
n not be repaired
Some things have changed
Yet some sta
yed the same
We can never go back on what was once ours
For the future holds uncertainty.
my eyes took notice around the room..
They got caught up in a glare,
All they saw was a pretty woman..
Tried my hardest not to stare
But nothing could stop the uninevidible..
Was caught up in a moment of desire,
Looking upon this pretty woman..
Made my body feel a warm fire
Heart was beating faster and faster and could not stop..
Because this pretty woman was too good looking to be tru
Instantly my mind exploded with excitement..
With all the wonderful things that we could do
Bringing flowers would seem appropriate..
Let the magic take place and occur,
Trying to say all the right words..
And at the dinner table push the chair in behind her
Touches with an.. oh so.. gentile hand..
Treat her like a Queen should be treated,
Every so often say things she needs to hear..
And I love you! everytime were greeted.
For miles and miles.. as far as the eye can see
Theres not a soul around at all but me,
Walking through the hot desert sand
Searching for the promised land,
I can see it.. now.. straight ahead
But turns out it was all in my head,
All I got was a mouthful of sand and dirt
And still remain on Planet Earth.
All Alone:
The aftermath
Life is death
Leave me alone
Tonight I stand by myself.
On a mountaintop
High above
Howling like a wolf
Staring at the moon
At its mere existance
So far away.
Its soft, warm glow
Makes me feel at one with the universe
Makes me feel so near yet so far away.
And I try to regain conscienceness, unsucessfully.
Humanity Dies:
Nuclear assualt
Microwave radiation.
Now I have disease.
My hair falls out,
People make fun,
Think lifes all games
They dont understand.
Cancer grows..
Like an annual flower
Lifes pretty for awhile
But soon its over.
Slowly we cr
What Love?!: Nob
ody tried,
Staring at nothing
As humanity died.
Nothing is something.
Wonder whats happening
Room spinning around.
Now something is everything
But in the end everything is nothing..
without love.
Fly or Die:
Pushed in little forms
Cant take it anymore
I shall be brave, I shall be brave
Society will be the ones to pay.
Another sleepless night
Eyes wide open to the city below
But to the problems theyre shut tight.
Must be set free
Brake loose of these chains
Grant thee wings
To fly above.
Heart Lies:
I was sitting on the couch in front of my brand new color teevee
When my heart jumped up and out of my chest and just plain cold le
ft me,
Walked into the kitchen and took my keys and stole my car
But the gas is low so it wont get very far,
Soon it came back with a vengence and I thought I was gonna be dea
But it just let out an evil laugh reached into my pocket took my m
oney instead,
Drove my lincoln all the way to Washington D.C.
With all the money it stole ran for presidency,
Oh how my heart only wanted to do good it was wishing
But now its ran off has its own life as a politician.
Telling lies.
distro sites
so far the only distro site is church of valhalla 908-685-8091.
as you can see i really dont care about getting members for bl
oodline or careabout getting distro sites. i just write and dra
w what i want to.
as always my main man flea vampira hatebreed belial mindcri
me d3mon dracchiken lubers everywhere lovegun lovegums.. he
he wicked1 laura bassdaddyedicus and any other people who
are cool in general. pw -
- you know who you are and you can suck my big balls you fucking
hairy-assgorilla. shave your moustache and beard. gi
rls should not have them!
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