this image contains text
a woo-hah. the second issue of
bloodline. bloodline does a.
!a. literature on almost any subject that is bomb.
eitherba.. a it is funny,
serious, hate lit, anarchy, whatever. ifl !
aa. .a your hamster loving ass wants to contact m
e then do soo !..a at rabi
d.doctor@mindpulse.com. you can submit articleso
.aa! to me there. if you do then please in
clude your emaild .a!a. a
ddress so i can get back to you.
l .! .a
i .a! .a
i dont have too much to say this issue so for this
n a. ..a little paragraph ill j
ust ramble on and hmmz, makee a..aa!
for chiken all... heh.. had to plug chiken.
.!aa. if you wanna contact me on ir
c you can usually find me2 ! !a.
in ansi, ascii, zines, hamsterfuck, or jew heh.
!. !. some of the guys in taura mi
ght remember that joke....1 a.. !
heh takeover of jew.. hehe.
2 !aa. ..!
9 !..a credits for this shit they
all still goto me. nobody6 .aa.
else. nada. zero. ok two other people helped me this
.a! ! time, myself and i. its just me
, myself, and i. de la .! .! soul.
old school. fuck you dickheads.
bloodline 2 - christmas with rabid doctor
christmas is around the corner. ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum
or somethinglike that. lick my balls with lots of jolly.. fa l
a la la and all that crap. wecant forget your nuts roasting on
a open fire. ahh.. singing sucks. even thoughi am scrooge, this
is the one time of the year i can be thankful. thankful that
some stupid relatives are gonna come over
my house and give me a
bunch of crap that i dont want. what does everyone go o
ut looking
for crap?! what does my aunt say, i think this is e
xactly what he
is not looking for. well, you got it right on the no
se. now i have
to stand in line for the rest of the fucking year waiting
to return
a bunch of crap i didnt want in the first place. i would
love if
we could just exchange money and good food
and drink?! its likemoney would help offset the costs of th
e money i gave you for christmas. if weexchanged food and drin
k that would be great because i can eat/drink it rightthere.
the traditional christmas i get stuck with ten pairs of underwe
ar thatdoesnt fit. i am not going to be trying on underwear ha
ving a little fashionshow for my family. id rather just eat
the food or tell them what i am going todo with the money.. spen
d it on food! or maybe just some cheap hooker
and a bottle of mad dog for me and some boones farm for her. :
i am glad i dont have to deal with that jewish holiday that
i cant
spell. eight fucking days of old moldy fruitcakes, mothball sme
grandmothers who only play cards and are forgetting the rules of
the game causethey are so old. when christmas rolls around thi
s year im gonna do more than myusual of changing the whip cream
on the pie to mayonaise, but this time i willadd in some zap,
quick drying hobby cement. it is clear and dries in seconds.
that will teach those relatives to shut their fucking mouths up singi
ng all ofthose christmas songs. ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of ru
m or something like that.lick my balls with lots of jolly.. fa
la la la. stop singing those darn fuckingsongs or i am gonna s
ing one of my own, your nuts roasting on an open fire. thatwould
be funny. would also hurt. didnt know much hurt. why cant we
all justlisten to my all time favorite christmas favorite, chr
istmas in hollis, by thegreat run-dmc. that song is the best.
the little fucking elf pushing the naughtybutton.. hehe.
why is it every christmas we have turkey or chiken?! what about m
e?! notice i spell chiken
like that for those of you know what it is id rather
cook a couple lar
ge pizzas with pepperoni and onion or something. it
would serve
its purpose well: 1 most people like pizza. 2 its achange
from what people normally make. 3 itll save time.
4 its easier toclean up. 5 you dont have to keep checking
it over and over and basting it.6 nobody will be pissed off
if you overcook it a little. 7 none of thosespecial cutt
ing utensils, just slice and eat. 8 you dont need years
ofpractice at cutting, again just slice the fucker and eat. 9
you can still getout the good china and silverware to add a l
ittle ambiance. 10 you dont fallasleep afterwards like you d
o with turkey. 11 you will be cool with the kids, wow pizza on
christmas?! we must have been good all year! 12 leftover p
izzatakes up less space in your refridgerator. 13 you can sit a
t the table and keepsaying, pizza! pizza! and see who does the
best impression of the guy from thelittle ceasers commercials.
know what else bugs the crap out of me?! wrapping paper. why in
the fuck do i wanna have to buy you this expensive gift and then
have to buy a wrapping paper?! the
re is no point to it. you can
just use newspaper and itll do the same thing. but the point of
this is that i dont like any kinds of paper on my present. i ju
st wanna open upthe fucker and see what refund lines ill be sta
nding in this year. its like iknow all of the people by heart
since i been to all the refund lines before. thegirls all know m
e on a first name basis. theyll be like how have you been?! i
havent seen you since las
t year. but if the refund line is too
ong to stand in i just give the lady behind the counter a small
present and hand her what i was gonna retur
n. i like to do my
part and spread a little holiday joy. y
eah, you can come spread your h
oliday joy on my bed. offer applies to women only and void
where prohibited.
this sucks so fuck you all. issue 3 due out very soon. -RaBiD
greetz everyone who helps out with chiken,flea,hatebreed,vampi
ra,illwill, werdto peoples in taura,peoples who used to be in ph
ar who were decent ya know whoya are,and anyone else i forgot
fuck yall.
bloodline. bloodline does a.
!a. literature on almost any subject that is bomb.
eitherba.. a it is funny,
serious, hate lit, anarchy, whatever. ifl !
aa. .a your hamster loving ass wants to contact m
e then do soo !..a at rabi
d.doctor@mindpulse.com. you can submit articleso
.aa! to me there. if you do then please in
clude your emaild .a!a. a
ddress so i can get back to you.
l .! .a
i .a! .a
i dont have too much to say this issue so for this
n a. ..a little paragraph ill j
ust ramble on and hmmz, makee a..aa!
for chiken all... heh.. had to plug chiken.
.!aa. if you wanna contact me on ir
c you can usually find me2 ! !a.
in ansi, ascii, zines, hamsterfuck, or jew heh.
!. !. some of the guys in taura mi
ght remember that joke....1 a.. !
heh takeover of jew.. hehe.
2 !aa. ..!
9 !..a credits for this shit they
all still goto me. nobody6 .aa.
else. nada. zero. ok two other people helped me this
.a! ! time, myself and i. its just me
, myself, and i. de la .! .! soul.
old school. fuck you dickheads.
bloodline 2 - christmas with rabid doctor
christmas is around the corner. ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum
or somethinglike that. lick my balls with lots of jolly.. fa l
a la la and all that crap. wecant forget your nuts roasting on
a open fire. ahh.. singing sucks. even thoughi am scrooge, this
is the one time of the year i can be thankful. thankful that
some stupid relatives are gonna come over
my house and give me a
bunch of crap that i dont want. what does everyone go o
ut looking
for crap?! what does my aunt say, i think this is e
xactly what he
is not looking for. well, you got it right on the no
se. now i have
to stand in line for the rest of the fucking year waiting
to return
a bunch of crap i didnt want in the first place. i would
love if
we could just exchange money and good food
and drink?! its likemoney would help offset the costs of th
e money i gave you for christmas. if weexchanged food and drin
k that would be great because i can eat/drink it rightthere.
the traditional christmas i get stuck with ten pairs of underwe
ar thatdoesnt fit. i am not going to be trying on underwear ha
ving a little fashionshow for my family. id rather just eat
the food or tell them what i am going todo with the money.. spen
d it on food! or maybe just some cheap hooker
and a bottle of mad dog for me and some boones farm for her. :
i am glad i dont have to deal with that jewish holiday that
i cant
spell. eight fucking days of old moldy fruitcakes, mothball sme
grandmothers who only play cards and are forgetting the rules of
the game causethey are so old. when christmas rolls around thi
s year im gonna do more than myusual of changing the whip cream
on the pie to mayonaise, but this time i willadd in some zap,
quick drying hobby cement. it is clear and dries in seconds.
that will teach those relatives to shut their fucking mouths up singi
ng all ofthose christmas songs. ho, ho, ho, and a bottle of ru
m or something like that.lick my balls with lots of jolly.. fa
la la la. stop singing those darn fuckingsongs or i am gonna s
ing one of my own, your nuts roasting on an open fire. thatwould
be funny. would also hurt. didnt know much hurt. why cant we
all justlisten to my all time favorite christmas favorite, chr
istmas in hollis, by thegreat run-dmc. that song is the best.
the little fucking elf pushing the naughtybutton.. hehe.
why is it every christmas we have turkey or chiken?! what about m
e?! notice i spell chiken
like that for those of you know what it is id rather
cook a couple lar
ge pizzas with pepperoni and onion or something. it
would serve
its purpose well: 1 most people like pizza. 2 its achange
from what people normally make. 3 itll save time.
4 its easier toclean up. 5 you dont have to keep checking
it over and over and basting it.6 nobody will be pissed off
if you overcook it a little. 7 none of thosespecial cutt
ing utensils, just slice and eat. 8 you dont need years
ofpractice at cutting, again just slice the fucker and eat. 9
you can still getout the good china and silverware to add a l
ittle ambiance. 10 you dont fallasleep afterwards like you d
o with turkey. 11 you will be cool with the kids, wow pizza on
christmas?! we must have been good all year! 12 leftover p
izzatakes up less space in your refridgerator. 13 you can sit a
t the table and keepsaying, pizza! pizza! and see who does the
best impression of the guy from thelittle ceasers commercials.
know what else bugs the crap out of me?! wrapping paper. why in
the fuck do i wanna have to buy you this expensive gift and then
have to buy a wrapping paper?! the
re is no point to it. you can
just use newspaper and itll do the same thing. but the point of
this is that i dont like any kinds of paper on my present. i ju
st wanna open upthe fucker and see what refund lines ill be sta
nding in this year. its like iknow all of the people by heart
since i been to all the refund lines before. thegirls all know m
e on a first name basis. theyll be like how have you been?! i
havent seen you since las
t year. but if the refund line is too
ong to stand in i just give the lady behind the counter a small
present and hand her what i was gonna retur
n. i like to do my
part and spread a little holiday joy. y
eah, you can come spread your h
oliday joy on my bed. offer applies to women only and void
where prohibited.
this sucks so fuck you all. issue 3 due out very soon. -RaBiD
greetz everyone who helps out with chiken,flea,hatebreed,vampi
ra,illwill, werdto peoples in taura,peoples who used to be in ph
ar who were decent ya know whoya are,and anyone else i forgot
fuck yall.
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