this image contains text
a i just got back from the dentist.
i am hurting. i had a. !a. eigh
t teeth pulled out. four wisdom teeth and fourb
a.. a other teeth pulled. you cant see
them though. : thisl !aa. .a
really sucks so fuck you. i am gonna be bleeding for a
o !..a few more hours. i haven
t eaten or drunk anything in ao .aa
! couple hours.. actually, about 17 hours. i cant ev
end .a!a. eat soup. i got
a bag of sour cream and onion potatol .!
.a baked lays potato chips staring me in the fac
e and ii .a! .a cant do a
nything about it. waaaah! n a
. ..a this issue is the next number two. its
actually issuee a..aa! four.
previous issues were number one, number two, the
a..! other number two, and now the next numbe
r two. .!aa.
if your hamster loving ass would like to contact me
2 ! !a. you can do so at rabid.
doctor@mindpulse.com or call up !. !
. the distro site listed in the end of this.
3 a.. ! bite me. bite me. bite me.
bite me. i just felt like !aa. ..!
saying that because i am in pain.
0 !..a all of the credits for thi
s crap goto me. will someone1 .aa.
please do me a bloodline logo?! i need one bad and
9 .a! ! ill do something back
for you in return.
7 .! .! thank you for your support
. bite me.
bloodline 3 - psuedo simpson apparal
If you follow the O.J. Simspon case
at all, then you might find the
stuff below a little funny. I had a good time writing it.
This is my catalog of Psuedo Simpson
Apparal stuff for sale.
All items are guaranteed to be 100 psuedo replicas of items
photographed,discussed in court, and/or denied to be in existan
ce by none other than you knowwho.
I didnt do it tee shirt - extra large like he we
ars complete with bloodstains. His face print on the front an
d I didnt do it on the back. 19.95 w/pocket 17.95 without
Gloves - only come in extra large size like he wears i
n dark brown with driedblood stains. 4.95
Psuedo Bruno Maglia loafers - replicas of those photog
raphed and worn by youknow who. You can have any size you want,
as long as its a size twelve D. 100
Ski Mask - photograph and autographed by Psuedo Simpso
n himself. Signed withthe blood of innocence. 14.95
Miniture Psuedo White Bronco - just like you know wh
o drived. Comes withblood stains also. 5
Duffle Bag - for storing old wet clothes and evidence.
Golf Bag - with United Airlines tags on it. 49
Binoculars - perfect for spying on your girlfriend or
wife. 29.95
Band Aids - for finger cuts. 3.95
Psuedo lawyer puppet - put it on your hand and make it
talk. Comes with abeginners guide to vantriquilism book. Gu
aranteed to be the hit of your nextparty. 39.95
Special Forces 12 Attack Knife - deluxe model with co
mpass and clock. Thisway you can tell how long the job takes a
nd how to return to your base ofoperations. 35
Golf Balls - pack of three glow in the dark golf balls
for best night flight.9
Shatter Proof Glass Tumblers - guaranteed not to cut y
our finger even whensmashed up against the wall. Set of two.
Chase The Bronco Puzzle - 999 piece puzzle. One piece
is missing so you cannever complete the mystery. 10.95
Tickle Me Kato Katlin Doll - with messy, long, dirty
hair. Sleeps in yourhouse and eats all your food. 49
Screaming Woman In Distress CD - has three cuts on
the CD. 1 slice across 2cut up the front 3 chop down the midd
Get Out Of Trial Free Card - how else did he get off t
hat easily?! Now youcan too. Price is open to bribes.
Psuedo Furhman Detective Kit - includes finger print e
xamination powder, andvarious other items to frame people. Does
not include bags to hold evidence,because theyre just goin
g to loose the evidence anyway. 45
Psuedo Simpsonopoly - based on the board game of simil
ar name. All spaces saygo directly to jail and do not pass go.
Psuedo Furhman Book Of Racial Slurs - next time someon
e makes you mad, dontget even, call them names. 187 pages. Pub
lished by Westwood Publishing. 19.95
Psuedo Simpson Football Rookie Card - its not in mi
nt condition and allbeat up. 9 Signed. 7
Psuedo Visine - gets the red out and produces fake tea
rs to make it look likeyoure in remorse. 2.99
Elastic Wasteband Pants - when youre taken to jail an
d they take away anydangerous weapons-type items, such as a b
elt buckle, these will stay up even ifaround Bubba. 14.95
Tanning Oil - are you tired of everyone teasing you be
cause all your friendsare white?! Not anymore. Paint them. 9.9
Bottle Of Whiskey - one fifth to the amendment and y
oull be knocked out.19.99
Psuedo Simpson Mood Ring - Green means youre sensitiv
e. Blue means yourehappy. Black/Blue means youre hurt and r
ed means youre dead. 12.95
distro sitez
so far the only distro site is church of valhalla 908-685-8091.
i had another distro site planned, but i can never get the boar
d to answer whencalled, so screw your board for now, mang.
flea come on flea, like i said in the last bloodline greetz l
ets get a bbsback on and telnettable. ill even help pay some
of the costs and help run it. hatebreed and vampira get a car
and you peoples disappear. want your elite CDsback sometime, m
ang, i still got them. i tried to call you about a week ago.
d3mon woe. dracula werd. illwill where you and chiken been?!
i am hurting. i had a. !a. eigh
t teeth pulled out. four wisdom teeth and fourb
a.. a other teeth pulled. you cant see
them though. : thisl !aa. .a
really sucks so fuck you. i am gonna be bleeding for a
o !..a few more hours. i haven
t eaten or drunk anything in ao .aa
! couple hours.. actually, about 17 hours. i cant ev
end .a!a. eat soup. i got
a bag of sour cream and onion potatol .!
.a baked lays potato chips staring me in the fac
e and ii .a! .a cant do a
nything about it. waaaah! n a
. ..a this issue is the next number two. its
actually issuee a..aa! four.
previous issues were number one, number two, the
a..! other number two, and now the next numbe
r two. .!aa.
if your hamster loving ass would like to contact me
2 ! !a. you can do so at rabid.
doctor@mindpulse.com or call up !. !
. the distro site listed in the end of this.
3 a.. ! bite me. bite me. bite me.
bite me. i just felt like !aa. ..!
saying that because i am in pain.
0 !..a all of the credits for thi
s crap goto me. will someone1 .aa.
please do me a bloodline logo?! i need one bad and
9 .a! ! ill do something back
for you in return.
7 .! .! thank you for your support
. bite me.
bloodline 3 - psuedo simpson apparal
If you follow the O.J. Simspon case
at all, then you might find the
stuff below a little funny. I had a good time writing it.
This is my catalog of Psuedo Simpson
Apparal stuff for sale.
All items are guaranteed to be 100 psuedo replicas of items
photographed,discussed in court, and/or denied to be in existan
ce by none other than you knowwho.
I didnt do it tee shirt - extra large like he we
ars complete with bloodstains. His face print on the front an
d I didnt do it on the back. 19.95 w/pocket 17.95 without
Gloves - only come in extra large size like he wears i
n dark brown with driedblood stains. 4.95
Psuedo Bruno Maglia loafers - replicas of those photog
raphed and worn by youknow who. You can have any size you want,
as long as its a size twelve D. 100
Ski Mask - photograph and autographed by Psuedo Simpso
n himself. Signed withthe blood of innocence. 14.95
Miniture Psuedo White Bronco - just like you know wh
o drived. Comes withblood stains also. 5
Duffle Bag - for storing old wet clothes and evidence.
Golf Bag - with United Airlines tags on it. 49
Binoculars - perfect for spying on your girlfriend or
wife. 29.95
Band Aids - for finger cuts. 3.95
Psuedo lawyer puppet - put it on your hand and make it
talk. Comes with abeginners guide to vantriquilism book. Gu
aranteed to be the hit of your nextparty. 39.95
Special Forces 12 Attack Knife - deluxe model with co
mpass and clock. Thisway you can tell how long the job takes a
nd how to return to your base ofoperations. 35
Golf Balls - pack of three glow in the dark golf balls
for best night flight.9
Shatter Proof Glass Tumblers - guaranteed not to cut y
our finger even whensmashed up against the wall. Set of two.
Chase The Bronco Puzzle - 999 piece puzzle. One piece
is missing so you cannever complete the mystery. 10.95
Tickle Me Kato Katlin Doll - with messy, long, dirty
hair. Sleeps in yourhouse and eats all your food. 49
Screaming Woman In Distress CD - has three cuts on
the CD. 1 slice across 2cut up the front 3 chop down the midd
Get Out Of Trial Free Card - how else did he get off t
hat easily?! Now youcan too. Price is open to bribes.
Psuedo Furhman Detective Kit - includes finger print e
xamination powder, andvarious other items to frame people. Does
not include bags to hold evidence,because theyre just goin
g to loose the evidence anyway. 45
Psuedo Simpsonopoly - based on the board game of simil
ar name. All spaces saygo directly to jail and do not pass go.
Psuedo Furhman Book Of Racial Slurs - next time someon
e makes you mad, dontget even, call them names. 187 pages. Pub
lished by Westwood Publishing. 19.95
Psuedo Simpson Football Rookie Card - its not in mi
nt condition and allbeat up. 9 Signed. 7
Psuedo Visine - gets the red out and produces fake tea
rs to make it look likeyoure in remorse. 2.99
Elastic Wasteband Pants - when youre taken to jail an
d they take away anydangerous weapons-type items, such as a b
elt buckle, these will stay up even ifaround Bubba. 14.95
Tanning Oil - are you tired of everyone teasing you be
cause all your friendsare white?! Not anymore. Paint them. 9.9
Bottle Of Whiskey - one fifth to the amendment and y
oull be knocked out.19.99
Psuedo Simpson Mood Ring - Green means youre sensitiv
e. Blue means yourehappy. Black/Blue means youre hurt and r
ed means youre dead. 12.95
distro sitez
so far the only distro site is church of valhalla 908-685-8091.
i had another distro site planned, but i can never get the boar
d to answer whencalled, so screw your board for now, mang.
flea come on flea, like i said in the last bloodline greetz l
ets get a bbsback on and telnettable. ill even help pay some
of the costs and help run it. hatebreed and vampira get a car
and you peoples disappear. want your elite CDsback sometime, m
ang, i still got them. i tried to call you about a week ago.
d3mon woe. dracula werd. illwill where you and chiken been?!
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