this image contains text
b l a d e .. . .
i t
s an e p i c !
some fruity song l
yric, i suppose : genesis
back once again, were the ansi scene masters.
we took a hiatus to work on some projects. we
needed to take a break from the ansi scene in order
concentrate our efforts on various things, includ
design projects, work, marriage, and self
in our time away from the scene, heres a quick
rubdown, sorry- rundown, of things that weve been
concentrating our efforts on:
mindcrime, a misspent youth, spent seven ye
ars in
tibet. in that time, he went 69 days as the maste
r of
his domain domain, in this case, does not refer
to masturbation.com, if you know what we me
grey hawk, spent eighteen weeks in a
rehabilitation program. he was found in the
tumbleweed outside of the hazlet township
nursing home and subsequently beaten and
arrested. a monmouth county judge now
considers the hawk to be reformed and an
outstanding member of the
way to go, grey hawk!
this rod
kiwi is dead.
represents our
grymmjack got married, had three kids, got
rn to the divorced, and now lives in ger
many. he also bought ansi scene!!!
a graphics tablet and drew the cover for t
soon-to-be released KMFDM album. du hast
belial is also dead. but, before h
e died, he got a raise at
michaels and co-stared in six episodes of general
exar-kun was exiled from canada. we still
dont know what the whole
situation was all aboot. well fill you in when we
find out, eh.
julian, cappacino, and the b
lack0pz division did absolutely nothing.
the following old blade members have rejoined:
subconsiousness, facsmilie,
bishop, acidic soap, grifter
, diehard,
napalm, cold ugly, inazone
, oned, maestro, leon
ardo, raphael,
donatello, divinci, splinter
, the master, mystic plague
, mr. the plague,
the great plague of 526, the bubonic p
lague, jed, and chroma
as for myself, edicius: i have become a v
egan and i have found the
true path to inner peace. i have also been playing
a lot of nintendo,
drinking a lot of beer, eating a lot of white castl
e hamburgers, and
fucking a lot of shit up. i also dated a mass murd
ering psychopath
sometimes i lie.
: belial
i think that now would be a good time t
o explain a couple of things
about blade, why were back and what we hope to ach
last september we released our final pack, ending a
run of 43
consecutive months. in that 3 years and 7 months,
blade had seen and
done many things. we saw the rise and fall of such
groups as saga,
BROkEN, union, spastik,
legend, integrity, mop
, apathy, shiver, nat
and tribe to only name a few. we
ve seen great artists come and go,
weve seen styles change, weve seen more angst tha
n you can shake a
stick at! weve seen and had our share of ripper
s, lamers, geeks,
dorks and dweebs. weve been at war with fellow nj
group, cia. we
even can claim to be the first group mist
toured with on their scene
tour. in nearly 4 years, we have done
and seen it all. so the
question is: why did we stop?
its kind of difficult to explain, but what i think
it all comes
down to is life and change. life is about change a
nd nothing represents
change more than the blade nation. blade started o
ut in march of 1994.
we have had with us great artists such as chro
matik, facsimilie, modeus
khan, kiwi, splatt and
more recently liquid blue now known as
device, subconsciousness,
oxi and exar kun. all of th
ese artists have
helped to shape the blade we have today. blade, ho
wever, has really
gone beyond what an art group has been traditional
ly considered to be.
maybe its because a lot of us live so close to eac
h other here in new
jersey, but at some point, the focus stopped being
completely on art
and started to revolve around friendship.
we are, and always have been,
an extremely close group of friends. mindcrim
e, a person i met over
the computer calling the now dead as a nail alderaa
n, i now consider to
be my closest friend in the world. edicius
, dimes and grey hawk are
as close to me as i, i hope! no, there is no in-jo
ke or pun there. :,
am to them. dimes also introduced
us to a group of his skidmore friends
who we are all very close to as well. it is no won
der then, that blade
as an art group would suffer. instead of being an
art group, blade
became just a group. which in the end, is the goal
of all groups, right?
we have been through a lot and we are still here to
tell our story.
the month following the last released blade pack wa
s an extremely
difficult one for all of us. mindcrime h
ad to suffer through the emotional
damage of losing his father, i was stuck in a doome
d relationship, trying
to juggle my friends, school and a woman al
l at the same time without much
success, grey hawk was experiencing his f
irst taste of love, edicius was
also toughing out school and a woman as well.
dimes was at school. all in
all, we were in the center of a storm and something
had to give.
unfortunately, what gave was blade.
the storm has passed and the flood waters have sett
led and we are back.
the future? were not sure where were going from
here, but one thing
is positive: we are going to place a renewed emphas
is on the one thing that
has brought us all together: art. this pac
k, which contains a lot of the
work that was supposed to be included in the 4-year
anniversary pack,
not only represents our return but exactly what the
power of friendship can
achive. in my opinion, this is the single greatest
blade epic ever to be
released, and i would like to thank each and every
single blade member, past and present, who has ma
de this possible. you are all the greatest
of friends a person can have. and although our art
may not be the best,
and though we may not boast the high quantity art o
f some groups, we have
what a lot of groups dont-- heart.
so i invite you all to this, our 44th blade epic.
enjoy, and we
welcome any thoughts, comments or criticism that wi
ll help make blade a
better group for all.
-- belial
r e v e l a t i o
brand spank
in new music disk coming soon!
editors note: all revelation members interesti
ng in releasing
in the new disk, please contact either grymmjac
k or mindcrime
org angst.blade.org : mindcrime
whens the last time you visited www.blade.org
? was it like a year
ago? yeah. we dont blame you
. BUT, we worked our asses off recently
to update it and make it fucking elite, baby!
granted, fistful of
jackasses hated it... but thats what makes
it elite! so go visit it!
weve got pictures of all our elite members, links
to about half the
blade packs because were too lazy to add the rest
, and a bunch of
other elite shit! so check it out, baby. its k-r
also, weve got our own little playground to cause
some serious
ruckus on. angst.blade.org is the offici
al k-elite server of the blade
nation. if youre a blade member and want a shell
to show off to all of
your friends, e-mail mindcrime and ask him to set y
ou up phat. well let
you have web pages, e-mail accounts, pron stashes,
mp3s, and other elite
shit. but if you store some warez, well kill ya!
: coughGREYHAWKcough
thanks to rattle and ilsundal
of skyfire networks for their kind loan
of elite hardware and bandwidth. they rule
! coughWWW.SKYFIRE.NETcough
whats this scene revival all aboot, eh
weve seen, eh!
great expectations alien:
resurrection titanic
the replacement killers
starship troopers sphere
scream 2 kiss the girls
dark city
lost in space boogie nights
mr. nice guy
wild things the truman show
the x-files
bean seven years in tibet
wag the dog
the boxer the big lebowski
the game
a perfect murder armageddon
out of sight
weve listened to, eh!
orbital - insides
orbital 2
orbital - snivilisation
the crystal method - vegas
the crystal method - keep hope alive sin
bt - escm
bt - ima
bt - remember maxi-single
underworld - dubnobasswithmyheadm
underworld - second toughest in the infan
underworld - born slippy single
underworld - pearls girl ep
underworld - dirty epic/cowgirl single
juno reactor - transmissions
juno reactor - beyond the infinite
juno reactor - samurai single
juno reactor - bible of dreams
messiah - 21st century jesus
messiah presents progenitor
lords of acid - voodoo-u
rammstein - seinsucht
delerium - karma
delerium - semantic spaces
enigma 1 - mcmxc a.d.
enigma 2 - the cross of changes
enigma 3 - le roi es mort, vive le roi
dead can dance - spiritchaser
fluke - risotto
fatboy slim - better living through chemi
wildchild - renegade master
leftfield - leftism
daft punk - homework
paul oakenfold - journeys by dj
prodigy - fat of the land
prodigy - music for the jilted generation
kmfdm - kmfdm
kmfdm - xtort
kmfdm - nihil
hanzel und gretyl - ausgeflippt
hanzel und gretyl - transmission from ura
front 242 - 05:22:09:12 off
sister machine gun - metropolis
gravity kills - gravity kills
gravity kills - manipulated
gravity kills - perversion
stabbing westward - wither, blister, burn
and peel
stabbing westward - darkest days
haujobb - solutions for a small planet
guns n roses - appetite for destruction
guns n roses - lies
type o negative - october rust
type o negative - bloody kisses
queensryche - operation: mindcrime
queensryche - hear in the now frontier
queensryche - empire
queensryche - sign of the times single
rush - counterparts
rush - roll the bones
rush - moving pictures
rush - signals
metallica - the black album
metallica - master of puppets
metallica - ride the lightning
metallica - ...and justice for all
pink floyd - animals
pink floyd - a momentary lapse of reason
pink floyd - the wall
pink floyd - pulse
pink floyd - wish you were here
tool - undertow
tool - aenima
meat loaf - bat out of hell
the moody blues - greatest hits
the moody blues - long distance voyager
simon and garfunkel - greatest hits
jethro tull - original masters
blue oyster cult - dont fear the reaper
temple of the dog - temple of the dog
pearl jam - ten
pearl jam - vs.
pearl jam - vitalogy
pearl jam - yield
dream theater - awake
dream theater - falling into infinity
u2 - the joshua tree
nine inch nails - pretty hate machine
big wreck - in loving memory of
sarah mclachlan - surfacing
sarah mclachlan - fumbling towards ecstacy
sarah mclachlan - freedom sessions
sarah mclachlan - rarities, b-sides and o
ther stuff
heather nova - oyster
lita ford - greatest hits
ozzy osbourne - no more tears
ozzy obsourne - live loud
fleetwood mac - the dance
fleetwood mac - rumours
fleetwood mac - greatest hits
sting - the very best of sting and the po
the who - by numbers
the who - 30 years of maximum rb
the who - whos next
the who - quadrophenia
the who - tommy
beethoven - greatest hits ii
counting crows - august and everything af
counting crows - recovering the satellite
harry chapin - greatest hits
jim croce - greatest hits
jimmy buffett - boats, beaches, bars ba
jimmy buffett - songs you know by heart
queen - a kind of magic
space ghosts musical bbq
atari teenage riot - burn berlin burn!
ben folds five - whatever ever amen
big bad voodoo daddy - big bad voodoo dad
catch22 - keasby nights
cherry poppin daddies - zoot suit riot
dem brooklyn bums - dem brooklyn bums
duke ellington - sophisticated lady
ednas goldfish - before you knew better
harvey danger - where have all the merrym
akers gone?
hepcat - out of nowhere
hepcat - scientific
hits of the big band era - two cd compal
inspecter 7 - inspecter 7
mephiskapheles - god bless satan
mephiskapheles - maximum perversion
new york beat 2 - breaking and entering
one cool guy - seven inches of ocg
the pixies - death to the pixies
the pixies - doolittle
the pixies - surfer rosa
royal crown revue - caught in the act
the skalars - skoolin with the skalars
skankin pickle - fever
skankin pickle - live
skankin pickle - skafunkrastapunk
soul coughing - ruby vroom
soul coughing - irresitable bliss
squirel nut zippers - hot
they might be giants - factory showroom
they might be giants - flood
they might be giants - john henry
they might be giants - the pink album
weston - got beat up
weston - matinee
singles soundtrack
the saint soundtrack
event horizon sountrack
the crow soundtrack
judgement night soundtrack
mortal kombat soundtrack
more kombat soundtrack
hackers soundtrack
individual songs -
goo goo dolls - iris
the offspring - gone away
peter gabriel - in your eyes
peter gabriel - salsbury steak.. er.. hil
metallica - unforgiven ii
fatboy slim - the rockafeller skank
fatboy slim - tweakers delight
natural born thrill
az - rock the funky beats
total eclipse - free lemonade
underworld - oh
underworld - rez
apotheosis - o fortuna
peter, paul, and mary - puff the magic dr
and about 4 gigs of mp3s.
blade is ::
mindcrime presiden
t mci@blade.org
belial seor staff belial@blade.o
dicius seor staff sullivan@exit109.com
grymmjack seor staff gj@ameritech.net
grey hawk seor staff gr
anathema device, subconsciousness, anx
, q, charr, kuma, e
xar kun,
rink rat, oxidizer, zempf, cap
pacino, kno-3, julian, dimes
rattle, ilsundal, buddy, jason
, merlin, kelsoe, beXy
and the ever so
angst free blade bot, y0da-one
revelation is ::
electric nectar, paladin, dead so
ul, claypool and sensei
member boards ::
i t
s an e p i c !
some fruity song l
yric, i suppose : genesis
back once again, were the ansi scene masters.
we took a hiatus to work on some projects. we
needed to take a break from the ansi scene in order
concentrate our efforts on various things, includ
design projects, work, marriage, and self
in our time away from the scene, heres a quick
rubdown, sorry- rundown, of things that weve been
concentrating our efforts on:
mindcrime, a misspent youth, spent seven ye
ars in
tibet. in that time, he went 69 days as the maste
r of
his domain domain, in this case, does not refer
to masturbation.com, if you know what we me
grey hawk, spent eighteen weeks in a
rehabilitation program. he was found in the
tumbleweed outside of the hazlet township
nursing home and subsequently beaten and
arrested. a monmouth county judge now
considers the hawk to be reformed and an
outstanding member of the
way to go, grey hawk!
this rod
kiwi is dead.
represents our
grymmjack got married, had three kids, got
rn to the divorced, and now lives in ger
many. he also bought ansi scene!!!
a graphics tablet and drew the cover for t
soon-to-be released KMFDM album. du hast
belial is also dead. but, before h
e died, he got a raise at
michaels and co-stared in six episodes of general
exar-kun was exiled from canada. we still
dont know what the whole
situation was all aboot. well fill you in when we
find out, eh.
julian, cappacino, and the b
lack0pz division did absolutely nothing.
the following old blade members have rejoined:
subconsiousness, facsmilie,
bishop, acidic soap, grifter
, diehard,
napalm, cold ugly, inazone
, oned, maestro, leon
ardo, raphael,
donatello, divinci, splinter
, the master, mystic plague
, mr. the plague,
the great plague of 526, the bubonic p
lague, jed, and chroma
as for myself, edicius: i have become a v
egan and i have found the
true path to inner peace. i have also been playing
a lot of nintendo,
drinking a lot of beer, eating a lot of white castl
e hamburgers, and
fucking a lot of shit up. i also dated a mass murd
ering psychopath
sometimes i lie.
: belial
i think that now would be a good time t
o explain a couple of things
about blade, why were back and what we hope to ach
last september we released our final pack, ending a
run of 43
consecutive months. in that 3 years and 7 months,
blade had seen and
done many things. we saw the rise and fall of such
groups as saga,
BROkEN, union, spastik,
legend, integrity, mop
, apathy, shiver, nat
and tribe to only name a few. we
ve seen great artists come and go,
weve seen styles change, weve seen more angst tha
n you can shake a
stick at! weve seen and had our share of ripper
s, lamers, geeks,
dorks and dweebs. weve been at war with fellow nj
group, cia. we
even can claim to be the first group mist
toured with on their scene
tour. in nearly 4 years, we have done
and seen it all. so the
question is: why did we stop?
its kind of difficult to explain, but what i think
it all comes
down to is life and change. life is about change a
nd nothing represents
change more than the blade nation. blade started o
ut in march of 1994.
we have had with us great artists such as chro
matik, facsimilie, modeus
khan, kiwi, splatt and
more recently liquid blue now known as
device, subconsciousness,
oxi and exar kun. all of th
ese artists have
helped to shape the blade we have today. blade, ho
wever, has really
gone beyond what an art group has been traditional
ly considered to be.
maybe its because a lot of us live so close to eac
h other here in new
jersey, but at some point, the focus stopped being
completely on art
and started to revolve around friendship.
we are, and always have been,
an extremely close group of friends. mindcrim
e, a person i met over
the computer calling the now dead as a nail alderaa
n, i now consider to
be my closest friend in the world. edicius
, dimes and grey hawk are
as close to me as i, i hope! no, there is no in-jo
ke or pun there. :,
am to them. dimes also introduced
us to a group of his skidmore friends
who we are all very close to as well. it is no won
der then, that blade
as an art group would suffer. instead of being an
art group, blade
became just a group. which in the end, is the goal
of all groups, right?
we have been through a lot and we are still here to
tell our story.
the month following the last released blade pack wa
s an extremely
difficult one for all of us. mindcrime h
ad to suffer through the emotional
damage of losing his father, i was stuck in a doome
d relationship, trying
to juggle my friends, school and a woman al
l at the same time without much
success, grey hawk was experiencing his f
irst taste of love, edicius was
also toughing out school and a woman as well.
dimes was at school. all in
all, we were in the center of a storm and something
had to give.
unfortunately, what gave was blade.
the storm has passed and the flood waters have sett
led and we are back.
the future? were not sure where were going from
here, but one thing
is positive: we are going to place a renewed emphas
is on the one thing that
has brought us all together: art. this pac
k, which contains a lot of the
work that was supposed to be included in the 4-year
anniversary pack,
not only represents our return but exactly what the
power of friendship can
achive. in my opinion, this is the single greatest
blade epic ever to be
released, and i would like to thank each and every
single blade member, past and present, who has ma
de this possible. you are all the greatest
of friends a person can have. and although our art
may not be the best,
and though we may not boast the high quantity art o
f some groups, we have
what a lot of groups dont-- heart.
so i invite you all to this, our 44th blade epic.
enjoy, and we
welcome any thoughts, comments or criticism that wi
ll help make blade a
better group for all.
-- belial
r e v e l a t i o
brand spank
in new music disk coming soon!
editors note: all revelation members interesti
ng in releasing
in the new disk, please contact either grymmjac
k or mindcrime
org angst.blade.org : mindcrime
whens the last time you visited www.blade.org
? was it like a year
ago? yeah. we dont blame you
. BUT, we worked our asses off recently
to update it and make it fucking elite, baby!
granted, fistful of
jackasses hated it... but thats what makes
it elite! so go visit it!
weve got pictures of all our elite members, links
to about half the
blade packs because were too lazy to add the rest
, and a bunch of
other elite shit! so check it out, baby. its k-r
also, weve got our own little playground to cause
some serious
ruckus on. angst.blade.org is the offici
al k-elite server of the blade
nation. if youre a blade member and want a shell
to show off to all of
your friends, e-mail mindcrime and ask him to set y
ou up phat. well let
you have web pages, e-mail accounts, pron stashes,
mp3s, and other elite
shit. but if you store some warez, well kill ya!
: coughGREYHAWKcough
thanks to rattle and ilsundal
of skyfire networks for their kind loan
of elite hardware and bandwidth. they rule
! coughWWW.SKYFIRE.NETcough
whats this scene revival all aboot, eh
weve seen, eh!
great expectations alien:
resurrection titanic
the replacement killers
starship troopers sphere
scream 2 kiss the girls
dark city
lost in space boogie nights
mr. nice guy
wild things the truman show
the x-files
bean seven years in tibet
wag the dog
the boxer the big lebowski
the game
a perfect murder armageddon
out of sight
weve listened to, eh!
orbital - insides
orbital 2
orbital - snivilisation
the crystal method - vegas
the crystal method - keep hope alive sin
bt - escm
bt - ima
bt - remember maxi-single
underworld - dubnobasswithmyheadm
underworld - second toughest in the infan
underworld - born slippy single
underworld - pearls girl ep
underworld - dirty epic/cowgirl single
juno reactor - transmissions
juno reactor - beyond the infinite
juno reactor - samurai single
juno reactor - bible of dreams
messiah - 21st century jesus
messiah presents progenitor
lords of acid - voodoo-u
rammstein - seinsucht
delerium - karma
delerium - semantic spaces
enigma 1 - mcmxc a.d.
enigma 2 - the cross of changes
enigma 3 - le roi es mort, vive le roi
dead can dance - spiritchaser
fluke - risotto
fatboy slim - better living through chemi
wildchild - renegade master
leftfield - leftism
daft punk - homework
paul oakenfold - journeys by dj
prodigy - fat of the land
prodigy - music for the jilted generation
kmfdm - kmfdm
kmfdm - xtort
kmfdm - nihil
hanzel und gretyl - ausgeflippt
hanzel und gretyl - transmission from ura
front 242 - 05:22:09:12 off
sister machine gun - metropolis
gravity kills - gravity kills
gravity kills - manipulated
gravity kills - perversion
stabbing westward - wither, blister, burn
and peel
stabbing westward - darkest days
haujobb - solutions for a small planet
guns n roses - appetite for destruction
guns n roses - lies
type o negative - october rust
type o negative - bloody kisses
queensryche - operation: mindcrime
queensryche - hear in the now frontier
queensryche - empire
queensryche - sign of the times single
rush - counterparts
rush - roll the bones
rush - moving pictures
rush - signals
metallica - the black album
metallica - master of puppets
metallica - ride the lightning
metallica - ...and justice for all
pink floyd - animals
pink floyd - a momentary lapse of reason
pink floyd - the wall
pink floyd - pulse
pink floyd - wish you were here
tool - undertow
tool - aenima
meat loaf - bat out of hell
the moody blues - greatest hits
the moody blues - long distance voyager
simon and garfunkel - greatest hits
jethro tull - original masters
blue oyster cult - dont fear the reaper
temple of the dog - temple of the dog
pearl jam - ten
pearl jam - vs.
pearl jam - vitalogy
pearl jam - yield
dream theater - awake
dream theater - falling into infinity
u2 - the joshua tree
nine inch nails - pretty hate machine
big wreck - in loving memory of
sarah mclachlan - surfacing
sarah mclachlan - fumbling towards ecstacy
sarah mclachlan - freedom sessions
sarah mclachlan - rarities, b-sides and o
ther stuff
heather nova - oyster
lita ford - greatest hits
ozzy osbourne - no more tears
ozzy obsourne - live loud
fleetwood mac - the dance
fleetwood mac - rumours
fleetwood mac - greatest hits
sting - the very best of sting and the po
the who - by numbers
the who - 30 years of maximum rb
the who - whos next
the who - quadrophenia
the who - tommy
beethoven - greatest hits ii
counting crows - august and everything af
counting crows - recovering the satellite
harry chapin - greatest hits
jim croce - greatest hits
jimmy buffett - boats, beaches, bars ba
jimmy buffett - songs you know by heart
queen - a kind of magic
space ghosts musical bbq
atari teenage riot - burn berlin burn!
ben folds five - whatever ever amen
big bad voodoo daddy - big bad voodoo dad
catch22 - keasby nights
cherry poppin daddies - zoot suit riot
dem brooklyn bums - dem brooklyn bums
duke ellington - sophisticated lady
ednas goldfish - before you knew better
harvey danger - where have all the merrym
akers gone?
hepcat - out of nowhere
hepcat - scientific
hits of the big band era - two cd compal
inspecter 7 - inspecter 7
mephiskapheles - god bless satan
mephiskapheles - maximum perversion
new york beat 2 - breaking and entering
one cool guy - seven inches of ocg
the pixies - death to the pixies
the pixies - doolittle
the pixies - surfer rosa
royal crown revue - caught in the act
the skalars - skoolin with the skalars
skankin pickle - fever
skankin pickle - live
skankin pickle - skafunkrastapunk
soul coughing - ruby vroom
soul coughing - irresitable bliss
squirel nut zippers - hot
they might be giants - factory showroom
they might be giants - flood
they might be giants - john henry
they might be giants - the pink album
weston - got beat up
weston - matinee
singles soundtrack
the saint soundtrack
event horizon sountrack
the crow soundtrack
judgement night soundtrack
mortal kombat soundtrack
more kombat soundtrack
hackers soundtrack
individual songs -
goo goo dolls - iris
the offspring - gone away
peter gabriel - in your eyes
peter gabriel - salsbury steak.. er.. hil
metallica - unforgiven ii
fatboy slim - the rockafeller skank
fatboy slim - tweakers delight
natural born thrill
az - rock the funky beats
total eclipse - free lemonade
underworld - oh
underworld - rez
apotheosis - o fortuna
peter, paul, and mary - puff the magic dr
and about 4 gigs of mp3s.
blade is ::
mindcrime presiden
t mci@blade.org
belial seor staff belial@blade.o
dicius seor staff sullivan@exit109.com
grymmjack seor staff gj@ameritech.net
grey hawk seor staff gr
anathema device, subconsciousness, anx
, q, charr, kuma, e
xar kun,
rink rat, oxidizer, zempf, cap
pacino, kno-3, julian, dimes
rattle, ilsundal, buddy, jason
, merlin, kelsoe, beXy
and the ever so
angst free blade bot, y0da-one
revelation is ::
electric nectar, paladin, dead so
ul, claypool and sensei
member boards ::
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