this image contains text
for a compo that i took 2nd place. it was kinda funny. you should have seen
who took 1st place. ive seen better looking ansis floating around in my jon.
r! r!
sorry eleye, this ansi isnt for your board.
same shading for my fluph ansi.
l i m e !
this ansi was done for some
compo. i lost and took 7th place
out of 15 participants. i swear, the judges were on something...
riddler: we got robbed huh?
residue: they robbed us like a bank.
m a l p r a c t i c e
arg! pretty sorry colly this month. first, my logos are shitty-looking, then,
my logos are bitchen, and then, my logos look shitty again. its a curse i tell
you! anyway, this month was kinda cool, kinda not. i lost all my compos that
i entered. !@! i saw a bunch of movies, and then i went camping...
by the way, the camping trip sucked because my friends father sucked. he kept yelling at me to do chores and shit, he never showered or changed any of his
clothes including his underwear, he made me break my 50 dollar bill to pay formy fucking one-dollar breakfast, and he farts in his sleep. . . and whats
worse is that his farts are the kind of farts that lingers in the air, causing
nausousness and evacuation of the building.
i honestly wondered if anything had crawled up his ass and died in there...?
okay, enough of that...
if you have talant, and you want to trade, reach me at survey2000@earthlink.net
if you have 3.00, and you want to trade, reach me at survey2000@earthlink.net
but if you have none of the above, just go away, or dont reach me at all.
for a compo that i took 2nd place. it was kinda funny. you should have seen
who took 1st place. ive seen better looking ansis floating around in my jon.
r! r!
sorry eleye, this ansi isnt for your board.
same shading for my fluph ansi.
l i m e !
this ansi was done for some
compo. i lost and took 7th place
out of 15 participants. i swear, the judges were on something...
riddler: we got robbed huh?
residue: they robbed us like a bank.
m a l p r a c t i c e
arg! pretty sorry colly this month. first, my logos are shitty-looking, then,
my logos are bitchen, and then, my logos look shitty again. its a curse i tell
you! anyway, this month was kinda cool, kinda not. i lost all my compos that
i entered. !@! i saw a bunch of movies, and then i went camping...
by the way, the camping trip sucked because my friends father sucked. he kept yelling at me to do chores and shit, he never showered or changed any of his
clothes including his underwear, he made me break my 50 dollar bill to pay formy fucking one-dollar breakfast, and he farts in his sleep. . . and whats
worse is that his farts are the kind of farts that lingers in the air, causing
nausousness and evacuation of the building.
i honestly wondered if anything had crawled up his ass and died in there...?
okay, enough of that...
if you have talant, and you want to trade, reach me at survey2000@earthlink.net
if you have 3.00, and you want to trade, reach me at survey2000@earthlink.net
but if you have none of the above, just go away, or dont reach me at all.
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