this image contains text
P?P??, ,P?bP
:::::. ,. P ..dPg, .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
zempf - blade productions ascii artist...
hey, welcome to yet another month of funky ascii from zempf. i drew
quite a bit this month, which was especially surprising considering
i havent doodled anything in the past week. anyways, being that i
cant think of anything worthwhile to say here, ill just throw out
a few greets tell you all to doodle for PARADOX now, or i will be
forced to come to your house and kill your cat. check it out, phear
my self-justifying paragraph here : anyways, greets out to julian,
mindcrime, grymmjack, exar, claypool, charr, cappacino, anyone else
in blade, certain people in ansi, and anybody else who feels that
they deserve a greet. i do believe that ill proceed with the ascii
ps: next month there ought to be a bigass blade ascii pic, phear it
l 88gg ,g@g,
l gg
jggggggl88 qgl l,,,
mmmmmmmmmmm l88ggg ll m !l l l8g, *mmmmmmm
ll l ll m l lggl l
lg l gggpgd ,, ZE
* l * l@gPbg l l
l l l ,g
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
: a menu i did for halcyon, a local board around here...
: i know, i know, nobody likes the green... well, blow it out your ass
l,, ,g@g,
,?@8 g ,g,
!8 !ggi@88*
!i i g
i i i ? P !
i l i i ,g@
i *8 l i ?g
d *888@m i
888@mP*8g *8 l
88@mdP ,g,
88g, g qggP
P?8,g88g, dP d l ,g88g,
P?8 gP dl Plg P?8l
gP l ?8g, d lgP
P?8g,igP ?ld?l P**?88 ligP
?gg l , g
P!g ,bmmm ,Pbg@P
,Pll g@ l ,P *8Pl
*8888* 8dd l l
: a thing for icebreaker.. cant remember who reqd it, but im sure he
: remembers.. notice that i actually seemed to pick up a style this month
,,, 888888888888l ,g,
,g@88888888888888888P,gg bg.
,dP gggggggggggggg d ,
P,gg P,l* P dl ,
P d l db
dl l ,gggg, ,ggg, l dPl
dP l ,g blgg, dP l
dPll P ll llb b, gglgggggggggg
dP l lbl P
dP ll llgggdb ,d
dP ?ggggb, l ?b ,d ,dP
P l ?b ZEMPFgg, ,dP
P *d ?b ,dP
P gggggg
nobody ever escapes from the rock *gdbg*
: hrm.. i wish i knew what alcatraz really looked like :
,g@888 pggggg.
*88g, l ,,. pggggg.
?lggg,P lP?@g,
.g@ ,,,d ? l
b,dP ?bd ,ggggggg ,g@8blZEgg
lP d,?b,dP !
P,b,lP lg@P?g, l ,gg
lP,d8@ P ,? db d, b,d
lP ,mmmq, lP
8* i ,g@8b,dP ?b,,gggg ?P
l ?l ,?P
b,? b
l b,?l
...to change
+o kh00n
: alright, there goes my theory about a style developing :
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggpmqggggggmmmmqggggggpmqgggggggpmqggggggggggggggggggggg8*,,8*? 8*,,8*,,
,g@?,g@ ?,g@?,g@?,
gg l
jP jP ,gpm* ,*,
8,,g,* , *g, *8
,8,,8! g !8, ,8, ,8,
ll 8
8**8! ,?,g8*,8*8
,gg,8*8 *@g, ZE mmd8P,g,?
,P,g@g,? , P 8* ,8@, gggg P,g,
8 , 88 ,d 8g@8 8 8 ? , * ,
* ll l l l , *P
iP ?i iP iP iP
,P bd ,P ,P
*8 * *P
the overdose - opped by the riddler
: hey, its a trade where the other guy actually came through... neat-o
: thanks to the riddler
ggggggggggggggggggpm l ggg, gg gg, *qgggggggggggg
P,gl l 8 l l l b
P ,8 g,*, l l
l l l P*88gd l l
l l ggggl l gpmmqg l
l , l ,gg, l
bgg l
l ? l l l l
l ll l,?,? l lZE
, ? l l, l ? l l
* **qgg8 P *
: a quick logo for horrids eh. i like boards with 2-letter names.
:::::. ,. P ..dPg, .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
zempf - blade productions ascii artist...
hey, welcome to yet another month of funky ascii from zempf. i drew
quite a bit this month, which was especially surprising considering
i havent doodled anything in the past week. anyways, being that i
cant think of anything worthwhile to say here, ill just throw out
a few greets tell you all to doodle for PARADOX now, or i will be
forced to come to your house and kill your cat. check it out, phear
my self-justifying paragraph here : anyways, greets out to julian,
mindcrime, grymmjack, exar, claypool, charr, cappacino, anyone else
in blade, certain people in ansi, and anybody else who feels that
they deserve a greet. i do believe that ill proceed with the ascii
ps: next month there ought to be a bigass blade ascii pic, phear it
l 88gg ,g@g,
l gg
jggggggl88 qgl l,,,
mmmmmmmmmmm l88ggg ll m !l l l8g, *mmmmmmm
ll l ll m l lggl l
lg l gggpgd ,, ZE
* l * l@gPbg l l
l l l ,g
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
Commands Commands Commands
: a menu i did for halcyon, a local board around here...
: i know, i know, nobody likes the green... well, blow it out your ass
l,, ,g@g,
,?@8 g ,g,
!8 !ggi@88*
!i i g
i i i ? P !
i l i i ,g@
i *8 l i ?g
d *888@m i
888@mP*8g *8 l
88@mdP ,g,
88g, g qggP
P?8,g88g, dP d l ,g88g,
P?8 gP dl Plg P?8l
gP l ?8g, d lgP
P?8g,igP ?ld?l P**?88 ligP
?gg l , g
P!g ,bmmm ,Pbg@P
,Pll g@ l ,P *8Pl
*8888* 8dd l l
: a thing for icebreaker.. cant remember who reqd it, but im sure he
: remembers.. notice that i actually seemed to pick up a style this month
,,, 888888888888l ,g,
,g@88888888888888888P,gg bg.
,dP gggggggggggggg d ,
P,gg P,l* P dl ,
P d l db
dl l ,gggg, ,ggg, l dPl
dP l ,g blgg, dP l
dPll P ll llb b, gglgggggggggg
dP l lbl P
dP ll llgggdb ,d
dP ?ggggb, l ?b ,d ,dP
P l ?b ZEMPFgg, ,dP
P *d ?b ,dP
P gggggg
nobody ever escapes from the rock *gdbg*
: hrm.. i wish i knew what alcatraz really looked like :
,g@888 pggggg.
*88g, l ,,. pggggg.
?lggg,P lP?@g,
.g@ ,,,d ? l
b,dP ?bd ,ggggggg ,g@8blZEgg
lP d,?b,dP !
P,b,lP lg@P?g, l ,gg
lP,d8@ P ,? db d, b,d
lP ,mmmq, lP
8* i ,g@8b,dP ?b,,gggg ?P
l ?l ,?P
b,? b
l b,?l
...to change
+o kh00n
: alright, there goes my theory about a style developing :
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggpmqggggggmmmmqggggggpmqgggggggpmqggggggggggggggggggggg8*,,8*? 8*,,8*,,
,g@?,g@ ?,g@?,g@?,
gg l
jP jP ,gpm* ,*,
8,,g,* , *g, *8
,8,,8! g !8, ,8, ,8,
ll 8
8**8! ,?,g8*,8*8
,gg,8*8 *@g, ZE mmd8P,g,?
,P,g@g,? , P 8* ,8@, gggg P,g,
8 , 88 ,d 8g@8 8 8 ? , * ,
* ll l l l , *P
iP ?i iP iP iP
,P bd ,P ,P
*8 * *P
the overdose - opped by the riddler
: hey, its a trade where the other guy actually came through... neat-o
: thanks to the riddler
ggggggggggggggggggpm l ggg, gg gg, *qgggggggggggg
P,gl l 8 l l l b
P ,8 g,*, l l
l l l P*88gd l l
l l ggggl l gpmmqg l
l , l ,gg, l
bgg l
l ? l l l l
l ll l,?,? l lZE
, ? l l, l ? l l
* **qgg8 P *
: a quick logo for horrids eh. i like boards with 2-letter names.
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