this image contains text
- mel farr suppastars 4.5th colli : islands in the sky part 1
VIEWING : 80x50 or afs.com loaded..or both
all we do is spark mad iszm - channel live
. ,:,. .,::::,. .,:i:::i:::,. .,::::::ii::::ii::::,,,,... .,::::iiiiiiiii::::iiiii::::::::::: .,:::iiiiiiiiiiiii:::::::iiiiiiiiiii:: - l ,:::::::iiiiiiiiiiiii::: ::::::::::::::................. ::::::::::::::::::
: s u r e y o u a r e
whose to blame...when your asciis are lame??? :
:i: : :
: dont tell me i cant tear it up...
: go get yourself some toilet paper,
: cause your asciis is butt..
mel farr suppastar :
presents for your approval 1572 lines of grade-a pron served up with
a heaping helping of originality and maybe a little too much style.
phear the blade nation fore it owns you and your family and your
affil and your modem and if you wish to request an ascii from me,
find a board i call to many, find me on efnet or ircnet, or if
you wish to be rejectd, email me at: melfarrsuppastar@hotmail.com
ease up...cause this is not a love ballad
check the ascii that i bring quick, my lyrical funky flow shit, i come with
the stile so bladecentric, so step off the tip, bitch. when im rockin or im
drawin, youre all droolin cause im ballin...you think you here your mothers
callin and you leave quick as you can, dont tell me im the man, i already knowrespect my ascii and my flow....
i drop jewels like a clumsy crook
as usual i was listening to alot of muzak while constructing :ii:
this logo cluster. i believe that i have better taste in :ii:
music than anyone in the world...as such i think it is only
fair that i try to impose my beliefs on you.. ::::
... mindcrime said my taste in music sucks..soo... maybe ::::
im wrong..oh well... ....
i........... .-- : suicide machines, destruction by definition, 1996, ska : ...why are : : there some : channel live, station identification, 1996, hip-hop : many stupid : : people in : nofx, i heard they suck live, 1996, punkpop? : hiphop... : : why are so : camp lo, uptown saturday night, 1997, hip-hop : many packs : : released : group home, livin proof, 1996, hip-hop : with stupid : : dividers... : nas, it was written, 1996, hip-hop : why do ppl : : keep giving : sublime, 40oz. to freedom, 1992, reggae : up on the : : scene? why : ghost face killa, ironman, 1996, hiphop : ... : : ..: -----------:: ..........................................................................:.:... ::: : fugees, blunted on reality, 1993, hiphop :
best of the freestyles of 1995, vol2, 1996, hip-hop :
black moon, enta da stage, 1993, hip hop / - / / :
beastie boys, ill communication, 1994, i dunno --/ / / :
nofximportsingle, // / :
beastie boys, aglio e olio, 1996, hardcore / :
king tee, 4 life, 1995, hip hop /
redmam, dare iz a darkside, 1994, hip-hop ------
slick rick, the great adventures of slick rick, 1988, hip-hop
public enemy, apocalypse 1991...the enemy strikes black, 1991, hiphop
nofx, leave it alone german import single, 1997, punk :
:ii: :
: READ! viewing instructions // : :
: : first off, i strongly / / : /
..: suggest getting afs.com from me // / / //
: on irc or anyone in ascii on / / /
: efnet...i think that it really / // :
: enhances the quality of the ascii / // , /
: if youre on a pc...although some // / / / / / //
: people disagree, it doesnt matter // // / / //
: since good art should look good // , /
: reguardless..but i recommend afs.com / / / /
: as far as wether to view in 80x50 / / // / /
: or 80x25 mode...i made this colli / / i / /
: for viewing in both modes so i / / il / //
: suggest using any mode..even 132x / / // :ll //
: looks pretty dope..but try expiri- // i::i // /
: -menting and dont just look from / / / ii:ii
: one level / ii::ill // /
:........................... / / / / ::l / / /
: ::iil: / s / //
: ::il: / / / / / /
: : l: / //
: pc or amiga :...:::: / / /
: ive been toying with : / / : // / /
wether or not to gear : / :
this cluster towards the : : :
: .....................:..: :-- / amiga or the pc. well i : .....: :..... / // : : : // /
ended up sort of : : //
compromising between both. : : : +--- bEER! //
:....: : / Portions of this cluster : // / / : , /
were created to be viewed : , / //
with afs.com loaded. and : / /
other portions were :
: , all my dreams
created to be viewed ,
. were just islands
without it. anyways i :
: in the sky
really respect the amiga .
: - suicide machines
artists a lot... i think i 1996
. li
a lot of them are kicking ll:
i::i ....
our ass...on the other hand. ii:ii
i think anyone has the l::
potential to be good no ...
matter what the platform...
and i give props to the pc scene : VIEWING: 80x25 with afs.com
: as :
............................ well
.sSPYSs. .sS
il il ascii by fonzie
il lil ggggggii
li illi lll yyyyyy
+ -- - : -- :i - il -- I -- - --+
li ili lii i
fNZ Il lI bg,gd l I
., SsggggggggggSs.bg,gd
.sSPYSs.gg-- -- ggg .sSPYSs.
,. .sSPYSs..sSPYSs. .
il ii,. .il li
li lil liil lil ,,
lli ill ,PYSs.
ii gggggPYSs. l .i
+- l - ---- li -- ill --iIl - li -+
Il lIIl li ,
r e p r e s e n t 0 r m e l f a r r s u p p a s t a r
. : of
but not puffy, cause hes a fucking maggot
i /
li / /
ll: /-----tn//-----/
ii:ii blade nation ascii
l:: // 4
lets give it up for the family
presents the finest logo cluster in the history of man :
:l : :
: : : / / ---- i know this
ive got a : .....: : / / / guy sucks, but
: : i like it..i dunno
few fuck : ........: // /
yous this : //
month, fuck ........ : /.-
you to the :
emperor you : /
hopelessly : ,---- / / / / ----- // / / / . / / --,/
pathetic, : --- /
racist : / / / / / / / / / / // /
bastard, :
: i s l a n d s
fuck you to :
wizy, fuck : / / / / / / / / /
you to all : +---+ +----
the : ---- / / / ---- / -- / / / / ---------
hypocrites, : i n t h e
the ones who : / / / / /
say i just : .------------- / / --------------./
want some : / /
recognition : / / / /
but then :
complain : : hmm...its been a month since i started my last colli :about how : 48 hours since i finished it...this colli is a lot : : more ami influenced which isnt neccesairly a better :people are :.. or worse thing...ive made a lot more friends since i : : started... :always bugging :... and alot : : i will accept trades or requests or of enemies :them... fuck you : pay requests.. too.. : i dont care.. /most of:to the hypocrites :... find me on irc ive seen a lot of whom : : because thats fighting between amiga were :that say just give : where i waste people and pc people. former : : all of ,-------+------------, guys, lets friends:me an honest answer, :-- my time why am i so mad?? be mature --------: : .... im not mad. im about this :::::::::::dont kiss my ass, :.. +---------+ happy. but you ca- and face ::::::::::: : ::: nt get anywhere facts: the ::::::::::but then get mad when : ::: in the old-skool mac scene :::::::::: : ::: ascii scene being whoops us. ::::::::::they dont like what : ::: happy, so :::::i::: : ::: im mad ::::::::you said, fuck you : :::: fuck... / ::::::: : ::: you. / ok, ill start from the ::::::to the people who were : :::-+-----/ top. i made my 4th cluster, ::::: : ::::wh-/ i wanna kill puffy combs and ::::always my friends but : :::::ose/ gave it to comrade mindcrime ::: :.... ::::: to who told me it was /:::then when they get on : : blame / good, but then forgot :::::: : : when to put it in the pack. so :::::irc they act like they :. : your now i have combine i wanna ::::: : : asciis kill... with my new colli :::::dont know me, crooked : : are islands in the sky for a ::::: : : lame? fun filled romp through life :::::cowards...fuck you to all : : ----// its rather big...ok this /:: : : / space isnt filled up. understand :the jerks in the scene who : ::::: / me. ok. so ill just put some random : :::: characters in..just kidding........ /just dont get it yet...get : ::: /:. : :, ::a fucking clue...ok...mad :........: R.I.P. ryan cohn... peace :: : : ::angst mode off...i aplogize : : : : --- ------------------------------:........................................:
- of contents .:
i wanna kill puffy combs respect? : the deep compo
shad trade...succesful : the deep compo
atom bomb trade...unsuccesful : death row trade..successful
oldskool joint/request : the power of the darkside trade...unsuc. :
outpost request : boheme respect
earthbound request : online trade...successful
macarena respect : slominia request
malpractice trade..successful : gates of orion request
life after death request :.... pic compo
clockwork london trade...unsuccessful : frequency reuqest
drop request : path of destruction request
blue trade...unsuccessful . no frills request
flatscan request : skateshop request
ethreal request : chilly frogs request
welcome to islands in the sky
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: blah blah blah / /
:::: / for : blah blah blah/blahbla /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: fuck ya bitz
:: basically ------- thisis a self portrait accept for the fact
:: that i look nothing like his...anyways, this is my header for the colli
: and if you dont like it, well i can understand that, its a bit on the
::. large side, especially fr me, after saying i wasnt gonna use a design....
:: alas, here it is in its glory..bah, you donut wanna hear this...
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: i wanna kill / /
:::: / for : me /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: original title for my colli...
youre a walking dead man like puffy... - chino xl, 1996
/l l l--- /l-,
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: shad / /
:::: / for : oddball trade /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i never liked this one
... discoball
::::::::: l
::::: :: l/
: /--- //----/ / ----/mfs :
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: atomb bomb / /
:::: / for : atom bomb rmrstrade /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: some letters sucked
deeper than the movie cover - channel live
atombomb, dropping ascii bombs with remorse 1981
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: oldskool / /
:::: / for : grymmjack blade /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: o.g. should take credit
- organ grinder + mel farr joint style g g g .gggg. .g .ggg .ggg ,g .gggg. .gggg. .g .gg. ggggg, ,ggg gP b 4 5 ss ss ss ss ss ss @ @ @ @ @ @ - oldskool another grymmjack production -
connectin like a building - ghostface
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: outpost / /
:::: / for : atom bomb not of rmrs /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i kinda liked it.you?
// // / / / / // : / / // : // // / / // / / / // -----/ .---mfs / -----,---.---
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: earthbound / /
:::: / for : me /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: call my board?!@
// -- / // // -/-// eARTHBOUND!!
// / rUNNING oBV 2.30
-- / : bLAZING 14.4 mODEM
a..........command f......command k............command
b..........command g......command l............command
c..........command h......command m............command
d..........command i......command n............command
e..........command j......command o............command
deadly like a rattlesnake...but i dont rattle - Melachi the Nut, group home
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: macarena / /
:::: / for : phlome bot /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: mmmmmacarena@?@
howd you like to go for a ride?
la ma c a r e n a , bi t z
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: malpractice / /
:::: / for : plaztik dunno /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: all of these comments suck@
if you aint smokey, it aint yo motherfuckin message
:: / / / / mfs! ::::: / / //:::::::: / : / / /+ : / ::::::::: / / / //:::: // malpracticeops:plaztik /
fuck, i dunno, make this a header or something, it only says malprac..oops!
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: life after deth / /
:::: / for : organ grinder /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: escargo..my car go...
schemin like dinero in casino - wu tang
::::::::::/ / / / / life after death / :
: ---mfs --,/---- :
-- - life after death / sysop: organ grinder - --
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /--------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: clockwork lndn. / /
:::: / for : seraphim dark? /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i couldnt fit two ks..
i was always told to act my age not my color - commsense
cLOCKWORK lONDON! / rUNNING rENEGADE / 100+ msgs/day
/ -/- 416-599-5979 -/- /
note!: this only says clockwor cause i couldnt fit the last k, sorry mang
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: drop / /
:::: / for : drop /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: drop l33test affil ever!
the ones i dont kill go insane - krs one
: // :i:
: ----/----/ ----/----/:i:
:.... :i:
:....:::::::: dESTINY rULES oUR pEOPLES :::::::::::
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: blue / /
:::: / for : discyple /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i kinda didnt like this
who got the props?? - buckshot shorty
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: flatscan / /
:::: / for : acolyte /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i really like this one
hold up ----- wait a minute
/ l / / / /l /
oP: acolyte / yOUS nUTTIN bUDDA fLATSCAN!!
blade mb // 1-602-815-7904
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: ethereal
:::: / for : mr. i forget
::: ,----.---.- .: comment: coloring was lazy, ?
mind your wants... because someone wants your mind - george clinton
/ / / / / l
l / : / l / :
: e t h r e a l -/- 1 7 7 0 4 3 9 7 7 0 6
. note: i call it like once a week, even though its
ld, really i do, so you should too...yeah
m-- the deep for vintage 2
and the doctor said you dont feel a thing
/ / tHE dEEP!
/ I// // /
: l //
: sTATS gO hERE! ,- /
-- the deep for vintage 2
pack your bags,
were gonna take a trip
/ -- the deep -- ,------------------------,/
/ / review: vintage 2: 3/30
............... Oo /
/: / x this compo was a lot of
/ : / / fun, except for the
: // / / fact that sargon
/ wouldnt take late work,
/ which screwed me up since
/ / / I finished 30 seconds late
so i only got to enter my
: / first ascii..anyways, i
: tied for 8th place last
: sTATS! / with two other people,
: // this ami guy wishkid got
: first..i forget who took
- -+---mfs!----- / /---- second and third..o well.
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: death row / /
:::: / for : fonzie /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: this ascii sucks
if i wasnt nice mother fucker i wouldnt be here
- / / : // mfs
-- - // // l
/ l -+- /
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: power of the... / /
:::: / for : b0b4fett /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i like this one
::::: i flip styles like i flip channels
:: / --- / l
:: ./ ./ / /l
:: the power of the darkside :
/ . / :: l / / /
/ / / ::: l / / /
// / :::.. .I / / / / ..
/ ------,---- :mfs-:
.., ,.. :blad:
/ / / :e-97:
/ mfs97/ / / .:
: : im tired of the same :
.......: : design ... fuck it... ima :
: . take it . back to the :
: ...... basics if you will... :
: - / : the basics ..
: - / / / / / :..........:, of ascii..no :
:... // // // : more trendy :
/ // / / : shit... :
B A M !!! .
...... im bound to come down with the new sty-lie
mad props to boheme...not so mad props to this logo
this is dedicated to the ::
bitches that be hatin me butt ::
cant face me ::
entering monochrome mode
online. for plc. looks dope in 80x50.
l // /
// l //
/ I. I l I l:
-- -I----I--/
it takes a big man to cry, but it
takes a bigger man to laugh at that man
re-entering color mode
: ::::: :. ask yourself.. does colored old-
.: .::::. :. school ascii get any better?
devils evicted... cause he couldnt get as wicked
s L o M i N i A / b A d - c R c !
/ . / / . // /. / . / / / : . . / : // / . - blade!/mfs!//97!-
a little x-ascii goin on here...
:::::: ::: note,i kinda ripped this technique
...............::: from dartagan and speedevil cause
:: ...... its so damn cool..sorry
................: yes this
::: ...... shit is raw
::: :::::: comin at your door
::: :::::: you look up and
:::...:::::: .......................... scream mel farrs
: gATEZ oF oRION 810-646-6158 y0 : back for more!
rINK rATdROP / /
3 gIGS cD-rOM! dROP uSA-hQ!
----------mfs!97-----------------blde---------- : :
alright stop. collaborate and listen. ice is back with my brand new
edition. something grabs ahold of me tightly. flow like a harpoon
daily and nightly. will it ever stop? yo i dont know. turn off the
lights. and ill glow. to the extreme, i rock a mike like a vandal.
light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle jealous. cold rush
i speak a dead boom. killin your brain like a poisonois mushroom.
deadly. when i play a dope melody. anything less than the best is a
felony. love it or leave it. i feel the same way. anything less than
the best wont play. if there was a problem yo. ill solve it. check
out the hook while the dj revolves it.
- - chorus omitted - -
this is the first verse to a certain song. if you can name the song
AND the artist you will win a free ascii by diarmiud.
/ --- zzz! --- m00N!
...............: pHEAR! - - / / ---- e.t.!
......... / / this is my first
: gRAS! / -,,----,,/ ever old-school
....... pic..i think its
: / ok..it was for
..... ,, , blender 20 or
: something...
: its free to use
... ..what you could
: use it for i
. mfs dunno
// whats the frequency, kenneth?
// frequency //
// ops: music man + kiwi
: path of destruction :.......
80x50 viewing especially recomended :.....................: for :
: aerosmith :
i told him never to go there :...........:
+-/ // / / --------/ / ----------+ : // // / / L /l ---mfs! ------ ----- ---- --- /. / /./ / ---/ / . / / / l / / / +-- / / / / --+ / l
we now return to your regular colly :...........
: no frills:......
no we dont..go back to 80x50 :..........: for :
: disillusion :
lots of thrills ... but no frills
// . / / l /
cONCERt rEVIEw: Jeru Tha Damaja/D.j. Shadow
/ me and claypool got tickets to the april 18th
/ jeru/dj shadow show...doors open at 8:00...
/ after being dropped off at the majestic in
in detroit 2000 standing room only at 7:45 /
/ we preceeded to wait like 40 min before the
/ doors opened...then we stood for an hour
/ waiting for the show to the start. finally it
did. the opening act was some group id never /
/ seen and they were ok... i couldnt catch
/ their name, even though they mumbled it ten
.--- / times..well the one guys name was lyrics-
born ...anyways they wernt very good..their /
/ mceeing was ok but their call-and-response
i sure / routines gave new meaning to the word
looped / generic ... after another 30 min wait..jeru
that m0f appeared... and except for the fact that he /
a lot... / stopped in the middle of his songs at least 5
/ times to say if you dont make more noise
/ ima leave he was dopeness personified.
dj shadow came on..and by this time we had /
/ made our way to the front row we were in the
/ top 5 somewhere for the first 2 acts of the
/ ...anyways, shadow has NO visual show. none
his djing is fine of course but i wanted to /
be entertained a little more...welp..thats it
: skateshop :......
:...........: for : i like order in my slop - whodini
: stereo : i like skate in my shop - unknown
:, mfs97!skateshop:opstereo!
this was a quickie but its tight...i dunno
: I wATCH SNeAKeRz, CuZ iM ELiTe!
chilly -- / --
-- / -- frogs
quicky for saigon ..
: closing arguments :
welp i actually think this turned out pretty well..i think ive come a long way ...umm yea..anhyways thanks for viewing this..and if you see me on irc drop me
a line or something...
- greetz
first off massive greetz out to the original pioneers who created the bbs scene way, way, back in the day...much respect to all those who put alot of effort
into the scene even though it ruins the rest of their life....much respect to
those who still tough it out after like 10 years of bbsing..much respect to the
entire pc scene...respect to the amiga scene as well..neither one being better
or worse than the other....respect to anyone who read this colli...
bad-crc, rink rat, aerosmith, prometheus, all of the 248/810/313 family.., rage
neophyte, warpus, hennifer, ALL OF DROP, all the fans of nPG-13!, psycho, john
lennon, grymmjack when not being a dick, umm...ebe of ebes realm, xFx,
lord mhz, DiXY, zAP!, belial, mindcrime, ALL OF BLADE, little funky negro, kyo
dINK! all former project 301 members, samreye thanks for everything, seraphim
dieznyik, luke skywalker, CODINE, hiro, acidic soap, critical illusion, fatal
sacriliege, average, seme, cardiac arrest, green ice, stone the crow, stereo,
nitris, catch22, xypher matrix, acolyte, tudda, gunthar, the great zambini,
discofunk 1974, corinthian, major gomer and captain hood, oUTKAST!, whod, omi,
bOhEmE, rAMOn, rELiEf, javis fuck you, wintamutetoot!, vECTOR, ironlung,
behemoth, sargon, amielite, hack, tsk, sctroumphf, anyone who bugs me on irc..
you bug me, sammael, cheese, liquid insanity, dark shadow, anyone who remembers
being on hellbound about right now a year ago, my main men -- phlome, philez
and goat, reddemon, ghost face killa of xenon, pariah fat, discyple, rusted,
cake, speed freak, dalamar, nosferatu, organ grinder, thrasher, the knight,
ndfuel admit that it was funny, miami, el-eye, eXtreme, blahblahblah
if i forgot you and you are truly a friend of mine, you wont care anyways.
peace + love
mel farr suppastar
- h0h0h0
1559 lines of WHAT???
/ / // ,---blade.nation!---,
/ melfarrsuppastar
--- logo configuration 4 ---
i want to kill puffy combs
wait wait....theres more!...coming up next month
all aboard the mothership camelot...prepare for a cosmic
voyage to the new kingdom of avalon... combining the celtic
mythology of the legends of king arthur with the cosmic
slop of uncle jam george clinton, you and i will go on a
journey through the lost galaxies of the neverhasbeen
and too the next dimension of ascii where everything is
nothing and nothing is everything.....
note: this only
looks good on a pc ...if afs.com is
loaded it looks bad
VIEWING : 80x50 or afs.com loaded..or both
all we do is spark mad iszm - channel live
. ,:,. .,::::,. .,:i:::i:::,. .,::::::ii::::ii::::,,,,... .,::::iiiiiiiii::::iiiii::::::::::: .,:::iiiiiiiiiiiii:::::::iiiiiiiiiii:: - l ,:::::::iiiiiiiiiiiii::: ::::::::::::::................. ::::::::::::::::::
: s u r e y o u a r e
whose to blame...when your asciis are lame??? :
:i: : :
: dont tell me i cant tear it up...
: go get yourself some toilet paper,
: cause your asciis is butt..
mel farr suppastar :
presents for your approval 1572 lines of grade-a pron served up with
a heaping helping of originality and maybe a little too much style.
phear the blade nation fore it owns you and your family and your
affil and your modem and if you wish to request an ascii from me,
find a board i call to many, find me on efnet or ircnet, or if
you wish to be rejectd, email me at: melfarrsuppastar@hotmail.com
ease up...cause this is not a love ballad
check the ascii that i bring quick, my lyrical funky flow shit, i come with
the stile so bladecentric, so step off the tip, bitch. when im rockin or im
drawin, youre all droolin cause im ballin...you think you here your mothers
callin and you leave quick as you can, dont tell me im the man, i already knowrespect my ascii and my flow....
i drop jewels like a clumsy crook
as usual i was listening to alot of muzak while constructing :ii:
this logo cluster. i believe that i have better taste in :ii:
music than anyone in the world...as such i think it is only
fair that i try to impose my beliefs on you.. ::::
... mindcrime said my taste in music sucks..soo... maybe ::::
im wrong..oh well... ....
i........... .-- : suicide machines, destruction by definition, 1996, ska : ...why are : : there some : channel live, station identification, 1996, hip-hop : many stupid : : people in : nofx, i heard they suck live, 1996, punkpop? : hiphop... : : why are so : camp lo, uptown saturday night, 1997, hip-hop : many packs : : released : group home, livin proof, 1996, hip-hop : with stupid : : dividers... : nas, it was written, 1996, hip-hop : why do ppl : : keep giving : sublime, 40oz. to freedom, 1992, reggae : up on the : : scene? why : ghost face killa, ironman, 1996, hiphop : ... : : ..: -----------:: ..........................................................................:.:... ::: : fugees, blunted on reality, 1993, hiphop :
best of the freestyles of 1995, vol2, 1996, hip-hop :
black moon, enta da stage, 1993, hip hop / - / / :
beastie boys, ill communication, 1994, i dunno --/ / / :
nofximportsingle, // / :
beastie boys, aglio e olio, 1996, hardcore / :
king tee, 4 life, 1995, hip hop /
redmam, dare iz a darkside, 1994, hip-hop ------
slick rick, the great adventures of slick rick, 1988, hip-hop
public enemy, apocalypse 1991...the enemy strikes black, 1991, hiphop
nofx, leave it alone german import single, 1997, punk :
:ii: :
: READ! viewing instructions // : :
: : first off, i strongly / / : /
..: suggest getting afs.com from me // / / //
: on irc or anyone in ascii on / / /
: efnet...i think that it really / // :
: enhances the quality of the ascii / // , /
: if youre on a pc...although some // / / / / / //
: people disagree, it doesnt matter // // / / //
: since good art should look good // , /
: reguardless..but i recommend afs.com / / / /
: as far as wether to view in 80x50 / / // / /
: or 80x25 mode...i made this colli / / i / /
: for viewing in both modes so i / / il / //
: suggest using any mode..even 132x / / // :ll //
: looks pretty dope..but try expiri- // i::i // /
: -menting and dont just look from / / / ii:ii
: one level / ii::ill // /
:........................... / / / / ::l / / /
: ::iil: / s / //
: ::il: / / / / / /
: : l: / //
: pc or amiga :...:::: / / /
: ive been toying with : / / : // / /
wether or not to gear : / :
this cluster towards the : : :
: .....................:..: :-- / amiga or the pc. well i : .....: :..... / // : : : // /
ended up sort of : : //
compromising between both. : : : +--- bEER! //
:....: : / Portions of this cluster : // / / : , /
were created to be viewed : , / //
with afs.com loaded. and : / /
other portions were :
: , all my dreams
created to be viewed ,
. were just islands
without it. anyways i :
: in the sky
really respect the amiga .
: - suicide machines
artists a lot... i think i 1996
. li
a lot of them are kicking ll:
i::i ....
our ass...on the other hand. ii:ii
i think anyone has the l::
potential to be good no ...
matter what the platform...
and i give props to the pc scene : VIEWING: 80x25 with afs.com
: as :
............................ well
.sSPYSs. .sS
il il ascii by fonzie
il lil ggggggii
li illi lll yyyyyy
+ -- - : -- :i - il -- I -- - --+
li ili lii i
fNZ Il lI bg,gd l I
., SsggggggggggSs.bg,gd
.sSPYSs.gg-- -- ggg .sSPYSs.
,. .sSPYSs..sSPYSs. .
il ii,. .il li
li lil liil lil ,,
lli ill ,PYSs.
ii gggggPYSs. l .i
+- l - ---- li -- ill --iIl - li -+
Il lIIl li ,
r e p r e s e n t 0 r m e l f a r r s u p p a s t a r
. : of
but not puffy, cause hes a fucking maggot
i /
li / /
ll: /-----tn//-----/
ii:ii blade nation ascii
l:: // 4
lets give it up for the family
presents the finest logo cluster in the history of man :
:l : :
: : : / / ---- i know this
ive got a : .....: : / / / guy sucks, but
: : i like it..i dunno
few fuck : ........: // /
yous this : //
month, fuck ........ : /.-
you to the :
emperor you : /
hopelessly : ,---- / / / / ----- // / / / . / / --,/
pathetic, : --- /
racist : / / / / / / / / / / // /
bastard, :
: i s l a n d s
fuck you to :
wizy, fuck : / / / / / / / / /
you to all : +---+ +----
the : ---- / / / ---- / -- / / / / ---------
hypocrites, : i n t h e
the ones who : / / / / /
say i just : .------------- / / --------------./
want some : / /
recognition : / / / /
but then :
complain : : hmm...its been a month since i started my last colli :about how : 48 hours since i finished it...this colli is a lot : : more ami influenced which isnt neccesairly a better :people are :.. or worse thing...ive made a lot more friends since i : : started... :always bugging :... and alot : : i will accept trades or requests or of enemies :them... fuck you : pay requests.. too.. : i dont care.. /most of:to the hypocrites :... find me on irc ive seen a lot of whom : : because thats fighting between amiga were :that say just give : where i waste people and pc people. former : : all of ,-------+------------, guys, lets friends:me an honest answer, :-- my time why am i so mad?? be mature --------: : .... im not mad. im about this :::::::::::dont kiss my ass, :.. +---------+ happy. but you ca- and face ::::::::::: : ::: nt get anywhere facts: the ::::::::::but then get mad when : ::: in the old-skool mac scene :::::::::: : ::: ascii scene being whoops us. ::::::::::they dont like what : ::: happy, so :::::i::: : ::: im mad ::::::::you said, fuck you : :::: fuck... / ::::::: : ::: you. / ok, ill start from the ::::::to the people who were : :::-+-----/ top. i made my 4th cluster, ::::: : ::::wh-/ i wanna kill puffy combs and ::::always my friends but : :::::ose/ gave it to comrade mindcrime ::: :.... ::::: to who told me it was /:::then when they get on : : blame / good, but then forgot :::::: : : when to put it in the pack. so :::::irc they act like they :. : your now i have combine i wanna ::::: : : asciis kill... with my new colli :::::dont know me, crooked : : are islands in the sky for a ::::: : : lame? fun filled romp through life :::::cowards...fuck you to all : : ----// its rather big...ok this /:: : : / space isnt filled up. understand :the jerks in the scene who : ::::: / me. ok. so ill just put some random : :::: characters in..just kidding........ /just dont get it yet...get : ::: /:. : :, ::a fucking clue...ok...mad :........: R.I.P. ryan cohn... peace :: : : ::angst mode off...i aplogize : : : : --- ------------------------------:........................................:
- of contents .:
i wanna kill puffy combs respect? : the deep compo
shad trade...succesful : the deep compo
atom bomb trade...unsuccesful : death row trade..successful
oldskool joint/request : the power of the darkside trade...unsuc. :
outpost request : boheme respect
earthbound request : online trade...successful
macarena respect : slominia request
malpractice trade..successful : gates of orion request
life after death request :.... pic compo
clockwork london trade...unsuccessful : frequency reuqest
drop request : path of destruction request
blue trade...unsuccessful . no frills request
flatscan request : skateshop request
ethreal request : chilly frogs request
welcome to islands in the sky
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: blah blah blah / /
:::: / for : blah blah blah/blahbla /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: fuck ya bitz
:: basically ------- thisis a self portrait accept for the fact
:: that i look nothing like his...anyways, this is my header for the colli
: and if you dont like it, well i can understand that, its a bit on the
::. large side, especially fr me, after saying i wasnt gonna use a design....
:: alas, here it is in its glory..bah, you donut wanna hear this...
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: i wanna kill / /
:::: / for : me /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: original title for my colli...
youre a walking dead man like puffy... - chino xl, 1996
/l l l--- /l-,
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: shad / /
:::: / for : oddball trade /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i never liked this one
... discoball
::::::::: l
::::: :: l/
: /--- //----/ / ----/mfs :
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: atomb bomb / /
:::: / for : atom bomb rmrstrade /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: some letters sucked
deeper than the movie cover - channel live
atombomb, dropping ascii bombs with remorse 1981
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: oldskool / /
:::: / for : grymmjack blade /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: o.g. should take credit
- organ grinder + mel farr joint style g g g .gggg. .g .ggg .ggg ,g .gggg. .gggg. .g .gg. ggggg, ,ggg gP b 4 5 ss ss ss ss ss ss @ @ @ @ @ @ - oldskool another grymmjack production -
connectin like a building - ghostface
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: outpost / /
:::: / for : atom bomb not of rmrs /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i kinda liked it.you?
// // / / / / // : / / // : // // / / // / / / // -----/ .---mfs / -----,---.---
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: earthbound / /
:::: / for : me /
l:: : . : ------- ---------------------- /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: call my board?!@
// -- / // // -/-// eARTHBOUND!!
// / rUNNING oBV 2.30
-- / : bLAZING 14.4 mODEM
a..........command f......command k............command
b..........command g......command l............command
c..........command h......command m............command
d..........command i......command n............command
e..........command j......command o............command
deadly like a rattlesnake...but i dont rattle - Melachi the Nut, group home
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: macarena / /
:::: / for : phlome bot /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: mmmmmacarena@?@
howd you like to go for a ride?
la ma c a r e n a , bi t z
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: malpractice / /
:::: / for : plaztik dunno /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: all of these comments suck@
if you aint smokey, it aint yo motherfuckin message
:: / / / / mfs! ::::: / / //:::::::: / : / / /+ : / ::::::::: / / / //:::: // malpracticeops:plaztik /
fuck, i dunno, make this a header or something, it only says malprac..oops!
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: life after deth / /
:::: / for : organ grinder /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: escargo..my car go...
schemin like dinero in casino - wu tang
::::::::::/ / / / / life after death / :
: ---mfs --,/---- :
-- - life after death / sysop: organ grinder - --
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /--------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: clockwork lndn. / /
:::: / for : seraphim dark? /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i couldnt fit two ks..
i was always told to act my age not my color - commsense
cLOCKWORK lONDON! / rUNNING rENEGADE / 100+ msgs/day
/ -/- 416-599-5979 -/- /
note!: this only says clockwor cause i couldnt fit the last k, sorry mang
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: drop / /
:::: / for : drop /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: drop l33test affil ever!
the ones i dont kill go insane - krs one
: // :i:
: ----/----/ ----/----/:i:
:.... :i:
:....:::::::: dESTINY rULES oUR pEOPLES :::::::::::
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: blue / /
:::: / for : discyple /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i kinda didnt like this
who got the props?? - buckshot shorty
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: flatscan / /
:::: / for : acolyte /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i really like this one
hold up ----- wait a minute
/ l / / / /l /
oP: acolyte / yOUS nUTTIN bUDDA fLATSCAN!!
blade mb // 1-602-815-7904
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: ethereal
:::: / for : mr. i forget
::: ,----.---.- .: comment: coloring was lazy, ?
mind your wants... because someone wants your mind - george clinton
/ / / / / l
l / : / l / :
: e t h r e a l -/- 1 7 7 0 4 3 9 7 7 0 6
. note: i call it like once a week, even though its
ld, really i do, so you should too...yeah
m-- the deep for vintage 2
and the doctor said you dont feel a thing
/ / tHE dEEP!
/ I// // /
: l //
: sTATS gO hERE! ,- /
-- the deep for vintage 2
pack your bags,
were gonna take a trip
/ -- the deep -- ,------------------------,/
/ / review: vintage 2: 3/30
............... Oo /
/: / x this compo was a lot of
/ : / / fun, except for the
: // / / fact that sargon
/ wouldnt take late work,
/ which screwed me up since
/ / / I finished 30 seconds late
so i only got to enter my
: / first ascii..anyways, i
: tied for 8th place last
: sTATS! / with two other people,
: // this ami guy wishkid got
: first..i forget who took
- -+---mfs!----- / /---- second and third..o well.
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: death row / /
:::: / for : fonzie /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: this ascii sucks
if i wasnt nice mother fucker i wouldnt be here
- / / : // mfs
-- - // // l
/ l -+- /
:/-, / ----,::: islands in the sky
/./ / / // /---------------------/mfs!
: ---- -/- / ascii: power of the... / /
:::: / for : b0b4fett /
l:: : . : ------------------------------ /
I::: ,----.---.- .: comment: i like this one
::::: i flip styles like i flip channels
:: / --- / l
:: ./ ./ / /l
:: the power of the darkside :
/ . / :: l / / /
/ / / ::: l / / /
// / :::.. .I / / / / ..
/ ------,---- :mfs-:
.., ,.. :blad:
/ / / :e-97:
/ mfs97/ / / .:
: : im tired of the same :
.......: : design ... fuck it... ima :
: . take it . back to the :
: ...... basics if you will... :
: - / : the basics ..
: - / / / / / :..........:, of ascii..no :
:... // // // : more trendy :
/ // / / : shit... :
B A M !!! .
...... im bound to come down with the new sty-lie
mad props to boheme...not so mad props to this logo
this is dedicated to the ::
bitches that be hatin me butt ::
cant face me ::
entering monochrome mode
online. for plc. looks dope in 80x50.
l // /
// l //
/ I. I l I l:
-- -I----I--/
it takes a big man to cry, but it
takes a bigger man to laugh at that man
re-entering color mode
: ::::: :. ask yourself.. does colored old-
.: .::::. :. school ascii get any better?
devils evicted... cause he couldnt get as wicked
s L o M i N i A / b A d - c R c !
/ . / / . // /. / . / / / : . . / : // / . - blade!/mfs!//97!-
a little x-ascii goin on here...
:::::: ::: note,i kinda ripped this technique
...............::: from dartagan and speedevil cause
:: ...... its so damn cool..sorry
................: yes this
::: ...... shit is raw
::: :::::: comin at your door
::: :::::: you look up and
:::...:::::: .......................... scream mel farrs
: gATEZ oF oRION 810-646-6158 y0 : back for more!
rINK rATdROP / /
3 gIGS cD-rOM! dROP uSA-hQ!
----------mfs!97-----------------blde---------- : :
alright stop. collaborate and listen. ice is back with my brand new
edition. something grabs ahold of me tightly. flow like a harpoon
daily and nightly. will it ever stop? yo i dont know. turn off the
lights. and ill glow. to the extreme, i rock a mike like a vandal.
light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle jealous. cold rush
i speak a dead boom. killin your brain like a poisonois mushroom.
deadly. when i play a dope melody. anything less than the best is a
felony. love it or leave it. i feel the same way. anything less than
the best wont play. if there was a problem yo. ill solve it. check
out the hook while the dj revolves it.
- - chorus omitted - -
this is the first verse to a certain song. if you can name the song
AND the artist you will win a free ascii by diarmiud.
/ --- zzz! --- m00N!
...............: pHEAR! - - / / ---- e.t.!
......... / / this is my first
: gRAS! / -,,----,,/ ever old-school
....... pic..i think its
: / ok..it was for
..... ,, , blender 20 or
: something...
: its free to use
... ..what you could
: use it for i
. mfs dunno
// whats the frequency, kenneth?
// frequency //
// ops: music man + kiwi
: path of destruction :.......
80x50 viewing especially recomended :.....................: for :
: aerosmith :
i told him never to go there :...........:
+-/ // / / --------/ / ----------+ : // // / / L /l ---mfs! ------ ----- ---- --- /. / /./ / ---/ / . / / / l / / / +-- / / / / --+ / l
we now return to your regular colly :...........
: no frills:......
no we dont..go back to 80x50 :..........: for :
: disillusion :
lots of thrills ... but no frills
// . / / l /
cONCERt rEVIEw: Jeru Tha Damaja/D.j. Shadow
/ me and claypool got tickets to the april 18th
/ jeru/dj shadow show...doors open at 8:00...
/ after being dropped off at the majestic in
in detroit 2000 standing room only at 7:45 /
/ we preceeded to wait like 40 min before the
/ doors opened...then we stood for an hour
/ waiting for the show to the start. finally it
did. the opening act was some group id never /
/ seen and they were ok... i couldnt catch
/ their name, even though they mumbled it ten
.--- / times..well the one guys name was lyrics-
born ...anyways they wernt very good..their /
/ mceeing was ok but their call-and-response
i sure / routines gave new meaning to the word
looped / generic ... after another 30 min wait..jeru
that m0f appeared... and except for the fact that he /
a lot... / stopped in the middle of his songs at least 5
/ times to say if you dont make more noise
/ ima leave he was dopeness personified.
dj shadow came on..and by this time we had /
/ made our way to the front row we were in the
/ top 5 somewhere for the first 2 acts of the
/ ...anyways, shadow has NO visual show. none
his djing is fine of course but i wanted to /
be entertained a little more...welp..thats it
: skateshop :......
:...........: for : i like order in my slop - whodini
: stereo : i like skate in my shop - unknown
:, mfs97!skateshop:opstereo!
this was a quickie but its tight...i dunno
: I wATCH SNeAKeRz, CuZ iM ELiTe!
chilly -- / --
-- / -- frogs
quicky for saigon ..
: closing arguments :
welp i actually think this turned out pretty well..i think ive come a long way ...umm yea..anhyways thanks for viewing this..and if you see me on irc drop me
a line or something...
- greetz
first off massive greetz out to the original pioneers who created the bbs scene way, way, back in the day...much respect to all those who put alot of effort
into the scene even though it ruins the rest of their life....much respect to
those who still tough it out after like 10 years of bbsing..much respect to the
entire pc scene...respect to the amiga scene as well..neither one being better
or worse than the other....respect to anyone who read this colli...
bad-crc, rink rat, aerosmith, prometheus, all of the 248/810/313 family.., rage
neophyte, warpus, hennifer, ALL OF DROP, all the fans of nPG-13!, psycho, john
lennon, grymmjack when not being a dick, umm...ebe of ebes realm, xFx,
lord mhz, DiXY, zAP!, belial, mindcrime, ALL OF BLADE, little funky negro, kyo
dINK! all former project 301 members, samreye thanks for everything, seraphim
dieznyik, luke skywalker, CODINE, hiro, acidic soap, critical illusion, fatal
sacriliege, average, seme, cardiac arrest, green ice, stone the crow, stereo,
nitris, catch22, xypher matrix, acolyte, tudda, gunthar, the great zambini,
discofunk 1974, corinthian, major gomer and captain hood, oUTKAST!, whod, omi,
bOhEmE, rAMOn, rELiEf, javis fuck you, wintamutetoot!, vECTOR, ironlung,
behemoth, sargon, amielite, hack, tsk, sctroumphf, anyone who bugs me on irc..
you bug me, sammael, cheese, liquid insanity, dark shadow, anyone who remembers
being on hellbound about right now a year ago, my main men -- phlome, philez
and goat, reddemon, ghost face killa of xenon, pariah fat, discyple, rusted,
cake, speed freak, dalamar, nosferatu, organ grinder, thrasher, the knight,
ndfuel admit that it was funny, miami, el-eye, eXtreme, blahblahblah
if i forgot you and you are truly a friend of mine, you wont care anyways.
peace + love
mel farr suppastar
- h0h0h0
1559 lines of WHAT???
/ / // ,---blade.nation!---,
/ melfarrsuppastar
--- logo configuration 4 ---
i want to kill puffy combs
wait wait....theres more!...coming up next month
all aboard the mothership camelot...prepare for a cosmic
voyage to the new kingdom of avalon... combining the celtic
mythology of the legends of king arthur with the cosmic
slop of uncle jam george clinton, you and i will go on a
journey through the lost galaxies of the neverhasbeen
and too the next dimension of ascii where everything is
nothing and nothing is everything.....
note: this only
looks good on a pc ...if afs.com is
loaded it looks bad
log in to add a comment.