this image contains text
SS@s, ,s@SS SS@s,
:il8 ?Q,?7
,sS 7,S7
:il8S@.?l ?7,S
7 l7
:il8b l: 7 l
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db l:
:il87 :l :
l d l:
47 :l
:il8 pyyyyyyyyi l:
4 iyyyyyyyyq pyyy
yyyoxi 8li:
:il8 iyy
the edge is a
propaganda vehicle for the blade nation
welcome to our revolu
the edge -- the blade informational textfile - v
olume 4 / issue 3
we shatter minds so satan doesnt have to.
contents -- the edge
:: volume four, issue three
the blade nation :: ma
y ninety seven
our affiliates :: may
ninety seven
hunter hunted
e steps out of the airlock, arms a
t his sides grasping two carefully
shined weapons, fingers twitching as they stroke
the trigger with
anticipation. The neurotic swirling patters are
barely visible on the
cold metal guns, marking the path of the soft cl
oth which so slowly moved
over them just minutes before. His eyes pass ove
r the area before him,
scanning for enemies while marking his territory
with a cold stare. The
empty room gives him no ocular proof of danger,
so he moves on, scanning
room by room, hunting his prey.
Movement. Spinning to his right provides the cen
trifugal force necassary
to point the guns outward towards his percieved
prey. Blood pulsates
through his trigger fingers as they convulse, sq
ueezing down the cold
steel pertrusion, starting a deadly reaction he
d seen so many times
before. Glass shatters, wood splinters, and meta
l flies as the shiny
casings drop, one by one, to the ground below. N
early a full half minute
later, his fingers ease up, loosening their grip
and slowly letting the
trigger pop back into its natural place.
The room before him is torn to shreds. Pieces of
previously coherent
objects lay splashed out in a subtle, chaotic or
der on the floor. A door
creeks on its now broken hinge, sending a shive
r up his nervous spine.
A fire crackles nearby, sparked by the heat of t
he raging bullets as they
passed through the fragile surface. The smell em
minating through the air
is familiar, bearing an incredible likeness to t
he atrocious weapon
which gave him his name.
Amongst all the destruction, he barely notices t
hat there is no trace
of the glowing purple secretion so characteristi
c of his enemys wounds.
A hissing noise. He looks down at his lifeline,
which until now had been
pumping oxygen rich air into the base of his nec
k. Now it was filling the
otherwise deadly atmosphere of this alien planet
with the core necessity
of human existance. Gasping for air, trying fran
ticly to repair the hole
in his hose, the man falls to the ground. As his
eyes struggle to stay
open, he notices a pattern made by the holes tha
t he had just laid out in
the woodwork ahead of him. They formed five word
s, and he mouthed them out
just before taking the last of his breaths...
: The Blade Nation Owns You.
were an undergro
und revolution workin overtime.
his month, we proudly got up off ou
r collective asses and worked
toward a common goal which weve been inactively
striving toward for quite
some time. Thats right, folks, we finally got
www.blade.org up and running.
The site features some groovy stuff for all you
art wacky fans out there,
and a bunch of k-elite stuff for our members, as
well. So, if youre one of
those web kiddies who cant get enough of our di
gital stuff, set your
fruitsticks to bubble, your liverdisks to format
, and your browser AWAY from
evil creators.org, and head on over to our virtu
al wasteland to experience
something we like to call our Synthetic Real
ity. oh, and andy, youre
welcome for the plug. we realize that theres no
such thing as bad
: publicity.
operation :
ateline: May 5th, 1997. Cinco de M
An alien craft was sighted over Ohio today. T
he Blade Nation, seizing an
incredible opportunity, lured the craft to the h
ome of Kiwi, where he
proceded to catapult himself aboard the ship usi
ng a home made catapult made
of human saliva, fettucini, and a 3 foot industr
ial strength spring. Kiwi
is a very inventive young man. Having stashed h
imself away inside the
craft, Kiwi waited until the crew had fallen asl
eep and seized control of
the defensless ship, steering it toward the oute
rmost planet in our solar
system. His mission, assigned to him from the hi
gh ranks of the Blade Senior
Staff, was to take over the small planet of Plut
o and convert it into a
battle headquarters for the Blade Nation. Having
arrived at Pluto, Kiwi
placed a large sticker that read Owned by the B
lade Nation on the surface
of the planet and proceded back to his rural hom
e in Ohio. The mission
having been accomplished, Pluto is now owned by
the Blade Nation and is
: strategically placed at the gateway to our galax
y. Phear our position.
the monthly
acquisition list
e were so busy this month, that we
didnt really aquire much. Next
month were going to go out on a rampage and aqu
ire everything we can. Its
summertime!@@* WeEE00! Well even have a chan
ce to aquire Bill Gates.
Well let you know how that goes. We did, howeve
r, aquire two things this
Burton - The Art Scenes most untalen
ted lamer! Hurray!
The Spice Girls - We aquired them, th
en proceeded to cut their
nipples off with extremely dull knives, filt
ering the blood
into a large bucket, which we later made the
m drink while
: singing Barry Manalow songs. Dumb bitches.
its raining
kay, so I lied. Its not. We only
managed to pick up two measly new
members this month. But they are both k-elite, a
nd are helping to get our
flailing ansi department back on its feet. So w
elcome Napalm Death and
Pandora to the Blade Nation. Both have w
ork in this pack, and we look
: forward to some new stuff in the coming months.
the return to
hats it, folks! Kindof a boring mo
nth, eh? We were hard at work on the
web page and stuff, and just didnt have the tim
e for this pack thing.
Anybody get the feeling that this is getting bor
ing after 39 straight
months? Anyway, enjoy the pack, and maybe check
out some of the oonce that
we listened to while making it.
Music we listened to while compiling this
The Saint - Original Motion Picture Soundtrac
MCMXC A.D. - Enigma
The Cross of Changes - Enigma
Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi - Enigma
Diversions - Orbital
Hear in the Now Frontier - Queensryche
Dubnobasswithmyheadman - Underworld
Movies we saw while people in blade were
yelling for the pack:
The Fifth Element.
Movies that we masturbated to because the
y were so cool while people
in blade watched:
: The Fifth Element.
look! a present from out long lost friend, subconsc
b l a d e
p r o d u c t i o n s
n i n e t
y - s e v e n
b 9 7
leader of the revolution:
AI-L-- mindcrime ....................
....................... mci@blade.org
secretary and dogboy to the president of the blade nat
DOGBOY napalm .......................
................. nappy@liverlips.com
senior staff:
IL belial .......................
.................... marc@netlabs.net
L edicius ....................
..................... edi@cybercomm.net
AI grey hawk ..................
..................... grey@infi-pos.com
L cappacino .......li
terature................ cbowers@sup
C dark knight .....co
ding......................... darky@
I exar-kun ........as
cii..................... koondo
AM grymmjack .......mu
sic............................ grym
my@123.net V ravaged wanderer
.high resolution......
........... rw@shocking.com
L acolyte ......................
V charr ......................
..................... charr@matches.com
M dead soul ....................
........ deadsoul@jhu0042.res.jhu.edu
FTP dimes ........................
............... sdiamond@skidmore.edu
A elusive vision ..................
............. elusvisn@pacbell.net
I essence ....................
.................... riscmalice@aol.com
I hard liquor .............
...................... hliquor@alfheim.net
I julian ................
............................. julian@itw.com
A kiwi ...............
.................... d.justice@sylvania.sev.org
V kno-3 ......................
................. brunning@skidmore.edu
A knocturnal ...................
.................. knocky77o@juno.com
L q ...............................
.................... hu.86@osu.edu
V liquid blue ..................
................... disco@javanet.com
AI lucifer .........................
............. lucifer@injersey.com
L luke skywalker .....................
............. lscodine@juno.com I
meltdown ..............................
A napalm death ...............
...................... ende@ansigfx.com
I oxidizer ................
............................ oxi@post1.com
L phaelinx ...................
..................... plinx@pacbell.com
M paladin ......................
A pandora ..............
......................... bguill1@gl.umbc.edu
I queerkilla ...................
.................. cuekay@hotmail.com
V ravaged wanderer ..............
.................... rw@shocking.com
A riddler ........................
.......... survey2000@earthlink.net
M sensei .......................
............... rformido@skidmore.edu
V sodom ........................
.................. lance2@themall.net
I spoonz .....................
L string .......................
................ string@earthlink.net
C the mage .....................
I torgo ........................
................. torgo@geocities.com
toth ............................
L tron powerhouse ............
...................... tronepic@tir.com
M trobriand .............
I zempf ........................
.................... zempf@modex.com
counterpoint .....................................
darkman ..........................................
errant angel .....................................
facsimile ........................................
flux .............................................
soul seeker ......................................
.... soulman@cybercomm.net
tourian ..........................................
. tourian@angel.heaven.god
! - several people have been deleted from this l
ist due to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitute r
emoval from the group.
affiliated outposts
908 mindcrime
: galactic temple
the regency n/a
: internet shrin
apocalypse 201
napalm :
eastern shrine
harvest moon 2
16 quran :
central shrine
free coke 514
the night angel :
canadian shrine
prevail +46
rex :
swedish shrine
the rebel base 718
luke skywalker :
distribution outpost
internet email mike@exit109.c
world wide web http://
file transfer temporarily do
snail mail blade producti
p.o. box 213
rumson, nj 07760
NOTE: sites that do not contact mike@
exit109.com before
june 1st will be removed from this list.
end of file
SS@s, ,s@SS SS@s,
:il8 ?Q,?7
,sS 7,S7
:il8S@.?l ?7,S
7 l7
:il8b l: 7 l
7.@S :l
db l:
:il87 :l :
l d l:
47 :l
:il8 pyyyyyyyyi l:
4 iyyyyyyyyq pyyy
yyyoxi 8li:
:il8 iyy
the edge is a
propaganda vehicle for the blade nation
welcome to our revolu
the edge -- the blade informational textfile - v
olume 4 / issue 3
we shatter minds so satan doesnt have to.
contents -- the edge
:: volume four, issue three
the blade nation :: ma
y ninety seven
our affiliates :: may
ninety seven
hunter hunted
e steps out of the airlock, arms a
t his sides grasping two carefully
shined weapons, fingers twitching as they stroke
the trigger with
anticipation. The neurotic swirling patters are
barely visible on the
cold metal guns, marking the path of the soft cl
oth which so slowly moved
over them just minutes before. His eyes pass ove
r the area before him,
scanning for enemies while marking his territory
with a cold stare. The
empty room gives him no ocular proof of danger,
so he moves on, scanning
room by room, hunting his prey.
Movement. Spinning to his right provides the cen
trifugal force necassary
to point the guns outward towards his percieved
prey. Blood pulsates
through his trigger fingers as they convulse, sq
ueezing down the cold
steel pertrusion, starting a deadly reaction he
d seen so many times
before. Glass shatters, wood splinters, and meta
l flies as the shiny
casings drop, one by one, to the ground below. N
early a full half minute
later, his fingers ease up, loosening their grip
and slowly letting the
trigger pop back into its natural place.
The room before him is torn to shreds. Pieces of
previously coherent
objects lay splashed out in a subtle, chaotic or
der on the floor. A door
creeks on its now broken hinge, sending a shive
r up his nervous spine.
A fire crackles nearby, sparked by the heat of t
he raging bullets as they
passed through the fragile surface. The smell em
minating through the air
is familiar, bearing an incredible likeness to t
he atrocious weapon
which gave him his name.
Amongst all the destruction, he barely notices t
hat there is no trace
of the glowing purple secretion so characteristi
c of his enemys wounds.
A hissing noise. He looks down at his lifeline,
which until now had been
pumping oxygen rich air into the base of his nec
k. Now it was filling the
otherwise deadly atmosphere of this alien planet
with the core necessity
of human existance. Gasping for air, trying fran
ticly to repair the hole
in his hose, the man falls to the ground. As his
eyes struggle to stay
open, he notices a pattern made by the holes tha
t he had just laid out in
the woodwork ahead of him. They formed five word
s, and he mouthed them out
just before taking the last of his breaths...
: The Blade Nation Owns You.
were an undergro
und revolution workin overtime.
his month, we proudly got up off ou
r collective asses and worked
toward a common goal which weve been inactively
striving toward for quite
some time. Thats right, folks, we finally got
www.blade.org up and running.
The site features some groovy stuff for all you
art wacky fans out there,
and a bunch of k-elite stuff for our members, as
well. So, if youre one of
those web kiddies who cant get enough of our di
gital stuff, set your
fruitsticks to bubble, your liverdisks to format
, and your browser AWAY from
evil creators.org, and head on over to our virtu
al wasteland to experience
something we like to call our Synthetic Real
ity. oh, and andy, youre
welcome for the plug. we realize that theres no
such thing as bad
: publicity.
operation :
ateline: May 5th, 1997. Cinco de M
An alien craft was sighted over Ohio today. T
he Blade Nation, seizing an
incredible opportunity, lured the craft to the h
ome of Kiwi, where he
proceded to catapult himself aboard the ship usi
ng a home made catapult made
of human saliva, fettucini, and a 3 foot industr
ial strength spring. Kiwi
is a very inventive young man. Having stashed h
imself away inside the
craft, Kiwi waited until the crew had fallen asl
eep and seized control of
the defensless ship, steering it toward the oute
rmost planet in our solar
system. His mission, assigned to him from the hi
gh ranks of the Blade Senior
Staff, was to take over the small planet of Plut
o and convert it into a
battle headquarters for the Blade Nation. Having
arrived at Pluto, Kiwi
placed a large sticker that read Owned by the B
lade Nation on the surface
of the planet and proceded back to his rural hom
e in Ohio. The mission
having been accomplished, Pluto is now owned by
the Blade Nation and is
: strategically placed at the gateway to our galax
y. Phear our position.
the monthly
acquisition list
e were so busy this month, that we
didnt really aquire much. Next
month were going to go out on a rampage and aqu
ire everything we can. Its
summertime!@@* WeEE00! Well even have a chan
ce to aquire Bill Gates.
Well let you know how that goes. We did, howeve
r, aquire two things this
Burton - The Art Scenes most untalen
ted lamer! Hurray!
The Spice Girls - We aquired them, th
en proceeded to cut their
nipples off with extremely dull knives, filt
ering the blood
into a large bucket, which we later made the
m drink while
: singing Barry Manalow songs. Dumb bitches.
its raining
kay, so I lied. Its not. We only
managed to pick up two measly new
members this month. But they are both k-elite, a
nd are helping to get our
flailing ansi department back on its feet. So w
elcome Napalm Death and
Pandora to the Blade Nation. Both have w
ork in this pack, and we look
: forward to some new stuff in the coming months.
the return to
hats it, folks! Kindof a boring mo
nth, eh? We were hard at work on the
web page and stuff, and just didnt have the tim
e for this pack thing.
Anybody get the feeling that this is getting bor
ing after 39 straight
months? Anyway, enjoy the pack, and maybe check
out some of the oonce that
we listened to while making it.
Music we listened to while compiling this
The Saint - Original Motion Picture Soundtrac
MCMXC A.D. - Enigma
The Cross of Changes - Enigma
Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi - Enigma
Diversions - Orbital
Hear in the Now Frontier - Queensryche
Dubnobasswithmyheadman - Underworld
Movies we saw while people in blade were
yelling for the pack:
The Fifth Element.
Movies that we masturbated to because the
y were so cool while people
in blade watched:
: The Fifth Element.
look! a present from out long lost friend, subconsc
b l a d e
p r o d u c t i o n s
n i n e t
y - s e v e n
b 9 7
leader of the revolution:
AI-L-- mindcrime ....................
....................... mci@blade.org
secretary and dogboy to the president of the blade nat
DOGBOY napalm .......................
................. nappy@liverlips.com
senior staff:
IL belial .......................
.................... marc@netlabs.net
L edicius ....................
..................... edi@cybercomm.net
AI grey hawk ..................
..................... grey@infi-pos.com
L cappacino .......li
terature................ cbowers@sup
C dark knight .....co
ding......................... darky@
I exar-kun ........as
cii..................... koondo
AM grymmjack .......mu
sic............................ grym
my@123.net V ravaged wanderer
.high resolution......
........... rw@shocking.com
L acolyte ......................
V charr ......................
..................... charr@matches.com
M dead soul ....................
........ deadsoul@jhu0042.res.jhu.edu
FTP dimes ........................
............... sdiamond@skidmore.edu
A elusive vision ..................
............. elusvisn@pacbell.net
I essence ....................
.................... riscmalice@aol.com
I hard liquor .............
...................... hliquor@alfheim.net
I julian ................
............................. julian@itw.com
A kiwi ...............
.................... d.justice@sylvania.sev.org
V kno-3 ......................
................. brunning@skidmore.edu
A knocturnal ...................
.................. knocky77o@juno.com
L q ...............................
.................... hu.86@osu.edu
V liquid blue ..................
................... disco@javanet.com
AI lucifer .........................
............. lucifer@injersey.com
L luke skywalker .....................
............. lscodine@juno.com I
meltdown ..............................
A napalm death ...............
...................... ende@ansigfx.com
I oxidizer ................
............................ oxi@post1.com
L phaelinx ...................
..................... plinx@pacbell.com
M paladin ......................
A pandora ..............
......................... bguill1@gl.umbc.edu
I queerkilla ...................
.................. cuekay@hotmail.com
V ravaged wanderer ..............
.................... rw@shocking.com
A riddler ........................
.......... survey2000@earthlink.net
M sensei .......................
............... rformido@skidmore.edu
V sodom ........................
.................. lance2@themall.net
I spoonz .....................
L string .......................
................ string@earthlink.net
C the mage .....................
I torgo ........................
................. torgo@geocities.com
toth ............................
L tron powerhouse ............
...................... tronepic@tir.com
M trobriand .............
I zempf ........................
.................... zempf@modex.com
counterpoint .....................................
darkman ..........................................
errant angel .....................................
facsimile ........................................
flux .............................................
soul seeker ......................................
.... soulman@cybercomm.net
tourian ..........................................
. tourian@angel.heaven.god
! - several people have been deleted from this l
ist due to inactivity.
this does not necassarily constitute r
emoval from the group.
affiliated outposts
908 mindcrime
: galactic temple
the regency n/a
: internet shrin
apocalypse 201
napalm :
eastern shrine
harvest moon 2
16 quran :
central shrine
free coke 514
the night angel :
canadian shrine
prevail +46
rex :
swedish shrine
the rebel base 718
luke skywalker :
distribution outpost
internet email mike@exit109.c
world wide web http://
file transfer temporarily do
snail mail blade producti
p.o. box 213
rumson, nj 07760
NOTE: sites that do not contact mike@
exit109.com before
june 1st will be removed from this list.
end of file
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