this image contains text
zempf of blade presents
colly ...uhm...well,
this is my umpteenth ,g ggggggggggggggggggggggggpmm8 iggggggggggcolly with blade. ,i 888P .ggg, 888nothing of note ,ggg, ? ! ,ggg, ?really happened i ! 888 ! in march, aside ,ggg, ggggpmmifrom me losing i mmm8888! ?8,gi another compo to !g,8P pggg, ibggg8g,8P tsk not exactly 8gggdi i 8gggdia huge surprise : g, 8P ZEnot a whole lot to 8g,8 ,8gggdbitch about either, so 8qgpd
i suppose ill get on with the
colly. bigass greets fly out to: julian blade black0ps forever!
grymmjack need to draw for you
ilsundal my best trade yet..
risc thanks for coloring that
everyone in blade charr, claypool,
cappacino, mindcrime, my favorite
bot y0da-one, belial, exar, etc.
commence ascii-izm...
* oneliner type shit goes right here....
ZE * oneliner type shit goes right here.....
* oneliner type shit goes right here......
* oneliner type shit goes right here.......
* oneliner type shit goes right here.......
* oneliner type shit goes right here......
* oneliner type shit goes right here.....
* oneliner type shit goes right here....
, ,gggg, ,gggg,
,g, ? gggq*
,dg, * *ggg ,gggg,
! ,dg, pgggg*gggq, !
i ,gP, *d i
, P , ,
,, - a dd a oneliner
?b, c ontinue to main menu..
8 P
QQ@@gg** this is for shadwrunr for a trade... come through with it :
88** too bad i cant remember the whole board name...
,gg ::: : ggg ggg ggp ,ggmgg, ggg ,gg
m ::: :. mgg, m
m g ggggg m ::: : g mmmqggggg g
ggg : ::: : 8m ggg
g : ::: :. g, mmqg g
P :::: *@
::: ?,
why? i was bored.
QQ@@gg** twilight - the leetest group with no ascii division... i hear
88** deeplyd hates it or something dumb like that :
,pmggg,ggg pmggq, . ,,
qgg P,g88@ , ,gl , g,
,***dP ,d, ,P?l jg,,g,
8888888888888888888888888888,g,,b 8,,jP?,g
88888888888888888888888888888,g, ,P,,?b ,,8 di
88888888888888888888888888888,?P,,?8g,?dP, dP .,88,,8
,,,, P,PdP
QQ@@gg** this is for grymmjacks new board. i love this logo. i want it
88** to have my children.
ggmmmm gg ,gpdP ?, ggmmmm gg ,Q ggmmgg
88QQ , d 88QQ Qg, ,
mmqgggggggggg gg 8?,?gmP gg , ,,ggggggggggpmm
88 , dP b , , 88
8 , ,P 8 8 ZE
gggggggggggggggy, ,yggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
yaddah yaddah yaddah
blah blah blah
P, misc. bullshit goes here. ,
,d you get the picture
, b
P ,
ZE ,* , g* , , *, g* , , *, , *, ,* ,
gggggggggggggpmmm** *, **mmmqggggggggggggg
* * 7 * *
add a oneliner proceed to main
QQ@@gg** for stereos skateshop. maybe he can inspire warpus hennifer
88** to draw something for paradox, my board
ggg, 8@q
i i i
,P ?gggggggP
!g@ggggggq* l *pgggggggggg!
i? ggggg Pi
d,, ,8P
! ,, b,, !
i ,? P, i
, lb,, , , ,
b d8gd db
bg@8 8@gd
to quote ayACID... ?P khh..
crack rules, man ?P
QQ@@gg** khh for tiny3d. i know it doesnt look like khh, but it is, take
88** my word for it.
on a final note: all you prospective blade ascii guys, exars gonna be on
vacation from april 4-11 or somewhere around there, so
if you would like to apply to blade ascii, either email
me zempf@modex.com or find me in blade on efnet. as
zempf, obviously
zempf-zu signing off..
phear blade black0ps forever!!@
zempf of blade presents
colly ...uhm...well,
this is my umpteenth ,g ggggggggggggggggggggggggpmm8 iggggggggggcolly with blade. ,i 888P .ggg, 888nothing of note ,ggg, ? ! ,ggg, ?really happened i ! 888 ! in march, aside ,ggg, ggggpmmifrom me losing i mmm8888! ?8,gi another compo to !g,8P pggg, ibggg8g,8P tsk not exactly 8gggdi i 8gggdia huge surprise : g, 8P ZEnot a whole lot to 8g,8 ,8gggdbitch about either, so 8qgpd
i suppose ill get on with the
colly. bigass greets fly out to: julian blade black0ps forever!
grymmjack need to draw for you
ilsundal my best trade yet..
risc thanks for coloring that
everyone in blade charr, claypool,
cappacino, mindcrime, my favorite
bot y0da-one, belial, exar, etc.
commence ascii-izm...
* oneliner type shit goes right here....
ZE * oneliner type shit goes right here.....
* oneliner type shit goes right here......
* oneliner type shit goes right here.......
* oneliner type shit goes right here.......
* oneliner type shit goes right here......
* oneliner type shit goes right here.....
* oneliner type shit goes right here....
, ,gggg, ,gggg,
,g, ? gggq*
,dg, * *ggg ,gggg,
! ,dg, pgggg*gggq, !
i ,gP, *d i
, P , ,
,, - a dd a oneliner
?b, c ontinue to main menu..
8 P
QQ@@gg** this is for shadwrunr for a trade... come through with it :
88** too bad i cant remember the whole board name...
,gg ::: : ggg ggg ggp ,ggmgg, ggg ,gg
m ::: :. mgg, m
m g ggggg m ::: : g mmmqggggg g
ggg : ::: : 8m ggg
g : ::: :. g, mmqg g
P :::: *@
::: ?,
why? i was bored.
QQ@@gg** twilight - the leetest group with no ascii division... i hear
88** deeplyd hates it or something dumb like that :
,pmggg,ggg pmggq, . ,,
qgg P,g88@ , ,gl , g,
,***dP ,d, ,P?l jg,,g,
8888888888888888888888888888,g,,b 8,,jP?,g
88888888888888888888888888888,g, ,P,,?b ,,8 di
88888888888888888888888888888,?P,,?8g,?dP, dP .,88,,8
,,,, P,PdP
QQ@@gg** this is for grymmjacks new board. i love this logo. i want it
88** to have my children.
ggmmmm gg ,gpdP ?, ggmmmm gg ,Q ggmmgg
88QQ , d 88QQ Qg, ,
mmqgggggggggg gg 8?,?gmP gg , ,,ggggggggggpmm
88 , dP b , , 88
8 , ,P 8 8 ZE
gggggggggggggggy, ,yggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
yaddah yaddah yaddah
blah blah blah
P, misc. bullshit goes here. ,
,d you get the picture
, b
P ,
ZE ,* , g* , , *, g* , , *, , *, ,* ,
gggggggggggggpmmm** *, **mmmqggggggggggggg
* * 7 * *
add a oneliner proceed to main
QQ@@gg** for stereos skateshop. maybe he can inspire warpus hennifer
88** to draw something for paradox, my board
ggg, 8@q
i i i
,P ?gggggggP
!g@ggggggq* l *pgggggggggg!
i? ggggg Pi
d,, ,8P
! ,, b,, !
i ,? P, i
, lb,, , , ,
b d8gd db
bg@8 8@gd
to quote ayACID... ?P khh..
crack rules, man ?P
QQ@@gg** khh for tiny3d. i know it doesnt look like khh, but it is, take
88** my word for it.
on a final note: all you prospective blade ascii guys, exars gonna be on
vacation from april 4-11 or somewhere around there, so
if you would like to apply to blade ascii, either email
me zempf@modex.com or find me in blade on efnet. as
zempf, obviously
zempf-zu signing off..
phear blade black0ps forever!!@
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