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.o6/o4/97. Hoi, freaks outtah there. Boil is back! .o6/o4/97. nindeennindyseven boil is makinya hear the gong !
seniors fastjack............ leader/ansi jerusalem.............. ansi/vga muzzak division loolarge............. dmf/xm/mod coding crew Septum.............. bbs-modding Zleik................ gfx-coding Arathorn............. gfx-coding news .............................
what happened in the meantime Schlumpfkiller changed his handle to Septum. Sonics Waterworld is our new GHQ. We got an french and an Uk-Hq. We also got 3 distsites now... boards complete list of all dists/hqs Board Number Status Sysop fREESiDE........... +49.4o.5Oo8181...... world-hq..... Fastjack wATERWORLD......... +49.6824.91294...... ghq.......... Sonic sELF-DESTRUCTiON... +33.o1.69893603..... french-hq.... Blood Angel pUBBS:oUTER liMiTS. +44.1159.746427..... uk-hq........ Vauxhall siLENT dEATH....... +49.4o.online.soon.. member....... Septum eViL dEAD.......... +49.XX.XXXXXXXX..... dist-site.... Hell Razor eMPERORS.......... +49.4541.898827..... dist-site.... Lightning dARKSiDE........... +49.oFFLiNE......... dist-site.... Bob board NOT mentioned here NO boil-board !!! greez .............................. thiztime our greez fly out to: g r o u p s
sargahd.bm!.crow.daze radical rhythms.raf.ns!.psp maiden brazil.cia.acid dps.art p e o p l e hell razor.haze.phantom.gza rock.sonic.rorshack.sik paratoxic.delirium! ...may the force be with you...
last wordz ................................. After a lame beginning and a long time without any release we now finished our second artpack, including artwork of more artists and better quality we hope. We planned to release this pack at Mekka/Symposium97 but we didnt finish in the right time. so now, one week after mek/sym97 its available at all our hqs
and dist-sites... signed: fastjack ANZEE TEXT JERUSALEM FASTJACK
seniors fastjack............ leader/ansi jerusalem.............. ansi/vga muzzak division loolarge............. dmf/xm/mod coding crew Septum.............. bbs-modding Zleik................ gfx-coding Arathorn............. gfx-coding news .............................
what happened in the meantime Schlumpfkiller changed his handle to Septum. Sonics Waterworld is our new GHQ. We got an french and an Uk-Hq. We also got 3 distsites now... boards complete list of all dists/hqs Board Number Status Sysop fREESiDE........... +49.4o.5Oo8181...... world-hq..... Fastjack wATERWORLD......... +49.6824.91294...... ghq.......... Sonic sELF-DESTRUCTiON... +33.o1.69893603..... french-hq.... Blood Angel pUBBS:oUTER liMiTS. +44.1159.746427..... uk-hq........ Vauxhall siLENT dEATH....... +49.4o.online.soon.. member....... Septum eViL dEAD.......... +49.XX.XXXXXXXX..... dist-site.... Hell Razor eMPERORS.......... +49.4541.898827..... dist-site.... Lightning dARKSiDE........... +49.oFFLiNE......... dist-site.... Bob board NOT mentioned here NO boil-board !!! greez .............................. thiztime our greez fly out to: g r o u p s
sargahd.bm!.crow.daze radical rhythms.raf.ns!.psp maiden brazil.cia.acid dps.art p e o p l e hell razor.haze.phantom.gza rock.sonic.rorshack.sik paratoxic.delirium! ...may the force be with you...
last wordz ................................. After a lame beginning and a long time without any release we now finished our second artpack, including artwork of more artists and better quality we hope. We planned to release this pack at Mekka/Symposium97 but we didnt finish in the right time. so now, one week after mek/sym97 its available at all our hqs
and dist-sites... signed: fastjack ANZEE TEXT JERUSALEM FASTJACK
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